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HellFlyer 2010-10-22 02:06

Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Well folks it seems Nokia finally get it. Read the article

So in other words: Narrow focus to Symbian aand MeeGo , support all devices with updates to future versions :)

Oh and as we know Nokia's profit gone up

They only thing is that they gonna fire 1800 people :(
That's the part of restructuring by new management but was is necessary? :confused:

bugelrex 2010-10-22 02:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
If they promise an update which allows N8 to dual-boot Meego you'll see sales of N8 skyrocket like crazy.. that's if the n8 meets the minimum hardware spec for meego

F2thaK 2010-10-22 02:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Nokias back..............

m0da 2010-10-22 02:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Nice! Symbian users get to update to a newer Symbian!

Oh wait... it's still just Symbian. They better hope Symbian^4 is nothing like Symbian^3.

onethreealpha 2010-10-22 02:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
I wonder of the push to html5 might mean a move away from flash?
might explain why Nokia isn't bothering with the 10.1 upgrade for the N900.......

txh 2010-10-22 02:56

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Wow! I wonder what other surprises they have up their sleeve.

bandora 2010-10-22 03:11

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by m0da (Post 847631)
Nice! Symbian users get to update to a newer Symbian!

Oh wait... it's still just Symbian. They better hope Symbian^4 is nothing like Symbian^3.

Oh wait... You're still a troll... Symbian is an amazing OS.. But you won't understand that...

bugelrex 2010-10-22 03:17

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 847647)
Oh wait... You're still a troll... Symbian is an amazing OS.. But you won't understand that...

The Symbian OS is amazing but the UI layer is just sad for a 2010 product. Hope the 1,800 people Nokia fired today were the ones responsible for the UI

MMMmm i read this N8 review:

At least he gives examples of why the UI is clunky and unfriendly

HellFlyer 2010-10-22 03:38

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by m0da (Post 847631)
Nice! Symbian users get to update to a newer Symbian!

Oh wait... it's still just Symbian. They better hope Symbian^4 is nothing like Symbian^3.

Nice trollin :p

However as I said Nokia is narrowing its focus to Qt , Symbian and MeeGo there wont be Symbain feature packs ,^4, ^5 etc as Mr. Green said


You can buy a Nokia smartphone confident that any improvements introduced later to the Symbian platform, such as the user interface, can be made available to download on your device as well. No need to wait for Symbian^4 - the improvements we were planning for Symbian^4 will be introduced as and when they become available. In fact, we will no longer be talking about Symbian^3 or Symbian^4 at all – it will be one constantly evolving and constantly improving platform.
@bugelrex :)

Symbian is one of the oldest OSes around and its simply not designed to work with touchscreen devices however with Nokia's help it is becoming close to such OS but it wont be suitable for high end for sure ....Nokia knows that as well, hence MeeGo is their answer for high end sector

gerbick 2010-10-22 03:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 847629)
If they promise an update which allows N8 to dual-boot Meego you'll see sales of N8 skyrocket like crazy.. that's if the n8 meets the minimum hardware spec for meego

Not quite yet. MeeGo needs to prove itself whereas Symbian^3 is out now and doing just that right now.

The upgrade path being made known upfront though... now that's something I can fully get behind... bravo Nokia.

Job well done.

ossipena 2010-10-22 03:45

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by HellFlyer (Post 847621)
They only thing is that they gonna fire 1800 people :(
That's the part of restructuring by new management but was is necessary? :confused:

what exactly is Nokias task in your eyes? Employ 1800 people that are obivously not really needed or supply cellphones etc?

bugelrex 2010-10-22 03:49

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 847656)
Not quite yet. MeeGo needs to prove itself whereas Symbian^3 is out now and doing just that right now.

The upgrade path being made known upfront though... now that's something I can fully get behind... bravo Nokia.

Job well done.

The review's of Symbian^3 are not exactly glowing, and thats the point. The only thing holding back the n8 from HUGE-MEGA sales is the UI layer of the OS.. the hardware reviews are absolutely glowing!

Even N900 Maemo UI is preferable over Symbian^3..

gerbick 2010-10-22 03:54

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 847660)
The review's of Symbian^3 are not exactly glowing, and thats the point. The only thing holding back the n8 from HUGE-MEGA sales is the UI layer of the OS.. the hardware reviews are absolutely glowing!

Even N900 Maemo UI is preferable over Symbian^3..

I personally refuse to use Symbian; my preference. But if announcing that the phone you buy today will get updates tomorrow by Nokia; I'm all for that.

Let's hope that the next MeeGo phone is as upfront about their upgrade path to the non-savvy folks as this announcement seems to be.

I honestly only see good things that can happen from this.

mece 2010-10-22 04:50

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Wow, this is great news for N8 and probably E7 too. Of course there will not be an "upgrade to meego" on n8, that would be silly. doesn't mean there couldn't be a hacked meego installed there. However Symbian 4 should be a very different beast from symbian 3, and this isvery very good news for Nokia. As seen by the stock market reaction :)

-=Hot|Ice=- 2010-10-22 05:03

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Nokia is finally back on track!

F2thaK 2010-10-22 05:52

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Look out Apple

m0da 2010-10-22 06:06

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 847704)
Look out Apple

Totally :rolleyes:

I'm happy Nokia has so many users that are in love with Symbian; however, it comes as a surprise to me. I've used Symbian for roughly 2 years (both S60v3 and v5). Here's my assessment:

It's slow.

Why it sometimes take MINUTES to delete a wireless access point is beyond me.

Anyway, if people like waiting, then give them more of it!

NokTokDaddy 2010-10-22 06:13

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Good to see some love returning to Symbian - a great OS albeit with a clunky and outdated UI.

Just try a Symbian60 with SPB MobileShell to see what Symbian^1 can be: smooth, engaging and a joy to use. All on a tiny, power-efficient processor for great battery life. Feels very contemporary and funky (whatever that means).

Now, can I upgrade my standby phone X6's Symbian^1 to Symbian^3 - or is that taking Nokia's new upgrade path statement too far..?

HellFlyer 2010-10-22 06:38

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by NokTokDaddy (Post 847712)

Now, can I upgrade my standby phone X6's Symbian^1 to Symbian^3 - or is that taking Nokia's new upgrade path statement too far..?

I dont think so for two reasons

1. X6 uses ARM11 but its much slower than N8's ARM + afaik it doesn't have dedicated GPU

2. Also Symbian ^1 and ^3 are really different from each other no wonder ^2 was released only internally

ossipena 2010-10-22 06:47

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by NokTokDaddy (Post 847712)
Now, can I upgrade my standby phone X6's Symbian^1 to Symbian^3 - or is that taking Nokia's new upgrade path statement too far..?

not at all, the announcement was about getting a rid of number 3 or 4 right after the text "symbian^".

so your x6 would have to get s^3 first before it could get into the update train....

kevinp93 2010-10-22 07:17

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

i have the n8 and the n900.

I love Maemo, but the thing with Symbian is that you know that Nokia won't push Symbian aside. Look at Maemo. The last update was approx. 6 months ago (if i remember correctly).

What Nokia should do is, provide more frequent updates fixing a lower number of bugs rather than one massive update fixing a higher number of bugs. This should be valid for Symbian and Maemo/MeeGo.

Is there still hope that MeeGo could after-all be supported by Nokia on the N900? I guess that we will have to wait and see.


NvyUs 2010-10-22 07:26

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
reason why Symbian^3 devices will get Updates is b/c Nokia have dropped Orbit which means there will be no compatibility break, they will just use plain Qt and Qt Quick.
I'm really starting to fear Symbian future for the first time b/c of the stepping down of Lee Williams from the foundation and 100's of Nokia Symbian redundancy's and Now the News that Orbit UI is dropped. its like its being wound down slowly

SAABoy 2010-10-22 07:33

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
*almost preorders N8 from*

oh wait, they still dont wanna send me my rebate from the second n900 I bought...

NokTokDaddy 2010-10-22 07:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
@HellFlyer & @ossipena:

Thanks, but I was not being serious.:D

sdesai 2010-10-22 07:49

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
whats there to be shocked if N8 is going to get symbian 4?

maxximuscool 2010-10-22 08:02

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Get your game face on Apple :D Nokia is back!

maxximuscool 2010-10-22 08:16

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
After this news, I felt that N8 is quite worth the value right now. Also what would happen to the N900 future? There isn't any talk about N900 though. I doubtfully think that N900 might be missing out but I really hope I'm wrong :)

ossipena 2010-10-22 08:27

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by kevinp93 (Post 847736)

What Nokia should do is, provide more frequent updates fixing a lower number of bugs rather than one massive update fixing a higher number of bugs. This should be valid for Symbian and Maemo/MeeGo.


isn't this exactly what was announced for symbian?

afaq 2010-10-22 08:55

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
I want to be excited by these news but I simply cant. Having left symbian and using it again on the odd occasion I remember why I switched to Maemo. I want Symbian to do well but that's about it. I think they will have to re-do the entire Symbian UI - get rid of blocks and double tapping, change colours/icons and stop restricting the desktop widgets to limited size etc.

But thats the thing. That is symbian as we know it. They have the possibility to do all the above things and just "sexy" it up. Which is what people would look at and adore. Because Symbian has been able to, and still can do anything iOS or Android can do (video calls years ago?). So good on Nokia to keep trying and push things through despite pressures to abandon and do stupid things like use WP7/Android.

Now what I would really like is some results on Meego. Still too early to tell but when we are blessed with this new OS, a clear solid road plan would be ideal. No more last min changes and excuses.

ossipena 2010-10-22 09:04

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 847795)
stop restricting the desktop widgets to limited size etc.

then they have to stop the desktop screen rotation.

NvyUs 2010-10-22 09:12

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 847795)
I think they will have to re-do the entire Symbian UI - get rid of blocks and double tapping, change colours/icons and stop restricting the desktop widgets to limited size etc.

there is no double tapping in symbian^3.
colours and icons is just a theme, there should not be any complaints about that as symbian is fully themeable by anyone.

ericsson 2010-10-22 09:18

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
I think this is great news. Maybe we finally will see what a great OS Symbian is. I hope the same apply to the E7 :)

Meego is going to be great, but right now Symbian rules. Symbian is better than Linux, I hope Nokia really nail it with Symbian4, so there will be no need for Meego, at least not on phones.

Rauha 2010-10-22 09:28

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Orbit been axed. Orbit was the new Qt based UI/Ux for S^4. Elop also said that the binary break for Symbian has been cancelled, so there is going to be at least somekind of Avkon support.

So the two biggest changes in S^4 are gone, and whatever is coming to Symbian won't be what S^4 was supposed to be.

HangLoose 2010-10-22 09:57

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
It's amazing how we (geeks/nerds/gadget freaks) think so much about a platform.

My girlfriend bought a blue N8 (CWM) and absolutely loves it.
"It has facebook"
"I can check my email"
"Pictures are awesome"

That who N8 is targeted at. Not at kernel compilers or bash experts.
It strikes me even more when sites like Engadget do not see this. Keep on insisting in outdated or clunky UI as if this kind of stuff matters...

Price is the first point "normal" people look at:
"How much is an iPhone sir?"
"okay, what about the N8?"

Same goes for plans that include the phone.
Seems that along the lines of iOS/Android/Maemo/MeeGo/WebOS/etc the argument of usefulness was lost.


!!Nokia N900!! 2010-10-22 10:47

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
This is the best & great news from Nokia ever heardsince long long time. so the future of Symbian & MeeGo is starting from now. Cooooooooooooooooooooool

My next devise will be Nokia E7 then Nokia N9.


Rauha 2010-10-22 10:57

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Wow. Cambridge Symbian office closed completly and 300 layed off from London Symbian Office. Add the 600 finnish Symbian jobs lost, cancellation of Orbit, Avkon getting second life, Symbian Foundation leader leaving.....

Elop sent Symbian to the hospice yesterday. Let's hope that the dying doesn't take too long or be too painful.

OVK 2010-10-22 11:22

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 847881)
Elop sent Symbian to the hospice yesterday. Let's hope that the dying doesn't take too long or be too painful.

And this was made just when Symbian was becoming good again.

daperl 2010-10-22 11:27

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 847811)
I think this is great news. Maybe we finally will see what a great OS Symbian is. I hope the same apply to the E7 :)

Meego is going to be great, but right now Symbian rules. Symbian is better than Linux, I hope Nokia really nail it with Symbian4, so there will be no need for Meego, at least not on phones.

If you're gonna try and be authoritative, at least be precise. Linux is a kernel; a very configurable and capable open source kernel for big iron and phones alike. It's not an OS.

That said, now begone with you. This is, not And after you leave here, don't go bothering the nice folk over at either. Kay?

Thanks, and have a nice day!

!!Nokia N900!! 2010-10-22 11:43

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
so, will Symbian^3 be as strong and smooth as Android?

!!Nokia N900!! 2010-10-22 11:51

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 847811)
I think this is great news. Maybe we finally will see what a great OS Symbian is. I hope the same apply to the E7 :)

Meego is going to be great, but right now Symbian rules. Symbian is better than Linux, I hope Nokia really nail it with Symbian4, so there will be no need for Meego, at least not on phones.

Sure, it will definitely apply for E7 as well. It is meant for Symbian^3 in general.

Really what a relief.huuuuuuh. we were waiting for long time for such am improvement from Nokia.

Hope things go as we want..;)


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