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fahadj2003 2010-09-08 01:03

[updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
THEN XTERM AND "apt-get install nitdroid-installer"
THEN TYPE "nitdroid"**


If you want to back up your previous apps, refer to

1) <---- download 0.0.8 version

2)copy the file to emmc via mass storage mode

3)disconnect from mass storage

4) open xterm

sudo gainroot
mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk1p2
mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-06_final1_armel.deb

some have issues with the tar file
"tar: invalid tar magic"
use this as 4th step

open xterm

sudo gainroot
mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk1p2
mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and
cd /and
bunzip2 /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-06_final1_armel.deb

*thanks to

does no one say thanks anymore?

joshua.maverick 2010-09-08 01:08

Re: NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
This installs to SD or the internal memory?

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 01:09

Re: NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 810154)
This installs to SD or the internal memory?

gimme 2 min to test it out
this is still a theory
and SD
if emmc gets ****ed, you'll brick ur phone

somedude 2010-09-08 01:25

Re: [trash this] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
I think you should be able to:



cd /home/user/MyDocs


bzip2 -d NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2

mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and

cd /and

rm -rf *

tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 01:25

Re: [trash this] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 810162)
step 1: 48 errors in WinRAR.............


!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (bin\vi --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (bin\wc --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (bin\who --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (bin\whoami --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (bin\watch --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\ifup --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\hwclock --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\ifconfig --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\swapoff --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\losetup --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\route --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\halt --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\ifdown --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\killall5 --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\nameif --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\mkswap --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\pivot_root --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\poweroff --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\getty --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\lsmod (sbin\lsmod --> \bin\lsmod)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\swapon --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \bin\busybox (sbin\reboot --> \bin\busybox)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \initrd\lib\dsp (system\lib\dsp --> \initrd\lib\dsp)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Cannot open \mnt\initfs\lib\firmware (system\etc\firmware --> \mnt\initfs\lib\firmware)
!  C:\NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2: Symbolic link points to missing file

i know lol
gimme 2 min

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 01:34

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 810168)

the last step is not necessary
jus directly extract it as a tar file
thats how i did and its booting right now
and new animation is awesome! :P

playbeyond 2010-09-08 01:36

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
So, the latest instructions will install to eMMC or SD?

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 01:38

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by playbeyond (Post 810174)
So, the latest instructions will install to eMMC or SD?

SD not mmc
i already answered that..
please read before u ask and dont flood this

F2thaK 2010-09-08 02:01

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
works, but Im stuck on boot animation.........

EDIT: its alive !!

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 02:03

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 810180)
works, but Im stuck on boot animation.........

i thought the same but no
first bootup takes a while

Airtux 2010-09-08 02:09

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
yes! it's works!

add this in tutorial:

-bunzip2 /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2
-tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar

i have small problem, nitdroid in flight mode...

joshua.maverick 2010-09-08 02:11

Re: [trash this] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by somedude (Post 810164)
I think you should be able to:



cd /home/user/MyDocs


bzip2 -d NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2

mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and

cd /and

rm -rf *

tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar

So if I previously installed nitroid via the autoinstaller, all I have to do is type those lines?

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 02:12

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by Airtux (Post 810184)
yes! it's works!

add this in tutorial:

-bunzip2 /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2
-tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar

i have small problem, nitdroid in flight mode...

go to pc, open the file.. it wont be a tar.. you'll directly see the contents..
so the bunzip2 is not needed

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 02:15

Re: [trash this] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 810185)
So if I previously installed nitroid via the autoinstaller, all I have to do is type those lines?

sir, either methods are correct..
it depends on how u wanna do it..
downloading on pc is faster than the cellphone coz the wireless on cellphone has power saving options

F2thaK 2010-09-08 02:16

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 810185)
So if I previously installed nitroid via the autoinstaller, all I have to do is type those lines?

yes plus


dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.nitroid/nitdroid-ke(press tab it will auto complete the filename)
which i missed

heretic 2010-09-08 02:16

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
a quick question. How to add an APN?

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 02:17

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by heretic (Post 810189)
a quick question. How to add an APN?

its on airplane mode as initial..
i'm still trying to find a way to disable that

F2thaK 2010-09-08 02:21

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
hold power button and select "[disable] airplane mode"

worked for me.........

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 02:23

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 810194)
hold power button and select "[disable] airplane mode"

worked for me.........

didnt work for me :S
try turning on bluetooth
i read that airplane mode is a bug and its disabled from xterm
forgot where i read that
it was a warning for the 0.0.7 installer

heretic 2010-09-08 02:33

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
mine is not on airplane mode as initial.
find out menu button is the trigger of the dialog of adding apn
I just didn't know how to use android :)

joshua.maverick 2010-09-08 03:07

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by fahadj2003 (Post 810152)

1) <---- download 0.0.8 version

2)copy the file to emmc via mass storage mode

3)disconnect from mass storage

4) open xterm

sudo gainroot
mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk1p2
mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.nitroid/nitdroid-ke(press tab it will auto complete the filename)

*thanks to

after "cd /and" when I do the "tar xvf etc." I get "tar: invalid tar magic... thoughts?

Beatty 2010-09-08 03:18

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 810212)
after "cd /and" when I do the "tar xvf etc." I get "tar: invalid tar magic... thoughts?

I had this happen.
Went back to /home/user/MyDocs and did this:
bzip2 -d NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 03:19

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by Beatty (Post 810216)
I had this happen.
Went back to /home/user/MyDocs and did this:
bzip2 -d NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar

why is it weird that i didnt have this issue? :-/

Beatty 2010-09-08 03:23

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by fahadj2003 (Post 810217)
why is it weird that i didnt have this issue? :-/

Not sure..
I also didn't do
mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk1p2 or
rm -f *

But is still works, no airplane mode on startup, even made a call to my phone from a landline and it connected (didn't answer it though).
Go figure.

jimmylee 2010-09-08 03:34

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by fahadj2003 (Post 810183)
i thought the same but no
first bootup takes a while

How long does the first bootup take?
I followed your instructions and now I am still at a black screen with white cursor on left top.
Any help is appreciated.

bunanson 2010-09-08 03:44

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by jimmylee (Post 810228)
How long does the first bootup take?
I followed your instructions and now I am still at a black screen with white cursor on left top.
Any help is appreciated.

you missed 1 step, see post #15


jimmylee 2010-09-08 03:51

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 810232)
you missed 1 step, see post #15


I ran the install but I am getting the following error:
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-ke
dpkg: error processing /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-ke (--install):
cannot access archive: No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing:

joshua.maverick 2010-09-08 03:55

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by jimmylee (Post 810237)
I ran the install but I am getting the following error:
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-ke
dpkg: error processing /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-ke (--install):
cannot access archive: No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing:

after dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-ke press tab, the full string is longer

bunanson 2010-09-08 03:57

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by jimmylee (Post 810237)
...dpkg: error processing /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-ke (--install):

You need to see the whole file name before hitting enter. On the screen, move your cursor to the last letter ..../nitdroid-ke then press the tab key on the screen, this will finish the whole file name for you, then hit enter, you will be fine.


jimmylee 2010-09-08 03:57

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
i will try again 4th time might be a charm.

northernpie 2010-09-08 03:58

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
So forgive me for not being techno saavy here, but does this download allow you to run andriod apps as well as maintain full phone functionality?


jimmylee 2010-09-08 04:03

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 810242)
You need to see the whole file name before hitting enter. On the screen, move your cursor to the last letter ..../nitdroid-ke then press the tab key on the screen, this will finish the whole file name for you, then hit enter, you will be fine.


I should have known a dpkg -i usually need to have a deb file.

That's the step I missed. It's loading. Thanks again.

Airtux 2010-09-08 04:11

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
For airplane mode look here:

it's not works for my n900... :confused:

ryanl33x1511 2010-09-08 04:11

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
its initial not on airplane mode but after seconds it on airplane mode and cant turn it off...

lohiaprateek 2010-09-08 04:29

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
it worked on my phone afresh..infact i was the one who posted the ram-shackle press tab tutorial, was too sleepy to post a full blown one...configured the apn in the settings and my EDGE was working like a charm, infact it runs smooth on a sandisk class 2 card, whereas my kingston class 4 card slows down to a crawl..funny..

lohiaprateek 2010-09-08 04:34

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
infact edit the last step to
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/.nitdroid/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-06_final1_armel.deb much easier for people to understand

bunanson 2010-09-08 04:36

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by northernpie (Post 810244)
So forgive me for not being techno saavy here, but does this download allow you to run andriod apps as well as maintain full phone functionality?


I would say, ...allow you to run most android apps as well as get your phone answer incoming call, no voice yet. You phone rings. You got full phone functionality by reboot back to maemo.


Bobbe 2010-09-08 04:50

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
I've managed to install everything perfectly. Got five signal bars, everything was beautiful.

Until I set up my APN. The moment I did that my signal bars were gone and I got the no-signal sign (the bars with the X on top of them). Tried to reboot, got the same problem. Anyone ran into something similar?

(Posting from nitdroid... on wifi =/)

fahadj2003 2010-09-08 04:53

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*

Originally Posted by Bobbe (Post 810271)
I've managed to install everything perfectly. Got five signal bars, everything was beautiful.

Until I set up my APN. The moment I did that my signal bars were gone and I got the no-signal sign (the bars with the X on top of them). Tried to reboot, got the same problem. Anyone ran into something similar?

(Posting from nitdroid... on wifi =/)

airplane mode
dunno how to change that
there is a solution in the nitdroid forum bout deleting a file but i tried it
doesnt work..

ryanl33x1511 2010-09-08 05:15

Re: [updated] NITdroid 0.0.8 HOWTO Install *assuming you've used autoinstaller*
i had a same problem like u..right the moment edit APN then save..i got X bar then kick into airplanemode .....


Originally Posted by Bobbe (Post 810271)
I've managed to install everything perfectly. Got five signal bars, everything was beautiful.

Until I set up my APN. The moment I did that my signal bars were gone and I got the no-signal sign (the bars with the X on top of them). Tried to reboot, got the same problem. Anyone ran into something similar?

(Posting from nitdroid... on wifi =/)

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