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freemangordon 2010-11-24 20:58

[ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
... and here it is - support for Bluetooth/USB mouse attached to n900

FUNCTIONALITY - fixes broken mouse support in evdev driver. Shows cursor when mouse is connected and hides it when disconnected.

INSTALLATION - enable Extras Development repository and install Mouse Support if using Application Manager. If using CLI package name is extmou. This installs xserver-xorg-input-evdev-mouse and libxmuu1 packages too.

You have to restart your n900 after installation so updated evdev driver to be activated

You should remove bt-hid-scripts and Patched mouse driver packages (if installed) before installation, otherwise it will fail.

CONFIGURATION - no configuration is needed.

WARNING - usual warnings for using software from extras-devel apply. You've been warned :) .

UNINSTALLATION - using Application Manager

NOTE - current version of h-e-n does not detect device removal, so if you just close h-e-n with mouse attached, the cursor will remain visible. A workaround procedure is:

1. disconnect mouse
2. press enumerate

NOTE2 - if your bluetooth mouse pairs and connects ok, but stops working after a while you may try to install kernel-power v46 or above. It has a patch which most probably will help you to solve the problem.

leojab 2010-11-25 06:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
wow.. it works just great.. i had been waiting for a simplified solution like this. the mouse cursor disappears when the bluetooth mouse is disconnected. nice
i just have following issues:
1. text selection not available using mouse in leafpad
2. scrolling not available in microb browser

thanks freeman and others involved in this bluetooth mouse support project

freemangordon 2010-11-25 06:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Yes, microb just don't like mice :D

re leafpad - maybe you should ask its maintainer or file a bug

F2thaK 2010-11-25 07:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
sweeeeeeeet cant wait to try

MohammadAG 2010-11-25 09:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
I'll add auto enumeration after the application is closed (and I might add a signal that's sent to system dbus at each h-e-n event)

anyg 2010-11-25 10:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Hello !

Great work (both h-e-n team & freemangordon) !

h-e-n works
extkbd works (tested with 5 different usb-keyboards & nokia su-8w)

but I am a bit confused regarding bt mouse:

Do I have to install the following ....


.... prior to install your Mouse Support package?

If the previous two routines were installed do i have to cleanup those beforehand?

Many thanks for your efforts !

PS. I have removed bt-hid-scripts DS.


Removed the routines above .....
..... and Installed Mouse Support package - Everything ok !

freemangordon 2010-11-25 10:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Not sure what those packages contain, but most probably yes, you have to remove them.

lifenexus 2010-11-25 10:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Any fix for the scrolling? Can it be fixed?

freemangordon 2010-11-25 11:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
You mean in microb? No way, sorry, tablet-browser-ui is closed source. Or at least it is out of my competence

lifenexus 2010-11-25 11:03

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 882859)
You mean in microb? No way, sorry, tablet-browser-ui is closed source. Or at least it is out of my competence

oh. but how does this browser affect only microb? Is there a way to do some changes in the driver it self?

freemangordon 2010-11-25 11:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
If I change evdev to mimic mouse as it is touch screen it will break mouse behaviour in all other applications. If you wish you can try it, sources are in repo. For me it is much easy to use different browser. BTW right now I am writing this from within microb, using BT keyboard and BT mouse attached to my n900 and using keyboad to scroll

AgogData 2010-11-25 11:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
1 Attachment(s)
how can i connect this mouse ? i've tried all speeds but didn't work and the crusor didn't show up !

J4ZZ 2010-11-25 12:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Big tthanks for making this package mate.
You should eventually add the proper package name in your post for faster finding...

extmou - Provides support for Bluetooth/USB mouse attached to N900.
^ ;)



freemangordon 2010-11-25 12:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 882870)
how can i connect this mouse ? i've tried all speeds but didn't work and the crusor didn't show up !

Maybe you shoud ask in some of hostmode threads?

freemangordon 2010-11-25 12:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
@J4ZZ - done :)

AgogData 2010-11-25 13:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 882918)
Maybe you shoud ask in some of hostmode threads?

my bad, i thought it was a thread about mouse support

pious_momin 2010-11-26 08:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
i have installed this app but where does icon appears in settings and in menu its not visible, im wondering where exactly this app has disappeared!!!!

freemangordon 2010-11-26 09:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou

Originally Posted by pious_momin (Post 883579)
i have installed this app but where does icon appears in settings and in menu its not visible, im wondering where exactly this app has disappeared!!!!

Read first page please

gravisrs 2010-11-26 16:02

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
Works like a charm, nice work!

PS. How/where to change mouse sensitivity, cursor shape etc ?

freemangordon 2010-11-26 18:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
You can't :) . Maybe I should include such functionality in some future version.

superbelow 2010-11-26 18:15

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
Haven't tried this one, but Keyboard Support is absolutely fantastic freemangordan :D

Any suggestions for a bluetooth mouse? Can I just buy any or are there differences in bluetooth standards or similar issues I might face?

Thx and regards ;)

leojab 2010-11-26 19:05

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
great.. awaitin future updates..
also, since right click has no use till now can u please make right click to be sane as ctrl-backspace

freemangordon 2010-11-26 20:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
@superbelow: I think the best way is to install Mouse Support and to go to shop carrying your n900. There you can try different mice.

@leojab: hm.. interesting idea, but i don't know how hard it is to be implemented. And actually there are some applications (thinking of opera and fennec) which use right-click .

ivyking 2010-11-26 20:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 884009)
@leojab: hm.. interesting idea, but i don't know how hard it is to be implemented. And actually there are some applications (thinking of opera and fennec) which use right-click .

ya , and easy debian too , dont do this please :( , or build two versions !

TTLucian 2010-11-26 22:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
excuse my noob-ness... but how is this supposed to work with a bluetooth mouse? thanks!

fred123 2010-11-26 23:05

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
I have installed extkbd and extmou. I have igo stowaway and microsoft notebook mouse 500 paired and connected, need to work out corect keyboard type.

My problem is that the mouse works in Fennec but I cannot click on anything in microb, any suggestions

freemangordon 2010-11-27 14:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
@ivyking: breathe, I won't ;)

@TTLucian: read first page, section FUNCTIONALITY

@fred123: yeah, as already said mouse don't function in microb

freemangordon 2010-11-27 15:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
2 Attachment(s)
OK, for those who miss mouse in microb, install and try QTMWeb, browser in attached .deb. It should be desktop-like, tabbed brorser. IT IS ONLY ABOUT 50 PERCENT READY :D , but flash works, even in fullscreen. If enough of you try it and like it I will start a project in garage hoping that some other developers will contribute to it too, it is just not a project for a single person.

sajjji 2010-11-28 04:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
sorry for my bad english

since when i installed extmou the mouse cursor always show on the all application and conversion . but the h-e-n is closed and the mouse dont conect !!!

what is problem ??

akih 2010-11-28 09:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
I have Logitech Bluetooth Travel Mouse.
Cursor movement fine.
But button mapping wrong.

Left: not work
Right: Left button
Center: Left button

How to mapping mouse button?

freemangordon 2010-11-28 09:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou

Originally Posted by sajjji (Post 884774)
sorry for my bad english

since when i installed extmou the mouse cursor always show on the all application and conversion . but the h-e-n is closed and the mouse dont conect !!!

what is problem ??

See "NOTE" on first page

freemangordon 2010-11-28 09:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou

Originally Posted by akih (Post 884853)
I have Logitech Bluetooth Travel Mouse.
Cursor movement fine.
But button mapping wrong.

Left: not work
Right: Left button
Center: Left button

How to mapping mouse button?

Google for "fdi mouse button mapping".

TTLucian 2010-11-28 15:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 884393)
@ivyking: breathe, I won't ;)

@TTLucian: read first page, section FUNCTIONALITY

@fred123: yeah, as already said mouse don't function in microb

Oh... but of course I did read the first post... ALL SECTIONS I was hoping however for a more explanatory response.
My logitech mx1000 bt mouse worked with bt-hid-scripts. After following your instructions on the first post, my mouse doesn't work anymore. It pairs ok but the bt icon stays white. (I did uninstall bt-hid-scripts in case you are wondering).
Does this work without h-e-n? Because I see no mention of having h-e-n installed for this to work. I also installed h-e-n but the mouse still doesn't work. Could you please be a little bit more explanatory this time?! Thanks!

freemangordon 2010-11-28 19:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
OK, you don't need h-e-n for bluetooth mouse to work, it is for USB. Sorry, by no means I want to ignore you, just did not understand from your first post that you have a problem connecting your mouse. extmou does not have any user interface, it is supposed to do exactly what is written on first page, section functionality. You may try to install extkbd, where in UI there is an option to manually connect paired BT HID devices. I suspect that after first connect all subsequent reconnects will be done automatically.

ivyking 2010-11-28 19:35

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 884417)
OK, for those who miss mouse in microb, install and try QTMWeb, browser in attached .deb. It should be desktop-like, tabbed brorser. IT IS ONLY ABOUT 50 PERCENT READY :D , but flash works, even in fullscreen. If enough of you try it and like it I will start a project in garage hoping that some other developers will contribute to it too, it is just not a project for a single person.

can you please create a separate thread for this , with an attractive title "qtm based browser with mouse support" ? it's really useful , but not many people will see it here if it gets buried in the thread..

thanks a lot for both extmou and the browser .

Changegames 2010-11-28 19:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
i really like the browser, if we could only put the tab and the bottom bar on microb:D... i hope it gets alot of support and thank you for this...

freemangordon 2010-11-28 20:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou

Originally Posted by ivyking (Post 885172)
can you please create a separate thread for this , with an attractive title "qtm based browser with mouse support" ? it's really useful , but not many people will see it here if it gets buried in the thread..

thanks a lot for both extmou and the browser .

I put it here just to see if anyone will use it and how it will be accepted. It is good that it is liked, but I just don't have enough free time to support it alone. As you may see, 2 of you report to try it and there is already a RFC :p . OK , in a few days I will upload source code to garage and will open some "Volunteer developers wanted for shiny new browser" thread

BTW QTM stands for QT Maemo, not QT Mobile

freemangordon 2010-11-28 20:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou

Originally Posted by Changegames (Post 885176)
i really like the browser, if we could only put the tab and the bottom bar on microb:D... i hope it gets alot of support and thank you for this...

Will you join the future QTMWeb project ?

TTLucian 2010-11-28 20:15

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
@ freemangordon: Thanks so much! I installed extkbd and the mouse works again! ;)

freemangordon 2010-11-28 20:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
Does it reconnects automatically now?

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