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ammyt 2010-11-01 16:39

Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
HEY folks: using preenve i successfully installed nfsic using the autoinstaller, sims3 using the youtube tuotorial, but I'm dying to play N.O.V.A on my N900. I can't follw the youtube tutorial because inside nova's game folder there is no nova file but only an appinfo.json, icon, and a folder. Can somebody post step by step instructions on how to install nova?
Thanks in advance i'll appreciate any assisstance.
(offtopic) i will soon be a full indepth review of meego 1.1 on my N900 i've succesfully installed it)

cddiede 2010-11-01 16:42

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by ammyt (Post 859857)
HEY folks: using preenve i successfully installed nfsic using the autoinstaller, sims3 using the youtube tuotorial, but I'm dying to play N.O.V.A on my N900. I can't follw the youtube tutorial because inside nova's game folder there is no nova file but only an appinfo.json, icon, and a folder. Can somebody post step by step instructions on how to install nova?
Thanks in advance i'll appreciate any assistance.
(offtopic) i will soon be a full indepth review of meego 1.1 on my N900 I've successfully installed it)

The nova binary is in a subdirectory.

Find the directory where you see the appinfo.json file. Next to it you'll see a directory called nova.

In this directory you'll see a binary called nova. You can execute that to play the game.

ammyt 2010-11-01 16:46

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 859861)
The nova binary is in a subdirectory.

Find the directory where you see the appinfo.json file. Next to it you'll see a directory called nova.

In this directory you'll see a binary called nova. You can execute that to play the game.

should i move the appinfo.json and icon to nova directory too to have an icon in the app menu? i know it sounds nooby:o

Bratag 2010-11-01 16:49

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
Why do we need a new friggin thread with CAPS in it every time someone has an issue installing a pre game. Use the existing threads and stop cluttering up the forums which are already to crowded with new threads for questions answered MANY times before.

ammyt 2010-11-01 16:52

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
sorry Bratag but i couldn't find the answer to my question in any other posts I kept searching for 2 days about that silly query. BTW I was 100% sure somebody was going to post ur post in here

cddiede 2010-11-01 17:06

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by ammyt (Post 859866)
should i move the appinfo.json and icon to nova directory too to have an icon in the app menu? i know it sounds nooby:o

No need. Just navigate to the directory that hold NOVA's appinfo.json file as root in the xterm and type:

preenv <hit enter>

desktopgen appinfo.json <hit enter>

And yeah, if you were 100% sure that someone would voice the same concerns noted by Bratag, then maybe you should have taken that as a sign that a new thread was not needed?

I swear, I would've answered your questions even if you posted this in any of the already exisitng preenv treads.

ammyt 2010-11-01 17:12

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
thx cddiede for your assisstance and patience
__________________________________________________ _______
travelling out

lfcobra 2010-11-01 17:28

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
just curious if anyone else has had this problem: installed nova, it runs with no errors, but I only get a black screen. No matter how long I wait, or how many times i tap the screen I still only get a black screen. When I check the terminal i ran the application from I get no errors, no seg faults, all looks to be running fine. But I cant play the game. Anyone have any ideas?

edit: I have several other games running just fine including asphalt 5, brothers in arms, heros of sparta, lets golf, monopoly, nfsu, oregon trail, the settlers, sims, xplane; so its not like i dont know what i'm doing, i just cant get nova to work :(

cddiede 2010-11-01 18:58

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by lfcobra (Post 859918)
just curious if anyone else has had this problem: installed nova, it runs with no errors, but I only get a black screen.

Did you run this on the xterm as root:

apt-get install libsdl-net1.2

aligatro 2010-11-01 19:07

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Also, AFAIK N.O.V.A requires a multi-touch device like an Iphone, because you have to use two fingers at the same time. (one for moving character, another is for moving sight(not sure if this is the correct word in English) pointer.

tisons 2010-11-01 19:09

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
[2010.10.30 17:47:23] Vilioxx: LOL how many nova directories have you (/nova/nova/nova !?) well, i'm going to explain it from the beginning:

- First of all, N.O.V.A. needs an extra package in order to run. Do this in xterm:

sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get install libsdl-net1.2

- Get yourself a copy of *.ipk file or the whole directory tree of the app from your Palm Pre
- If you have the .ipk file, extract it with 7zip, and them the data.tar with WinRAR (sometimes 7zip doesn't get the correct directories, at least for me). you can do this in Windows, Linux or your own N900 if you have installed p7zip and untar.
- You should get /usr/palm/applications/ and inside it /nova directory with nova executable (7.6Mb) and lot of more stuff, and appinfo.json and icon.png files
- Place only and all its content (/nova and other files) in N900's /home/user directory. How? with SSH or simple mv command from your MyDocs (main internal mass storage) to that.
- Add permissions to file

sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/com.gameloft.nova/nova
chmod 755 nova

- Now make a desktop icon

desktopgen /home/user/

- Now run Preenv enviroment with preenv command and type ./nova And game will run!
(TIPS: use Tab function of your terminal to autocomplete paths in order to save you some typos and mistakes. If you are lost in wich directory are you, run pwd command)
Sorry but if you can't get it to run after this... i can't explain it more noob-friendly xD
Last edited by Hariainm; 10-26-10 at 09:29 PM.

This is copy.. thx : Hariainm

lfcobra 2010-11-01 19:11

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 860015)
Did you run this on the xterm as root:

apt-get install libsdl-net1.2

Indeed i did. Just to make sure ran it again and got the following output:


Nokia-N900:/media/mmc1# apt-get install libsdl-net1.2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree     
Reading state information... Done
libsdl-net1.2 is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Running the application gives me this output on the terminal:


Nokia-N900:/media/mmc1# ./usr/palm/applications/
SDLGL: called sdl_init with flags = 0x30
X11: PID is 13894
SDLGL: Ignoring doublebuffer preference
SDLGL: Requested GL minor version 1 (ignored)
SDLGL: Requested GL major version 1
SDLGL: Called SetVideoMode(320, 480, 0, 0x2)
SDLGL: Requested OpenGL video mode
SDLGL: SDL_GLES initialized (res=0)
SDLGL: Asked if video mode 800x480x16 (0x90000000) is ok
PDL: Init: Service name is com.javispedro.preenv.nova
PDL: Music is playing
PDL: Switch orientation to 3
PDL: Screen dimming prevention ON

at which point i am greeted by a solid black screen. No amount of waiting or tapping gets rid of the black screen.

cddiede 2010-11-01 19:21

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 860026)

Also, AFAIK N.O.V.A requires a multi-touch device like an Iphone, because you have to use two fingers at the same time. (one for moving character, another is for moving sight(not sure if this is the correct word in English) pointer.

I play it just fine on the N900. I just stop moving when I want to look around. Also the fire buttons ability to move your view makes it very playable on a resistive screen.

I'm just glad the WebOS version of NOVA doesn't have all of the multi-touch puzzles that the iPad version of NOVA does as that would make the game unplayable beyond said puzzles....

cddiede 2010-11-01 19:22

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by tisons (Post 860030)
[2010.10.30 17:47:23]
- Add permissions to file

sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/com.gameloft.nova/nova
chmod 755 nova

- Now make a desktop icon

desktopgen /home/user/

- Now run Preenv enviroment with preenv command and type ./nova And game will run!

Remember that you need to be in the preenv shell environment for the desktopgen command to work. So just type "preenv" as the root user in the xterm before you run desktopgen.

cddiede 2010-11-01 19:24

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by lfcobra (Post 860035)
Indeed i did. Just to make sure ran it again and got the following output:.

Wow, that is odd. I see the same dialog when I run the game from xterm but it works fine for me.

Are there any other WebOS games that can run okay on your N900, or do they all result in black screens?

atilla 2010-11-01 19:30

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
i just installed it over the gameloft site without any modding.
but its pointless because you can't run further then 10 feet(there comes a rock and you have to jumpon it but it doesn't work without multitouch

lfcobra 2010-11-01 19:31

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
ya quite a few other games work just fine.


Originally Posted by lfcobra (Post 859918)
I have several other games running just fine including asphalt 5, brothers in arms, heros of sparta, lets golf, monopoly, nfsu, oregon trail, the settlers, sims, xplane; so its not like i dont know what i'm doing, i just cant get nova to work :(

cddiede 2010-11-01 19:34

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 860072)
i just installed it over the gameloft site without any modding.
but its pointless because you can't run further then 10 feet(there comes a rock and you have to jumpon it but it doesn't work without multitouch

You can do it. It just takes a few tries.

Try getting a BIG running start and then releasing the virtual D-pad before jumping. Only took me 3 or 4 times to get right.

I'm now on level 3 (I think) and I haven't had to jump again yet.

atilla 2010-11-01 19:37

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE
ok i didn't know that.tried it 100 times but without a big running start.
but isn't it difficult to aim without multitouch???

cddiede 2010-11-01 19:40

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 860082)
ok i didn't know that.tried it 100 times but without a big running start.
but isn't it difficult to aim without multitouch???

Normally, yes. But if you notice, the fire button also functions as a look key/left analog stick.

So you are able to aim WHILE firing. You just can't aim prior to firing.

lfcobra 2010-11-01 20:00

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 860060)
Wow, that is odd. I see the same dialog when I run the game from xterm but it works fine for me.

Are there any other WebOS games that can run okay on your N900, or do they all result in black screens?

out of curiosity what is your firmware/kernel setup? I'm running pr1.3 with titans power kernel. Maybe this setup just doesnt run well with nova?

cddiede 2010-11-02 00:41

Re: Help Installing NOVA PLEASE

Originally Posted by lfcobra (Post 860103)
out of curiosity what is your firmware/kernel setup? I'm running pr1.3 with titans power kernel. Maybe this setup just doesnt run well with nova?

That's the same setup that I've got. Titan's power kernal with an OTA upgrade to PR1.3, and I can run the game both over and under clocked on the CPU.

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