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zain.645 2010-11-11 14:24

i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
i am facing problems logging in my yahoo IM serive in the IM menu of says "couldnt connect due to network error" i deleted the account and decided to re enter the yahoo account username and password....when i enter the username and password and tap sign in...nothing happens.....i tried again and it said NOT SIGNED IN.......what is the problem.....i cant understand will be obliged.....

RenaldoTT 2010-11-11 14:41

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
I was never able to sign in with my "N900 and now I can't sign into facebook. i doubt anyone has a solution because I asked around even made a thread and to no avail

olrac 2010-11-16 14:03

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
Same problem here with Yahoo. Days now and no success in logging into Yahoo.

GI jack 2010-11-16 23:28

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
just noticed it too, that and AIM...

has something gone awry with lib-purple?

olrac 2010-11-17 13:51

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
As of last night, Yahoo works again.

Mr. Ben 2010-11-17 16:24

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
I've had similar problems but with AIM and Skype.

jmc8501 2010-11-19 23:00

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
Recently AIM is not working for me too. Any suggestions?

dtergens 2010-11-19 23:28

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
I received this mail today :


Dear ********, Nokia is partnering with Yahoo! to power and improve your Ovi Chat experience in the coming months.To continue using Ovi Chat and take advantage of future enhancements, you need to accept the additional Ovi Mail and Ovi Chat by Yahoo! Terms and Privacy Policy. Please click here to start. If you do not accept the new terms, you will be unable to access your account once we launch the new service with Yahoo! Sincerely,Ovi by Nokia

jmc8501 2010-11-20 01:27

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
Ok, I've tried adding another AIM account to my n900, and that seems to be working... for some reason, my main account says "network error." I don't think it's a password issue because I was careful, but also because those errors are listed as "authentication error"

martinlittle 2010-11-26 00:52

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
I've been having the same problem, so just accepted the new terms then deleted and re-added my account, and it's working. Finally!

sdesai 2011-02-08 08:42

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
issue not resolved yet. pidgin messenger works fine. not able to make it work from IM service. everytime i trysignin in it says "Not Signed IN" tried accepting terms and conditions for yahoo ovi but no luck !! anyone got it working?

panjgoori 2012-11-23 18:00

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
yahoo is not working again. anyone have any fix for it ?

edit: pidgin extra plugins working fine.

NiQ 2012-11-24 10:18

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
Sometimes the telepathy processes hang and therefore any connection attempt to IM services fails with network error. This can be solved by either restarting or killing the appropriate processes:
* telepathy-gabble for Facebook, GTalk, Jabber, OVI
* telepathy-haze for Yahoo!, ICQ, AIM, MSN (Haze), libpurple
* telepathy-sofiasip for SIP
* telepathy-butterfly for MSN
Then try connecting again.

faridi 2012-12-31 07:41

Re: i cant log in to my yahoo IM account using n900 IM service
well, i think that yahoo premium is the only solution, as i have also same problem regarding signing in to yahoo account.

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