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jnwi 2010-09-10 05:45

Nokia CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo Resigns
Helsingin Sanomat (Finnish)

Edit: Found a link in english.

The new CEO is Stephen Elop, coming in from Microsoft :eek:


Elop commented on his new Nokia position: "I am extremely excited to become part of a team dedicated to strengthening Nokia's position as the undisputed leader of the mobile communications industry, with a relentless focus on meeting the needs and expectations of customers. Nokia has a unique global position as well as a great brand upon which we can build. The company has deeply talented and dedicated people, and I am confident that together we can continue to deliver innovative products that meet the needs of consumers. The Nokia slogan clearly states our key mission: Connecting People, which will acquire new dimensions as we build our portfolio of products, solutions and services."

A press conference will be held today at Nokia's head office in Espoo, Finland, at 13:00 (CET+1). The press conference will be webcast live via: or

craftyguy 2010-09-10 05:49

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
lol, just.. lol.

Texrat 2010-09-10 05:50

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Time to blog...

NvyUs 2010-09-10 05:54

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Buy Nokia stock fast.


maxximuscool 2010-09-10 05:54

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
IT's about TIME!
He doing Nokia no good! Nokia could hire someone that better and good at hyping up the device and persuading developer like the iPhone Steve Jobs.

bakuur 2010-09-10 05:56

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
i dont know whether to thank got or start crying :P

jnwi 2010-09-10 05:56

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 812305)
it's about time!
He doing nokia no good! Nokia could hire someone that better and good at hyping up the device and persuading developer like the iphone steve jobs.

developers developers developers developers

developers developers developers developers

Not the same Steve of course...

maxximuscool 2010-09-10 05:56

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 812304)
Buy Nokia stock fast.


Hahha good idea, but I think the stock won't rise anytime soon, it will only going downward. Nokia didn't make much profits since the Droids and Iphone came out. I hope this resignation of the CEO will bringing a better support for the N900 and future device :)

ktchiu 2010-09-10 05:57

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
I'm not too familiar with either OPK or Elop. What are the potential pros/cons of this change?

maxximuscool 2010-09-10 06:01

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by ktchiu (Post 812310)
I'm not too familiar with either OPK or Elop. What are the potential pros/cons of this change?

Nokia is already at the CON state lol. Changing the CEO will only help thrive the company to success in the future. But I don't think N9 will be my next device :D I'll wait until Elop bringing out a counter attack device.

maxximuscool 2010-09-10 06:02

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by jnwi (Post 812307)
developers developers developers developers

developers developers developers developers

Not the same Steve of course...

Hey atleast his name is STEVE! lol or full Stephen :P Yay we got a Steve too now.. Take that Apple!

noipv4 2010-09-10 06:03

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
clap clap clap :)
Good move by nokia. Hope it's for the best.

maluka 2010-09-10 06:03

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
This is good news. Some fresh blood should stir things up a bit.

NvyUs 2010-09-10 06:12

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

benny1967 2010-09-10 06:13

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Bad news. Hope this guy doesn't ruin the work of so many years. :(

cjp 2010-09-10 06:17

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Anyone know more about this guy's history?

I'm waiting for a Wikipedia page to spring up on this guy.

Man, times they are-a-changing! This is the first time Nokia isn't under Finnish leadership. I'm guessing this will be a blow to our collective egos, but Imm pretty sure that accross the pond this will go over very well.... :)

ste-phan 2010-09-10 06:21

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by benny1967 (Post 812321)
Bad news. Hope this guy doesn't ruin the work of so many years. :(

Surely not, some say S.E. he was the force behind the ahead of its time KIN project :o

Nokia will allow him to realize his dreams :D

danramos 2010-09-10 06:26

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
From Microsoft, eh? I can't tell yet whether to clap or to cringe at this news. Nokia did the right thing in replacing the old, ineffective and unworthy CEO with a new one to see if someone else can drive this old damaged bus around without hitting the guardrails of the Information Superhighway over and over again like the last guy. :P On the other hand, coming from Microsoft, I have to wonder whether his opinion of open-source is positive, ambiguous or negative--or maybe whether he'll take advantage of their portfolio to attack it ala Darl McBride. Hm.


Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 812331)
Surely not, some say S.E. he was the force behind the ahead of its time KIN project

Nokia will allow him to realize his dreams

*cough* Oh crap.

ossipena 2010-09-10 06:26

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 812305)
IT's about TIME!
He doing Nokia no good! Nokia could hire someone that better and good at hyping up the device and persuading developer like the iPhone Steve Jobs.

it's about time? we'll see after 1-2 years if this move was good or bad, after that OPK's decisions dilute (possibly earlier but probably not)

Nokia can't live from hype.

Why the guys with least information write the most "analyses" here and in general in internets?

Texrat 2010-09-10 06:27

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
article done:

ossipena 2010-09-10 06:28

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 812333)
From Microsoft, eh? I can't tell yet whether to clap or to cringe at this news. Nokia did the right thing in replacing the old, ineffective and unworthy CEO with a new one to see if someone else can drive this old damaged bus around without hitting the guardrails of the Information Superhighway over and over again like the last guy. :P On the other hand, coming from Microsoft, I have to wonder whether his opinion of open-source is positive, ambiguous or negative--or maybe whether he'll take advantage of their portfolio to attack it ala Darl McBride. Hm.

*cough* Oh crap.

as I said second ago, value of OPK's work will be harvested in next 1-2 years. after that we know if he was good at his work or not.

HellFlyer 2010-09-10 06:30

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Only time will tell if this guy is any good...I wonder what phone he uses now :p probably Blackberry :D

jnwi 2010-09-10 06:39

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 812333)
On the other hand, coming from Microsoft, I have to wonder whether his opinion of open-source is positive, ambiguous or negative--or maybe whether he'll take advantage of their portfolio to attack it ala Darl McBride. Hm.

If the board and OPK believe in their current strategy, I doubt they'd choose a successor that would be so opposed to it. I see them wanting to change the execution.

kureyon 2010-09-10 06:41

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by HellFlyer (Post 812339)
I wonder what phone he uses now :p probably Blackberry :D

He got a good deal on a Kin :)

danramos 2010-09-10 06:49

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 812335)

Excellent article, as usual. Thank you VERY much!

maluka 2010-09-10 06:57

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
OPK was ultimately driven out by the press. It's kind of sad that he leaves the day after "Dow Jones Indexes names Nokia as world's most sustainable technology company for second year in a row".

Mr_Ryde 2010-09-10 07:12

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Although I love the fact that the dude got a 4.6 million euro severance package. You gotta love the CEO life.

"Even though you screwed up here is a bunch of cash"!!!!!

extendedping 2010-09-10 07:14

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
My n900 has taken to freezing on a daily basis (requiring me to pull out the battery). The phone usually rotates to portrait except when it doesn't.

In other words...this news effects me how...???

HangLoose 2010-09-10 07:14

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 812337)
as I said second ago, value of OPK's work will be harvested in next 1-2 years. after that we know if he was good at his work or not.

I can see the news:
*Nokia N8 sells millions
*Qt becomes most used mobile programming language
*Symbian^4 faster, slicker and better
*MeeGo becomes default OS from your mobile to your toilet
*Thanks to a North American Nokia was saved from the incompetent European hands.

Everything is more or less on track for at least some of those to happen. As ossipena said, OPKs work will be harvested in the long run (if the new CEO does not come with an ax) and our brothers from the other side of the ocean can finally rest knowing that another company was "saved" thanks to them.

Frappacino 2010-09-10 07:43

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
ms ? open source ?


NvyUs 2010-09-10 07:48

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Nokia have called a press conference it will be streamed live today at 1200 CET

hassan_badredin 2010-09-10 08:06

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
i think Microsoft is just taking over NOKIA...
i dont know what to think either...laugh or cry?

Naranek 2010-09-10 08:08

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by extendedping (Post 812373)
My n900 has taken to freezing on a daily basis (requiring me to pull out the battery). The phone usually rotates to portrait except when it doesn't.

In other words...this news effects me how...???

This might come as a bit of a shock, but not everything in life is about you ;)

danramos 2010-09-10 08:13

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
You're so vain. You probably think this comment is about you.

NvyUs 2010-09-10 08:16

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by hassan_badredin (Post 812402)
i think Microsoft is just taking over NOKIA...
i dont know what to think either...laugh or cry?

the new Nokia CEO was only at Microsoft a couple years(since 2008) and is department was most profitable
looking through is history it seems he as worked for all the Big players.
he Can't seem to hold a job down bloody lazy :)

gerbick 2010-09-10 08:17

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Oh man. It just hit me. The Nokia faithful are invariably upset because of the fact that a Microsoft alum is at the helm now.

Think of it this way. In a year you can say that everything is his fault - despite the next year invariably being what OPK set in motion (MeeGo, Symbian^4, the N-series shuffle to MeeGo, et al) and if they fail, blame the North American (he's Canadian, btw).

Regardless... seeing this as a good or bad thing... too early to tell indeed.

hassan_badredin 2010-09-10 08:19

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 812411)
the new Nokia CEO was only at Microsoft a couple years(since 2008) and is department was most profitable
looking through is history it seems he as worked for all the Big players.
he Can't seem to hold a job down bloody lazy :)

this only means microsoft wanna make nokia a big success again (and of course take a piece of the pie too)
lets just hope we wont get microsoft genuine advantage or something like that on our nokia meego intel devices...:D

lemon_grass 2010-09-10 08:42

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 812412)
Oh man. It just hit me. The Nokia faithful are invariably upset because of the fact that a Microsoft alum is at the helm now.

Think of it this way. In a year you can say that everything is his fault - despite the next year invariably being what OPK set in motion (MeeGo, Symbian^4, the N-series shuffle to MeeGo, et al) and if they fail, blame the North American (he's Canadian, btw).

Regardless... seeing this as a good or bad thing... too early to tell indeed.

Gerbick - OPK didn't have anything to do with the linux open source work - that was all OPK's predecessor Jorma Ollila. I suspect OPK had very little to do with Meego (the partnership with intel).

OPK's main areas were OVI (the fail whale), turning Nokia into a software company (yeah thats worked well what with the N8 delayed over 3 months past penned release date), becoming an internet company (hey lets copy google, but without the money/talent), selling core areas of expertise that other companies didn't have (e.g. getting shot of RF/layout designers to STE, selling off the wireless modem division to Renesas).

As you can tell I'm quite bitter that he's getting 4.6M Eur payoff plus compensation for the 100000 shares he had.

geneven 2010-09-10 08:47

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
I may buy Nokia stock. I expect the value to increase for awhile while Nokia makes some changes. Then I expect the value to drop again.
The trick is to get in for the optimism, then get out before reality is realized.

To me, this signifies the end of Nokia's "maverick" program, which is Internet Tablets and what followed. Agreements with megacorporations like Intel and Microsoft will follow. Nokia will be absorbed and will try to find safety among the giant corporations of the world.

I don't think this is good news from the point of view of our little tablets.

maxximuscool 2010-09-10 08:47

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
We shall wait and see..
Steve, we got our eyes on you. Don't let is down.

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