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App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
The United States of America has the most men in jail of any country in the world.
We (males) all know that when cops have nothing to do they sometimes stop random males and without reason search them and get psychological pleasure in dominating them and in some cases purposely try to provoke the male into getting angry so they can arrest them. To protect your rights as a man I propose an app written in QT so that it can be run on symbian phones also. The app would automatically record video and audio and upload the video (and a backup) to a server in real time and send an email and sms to your lawyer with your gps location. This app would have to be bluetooth linked to your phone triggered by an external camera that you wear near your neck and the camera would have to have a recessed button which you would have to hold down for 3 beeps in order to activate. The camera should probably have a small red light to indicate it's on. The officer may act nice seeing that he is being recorded by you and can't place his back to the video camera in his car window so he can't be seen. This is not just an app but a small camera too so you could make a lot of money. The app must be triggered by an external camera near the neck so you don't get shot by the officer reaching for your phone. The app must give you a ten minute window to cancel the video and sms to your lawyer. The app must have an extensive setup and testing procedure and the person writing the app should probably go interview defense lawyers to ask what is the preferable methods to protect their client. This app must lockout the officer (by auto 2 hour lockout) that tries to delete your video by threatening you are taking your phone. This app must auto upload every 30 seconds or so in case the officer destroys your phone. This app once used (and a few hundred videos get transferred to youtube) would get free media press (free advertising) which would snowball into more people buying the camera and app. you could make a lot of money and help a lot of men The personal reason I am asking for this app to be written by one of you guys other than what I have stated so far is that the last 3 times I have been stopped by a police officer have been without a good reason. I assure you I am not some kind of criminal I have 2 traffic tickets I will pay soon but that's it, I have no criminal record at all and don't plan on having one. But yet any officer can make up any lie he wants to stop me and search my property. The first time in San Fernando Valley I was handcuffed and brought down to a station and my DNA was taken and they kept me in a cell for half an hour along with surrounding me with 4 police cars and making me stand there for half an hour in front of all my neighbors with handcuffs on. I never got to see my accuser and I don't even know if they just made the whole thing up to create busy work. They made me look like a criminal in my neighborhood. How do I fix that my whole neighborhood thought I was a criminal now? So now I have to go door to door and explain to every neighbor? That was 1.5 years ago and I've moved. Now in this new neighborhood I've already had a police man come in to the house where I am renting a room, knock on my door waking me up, call me out to the livingroom, ask me invasive questions and then tell me outright I can't watch porn in my bedroom twice! The neighbor called the police on me because I did not fully close my shades and I was sick and had just moved in and had just been awake for 2 hours and I played a porn and forgot the shades were not fully closed. What kind of police does not use common sense and just tell the neighbor to call out or knock on my front door or call me (or my landlord) on the phone and tell me to close my shades? If I knew they were open I would have immediately closed them and profusely apologized. The third time i was bicycling to work with a backpack on. A cop stopped me for no reason and searched my backpack. This is clearly bullying because #1 I know I was not breaking the law in any way #2 He made a BS excuse to stop me that there is no way to double check for validity (there is no punishment or detterent to making up lies to search innocent males) #3 Now that his character is in question he asks me a yes or no question with a gun on his waist #4 Any answer to this man with a gun is invalid as it is being asked under the same circumstances as torture, i.e. the questioner has the power of life and death over you. This officer can shoot me dead for showing him my cellphone and claiming he thought I was pulling a gun. #5 You and I both know that asking permission to search your belongings IS A LIE! If an officer decides you are guilty, you are guilty until proven innocent. Asking to search your belongings is not a question, it is a statement. The statement is I will now search your property and if you say no I will make up an excuse to handcuff you or arrest you and search your property anyways, Dogs are trainable. Any dog can be trained to fake a "positive" by its master. Bringing in a dog and finding out this male is innocent and making your dog "find something anyways" should result in the most severe penalty possible to an officer as you have undermined the publics' trust in justice by bullying innocent males. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Just out of curiosity, female individuals don't have such problems, there?
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Are you serious? Do you think for one second that you can ask 10 random females in this country the same age as me (39) and even one of them will tell you "yes I have been handcuffed by the police and held in a cell and had my DNA taken and my room searched." I invite you to survey 5,000 random females my age and see if you get one that can say that. Good luck. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
And it's only going to get worse:
http://www.wtsp.com/news/topstories/...5079&catid=250 Welcome to the United Police States of America! |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Having lived in Russia for a few years, I think it's better here.
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Why on earth would you apologise for watching porn with your shades open here in the forum? If you have nothing to hide evasing questions from police officers wont hurt you at all. You must never forget that officers work long hours and they have to be on alert for any suspicious behaviour. If i were a developer i would never develop such an app. It just doesnt make sence to me. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
buy a shotgun or a faster car
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
The only time I was speaking with police officers, they were just curious and I showed them a mole cricket. Don't alienate them, and they will not be invasive. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sKb0t5B_M4 |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Some countries seem to be really fck up. But hey here is some instructions to you fellows:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqMjMPlXzdA |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
An app like this should not be difficult to make.
Though, has anyone seen a bluetooth camera that could connect to our N900? Seems to me the biggest show stopper. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
i have many cop friends, and most are nice. but usualy, just like the movie Colors from the 80's, its the young one that is brutal. i was pulled over in a carpool lane, i know the cop didnt see my kiddo in the back seat, and i was not speeding and my windows on my audi a6 are tinted dark in the back and lightly in the front (front windows in ca. are not legal) he asked, do you know why i pulled you over? i answered, no. because i wasnt speeding, there is traffic. and i have my kid in the back, so carpool is fine. (in my head knowing why he pulled me over.) then he looked around and gave me a look, then asked if i knew that my windows were not legal to be tinted in the front and if i had them done. simple answer..."no. i bought it this way" he gave me a rediculous ticket (cops are trained to find something. even in training, the training officer can and will ask to pull over a vehicle without saying why to the trainee. and when they ask "do you know why i pulled you over..." they need to find something) i took the ticket to one of my many cop friends, had him sign it off, and then mailed a check for twenty bucks with a thank you note for pulling me over during traffic hour commute with an accident in front of us, without breaking any moving violations and a clean record and showing my little girl how a new cop can actually mistreat a loyal, law-abiding citizen when my tax dollars would have better been put to use getting the guy who rear-ended the car that was 3 cars in front of me that ended up not even pulling out of the road to handle the situation. ...no response. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
If it comes with a tin foil hat and a book telling the truth about UFO's I'll donate $10 to the cause........
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Some ideas only sound awesome when you're really high. ;) Your idea is overcomplicated, pricey and the number of people who would use it is small.
Just get the app that shuts the red recording light off. Next time you get pulled over open the camera app, flip the lens cover open and start recording. Might want to lock it as well. Much easier. Also...quit doing stupid **** that catches the attention of the cops. That is probably the best solution to your problem. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
My mother tongue its greek so excuse me for the simplistic vocabulary. Officers are humans too. I am not a police officer. About the video, here in greece we have a lot of incidents with police violence. In my naive simplistic opinion police officers are being provoked all the time. They will never attack first except if they are psychlos or somethin. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
the other article is refered to the junta during the period of 1967 to 1974. Things have changed WE HAVE DEMOCRASY BTW these police officers are either dead or eiter in prison. A lot of crimes took place during this period but police officers were just following orders from 4-5 psyco military leaders that desided greece would be better if they took over. Whats more i strongly dislike it when people post a link and say nothing more Thank you for your reply |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
for those of you suggesting police dont use bullying and intimidation actics, its like saying it never happens in school because you weren't bullied there. trust me, it happens. i'm sure it varies from place to place and person to person. but if ur face doesn't fit or you know the wrong people police will abuse their power to extreme extents to make your life misery. in my youth i was stopped and searched daily, for no good reason other than the police wanted to harass me. they knew i wasn't carrying anything from the previous 200 searches but would still stop me, ridicule me infront of whoever i was with and try to intimidate me into lashing out so they could arrest me. i got a small car with a spoiler and alloys and body kit, which meant i got pulled over at least once a week for an impromptu mot and unnecessary abuse. just because you havent suffered dont think for a second it doesn't happen.
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
maybe if OP is willing to pay for it, devs might take him up on the request no?
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Without going into all the political babble here..
It might be pseudo-handy to make a "wire" / "bug" application to record audio and upload it somewhere in real time (ish - I don't see a problem with ~ 5 sec delays), along with a dead mans switch that automatically publishes the recording somewhere (fbi / parents) if a "safety" code is not entered. The nontrivial portion is the server side & publishing. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
I think OP made this whole concept of this application just to b*tch about him being caught watching porn :)
The simplest and best solution to police brutality is just put your vote to a party who'll suite best to your point of view and way of life. You should be thankful for being able to vote and that your vote actually counts and reflects your views - this is being taken for granted by you, but in some countries in this world, having a mind of your own is considered a crime... |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
I vote for a rape whistle app.
Think about it, you get pulled over by a cop, just start yelling rape and he'll probably freak out and leave. :D And if you have your N900 screaming rape with a female voice out your stereo system (with the FM transmitter?) then the cop would more than likely just leave. Just have it yell "Please officer, don't rape me! Rape rape!" slaapliedje |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Just FYI :) |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categor...uct_by_country I hoped the link would tell its own story. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
yes i think the necktie camera is a step too far, the audio video realtime upload is a good idea though.
honestly if you've never suffered from police harassment then lucky you, but please don't belittle or disbelieve those who know how much misery it can be. the police can and do make peoples lives absolute misery with the power they have, and theres little or nothing you can do about it. i'm not a criminal (actually i just served jury duty last week, which having a record would prohibit me from doing) and i have seen first hand the extent of police bullying. i'm not saying its all or even most of them, but its enough, one facebook status from an officer out this way on friday - "cant believe i'm working hogmanay (new years eve in scotland) , first person to annoy me is doing a weekender" (weekender- arrested on friday for any reason and after the working week is done its monday morning before they can process your release) |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Does nobody else feel that this request is a joke?
A police officer would shoot you when reaching into your pocket for a mobile phone, assuming its a gun. What do you think is going to happen when you start operating a flashing beeping device on your neck? |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Ok for a start, can I suggest 1 minor issue with this App... Would you not need permission from all parties involved before recording any conversation?
If any party declines this but can still give a sufficient reason to search you, then the "recorded evidence" that you may have will not vouch for squat! IMHO, if you hang around dodgey places whilst dressed like a douche, then you will start to draw unwanted attention to yourself. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Why don't you call it "telemarketers with guns".
That is what the police in nyc are. They have zero interest in real crime and go around busting people just to keep Bloomberg's fake statistics up. They would just be annoying if you could hang up on them but since you can't and they have guns they are dangerous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfwTg0JvNNk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqHxv...eature=related http://www.villagevoice.com/2010-05-...81st-precinct/ http://gothamist.com/2010/11/17/nypd...ue_chess_p.php Not that anyone cares. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
and as for your last comment, unfortunately this does seem to be the way things are, and it saddens me that people such as yourself not only accept but condone it. i'm a great believer in personal freedom and liberty, and a law abiding citizen should have the right to dress as he pleases and go where he chooses, without expecting to be harassed by figures of authority for exercising these rights. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
They may bend the rules to bust you for an unnecessary traffic ticket, or be a dick for no reason, but no cop is gonna wildly shoot someone who's reaching for a 4 inch rectangle in their pocket. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
What a load of old shat. Thats the most ridiculous idea for an App that I've ever heard.
And why so much paranoia about the Police? |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
Speaking of police harrassment in the San Fernando Valley area, as the OP was -- I didn't run into it in about 30 years there.
I did run into harrassment from criminals, though. There were drive-by shootings nearby on Kester Ave in Van Nuys, and a house I lived in in North Hollywood was burned down by a juvenile gang. |
Re: App request "bullies with badges" anti police harassment app
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