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Patroclo 2010-10-31 17:33

[Maemo 5] I need help with FMMS
Please help me: I am trying to use fmms since yesterday (for the first time) and no way, it doesn't work at all!
The official topic about fmms was closed so please give to me a solution (if you can of course...).
I checked about the configuration and I am sure that it is quite correct. I tried all the possible situation: connect/no connect and polite/rude/havoc. Never worked.

The message is still the same:
MMSC : 200_OK
BODY :{'Transaction-Id':'number which changes', 'Response-Text':
'Mittente barrato', 'MMS version': '1.0' Message-Type
m-send-conf, Response-Status' Error-service-denied
Message-ID 'very long number changing'

Thank you in advance

Patroclo 2010-10-31 17:35

Re: I need help with FMMS
I am from Italy and I use wind.
i found that in other forum other people got the same problem (with other companies) but I did not found a working solution.
For example here
in the last post this guy has the same problem as me.

tzsm98 2010-10-31 17:47

Re: I need help with FMMS

Originally Posted by Patroclo (Post 858708)
I am from Italy and I use wind.
i found that in other forum other people got the same problem (with other companies) but I did not found a working solution.
For example here
in the last post this guy has the same problem as me.

[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="3"]Double check your settings.
Wind Italy
•Connection Name: Wind MMS
•Connection Type: GPRS
•Access Point Name: mms.wind
•User Name: (leave blank)
•Password: (leave blank)
•Use Proxy: Yes
•HTTP Proxy: or
•Port Number: 8080

mihapodb 2010-10-31 18:01

Re: I need help with FMMS
Does anyone knows where are mms stored? I reflashed and forgot to save them...

optimistprime 2010-10-31 18:06

Re: I need help with FMMS

Originally Posted by mihapodb (Post 858731)
Does anyone knows where are mms stored? I reflashed and forgot to save them...

did you flash the emmc too??

mihapodb 2010-10-31 18:25

Re: I need help with FMMS
Yes, but I coppied everything. I hope :/

optimistprime 2010-10-31 19:37

Re: I need help with FMMS
Do you mean copied as in making a new back up, or actually copying to a micro SD card or some other kind of memory?

mihapodb 2010-10-31 19:42

Re: I need help with FMMS
I have made a backup with application for that

And I also copied whole microsd via browser on PC when on Mass storage mode

optimistprime 2010-10-31 19:48

Re: I need help with FMMS
and after reflashing and restoring and recopying when you open fmms, its still blank?

ellehwho 2010-10-31 19:49

Re: I need help with FMMS
I can't remember if it's the same error I received when I first installed it but I do remember that after I changed the setting for how big a photo should be the error went away.

mihapodb 2010-10-31 19:53

Re: [Maemo 5] I need help with FMMS
Yes becouse I think they are stored somewhere else. I foun then some time, but now I cannot remember where

sjgadsby 2010-10-31 19:54

Re: [Maemo 5] I need help with FMMS

Originally Posted by Patroclo (Post 858706)
The official topic about fmms was closed...

An old thread on fMMS was closed. The current, official thread is available.

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