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natedog400 2010-11-22 23:49

HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
I recieved some updates yesterday thinking it was pr1.3 i backed all my stuff up (thank god) now it won't turn on. Nokia lights up n goes off then on then off etc... Would somebody please be so kind and tell me exactly where and what to download in order to flash my phone back to factory. I haven't done it before so step by step would really be appreciated. I'm using windows 7 and my phone was pr1.2 (vodafone) Thanks very much in advance

PathFinder@9GS 2010-11-22 23:57

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
Is your phone's battery charged enough?

augustthe 2010-11-22 23:59

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by natedog400 (Post 880719)
I recieved some updates yesterday thinking it was pr1.3 i backed all my stuff up (thank god) now it won't turn on. Nokia lights up n goes off then on then off etc... Would somebody please be so kind and tell me exactly where and what to download in order to flash my phone back to factory. I haven't done it before so step by step would really be appreciated. I'm using windows 7 and my phone was pr1.2 (vodafone) Thanks very much in advance

if you want to reflash your n900 to factory stats just go to this site it will give you step by step guide there a video to i hope this asnwer your question:)

Joseph.skb 2010-11-23 00:00

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
How does one "Flash" the phone? I've heard this being done on many threads. But could not imagine how it's done. Is there a step by step guide?

leetut 2010-11-23 00:43

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

but i prefer this one:

9000 2010-11-23 07:26

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by natedog400 (Post 880719)
I recieved some updates yesterday thinking it was pr1.3 i backed all my stuff up (thank god) now it won't turn on. Nokia lights up n goes off then on then off etc... Would somebody please be so kind and tell me exactly where and what to download in order to flash my phone back to factory. I haven't done it before so step by step would really be appreciated. I'm using windows 7 and my phone was pr1.2 (vodafone) Thanks very much in advance


Remove the battery from your N900.

Better yet, charge it fully with some external charger.

Plug the battery back on after at least 5 minutes.

Turn it on.

Good luck.

natedog400 2010-11-23 12:34

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by augustthe (Post 880727)
if you want to reflash your n900 to factory stats just go to this site it will give you step by step guide there a video to i hope this asnwer your question:)

Thanks alot mate, i'll try as soon as i get home, thing is... i'm using windows 7 and may not work but i'll try anyway :)

natedog400 2010-11-23 12:34

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
By the way, whats the difference between global and uk? I noticed after imei number when you get the choice of stuff that theres pr1.3 global! can i use that instead of waiting for my update through vodafone?
Also which one of these do i download as instructions state there's only one?....




I'm assuming the second one?

Kamen 2010-11-23 12:52

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by natedog400 (Post 881046)
By the way, whats the difference between global and uk? I noticed after imei number when you get the choice of stuff that theres pr1.3 global! can i use that instead of waiting for my update through vodafone?
Also which one of these do i download as instructions state there's only one?....




I'm assuming the second one?

That's a Vanilla image, that will erase your entire storage files pics vids etcetera. Even if you have done a back up on the phone application. You'll loose it all. Id sugest not using the Vanilla Images 1st, unless you dont care, then flash away

natedog400 2010-11-23 13:21

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by Kamen (Post 881064)
That's a Vanilla image, that will erase your entire storage files pics vids etcetera. Even if you have done a back up on the phone application. You'll loose it all. Id sugest not using the Vanilla Images 1st, unless you dont care, then flash away

I wanna start fresh so this is for me i think! So which one?

Larswad 2010-11-23 13:26

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
some people are blind, deaf, lazy and dumb with constant panic attacks. The only thing that functions on them is the mouth and the ability to type question marks frequently and randomly on the keyboard.

These threads are so annoying. Use search or die!

Kamen 2010-11-23 14:01

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by natedog400 (Post 881093)
I wanna start fresh so this is for me i think! So which one?


Use the 2nd one. Flash that image 1st... Then..... the other image of your choice "PR 1.3 Global" I'd reccomend to save you time messing about in the future. When you'r flashing the Vanilla Image don't forget to remove the ( -R ) qualifier at the end of the command. Then flash with the none Vanilla image.

natedog400 2010-11-23 19:34

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by Larswad (Post 881097)
some people are blind, deaf, lazy and dumb with constant panic attacks. The only thing that functions on them is the mouth and the ability to type question marks frequently and randomly on the keyboard.

These threads are so annoying. Use search or die!

Whatever dick head

natedog400 2010-11-23 20:04

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by augustthe (Post 880727)
if you want to reflash your n900 to factory stats just go to this site it will give you step by step guide there a video to i hope this asnwer your question:)

Just been trying this and it doesn't work? First command the system says "cannot find the path specified"

James_Littler 2010-11-23 20:24

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by natedog400 (Post 881472)
Just been trying this and it doesn't work? First command the system says "cannot find the path specified"

It does work, with the exception of windows 7 x64.
Simply put, your probably doing it wrong.

Which OS are you using?

jedi 2010-11-23 20:36

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by natedog400 (Post 881445)
Whatever dick head

The point is that your questions have been asked and answered here on these forums many, many times.

Although there's some incredibly patient people here, you're just asking to be spoon-fed information when you obviously haven't taken just a wee bit of time to read, digest, think, learn and ponder. Although the N900 can be a bit daunting at first, it's really worth spending time browsing the wiki, using Google etc to research.

natedog400 2010-11-23 21:22

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 881501)
The point is that your questions have been asked and answered here on these forums many, many times.

Although there's some incredibly patient people here, you're just asking to be spoon-fed information when you obviously haven't taken just a wee bit of time to read, digest, think, learn and ponder. Although the N900 can be a bit daunting at first, it's really worth spending time browsing the wiki, using Google etc to research.

I kno i kno, i have read and i have tried to learn but like many people its just gets a bit too much and then we need to be spoon fed step by step information. There's no need for people to tell us to die? I go out and get pissed and shag woman while he's wanking over his kernels and firmwhere and telling people to go and die when they need a bit of help. Anyway after this when i have a clue myself i'll be able to help others, thats the point of these threads (so i thought) I'm still trying so i'll report back shortly

natedog400 2010-11-23 23:13

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
No joy. i tried everything within my power and nothing is happening. sometimes i get something to do with a mismatch which i assume is a typing error? Other times nothing at all. I honestestly tried about 4 different ways using cmd or the flasher itseft, god knows how many different commands, old firmware, new firmware, my computer, my mates computer, I give up. I'm gonna take my phone to carphone warehouse tomorrow and just let them sort it. I appreciate and thank everyone who tried to help, as for Larswad... he can kiss my arse!
Thanks again guys

N900 still rocks!

Larswad 2010-11-24 07:46

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
You just don't get it, do you?
I usually help people out here without hesitation and many people here help me out as well when I'm in trouble. The difference is that before just throwing out a question, myself and most others realize that there is much more gain in trying with a qualified search here or in any of the search engines. There are hundreds of pages and threads that already answer your question in many detailed ways.
Your lazy attitude cause a mess and distracts people from issues that not yet has an answer.
So, I don't think I should apologize to you for enlightening you about this, except for maybe that I told you in a blunt way. My patience ran out this time. Besides, you have no idea what you are talking about, I have a wife and a child so I don't just "shag women" like you obviously do (Or any misspelled technology either for that matter).

Next time, please search and think just a little before just asking. If you don't you will never move away from that behaviour and forever keep begging people for the already answered questions, never being able to help yourself. I don't think that's very good for yourself either.
I hope I have been clear enough.
Have a nice day.

Kamen 2010-11-25 10:36

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
I think this is getting out of hand now.

A simple "I'll help you now but in future please do have a look around harder, the answer is easier to find than you think", would be the solution in my book.

Some people would find this patronising or even worse now want to ask for help/advice in these forums because they'd be to affraid of getting insulted for stuf they don't quite understand yet.

Perseverance is the answer, I beleive.

I'll do this once

Anyone having problems please state:
OS inc x86(32bit) or x64(64bit)


What you are using to flash (Images .bin) + (Flashing tools)

What you have tried

natedog400 2010-11-27 17:24

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by Larswad (Post 881841)
You just don't get it, do you?
I usually help people out here without hesitation and many people here help me out as well when I'm in trouble. The difference is that before just throwing out a question, myself and most others realize that there is much more gain in trying with a qualified search here or in any of the search engines. There are hundreds of pages and threads that already answer your question in many detailed ways.
Your lazy attitude cause a mess and distracts people from issues that not yet has an answer.
So, I don't think I should apologize to you for enlightening you about this, except for maybe that I told you in a blunt way. My patience ran out this time. Besides, you have no idea what you are talking about, I have a wife and a child so I don't just "shag women" like you obviously do (Or any misspelled technology either for that matter).

Next time, please search and think just a little before just asking. If you don't you will never move away from that behaviour and forever keep begging people for the already answered questions, never being able to help yourself. I don't think that's very good for yourself either.
I hope I have been clear enough.
Have a nice day.

Oh my god? What is your beef? Everyone else tries to help except for you who would obviously rather i died :D Its just a phone pal, chill the f**k out, this isn't a forum just for big headed too intelegent to help others c**ts like you ya know. We less brainy ppl need a bit of assistance sometimes, why thats a problem for you i'll never know. "I hope I have been clear enough" and "Have a nice day" ?? Really?? :D
Laters dick breath

natedog400 2010-11-27 17:35

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(

Originally Posted by Kamen (Post 882830)
I think this is getting out of hand now.

A simple "I'll help you now but in future please do have a look around harder, the answer is easier to find than you think", would be the solution in my book.

Some people would find this patronising or even worse now want to ask for help/advice in these forums because they'd be to affraid of getting insulted for stuf they don't quite understand yet.

Perseverance is the answer, I beleive.

I'll do this once

Anyone having problems please state:
OS inc x86(32bit) or x64(64bit)


What you are using to flash (Images .bin) + (Flashing tools)

What you have tried

Too late now, i've handed ma phone over to the fix it people of carphone warehouse. This is the thing... I could have took it there in the first place n got it fixed for nowt but i wanted to learn how to flash it myself? Thats lazy apparently. Anyhoo, thanks anyway. May aswell close this topic now as i think all the information to flash the phone is here but i just don't quite get it? Its here for others to see if nothin else.
Bye bye :)

Larswad 2010-11-29 12:22

Re: HELP PLEASE!! Ma phone's broke :(
@Kamen: Of course, we should strife to be helpful in here and in no way I'm trying to deter anyone from posting questions, rather on the opposite. Helping each others out is what this is all about. However, like on any other place where people communicate with each other you need some kind of rules to avoid complete disorder in the forum. does have such rules stated and it is getting very annoying that by each day it gets worse in here because people ignore them and the moderators cannot keep up with the noise.
In the rules section:

No Cross-posting is divided into subforums by topic. Post into an existing thread on a subject (using the power search to find it), and when creating a new thread for a new subject, place it in the appropriate subforum. Posting the same comments more than once in a thread, or in more than one thread, is considered cross-posting, and is not appropriate. Please choose the single thread and forum in which your comments would be the most relevant, and post them in that thread only.

There are already a lot of threads explaining how to flash the N900 in all kinds of ways, I would be very surprised if this thread was created due to completely new issue, since no clues whatsoever were given to why the flashing procedure went wrong. In fact, there was no information given at all about what was done and how the device reacted.

And while we're looking at the rules, we might as well look at these two sections:

No Abuse, Insults or Personal Attacks
Abuse, insults and personal attacks directed at any member, person, or group are unacceptable. If you disagree with someone on some point, please do not resort to name calling or personal attacks; instead, argue the merits of their points. Please note that attacking people you perceive to be "trolls", "fanbois" or "flame baiters" still counts as a personal attack, and your posts will be removed as such.
Trolling example: "Just sell your N900 and get an iPhone 4!"
Flaming example: "Members with nothing to say should just shut up and leave this forum!"
Personal attack example: "You are an idiot."
If you have trouble refraining from taking "bait", consider making use of the built-in ignore list functionality.

No Foul Language
The use of foul language is considered to be unacceptable. Filters have been added to censor offensive words. Members must not bypass the filters or swear in a different language.

I never did attack this guy with any personal insults if you read my post carefully, although he did so with me numerous times in foul language.
I'm not a prude person or so, but I don't like being attacked in that way just for helping this forum stay clean from threads being created unnecessarily.

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