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cfh11 2010-11-10 21:44

Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
ST-Ericsson U8500

I know the partnership between Nokia and Ericsson relative to this platform is old news, but I just noticed that it showed up on Meego's wiki under compatible handsets:

Will the N9 be built on this? Please Nokia, let it be true!!

atilla 2010-11-10 21:55

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
sounds very very interesting.but i REALLY wouldn't hold my breath fot that.
sounds to good to be true

tissot 2010-11-10 22:08

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Hasn't it been there for a long time? I'm not holding my breath for that unfortunately as what i have been searching around this, N9 seems to be heading towards OMAP3640 as far as the rumours go and what example some dev mailing lists have been talking about.

Thought it's certain that U8500 will be seen inside Nokia phones at some point as the U8500 was actually very much of a ST-Ericsson and Nokia project to start with.

I would be very surprised to see it inside N9, but let me tell you that the hw would actually be better than i have even imagined if it will. :)

Btw ST-Ericsson is demoing HD stereoscopic 3D video on Symbian with U8500 in SEE 2010.

ericsson 2010-11-10 22:09

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
:) The N9 :)

lma 2010-11-11 08:59

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 869693)
ST-Ericsson U8500

I know the partnership between Nokia and Ericsson relative to this platform is old news, but I just noticed that it showed up on Meego's wiki under compatible handsets:

Will the N9 be built on this?

Almost certainly not. For one thing Nokia has insisted many times that the Harmattan device will be OMAP3-based.


Please Nokia, let it be true!!
Why do you care? If you like the specs and it runs MeeGo what does the manufacturer logo on it matter?

Stskeeps 2010-11-11 09:06

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 869693)
ST-Ericsson U8500

I know the partnership between Nokia and Ericsson relative to this platform is old news, but I just noticed that it showed up on Meego's wiki under compatible handsets:

Will the N9 be built on this? Please Nokia, let it be true!!

The same page also lists the Archos 5 IT and under ARM, snapdragon processors. So don't put too much weight into it.

Stskeeps 2010-11-11 09:24

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
But something to consider: If a large bunch of platforms (Snapdragon, U8500, OMAP3, OMAP4, Atom, MIPS, whatever..) is properly supported in MeeGo.. imagine how easy it would be for Nokia to rebase their eventual MeeGo based OS on various hardware types? Or for that matter, anyone productizing a MeeGo release.

I mean, there's even a demo of Qt Quick running on a armv4t device without big issue..

rash.m2k 2010-11-11 09:49

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 870084)
The same page also lists the Archos 5 IT and under ARM, snapdragon processors. So don't put too much weight into it.

No thats much further down - they just pointed out that it's the same as the beagle board.

It seems very strange, that its up there with the N900 - seems very strange.

jsa 2010-11-11 10:50

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by Engadget, Nokia's QWERTY slidin' N9 shows up in the wilds of China
Update: A friendly mole of ours ran this handset's serial number through an internal Nokia system and has confirmed it as a Nokia prototype. He was also able to uncover an RM-680 product type classification ...

PATCHv1 3/5 Bluetooth: rm680: pm constraints support

From the above patch it is pretty clear that this particular device is running on OMAP, not U8500. This of course doesn't exclude the U8500 from some other future devices.

maxximuscool 2010-11-11 11:14

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by jsa (Post 870167)
PATCHv1 3/5 Bluetooth: rm680: pm constraints support

From the above patch it is pretty clear that this particular device is running on OMAP, not U8500. This of course doesn't exclude the U8500 from some other future devices.

If you are right then I guess N9 won't be my N900 replacement device. I'm holding off for N10 or something next with A9 or dual core in it that run MeeGo. Beside first year of MeeGo will be like a baby nursary and will be a lot of bumps and lumps. Best to wait for MeeGo to at least learning to crawling and that may be 1year after the launch? I'm not to buy a device with fresh new OS and out dated hardware spec. A8 era is 2010 but A9 can be in 2011 :)

Please Nokia learn to listen and bring out A9 processor or U8500 in N9 if you want to win the mobile war!!

Stskeeps 2010-11-11 12:21

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by rash.m2k (Post 870124)
No thats much further down - they just pointed out that it's the same as the beagle board.

It seems very strange, that its up there with the N900 - seems very strange.

It just means ST-Ericsson is developing a U8500 hardware adaptation for and throwing resources at it. Just like TI OMAP4 is. Doesn't have anything to do with any Nokia products.

There's a talk on the U8500 platform port at the MeeGo conference.

hawaii 2010-11-11 13:03

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Is it really that hard to see which SoC and processor the N9 is using?

It's OMAP3. It's not OMAP3430. I'll let your brains warp around what it could be. There's only a few other options and only ONE of them makes sense.

3beers 2010-11-11 14:42

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Since TI is the platinium #1 sponsor at meego conference :

I think the N9 will have an OMAP CPU. The question is if it will be on OMAP3 or OMAP 4 series?

I hope for OMAP4 since I don't think that we'll see a meego device until Q3 2011

This is my opinion.

As for St-ericson CPU this will probably be used on symbian. but we'll wait and see. :)

atilla 2010-11-11 14:46

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 870376)
Since TI is the platinium #1 sponsor at meego conference :

I think the N9 will have an OMAP CPU. The question is if it will be on OMAP3 or OMAP 4 series?

I hope for OMAP4 since I don't think that we'll see a meego device until Q3 2011

This is my opinion.

As for St-ericson CPU this will probably be used on symbian. but we'll wait and see. :)

where did you get your dates from?
i don't think that the n9 will come out Q3 2011

3beers 2010-11-11 14:54

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 870379)
where did you get your dates from?
i don't think that the n9 will come out Q3 2011

well meego 1.2 won't be available until end of april (27 april) so if it's a polished version we'll probably have a meego phone by the end of Q2 in the best time , but I think it will be a Q3.

this is just my optinion.

tissot 2010-11-11 14:57

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Lets try to keep in mind again that N9 wont have Meego inside, but MeeGo-Harmattan(Maemo core). Same goes when we talk about what hw that is currently compatible with the OS.

NvyUs 2010-11-11 15:02

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 870386)
well meego 1.2 won't be available until end of april (27 april) so if it's a polished version we'll probably have a meego phone by the end of Q2 in the best time , but I think it will be a Q3.

this is just my optinion.

just b/c vanilla 1.2 version wont be available then it don't mean nothing.
theres already been many MeeGo tablets released with no tablet version even released.
any way N9 will run harmattan so could come out at any time

3beers 2010-11-11 15:27

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 870389)
Lets try to keep in mind again that N9 wont have Meego inside, but MeeGo-Harmattan(Maemo core). Same goes when we talk about what hw that is currently compatible with the OS.

how do you know that the MeeGo-Harmattan(Maemo core) device will be released? I think that is history and they moved the UI to meego.

And I don't think that releasing such a device will help them much. It will create more confusion, because application build for this device won't be compatible with future meego releases. sure most of the apps will be written in qt and when the transition is made they will just compile them for meego but still not all developers will jump at once to re-compile their apps for the new platform, and not all the MeeGo-Harmattan(Maemo core) buyers will be techies who understand what is going on, unless they release the N9 the same way as N900 like an intermediary phase , which is also not a good idea.

3beers 2010-11-11 15:37

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 870398)
just b/c vanilla 1.2 version wont be available then it don't mean nothing.
theres already been many MeeGo tablets released with no tablet version even released.
any way N9 will run harmattan so could come out at any time

I think those tablets are using meego for netbooks + some custom UI. I think only wetab was released. do you other tablets that use meego?
The stake is to high for nokia to release an unfinished product.

may I ask you how do you know that N9 will have harmattan ?

cfh11 2010-11-11 15:54

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lma (Post 870078)
Why do you care? If you like the specs and it runs MeeGo what does the manufacturer logo on it matter?

Are you really implying that the manufacturer doesn't matter? Without even getting into UX differentiation, there is absolutely a difference in build quality from one company to the next. I happen to think Nokia handsets are very solid and durable. HTCs and Samsungs otoh feel like toys.

SubCore 2010-11-11 16:38

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 870422)
how do you know that the MeeGo-Harmattan(Maemo core) device will be released? I think that is history and they moved the UI to meego.

because qgil said so on this board.
how do YOU know it's history?

mrsellout 2010-11-11 16:54

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 870188)
If you are right then I guess N9 won't be my N900 replacement device. I'm holding off for N10 or something next with A9 or dual core in it that run MeeGo. Beside first year of MeeGo will be like a baby nursary and will be a lot of bumps and lumps. Best to wait for MeeGo to at least learning to crawling and that may be 1year after the launch? I'm not to buy a device with fresh new OS and out dated hardware spec. A8 era is 2010 but A9 can be in 2011 :)

Please Nokia learn to listen and bring out A9 processor or U8500 in N9 if you want to win the mobile war!!

I thought that the reason MeeGo was conceived (ie merged from Maemo and Moblin) was because Intel were going to supply the cpu for future MeeGo devices. Therefore an N10 device would surely sport the Moorestown cpu or a derivative thereof?

tissot 2010-11-11 17:49

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
If we think that Nokia will for sure be the largest player as far as phones go, why would they go for X86? Symbian for certain isn't going for it as the whole idea of Symbian is to keep hw costs down and Nokia needs the cross platform Qt apps that they have with Symbian and MeeGo.

And anyways moorestown is still not really even a option over the much less resource hungry dual core ARM that will really start showing up next year like moorestown.

Rauha 2010-11-11 18:24

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Wasn't U8500 supposed to be the hardware platform for S^4?

3beers 2010-11-11 18:25

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by SubCore (Post 870500)
because qgil said so on this board.
how do YOU know it's history?

because I don't see any reason to release a maemo6 branded as meego device. It will create only confusion on both sides: developers and end users.
Not to mention submitting apps to ovi store.

On the other side I don't think they can release a product and brand it as meego if it's not compatibile with real meego.

at least this is my opinion, I don't have clear fact.


I thought that the reason MeeGo was conceived (ie merged from Maemo and Moblin) was because Intel were going to supply the cpu for future MeeGo devices. Therefore an N10 device would surely sport the Moorestown cpu or a derivative thereof?
not quite. meego was conceived because intel needed to enter in phone business but they don't have experience, and nokia can help them, and nokia needed to enter in tablet,netbook and internet TVs(Nokia-siemens has a qt internet Tv-project based on the ST-ericson CPU see video: ) and extend the maemo(now meego) boundaries.

Nokia knows that is a long run until intel creates a power efficient cpu to be used on phones, and intel knows that too since they are focusing more on larger devices like netbooks,tablets(where you can put powerfull bateries) and internet TVs where the power efficiency in not needed. same thing for the Meego IVI project.

Another thing that nokia is gone benefit is that intel is gone promote Qt framework leading to more developers for both meego and symbian.

Just my idea. :)

atilla 2010-11-11 18:32

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
so does that mean no n9 before late 2011?
i read everywhere that n9 will come Q1 2011?
so whats the point?
any links?

shady 2010-11-11 18:54

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
there is no N9 ... but only yourself.

anyway, i keep hearing about this 3640 noise, that would be again the worst idea for nokia, as stated this year, and next year will be to beginning of omap4. nokia knows that its highend niche user base will bail on them if its weaker than the current crop of procs. omap4 > ompa3. especially now with the "delay ..."

tissot 2010-11-11 19:04

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 870618)
because I don't see any reason to release a maemo6 branded as meego device. It will create only confusion on both sides: developers and end users.
Not to mention submitting apps to ovi store.

On the other side I don't think they can release a product and brand it as meego if it's not compatibile with real meego.

at least this is my opinion, I don't have clear fact.

They already have. There's very lengthy discussion around this in this forum with Qgil when MeeGo was announced early this year. MeeGo-Harmattan is not a MeeGo product but branded as one.
I don't understand what confusion there could be concerning OVI?

Harmattan is not something totally separate from MeeGo handheld UX. Example MeeGo touch was actually called harmattan framework ~5 months ago.

Thought you are right that this might have now changed and seeing what changes Elop have been doing it might be possible that they are going straight for MeeGo.... would fit with the delay rumours as well that N9 would be seen in late Q2. :(


Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 870615)
Wasn't U8500 supposed to be the hardware platform for S^4?

Yes U8500 was developed to be reference platform for Symbian Foundation, but then when that was announced Maemo 5 was not yet even seen and the general opinion in here was that rover/rx-51 wasn't even a phone and Nokia had denied that fremantle even was for phones.
But then linaro have been working already for some MeeGo and U8500 love. ST-ERICSSON will actually have session in MeeGo Conference next week.

efekt 2010-11-11 19:09

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
I really hope that this U8500 isn't the basis for the N9 - the U8500 has only USB 2.0 support and I was kinda hoping the N9 would have USB 3.0 support :)

atilla 2010-11-11 19:11

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
usb 3.0 support?
nooo way

Dave999 2010-11-11 19:19

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
Even though nokia from now on planning to decrease time between announcement to release date. I bet there will probably still be several months between. So I guess it wont make it Q1 unless its revealed the 15th of nov.

tissot 2010-11-11 19:32

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 870664)
Even though nokia from now on planning to decrease time between announcement to release date. I bet there will probably still be several months between. So I guess it wont make it Q1 unless its revealed the 15th of nov.

Well Nokia execs have made it clear already that the announcement will happen in 2011.

Originally Posted by Niklas Savander
We said in the results announcement that this is going to happen in 2011. We also made the decision then that we are going to close the gap between the time when we talk a product and when it will be announced. So during 2011, you will see us announce MeeGo products, and they will be very close to shipment dates.


Originally Posted by Elop
Nokia's first MeeGo device 'will be a 2011 event,00.htm

And hey C7 was shipping month after Nokia World and C6-01 started shipping week ago. And that's not the norm Apple where they release the device for one market first(USA) and month or months after that to other markets.... there's no ipad still in sale in here. ;)

lunat 2010-11-11 19:36

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 870656)
usb 3.0 support?
nooo way

you know what i *realy* wanted is a solar touchscreen.

something like this(not the phone, thats just an example):
and scratchresistant.

and there is on more thing:
a on/off switch: just a switch that turns the phone off and on. just a simple on/off switch.

atilla 2010-11-11 19:43

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?
what do you mean with on/off switch?i thought every phone has one?
or do you mean something like this

lunat 2010-11-11 19:49

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 870689)
what do you mean with on/off switch?i thought every phone has one?
or do you mean something like this

a) no the n900 has none. everytime i break something i have to take the battery out.
b) yes! exactly that kind of thing. i like the design too. could be a little bigger on second thought though

James_Littler 2010-11-11 19:52

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870696)
a) no the n900 has none. everytime i break something i have to take the battery out.
b) yes! exactly that kind of thing. i like the design too. could be a little bigger on second thought though

next you'll be wanting an extendible aerial and battery the size of a suitcase that you have to carry round too!

lunat 2010-11-11 19:58

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by James_Littler (Post 870698)
next you'll be wanting an extendible aerial and battery the size of a suitcase that you have to carry round too!

nice idea!

no serious: how often do you have to tell people that they have to take the battery out if something goes wrong ?
btw the sd in a slot would be nice too.

tissot 2010-11-11 20:07

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870702)
nice idea!

no serious: how often do you have to tell people that they have to take the battery out if something goes wrong ?
btw the sd in a slot would be nice too.

Actually most the devices already got something similar. Example zune hd, ipod/iphone, s^3 phones you press power button for 10 sec to do the same thing as taking the battery out and back. Having own off/on button would be quite a waste and something that... well would be bad sign for the customer.

efekt 2010-11-11 20:07

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by lunat (Post 870702)
nice idea!

no serious: how often do you have to tell people that they have to take the battery out if something goes wrong ?
btw the sd in a slot would be nice too.

What will you do when (and it WILL happen) your phone would occasionally turn itself off in your pocket because the switch got caught up in something or was rubbed against your pocket?


Originally Posted by atilla (Post 870656)
usb 3.0 support?
nooo way

Eh? why not? Nokia was always quick to embrace new standards, such as BT 3.0...

lma 2010-11-11 20:10

Re: Possible Hint of N9 Hardware?

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 870445)
Are you really implying that the manufacturer doesn't matter?

Not that much, but that's a matter of personal preference I guess.


I happen to think Nokia handsets are very solid and durable.
Like this?

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