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quokka 2010-11-07 09:27

infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
[edit] This thread is old, and possibly dead. Phone currently works only in rd-mode, but hw keyboard has many dead keys. Flashes, cold flashes, flashing with phoenix, all failed to prevent reboot loop, or fix keyboard. Advice from knowledable person(s) leads me to believe a serial flash (from nokia) may fix, but i still haven't got around to it.

Easier to understand format (i hope)

*Phone initially crashed when plugged into car charger and i tried to start mediabox. This is when it first entered the reboot loop.

*i had previously declined to update to pr1.3 over the air due to data restrictions from carrier

*i flashed using flasher-3.5.exe on win xp

*flashed using flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R

*this didnt fix so i flashed again this time the emmc as well, i used
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R

*still no fix although all flashes were reported sucessful. I tried again for luck, even leaving off -R and restarting by taking battery in and out

*device starts as soon as battery is put in, and will enter reboot loop. There is no way to turn it off if the battery is in.

*i have tried using the verbose kernel kindly linked to by robbiethefirst but i can't read much of the displayed output. It appears the device initiates boot process then changes its mind and shuts down, then starts again.

*I can charge battery by holding "u" and plugging into wall charger, likewise flashing is no problem.

*i have only installed apps available in app manager.

things i am going to try:
-downloading the image file from robbiethefirst that should hopefully give a better understanding of the problem.

-re-downloading the image files from nokia in case they are corrupted for some reason.

-send the phone back and get a new one.

below is the original post i made:

Hi ppl,
I have searched a bit but havent found an identical problem, or any solution.
My phone is 3wks old, and i have only used the apps available in app manager. I did not update to pr1.3 over the air as i only had 50mb data allowance, and i have no internet access except dial up. The phone (internet tablet with phone capabilities...) entered the reboot loop when i had it plugged in to the car charger and tried to start media player. The loop displayed a dark screen with Nokia logo, and would diplay the flashing dots for about 3 cycles then the light would stop on 3rd dot. After reading similar posts on similar problems i downloaded both the update .bin files (RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin & RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin) and the flasher utility. I can flash both images sucessfully however the phone will still not start, and the reboot cycle continues indefinately. I have tried starting it in rd mode and still get the same problem, however once it stopped on the 4th dot instead of the 3rd before rebooting.
I do not want to return the phone for warranty repair as i purchased it from an overseas importer (it came from hong kong, i think)
I am in australia.
I would like to try flashing with different/prior .bin files but the dialup connection means these downloads take 15-25 hours and the last 2 have failed at 90%...
thank you for reading this and i hope it has not been discussed anywhere else, all the posts i have read are solved by flashing.

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-07 09:37

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Flash the pr1.3 image once more(don't flash the emmc again), then let it reboot. It will take a good 10 minutes to boot the first time if you do it right.

quokka 2010-11-07 09:49

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
ok i assume with -R, will try now

quokka 2010-11-07 09:57

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
how should the phone act on 1st boot?

quokka 2010-11-07 10:01

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
at the moment it is still cycling, nokia screen (bright on first reboot then from then on dark), flashing dots (cycles back and forth through dots 9 times then will stop on 3rd or 4th dot), short vibrate then start again.

JonWW 2010-11-07 10:02

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Something else to try is taking the battery out for a few minutes.

If that doesn't work, try taking it out again for a few minutes, then put it back in and without switching it back on try flashing again.

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-07 10:06

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Yea, that seems bad.
I'll post more in a bit.

I'd try flashing a framebuffer kernel: Then, you can watch it boot up and see where it fails.
You'll need to use the -k option to flash a kernel.

quokka 2010-11-07 10:06

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
ok but as soon as i put the battery in it tries to boot, i cant have it switched off with battery in. The on-off button appears to be working fine (clicks) but i dont know how to test, maybe it is stuck on?

lunat 2010-11-07 10:12

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
only two ideas:
1. something goes wrong with the flashing. i see aou have the images and don't need to download them. if you flash both images don't use the -R on the first! so that you don't reboot inbetween the flashing. use the -R only with the second. with that use it, and order might matter.
2. the eemc and firmware don't match or are corrupted(you said you did the update via flashing so this is possible). unfortunately for you that would mean to find an internet connection and download the two images and make sure you have two that match(and i think there are regional differences but don't know what they are. to be on the save side i'd use one for your region).
try to flsh them without rebooting inbetween and reboot via flasher after the second.

don't know only two ideas....

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-07 10:18

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
I'd try my previous edit - watch as text appears onscreen during the boot process, and see where it reboots.

Lunat also has some good ideas.

quokka 2010-11-07 10:21

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
thanks robbie i am downloading file now,
so i would use:
flasher-3.5.exe -k "kernel" -f -R?
and no other flashing.
Once this battery dies i have no way of charging ...

quokka 2010-11-07 10:21

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
thanks robbie i am downloading file now,
so i would use:
flasher-3.5.exe -k "kernel" -f -R?
and no other flashing.
Once this battery dies i have no way of charging ...

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-07 10:21

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Yea, that should be correct.

JonWW 2010-11-07 10:21

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...

Originally Posted by quokka (Post 865825)
ok but as soon as i put the battery in it tries to boot, i cant have it switched off with battery in. The on-off button appears to be working fine (clicks) but i dont know how to test, maybe it is stuck on?

Ok try taking the battery out then plug in USB or charger, try holding down / not holding the U key, try doing all that while putting the battery in... try all combinations you can think of.

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-07 10:23

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Also, you should be able to charge by opening keyboard, hold U as it's booting. It should stick in flashing mode, but still charge(if slowly).

lunat 2010-11-07 10:25

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...

Originally Posted by RobbieThe1st (Post 865836)
Also, you should be able to charge by opening keyboard, hold U as it's booting. It should stick in flashing mode, but still charge(if slowly).

actually this is the best way to charge the phone. this is a special chip that charges the phone in the most perfect way possible. very cool indeed.

quokka 2010-11-07 10:28

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
lol, you guys can see my replies before the page refreshes on my end...
the battery was fully charged before it crashed, so i should have a couple of hours to play with it.
jon what is the reasoning behind your suggestions? the phone enters the loop everytime i boot it, whether i do it with reflasher, or by taking battery in and out.
hopefully the verbose kernel will shed some light.

quokka 2010-11-07 10:33

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
anyway to get output from that kernel onto my computer? it scrolls too fast to understand what is going on, however SHUTDOWN and shutdown can be read in a variety of places before it turns off.

quokka 2010-11-07 10:34

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
and a backlight too...

lunat 2010-11-07 10:35

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...

Originally Posted by quokka (Post 865841)
lol, you guys can see my replies before the page refreshes on my end...
the battery was fully charged before it crashed, so i should have a couple of hours to play with it.
jon what is the reasoning behind your suggestions? the phone enters the loop everytime i boot it, whether i do it with reflasher, or by taking battery in and out.
hopefully the verbose kernel will shed some light.

is worth a try but i don't understand how this will help you solve the problem. i mean with that you know where it stucks. and then? do you want to unpack the image and change the problematic part?
i don't understand the plan. maybe (i hope) it helps to get a better idea of what is going on.

lunat 2010-11-07 10:39

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...

Originally Posted by quokka (Post 865845)
anyway to get output from that kernel onto my computer? it scrolls too fast to understand what is going on, however SHUTDOWN and shutdown can be read in a variety of places before it turns off.

if that should help, maybe you can see something before the first time shutdown apears.

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-07 10:41

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
The other thing you may want to try is downloading the ~150mb rootfs image here: Flashing that as the rootfs will let you boot into my BackupMenu program and we can check a couple things.

quokka 2010-11-07 11:06

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
ok thanks robbie but it is going to have to wait until tomorrow so i can get faster internet, ill start dl now but dont have high hopes 4 tonight.

@lunat yes i would like very much to understand what is going on, I was hoping i had done something stupid with the flashing and then it would be an easy fix, however it seems to be a different problem.

i'm thinking about re-downloading both .bin files, and also pr1.2 version. Each file takes about an hour to download at internet shop, so i think i'll get robbie's image then if no luck the other 2 again

@JonWW thanks for the suggestions, i will try them all out now and see if they do anything, but im not hopeful as it appears to initiate boot process but somewhere along the line changes its mind to shutdown-
couple of the lines of output reads:

dsme 0.6.??? starting up..
dsme wdd: setting wd period to 30s for /dev/????
dsme wdd: seting wd period to 14s for ????
dsme wdd: setting wd period to ??s ?????
dsme 0.6.???? starting up
normal shutdown
state change request DSME_STATE_NOT_SET -> DSME_SHUTDOWN

shadowjk 2010-11-07 11:28

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
I'm starting to wonder about your powerbutton, because it's not supposed to start just by putting in the battery with no cables connected

quokka 2010-11-07 11:33

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
@ shadow, i think this is quite possibly the problem, but can't think how to check

lunat 2010-11-07 11:37

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...

Originally Posted by shadowjk (Post 865877)
I'm starting to wonder about your powerbutton, because it's not supposed to start just by putting in the battery with no cables connected

thats for one. but there are weird scenarios this happens.
the otherrthing is:
if op flashed everything, firmware and emmc without issues while flashing and the images are ok: it has to work - otherwise we would see a mass storm of other users with the same problem.

so concluding: either the images are somehow bad(don't fit together, corrupted..), something goes wrong during the flashing or there is a hardware defect,

quokka 2010-11-07 11:46

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
guess there is not much i can do until i get new images to test. Thanks all for the help and suggestions, i'll post back with results.

quokka 2010-11-08 07:12

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
@robbie i get "invalid FIASCO header" when i try to flash the image from your link (rootfs-pr1.3-20101101.img)

quokka 2010-11-08 07:44

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
also i think i am giong to return for warranty repair (if new downloaded images don't work) will your image invalidate warranty? tia

ducki 2010-11-08 07:46

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
try flasher-3.5 -r rootfs-pr1.3-20101101.img -f -R

quokka 2010-11-08 08:07

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
i get a bad CRC message at boot, i think this is problem. Will type out complete page soon, is hard because backlight turns off after first reboot, and screen is small.
ATM i have reflashed new PR1.3, verbose kernel and robbies backup image.

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-09 06:01

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
If you have my image flashed, try booting with the keyboard open - Do you boot into BackupMenu?

quokka 2010-11-09 09:08

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
here ar the last few lines displayed before it reboots (pr1.3, verbose kernel, robbies image, keyboard open)
UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_check_node: bad CRC: calculated 0x261c4676, read 0x82aac9f0

UBFIS error (pid 1): ubifs_check_node: bad node at LEB 0:0

UBFIS error (pid 1): ubifs_read_node: expected node type 6

VFS: cannot open root device "ubi0:rootfs" or unknown block(0:0)

please append a correct "boot=" option, here are the available partitions:

Kernel panic- not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (o:0)

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-09 10:07

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Hm, I may have uploaded a bad image then...
Edit: Yes, I seem to have. mtd-utils sometimes flakes out; some versions work, some don't.
I've made a new image with the latest BackupMenu, tested it myself, and am uploading it. You can download it at:
In about an hour from this post.

quokka 2010-11-09 11:21

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
ty, i'll update tommorow.
If i cant get phone working by thursday i'm sending it back to honk kong

quokka 2010-11-09 11:23

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
do u know about warranty issues? i assume if i flash it back to pr1.3 before i send there will be no trace anyway

RobbieThe1st 2010-11-09 12:19

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
Yea, that should be true.

quokka 2010-11-11 07:10

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
excellent it boots! now what... :)

quokka 2010-11-11 07:12

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
i get boot menu with keyboard open, reboot loop with keyboard closed

quokka 2010-11-11 07:28

Re: infinite reboot loop reflash pr1.3 and emmc wont fix...
can enable usb r/w, and check fs prgram, returns code:8 for OPTFS

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