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timwatt 2010-10-02 05:33

Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
Check out this video on Gizmodo

n8 doesn't do well at all.
I benchmarked my n900, and well... it is quick to take photos and thats about it.

My n900 can.
17 seconds to e-mail (when my n900 is running smooth)
46 seconds to find a destination
5 seconds to take a photo and auto focus.

comment: Nokia it looks like to portrait keyboard is a good idea after all ! and the n900 PIM is still at the bottom of the pile.

NvyUs 2010-10-02 05:40

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
N8 will do bad on any american iphone fanboy site.

ysss 2010-10-02 05:47

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
That seems like a reasonable estimation of practical speed/performance comparison.

NvyUs 2010-10-02 05:56

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
the guy with N8 was not even trying he does big pauses with no movements, its not a very good comparison any way when its three different people on each device, the fastest could be fast using any and slowest slow on all.

mikec 2010-10-02 05:58

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
Wow that video was eye opening.......about Gizmodo intentions.

e: Clearly the iPhone sucks compared to a real keyboard

NvyUs 2010-10-02 06:12

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.

Originally Posted by mikec (Post 831389)
Wow that video was eye opening.......about Gizmodo intentions.

exactly and people lap this crap up without thinking.
the engadget N8 v Iphone 4 camera comparison was worst comparison ever. they tried hard to take wost shots ever with N8
All other sites show N8 camera to be way better than iphone 4 and cnet show it close to a compact camera although they hated symbian the liked hardwae design
engadget also hid all iphone EXIF data while only embedded it on N8, how can you tell comparison was fair and phones was using same settings.

ysss 2010-10-02 06:22

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
I wonder how fast does the N8 camera actually start. Did the guy in that video launched the camera app from the main menu or from the hardware button?
If it was done thru the hardware button then they should have shaved 10 seconds (of 14 total) in that last comparison for N8.

re: iphone4 vs n8 camera comparison.

Actually the iphone 4 pictures look just about right. They come off slightly over saturated and enhanced contrast. Surely it's due to more aggressive software processing. Less natural but it's what makes pictures 'pop'.

ps: When you want to 'retaliate' against inaccurate bloggers like engadget, it's best to just point out the exact spots that they're wrong about. Getting angry and emotional about them just discredits yourself before you even make the point. imho.

HellFlyer 2010-10-02 06:26

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
lol , guys take a closer look on that video :D

1. The person who uses N8 is really dumb and doesnt know what is where, how can you compare speed if he is much slower and unfamiliar with the device than others, YES he is slow not phone. Look how he finds email app , maps etc

2. I would like to see actual GPS results , sure iPhone found location but they are inside a building how come they got signal and only N8 was searching for satellites?

3. They time it took to take and process a 12 mp picture is clearly about 6-7 seconds not 14 , and its impressive for a phone

scribbles 2010-10-02 06:29

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
Gizmodo is Apple's b!+ch and BGR and Engadget aren't far behind.... Don't expect fair and unbiased opinions from those motley crews when it concerns the iPhone.

Andrew_b 2010-10-02 06:37

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
The problem with all touchscreen phone reviews these days is that the reviewer invariably has been using an iPhone on a daily basis for the last few years and has become overly familiar with the interface, which hasn't changed in that time regardless of model. They have been trained by the Apple interface to modify the way they do things to fit the iPhone and have expectations on what can be achieved modelled on the iPhone.They then proceed to 'try' a model out from a different manufacturer for an hour, which fails immediately in their limited minds because it doesn't do things exactly the same way as they're now used to . They won't even think to try doing things that an iPhone can't do, why would they.

I'm waiting for the E7 to be released and to see a review where the reviewer doesn't realise there's a keyboard, lol. I mean, why look for one if the iPhone doesn't have one?

mikec 2010-10-02 06:44

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
lol the t9 keyboard comes up and he dont know what it is

bsving 2010-10-02 09:58

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
LOL. I can send emails faster on my N900. Not that it matters.

etuoyo 2010-10-02 10:27

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.

Originally Posted by bsving (Post 831482)
LOL. I can send emails faster on my N900. Not that it matters.

Surely not with Nokia Messaging? It takes like ten years for Nokia Messaging to send messages and download received messages on my N900. Nothing in the world could be slower.

YoDude 2010-10-02 19:14

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
The press (or whatever it's called now) sells (whatever the hell it sells) now.

To that end they will do what they have to do to attract eyeballs. The means that are used have been known to casual observers since the earliest records in time.

Of course they appear to love the iPhone. The only things they could report about the iPhone from the get go has been customer demand and acceptance. Before the reports of long lines waiting for its release, to most, nothing was known of its interface and development other than rumor.

Now with everyone else, they have set an imaginary goal (iPhone killer) and can report on the others attempts to achieve it.

However, just as everyone loves a winner, as Monty Python also once said: "The people love a good stoning", and as soon as any winner is announced we usually start gathering up stones for the winners hoped for demise. :eek:

Witness the IO4's "death grip" coverage. Either way the Press (or whatever it's now called) wins because it has attracted eyeballs (to whatever it now sells).

Like wise, every one loves a good, come from behind, underdog story. The farther behind the underdog was, the better the story becomes and as a result more eyeballs are attracted to it. Goliath may have been popularly known at the time as as a giant. Historically though, he could have retired and been known as just another "big dude".

Once Davey came along and slew that sucker, Goliath and Davey's story got legs and traveled the globe. Goliath became bigger and Davey became greater.

It is no wonder that the Press (or whatever it's now called) appear to be piling on, a come from behind, iPhone killer is a story that they can develop and one that historically does attract eyeballs.

All that^ has been debated since they sold the first Davey endorced sling shot, and it will continue to be debated as long as we buy the stuff they sell. :)


IMHO, the most relevant comments about this video were made by "floobie"


Originally Posted by floobie 01:49 PM
I'm agreement with what seems to be the majority here: Guy on the N8 really wasn't familiar with the phone yet. Why else would you stare at the screen for a few seconds not pressing the icon you need, while everyone else has already jumped ahead?

I decided to follow along on my lowly E71, with a puny 340mhz processor, and several years outdated s60. I can get navigation directions faster than everyone there (searching for a location roughly half way across the city, getting driving directions). I can also send an e-mail as fast as the guy on the blackberry (typed out one of my other e-mail addresses, subject "oh hello there", message body said "hello"). And I can snap a picture faster than everyone there (using a similarly backlit plant in my room). How is that possible?! What does this prove?!

I'm really familiar with my phone. So is the girl on the iPhone, and the guy on the Blackberry. The guy on the N8 isn't.

However, I can find one legitimate criticism against the N8, that has been mentioned elsewhere on the internet: The portrait keyboard isn't qwerty, which is why the guy on the N8 had to rotate it to type. If no one else does that, it will obviously slow him down substantially. How much that matters depends on the individual user. I flat out can NOT type on a portrait qwerty touch screen, be it on any iPhone, or any Android phone. I hit 5 virtual keys at once, and it's useless. I always rotate to the landscape keyboard. So, on any touchscreen phone, N8 included, I don't need a portrait qwerty keyboard. However, clearly the girl on the iPhone can type on her phone's portrait qwerty keyboard. Why she only used one finger though, I don't know. She could have kept up better with the guy on the blackberry had she gone two fingered

qwazix 2010-10-02 20:25

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
Put me there on the N8. I type faster on the T9 than most people on a portrait qwerty :) And I love the Symbian T9 with it's huge keys.

Ykho 2010-10-02 20:45

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
I don't think the guy with the N8 had ever used a phone before

Mandibela 2010-10-03 20:38

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold. here's soneone performing a bit better with the N8..

Airtux 2010-10-03 20:41

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
for post N°1 pfff it's gizmodo.... it's apple Website.^^

myrjola 2010-10-03 21:00

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.

Originally Posted by Mandibela (Post 832543) here's soneone performing a bit better with the N8..

Heh, Gizmodo just lost last shred of their credibility.
Really comical "comparison".

Luckily anyone can check out the actual performance by themselves.

Makes you wonder?

Sadly these kind of "articles/reviews/tests" are so common nowdays on the 'net.

NokTokDaddy 2010-10-03 21:21

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 831794)

... as Monty Python also once said: "The people love a good stoning", and as soon as any winner is announced we usually start gathering up stones for the winners hoped for demise. :eek:

"I only said this N8 was good enough for Jehovah..."

gabby131 2010-10-03 22:19

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
N8 is a new device, most probably the guy on N8 haven't used a Symbian device before or he is just.......errrr not so good with Nokia devices.

T9.....why is he not using it? and he is acting like, "duh? how do i do this? oh there you go!"

NOMOS 2010-10-03 22:36

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
And this is the truth:

Edit, only now noticed this was posted already

ste-phan 2010-10-04 11:32

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.
Whoever pays Gizmodo, they see Nokia N8 a serious contender in the USA market, hence the many headlines wasted over and over in order to pull Nokia and its new offspring down.

The Gizmodoctrine used here is that you don't need to get too scientific if you repeat enough, load and frequently.

Rauha 2010-10-04 13:40

Re: Throwdown: N8, N900, iPhone4, Blackberry Bold.

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 832923)
Whoever pays Gizmodo, they see Nokia N8 a serious contender in the USA market, hence the many headlines wasted over and over in order to pull Nokia and its new offspring down.

It's just bad journalism, no need for tinfoil hats.

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