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richard.lawry 2010-12-14 00:41

Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
the concept is clear i searched a lot but there is no software that can make N900 send receive files over wifi. A new software called Dukto for symbian and many other platforms is available but no support for maemo.
Any one can reply on this....pls
Era of bluetooth is gonna end just like Infrared.

Laughing Man 2010-12-14 00:50

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
You can use droopy or woof.

j.s 2010-12-14 01:10

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by richard.lawry (Post 896277)
the concept is clear i searched a lot but there is no software that can make N900 send receive files over wifi. A new software called Dukto for symbian and many other platforms is available but no support for maemo.
Any one can reply on this....pls
Era of bluetooth is gonna end just like Infrared.

What do you mean there is no software to make the n900 send and receive files over wifi?

I've been using scp to do that with my n900 every day for over a year.

Reffyyyy 2010-12-14 01:14

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
I set up rsync to automatically synchronise with my laptop over wifi at 5pm every day. There are actually many solutions for this.

paulkoan 2010-12-14 01:15

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
You can also mount nfs and cifs shares with Wizard Mounter and just use the file manager to copy files on and off the n900.

I use KDE and so have my n900 file system mounted via ssh/scp as a folder too. You can do the same with Windows.

I use rsync to synchronise any music, video, or other folders I want on my n900.

I use dropbox to get and recieve files from the "cloud".

If you can tell us more about what you want to do we can provide more options.

richard.lawry 2010-12-14 03:45

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
all you people know is technical and complicated softwares which are incomplete. I am talking about a simple software which can give us extra option of sending files over wifi to any other device which has wifi capability. PLS give me detailed simple instructions if you know one.
also tell where i can download.

just google search 'Dukto' and you will know how simple that software is.

lfcobra 2010-12-14 03:53

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
another solution would be sshfs but its about the same level of complexity as the previous answers

dannycamps 2010-12-14 04:05

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by richard.lawry (Post 896367)
all you people know is technical and complicated softwares which are incomplete. I am talking about a simple software which can give us extra option of sending files over wifi to any other device which has wifi capability. PLS give me detailed simple instructions if you know one.
also tell where i can download.

1. Install WizardMounter from the repos.

2. Launch it.

3. Set up a new connection (what is called a mount) to a shared folder/drive on the same network. For folders on Windows machines, use 'SAMBA'.

4. Go into File Manager and copy files to and from your device.

Pretty easy if you ask me.


paulkoan 2010-12-14 04:13

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
Dukto itself is not available for maemo, nor is there anything that works in the same way (aside from the technical, complicated and incomplete suggestions already made).

You haven't described any further examples of how you want to transfer files, other than to refer to dukto again.

So unfortunately, the answer is "no", there is no application that does what you want.

Perhaps you could contact the dukto author and see if they are interested in porting their app to maemo - they have most other platforms covered.

Failing that you may have to learn something new.

richard.lawry 2010-12-14 11:56

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
in simple words.....
just like we get options for sending as
send via bluetooth
send via MMS
send via infrared

I want extra one more option

send via wifi

and the other wifi enabled device when searches for available wlan
it should get connected with my device and recieve that file.

I hope you understood that.....

Well so far I am so glad you guys are trying to help me as far as you can.....really the maemo community rocks.

paulkoan 2010-12-14 12:24

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
Thanks for the info Richard, I am not aware of any app that does this.

richard.lawry 2010-12-14 12:32

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
Well Paulkon..... you might know the new technology called "Wifi Direct" which breaks the limitation of wifi being only used for searching wlan and get connected.... If that thing comes on to maemo its really gonna rock.

Thanks anyway

SubCore 2010-12-14 12:37

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
According to the project page, Dukto is open source and written in Qt. should be easy to port for Maemo.

i'll give it a try later today.

richard.lawry 2010-12-14 12:43

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
OHHH those words gave me some relief.....Thanks SubCore.

Best of Luck from me.

HieiJ 2010-12-14 22:15

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

I'm the author of Dukto, I'd like to develop a version for Maemo/Meego, but actually I don't own a Maemo device, so I'm very limited in developing and testing.

If in the future I'll be able to work on a Maemo or Meego device I'll absolutely port Dukto to these platforms.


SubCore 2010-12-14 22:36

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
1 Attachment(s)
there you go.

thanks to Qt, all i had to do was 'svn checkout' the symbian sources and fix one tiny typo (dukto.png should be with a capital D in resources/, linux is case-sensitive ;) ), and it compiles and runs almost perfectly.

it's even hildonized and everything, without a single touch. i'm really impressed by Qt's cross compatibility at this point - i only experimented inside a maemo env up until now.
the only two things that don't seem to work properly are:
*) sending text from maemo (the reason for this is that you cannot access the title bar while a dialogue is open - but that's easily fixed by adding a button there)
*) canceling a file transfer.

i could create a package in extras, but since the current authors already have an ovi store presence, i suggest to contact them to simply make it avaliable for the N900 as well. all they have to do is install the Nokia Qt SDK under linux for testing/compiling, fix the "sending text" - buttons and canceling, and flip some checkbox in their dukto ovi app preferences as i imagine.

in the meanwhile, here's the binary i compiled straight from the source at with the above mentioned single change.

put it somewhere in /home/user or /opt (NOT in MyDocs) and make it executable by "chmod +x Dukto". then run by calling it via XTerm. or create a .desktop file for it.

SubCore 2010-12-14 22:38

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by HieiJ (Post 896939)
I'm the author of Dukto, I'd like to develop a version for Maemo/Meego, but actually I don't own a Maemo device, so I'm very limited in developing and testing.

i was just writing my previous post, didn't see yours in the meantime :)

as i said, it runs out-of-the-box, with 2 minor "glitches". if you want i can see what i can do and send you suggestions, although not before this weekend ;)

zappa 2010-12-14 22:50

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
Here is a binary for Dukto on Maemo5.
Unzip it and copy it to your MyDocs folder.
you can start it from the terminal like this : sudo ./Dukto

HieiJ 2010-12-14 23:01

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by SubCore (Post 896964)
i was just writing my previous post, didn't see yours in the meantime :)

as i said, it runs out-of-the-box, with 2 minor "glitches". if you want i can see what i can do and send you suggestions, although not before this weekend ;)

I'd like to make it available on the Ovi store also for Maemo! Currently I'm quite busy, but I'll have some time during the winter holidays. How can I contact you for some info and help about it?

SubCore 2010-12-14 23:05

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by zappa (Post 896971)
Here is a binary for Dukto on Maemo5.
Unzip it and copy it to your MyDocs folder.
you can start it from the terminal like this : sudo ./Dukto

that's built from the Desktop UI, isn't it?

i tried that too at first, but had better luck with the symbian branch, whis is a bit more finger-friendly.


Originally Posted by HieiJ (Post 896978)
I'd like to make it available on the Ovi store also for Maemo! Currently I'm quite busy, but I'll have some time during the winter holidays. How can I contact you for some info and help about it?

i read this board regularly, just PM me ;)

zappa 2010-12-14 23:15

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
Yeah its from the default read only trunk.
It looks different than yours, I think I like the way your title menu works better.

It's interesting though if you run either of them with sudo you get qt menus instead of the hildon stuff.

Have to be careful with the qt style file menu as its so easy to accidently move folders all around.

This is a cool program for sure. We need a file selector as we can't drag and drop files into Dukto. (You could always use Easy Debian and do it I suppose.)


Originally Posted by SubCore (Post 896982)
that's built from the Desktop UI, isn't it?

i tried that too at first, but had better luck with the symbian branch, whis is a bit more finger-friendly.

i read this board regularly, just PM me ;)

SubCore 2010-12-14 23:21

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by zappa (Post 896994)
This is a cool program for sure. We need a file selector as we can't drag and drop files into Dukto. (You could always use Easy Debian and do it I suppose.)

the hildon file selector works, though only for single files. shouldn't be too much work to make it multi-selection ;)

and yes, should work fine under ED also.

zappa 2010-12-15 00:13

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
Hmm, I keep getting a segmentation fault when trying to receive a file using the symbian branch.

I did add a button to send the text message and it works great.

SubCore 2010-12-15 00:20

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by zappa (Post 897032)
Hmm, I keep getting a segmentation fault when trying to receive a file using the symbian branch.

did you set the receiving folder to something tangible? i didn't change the default... :) after that, it works. at least for me.
the change button works, "open" should be connected to osso-filemanager.

i have to go now, feel free if you have the time ;)

richard.lawry 2010-12-15 00:35

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
Hello Subcore,
I have purchased N900 just 2 weeks back, thats why I am totally new to use XTerm.... A step by step information as if how to install the attachment that you provided will be great for me.
Apart from it this community is really so helpful..... and I would really like to thank you for putting extra effort to make it work on maemo.
And HieiJ, I hope u will provide it as christmas gift for maemo in OVI.

travla 2010-12-15 01:29

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 896279)

Just had a bit of a read up on woof, man, it looks awesome. There is no UI, but simple and complete.

How hard would it be to wrap a UI around the woof python script?

richard.lawry 2010-12-15 16:23

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
any updates please

SubCore 2010-12-15 16:35

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by richard.lawry (Post 897042)
A step by step information as if how to install the attachment that you provided will be great for me.

download the file and put it on your N900's memory.
then start XTerm and execute these commands:

cd /home/user/MyDocs
tar -xzvf Dukto.tar.gz
cp Dukto /home/user
chmod +x /home/user/Dukto

then you can start the program by typing


festivalnut 2010-12-15 17:07

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
are we likily to see this packaged and in the repo's soon? with the couple of small fixes needed it could be done today i'm guessing, but i've heard the ovi qa process can take weeks if not months. imd rather use a deb but if its a lengthy wait i'll take it as is. (i'm not THAT impatient, but due to the usb port issue i just got a replacement n900 the other day and have looooads of stuff to get off my old pc in the corner.)

richard.lawry 2010-12-15 18:06

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
sorry subcore, as i told you i am new to XTerm
when type the second command it gives some error that file cannot be found...
can u make a simple file so that clicking on it it will automaticaly start installation process

festivalnut 2010-12-15 18:25

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by richard.lawry (Post 897495)
sorry subcore, as i told you i am new to XTerm
when type the second command it gives some error that file cannot be found...
can u make a simple file so that clicking on it it will automaticaly start installation process

make sure the downloaded file is in MyDocs (main n900 memory) not in a folder, OR amend the command to point to wherever u saved the file to.

gsever 2010-12-15 18:30

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by SubCore (Post 897448)
download the file and put it on your N900's memory.
then start XTerm and execute these commands:

cd /home/user/MyDocs
tar -xzvf Doktu.tar.gz
cp Doktu /home/user
chmod +x /home/user/Doktu

then you can start the program by typing


Doktu should read as Dukto. o and u switch place.

-sh: ./Dukto: Permission denied error

When I run it as root:

sh Dukto

gives me
Dukto: line 1: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

Any extra dependency required to be installed?

colm.smyth 2010-12-15 20:24

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
this a brilliant thread all, just goes to show where an idea can be taken, well done to the OP and especially to SubCore for doing this, cant wait for this to be in the repositories.

Please keep this thread going all

richard.lawry 2010-12-16 00:18

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by gsever (Post 897521)
Doktu should read as Dukto. o and u switch place.

-sh: ./Dukto: Permission denied error

When I run it as root:

sh Dukto

gives me
Dukto: line 1: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

Any extra dependency required to be installed?

wollaah....... its working now
thanks for the spelling correction GSEVER i was totally clueless as if why its not working just didn't knew that there was a spelling mistake
thanks for all and especially SUBCORE

Laughing Man 2010-12-16 00:53

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by travla (Post 897067)
Just had a bit of a read up on woof, man, it looks awesome. There is no UI, but simple and complete.

How hard would it be to wrap a UI around the woof python script?

What do you mean by wrap a UI? You mean to start it? I personally have it setup as an alias in the terminal. But there's nothing stopping you from putting it as a Queen Beecon Widget, shortcutd, etc..

I then just use the personal IP address to figure out my IP. Alternatively if you have a service that resolves your external IP to a domain name, then you can just go to that one.I personally prefer using this since all you need for anyone to upload a file is a web browser.

travla 2010-12-16 01:36

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 897774)
What do you mean by wrap a UI? You mean to start it? I personally have it setup as an alias in the terminal. But there's nothing stopping you from putting it as a Queen Beecon Widget, shortcutd, etc..

I then just use the personal IP address to figure out my IP. Alternatively if you have a service that resolves your external IP to a domain name, then you can just go to that one.I personally prefer using this since all you need for anyone to upload a file is a web browser.

Okay, sorry I wasn't clearer, my bad.

Given, starting it with a desktop icon is not too difficult, using a tool such as QBW. But from what I can tell you need to specify a file, and there are user option switches at the command line too (compression type, IP, Port etc.). It would be nice if the python script downloadable via could be "part of" an installable application. Such an application would have a user interface, which would allow you to browse to a file, set the port and IP numbers, specify compression method etc.

Hope this makes sense now, not sure how much clearer I can be.



SubCore 2010-12-16 06:52

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by gsever (Post 897521)
Doktu should read as Dukto. o and u switch place.

-sh: ./Dukto: Permission denied error

When I run it as root:

sh Dukto

gives me
Dukto: line 1: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

Any extra dependency required to be installed?

i don't think so... here's the output of "ldd Dukto":
Code: => /usr/lib/ (0x40025000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40065000) => /usr/lib/ (0x400c5000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40be3000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40d40000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40de3000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40e3b000) => /lib/ (0x41135000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41155000) => /lib/ (0x41236000) => /lib/ (0x412ac000) => /lib/ (0x412be000) => /usr/lib/ (0x413e3000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41407000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4142a000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4146b000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41494000) => /usr/lib/ (0x414d1000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41b78000) => /usr/lib/ (0x415ad000) => /lib/ (0x415b9000) => /usr/lib/ (0x415c8000) => /usr/lib/ (0x415f0000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41750000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41608000) => /usr/lib/ (0x44e68000) => /usr/lib/ (0x44d28000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41988000) => /usr/lib/ (0x417c8000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41968000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41612000) => /lib/ (0x41701000)
        /lib/ (0x40000000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4170c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41717000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41720000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4172d000) => /usr/lib/ (0x417f1000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41742000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41817000) => /usr/lib/ (0x41823000)

all of these should be standard IMO...

are you sure you made it executable? without the +x flag, you get "Permission denied", so it's probably that...
and it's not a shell script, so "sh Dukto" won't work.

gsever 2010-12-16 18:54

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

I can't seem to give exec permission by chmod +x Dukto, either in user or root mode. The command runs but ls -l Dukto doesn't show x in the listing. Very interesting. Any ideas?

Veleno 2010-12-17 04:41

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto
1 Attachment(s)
I wrote to the developer and waiting to give me the permission to use his name and version of the software in a package, I've created a .deb for easy installation and have a launcher in the menu :D

Install whit dpkg

cd /home/user/MyDocs (if you download the package in MyDocs)
dpkg -i dukto.deb

Done :D

richard.lawry 2010-12-17 18:26

Re: Send recieve files over WIFI like dukto

Originally Posted by Veleno (Post 898529)
I wrote to the developer and waiting to give me the permission to use his name and version of the software in a package, I've created a .deb for easy installation and have a launcher in the menu :D

Install whit dpkg

cd /home/user/MyDocs (if you download the package in MyDocs)
dpkg -i dukto.deb

Done :D

hey veleno thanks for the amazing work you've done...

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