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Bondage Monkey 2010-11-02 19:45

So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
I coulda sworn you could have ANY media in your computer streamed to your N900. But when I started reading the description and **** it seemed like you needed certain channels or devices or something?

I need an app that will be able to let me stream my media from my desktop to my N900 or at least let me view my desktop through my N900. That would be AWESOME.

anthonie 2010-11-02 19:50

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
Well... it just works... or something...

Why don't you start with explaining what it is you want to achieve? Continue with what you've done so far to get to achieve your goal and where are things going ugly?

Viewing your desktop on your n900 and streaming media are two quite different topics. For media one would use Knots2, for desktop forwarding something like RDP, X11 or whatever floats your boat.

But start with defining what it is you want and what is not working.

ear0wax 2010-11-02 19:52

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-02 19:53

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
Knots 2 doesn't work for me. Whenever I try to go here: http://localhost:1978/ I get a page not found and whenever I try to "configure file server" I get the same error. Mostly I want to stream my media to my N900 cause I have heaps of movies and music that I rather not waste time trying to save to my phone.

ear0wax 2010-11-02 20:07

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?

Originally Posted by Bondage Monkey (Post 861325)
Knots 2 doesn't work for me. Whenever I try to go here: http://localhost:1978/ I get a page not found and whenever I try to "configure file server" I get the same error. Mostly I want to stream my media to my N900 cause I have heaps of movies and music that I rather not waste time trying to save to my phone.

Goto the ip of your computer running knots, localhost is the local machine ie n900

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-02 20:10

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
I'm still confused...Idk how to set this thing up. So I just find my IP and enter it somewhere?

anthonie 2010-11-02 20:12

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?

Originally Posted by Bondage Monkey (Post 861325)
Knots 2 doesn't work for me. Whenever I try to go here: http://localhost:1978/ I get a page not found and whenever I try to "configure file server" I get the same error. Mostly I want to stream my media to my N900 cause I have heaps of movies and music that I rather not waste time trying to save to my phone.

Hopefully you have studied this page. Knots2 can be a bit difficult to set up for some, but as long as you follow the instructions things should work. Also: Use the search function on this site or use google to search the forum here. There's plenty of info around already.

I still haven't heard details from you:
What OS are you using? What are you trying to stream? What have you done so far and what have you achieved?

Answers don't grow on trees.

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-02 20:14

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
haha sorry this is the only part that confuses me:


Download the installer (Updated 2010-06-13). Install and start the server from the start menu. Then select Configure server from the menu to configure it.

and this

Just point your browser to http://localhost:1978 and add your media under settings. If you don't see the Update collection button, please make sure that both ffmpeg and VLC paths are correct.

which browser? Sometimes idk I should be doing something on my desktop or N900. I'm using W7. I'm just trying to stream movies from my desktop to my N900 where ever I am in the world. I haven't done anything but install Knots 2 on my PC and N900 and VLC media player on my PC. Haven't achieved anything yet

slender 2010-11-02 20:26

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
Install app to desktop pc, Fire-up browser that you like and go to that address on your desktop pc. If page doesn´t load then for some reason installer didn´t install it correctly or you might have Antivirus app or firewall app configured so that it blocks that partcular address on your local computer.

After you have managed to set up desktop pc (server here) then install app from repositories to your n900 and launch it. It should detect your server automatically in your HOME network where computers can freely communicate with each other.

anthonie 2010-11-02 20:28

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
The browser on your windows machine. It doesn't matter what browser you use, as long as you make sure that you point your browser to your localhost, port 1978.

If you are able to see the knots2 page, than you know that the server side is finished and installed. (I'm not talking about adding your collection now.)

After that, make sure you install knots2 from the repo's on your n900 as well. Under normal circumstances and provided you have set up the server correctly, knots2 on your n900 will make the connection for you and show you what you have on your desktop machine.

PS: Do yourself a favor, and start working locally, just to make sure everything is working correctly, before you start streaming to remote locations over the net.

SubCore 2010-11-02 20:47

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?

Originally Posted by Bondage Monkey (Post 861325)
Whenever I try to go here: http://localhost:1978/ I get a page not found


Originally Posted by Bondage Monkey (Post 861344)
Install and start the server from the start menu. Then select Configure server from the menu to configure it.

i highlighted the part that you are probably missing.

in order for you to use knots via a webbrowser, you have to start the knots2 - server first (otherwise nothing's listening on port 1978). there should be an entry in the knots2 start menu folder.

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-02 23:36

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?

Originally Posted by SubCore (Post 861373)
i highlighted the part that you are probably missing.

in order for you to use knots via a webbrowser, you have to start the knots2 - server first (otherwise nothing's listening on port 1978). there should be an entry in the knots2 start menu folder.

I did this but they're blank files and when I click it automatically opens a page in my web browser and it shows that the server cannot be found

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-02 23:40

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
This is what happens:

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-02 23:41

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
never mind...I didn't click "Start Server" before hitting "Configure Server"...I'm dumb

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-02 23:44

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
Now the other thing I don't know is how to add movies on the Knots server

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-03 00:30

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
Is it an overkill that I'm uploading 350gb worth of videos?

anthonie 2010-11-03 01:11

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
Uploading to what? You just add folders for knots2 to watch, and on your n900´s knot2 program you pick what you want to see and it gets converted on the fly and streamed. Unless you´ve got some multi-media server standing around there´s no need to upload anything. Just configure.

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-03 01:43

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
That's what I meant. Well anyways, I can't watch the videos they don't play and the local server 404's on me. I have no idea why

anthonie 2010-11-03 05:09

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
As stated before: First get your server up and running, than through the browser interface you can specify which folders (the ones where you store your media preferably) knots2 should watch and make available for your n900's knots2 client. As long as you don't have your server up, any further steps are pointless.

deiviboy 2014-06-18 18:15

Re: So how the hell does Knots 2 work?
hi guys is i was trying to download knots2 installer for windows but the link at the wiki site says the file jas been taken down.. anybody know where else to download it?

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