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Frank Banul 2010-12-01 17:19

[Announce] RadioTimeToGo
3 Attachment(s)

I've got a sad story for you, but it has a happy ending. On Thanksgiving evening, we were driving between cities. We were listening to the Texas A&M vs Texas game on the car radio and the station started fading. I thought to myself, no problem, I'll just use my handy N900 computer in my pocket to find the game and then broadcast vi FM to continue listening to the game. Well that didn't work out so well. There's no real radio directory that I could find that would work well with the N900. Most wanted to start flash based players. You can guess how that worked out. Suffice it to say that we reached our destination before I got a game playing on my N900.

Seeing the need, I present you with a very minimalistic but capable interface to RadioTime. I'm using kmplayer to play the stations since it's so capable of so many formats. The lightweight interface and kmplayer format compatiblity open up tens of thousands of radio stations for your N900. This also happens to run on Mac and Windows as well but it's not optimized for that.

I was surprised at what RadioTime is capable of. Not only can you search for stations, but also by genres, by location, content playing on stations, podcasts and more.

It's currently available in extras-testing, please vote.

Screenshots below.

Attachment 16212

Attachment 16213

Attachment 16214


marxian 2010-12-01 17:27

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Very nice. :) I like to listen to the radio on my N900, but I rarely do because I hate those awful flash players. This works great. Nice and simple. I think a nice additional feature would be the ability to store presets.

Frank Banul 2010-12-01 17:35

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 887023)
I think a nice additional feature would be the ability to store presets.

I agree. For now, you can store the favorite in kmplayer.


hawaii 2010-12-01 19:08

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Nice work.

How's it work over 2.5G? :P

Frank Banul 2010-12-01 19:17

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
2.5G, ah yes the things I go through to use an N900. Oh well, for most audio it's actually OK.


AgogData 2010-12-01 19:42

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
tested it, works great frank..thanks
but it would be really much better with a built in music player like that in media box,,simple and easy so it dont start in kmplayer

droitwichgas 2010-12-01 22:00

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Fantastic work, it appears a great way to play internet radio stations, I try it out a bit more when I am away from home tomorrow.

Simply_Texan 2010-12-01 22:33

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Cool app! Thanks!
One question. Would it be possible to have a progress indicator or busy/working icon or some visual aid when fetching results. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's working in the background or didn't register a tap.

Are you hook 'em or gig 'em?

Frank Banul 2010-12-02 02:51

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Wow, I've never had a query take more than a second and most seem pretty instant. RadioTime did a great job on keeping the data transfer amount really low. Is there a specific query that takes a while?

Gig 'em.


Originally Posted by Simply_Texan (Post 887196)
One question. Would it be possible to have a progress indicator or busy/working icon or some visual aid when fetching results. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's working in the background or didn't register a tap.

Are you hook 'em or gig 'em?


Frank Banul 2010-12-02 02:54

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
I can see the appeal in this but didn't want to reinvent what seemed to be a very popular application. KMplayer is the #2 most downloaded multimedia app. I wasn't sure I could improve on that.


Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 887097)
but it would be really much better with a built in music player like that in media box,,simple and easy so it dont start in kmplayer


dannycamps 2010-12-02 02:54

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Very nice app and works well. Is there any chance you can implement iHeartRadio streams?

Frank Banul 2010-12-02 14:05

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by dannycamps (Post 887275)
Very nice app and works well. Is there any chance you can implement iHeartRadio streams?

Not unless ClearChannel allows an API.


rotoflex 2010-12-02 14:05

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
UI convenience suggestions:

Can the search screen come up with the cursor already in the search box?
Can the <enter> key function the same as pressing the "Search" button?

Random observation:
If you are surfing for stations, then select a streaming station which brings up KMplayer, then while that station is playing in KMplayer switch back over to RTG & select another station, RTG brings up another instance of KMPlayer so that both stations are playing at the same time.

Maybe in settings there should be an option to open new stations in the player already running?

Frank Banul 2010-12-02 18:00

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by rotoflex (Post 887543)
Can the search screen come up with the cursor already in the search box?
Can the <enter> key function the same as pressing the "Search" button?

Random observation:
If you are surfing for stations, then select a streaming station which brings up KMplayer, then while that station is playing in KMplayer switch back over to RTG & select another station, RTG brings up another instance of KMPlayer so that both stations are playing at the same time.

Maybe in settings there should be an option to open new stations in the player already running?

I've modified the search screen to have the search box contain the cursor and pressing enter now searches. The next version will have this.

I'm not too sure how to re-use and existing instance of kmplayer, if anyone knows, please let me know.


Den in USA 2010-12-02 18:24

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
@ Frank - Any chance of getting a Diablo version for my N800?

Frank Banul 2010-12-02 18:51

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by Den in USA (Post 887770)
@ Frank - Any chance of getting a Diablo version for my N800?

Yes. It may not be as pretty but should work. I'll look in to it.


mooninite 2010-12-02 20:34

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Funny you should create this thread. I was trying to find the A&M announcers when that game was on as DFW only had the Texas ones. I googled and found Radio Time and use the microb browser to play a station - except it was playing the Thursday Night Football NFL game. Worked just fine w/ Flash and 2.5g though. Used the FM transmitter, too.

P.S. What theme are you using?

rmerren 2010-12-02 23:15

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
I was just starting to download, since this looks like a great app, but then I saw your "Gig 'em" comment and I hit cancel. But since you said it's a simple app, I will assume an Aggie can do it...

Seriously, though, this is great and thanks for putting it together. In your honor, I will throw a thumbs-up out the window of my car while driving home today (though I will make sure it is a very dark patch of road, just to be safe).

Frank Banul 2010-12-03 01:49

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Den, the Diablo version is nice. After one small change, the only difference I noticed was stacked windows were not available. I've uploaded it but I haven't done this process before so there may be a learning curve for me.

mooninite, D-THEME Aero Blue. Some stations are obnoxious with flash. They are battery killers even when they work.

rmerren, Shall I post the results of the game?

All, the UI tweaks (default to search input box, enter starts search) are in 0.0.1-7, coming to an autobuilder near you.

I registered for a partner id today so I can head down the path of adding presets and feedback (so you can report problems).


rmerren 2010-12-03 03:00

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 888059)
rmerren, Shall I post the results of the game?

I was hoping that your story ended with you not knowing the outcome of the game..

Frank Banul 2010-12-03 15:36

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
The Diablo version is now on par with the Fremantle version besides the stacked windows as far as I can tell.


Den in USA 2010-12-03 15:47

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 888464)
The Diablo version is now on par with the Fremantle version besides the stacked windows as far as I can tell.


@Frank, thanks ! Can you provide me a link to the Diablo file? I can't find it in my app manager.

Frank Banul 2010-12-03 15:51

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by Den in USA (Post 888487)
Can you provide me a link to the Diablo file? I can't find it in my app manager.

Do you have extras-devel enabled?


Frank Banul 2010-12-08 01:19

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
New version available for diablo and fremantle. Now you can add and remove presets, report problems with stations to radiotime and claim your device on so you can manage presets on the RadioTime web page.

From search results or presets, the application menu provides access to reporting and claiming.

The UI and navigation are tweaked a bit as well.


rotoflex 2010-12-08 08:46

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Great appliction.

Feature request:
A "Saved Searches" or the like button.
Alternative: RTTG started with the last search still in the text box.

Frank Banul 2010-12-08 14:27

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by rotoflex (Post 892150)
Feature request:
A "Saved Searches" or the like button.
Alternative: RTTG started with the last search still in the text box.

Ah, I get your point on the searches and I have a couple of ideas on how that might be done. Either saving a search as a preset or having a drop down list of recent searches seems like it would work.

The like button on the other hand.... Are you referring to the Facebook like button? That does not appear to be accessible from RadioTime's API.


rotoflex 2010-12-08 20:54

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Whoops, I was unclear.
By "or the like" I mean "or something like that".
Sorry for the confusion.

If the behavior of opening each new selection could by tamed to open it in the existing player, you could then put a "next" button on the search results screen. At that point, you will have invented the "seek" button for internet radio.

marxian 2010-12-08 21:01

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 892311)
Ah, I get your point on the searches and I have a couple of ideas on how that might be done. Either saving a search as a preset or having a drop down list of recent searches seems like it would work.

I implemented a 'recent searches' feature in my application using a QMaemo5ListPickSelector: You can use this class to raise a dialog containing a list of items.

You can save and load the searches as a QStringList using QSettings:

Frank Banul 2010-12-09 21:30

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
New version: 0.0.3-3. KMPlayer is run via dbus so only one instance will be created and new stations will play on an existing KMPlayer if running.

If no one finds any problems I'm going to push this version to extras on diablo and extras-testing on fremantle.


lemmyslender 2010-12-10 00:57

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Playing with this a little bit. Wifi works fine. I'm using a IPv4/IPv6 hybrid 3G connection or IPv6 only 3G connection (in thread here).

Fails with:

line 208, in <module> serial = getMacAddress()
line 34, in getMacAddress return mac
UnboundLocalError : local variable 'mac' referenced before assignment

version 0.0.3-3

Frank Banul 2010-12-10 03:29

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by lemmyslender (Post 893671)
Playing with this a little bit. Wifi works fine. I'm using a IPv4/IPv6 hybrid 3G connection or IPv6 only 3G connection (in thread here).

Fails with:

line 208, in <module> serial = getMacAddress()
line 34, in getMacAddress return mac
UnboundLocalError : local variable 'mac' referenced before assignment

version 0.0.3-3

Well, you have gone outside of my area of expertise. Would you be willing to PM me an ifconfig output when on both types of 3G connections?

In general I need a unique ID that will stay constant across all connections. Thinking about this, what I'm doing may not work.

Thanks for your feedback.


mich_er 2010-12-10 09:00

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Hello, it appears that after installing the last update Radiotime crashes to desktop just after launching, any help? I've version 0.0.3-3 installed.

Thanks a lot

mrp 2010-12-10 09:51

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
have not tried you app yet, but thank you in advance. I've been waiting for a web radio app like this. Use RadioTime on my kitchen Jolicloud Joggler starting yesterday too

mrp 2010-12-10 10:18

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
crashes for me too. What is the command line command to start radiotimetogo? no file by name radiotimetogo can be found. Version 0..0.3-3, PR1.3

AgogData 2010-12-10 11:28

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

Originally Posted by mrp (Post 893885)
crashes for me too. What is the command line command to start radiotimetogo? no file by name radiotimetogo can be found. Version 0..0.3-3, PR1.3

crashes here too i guess there is something about mac address in lines 34 and 206


lemmyslender 2010-12-10 13:32

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo

PM'd some ifconfig. Hope it helps.

rotoflex 2010-12-10 13:38

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Performs great for me on wi-fi.

Frank Banul 2010-12-10 13:57

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
Any version that supports presets will only work on wifi, the mac address I was using is not present when on gprs. Back to the drawing board for me.

If you revert to the 0.0.1 series, it will still work on gprs. Sorry for the trouble.


Frank Banul 2010-12-10 19:18

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
I've uploaded a new version, 0.0.4-1 that should address the problem when not on wifi. N900 users who had presets will have to recreate them or claim a new device on N8x0 users should see no change.

Unfortunately the autobuilder appears to be stuck so I'm not sure how long it will take to make it to a repository.

In any case, thanks for testing and feedback. Sorry I missed that.


Frank Banul 2010-12-11 00:27

Re: [Announce] RadioTimeToGo
The latest version for fremantle has made it, please test and provide feedback.


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