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slim1347 2011-01-06 19:40

n900 looks like a toy compared to this

atilla 2011-01-06 19:42

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
aahhhmmm what?

slim1347 2011-01-06 19:44

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

theflew 2011-01-06 19:46

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by slim1347 (Post 913538)

Given the N900 is a over a year old it does pretty well. We'll see how the Nokia MeeGo based phone compares since it should have similar capability with a more powerful OS.

Dave999 2011-01-06 19:46

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Where is the deluxe version with Hw-keyboard? Without Hw-keyboard, It looks like a toy.

slim1347 2011-01-06 19:46

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

theflew 2011-01-06 19:49

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by slim1347 (Post 913544)

The sad thing is this would have been so cool if the phone would dock where the touch pad would normally be so the phone's display would double as the laptops touch pad.

slim1347 2011-01-06 19:50

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by theflew (Post 913554)
The sad thing is this would have been so cool if the phone would dock where the touch pad would normally be so the phone's display would double as the laptops touch pad.

but what would be the need for 2 touch pads?

cyapalmos 2011-01-06 19:54

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
looks pretty cool. I'd love having a desktop dock or the ability to snap into a laptop.

slim1347 2011-01-06 20:12

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by cyapalmos (Post 913564)
looks pretty cool. I'd love having a desktop dock or the ability to snap into a laptop.

yea same here, my n900 usb port has broke for the third time from constantly plugging in to my laptop for modem usage. lots of blackberrys suffer the same issue with usb ports braking. the new iphone 5 with a docking station on a macbook would be sweet :)

this moto hardware looks sweet but the OS will be bollox plus the phone looks well dated,

defo looking forward to the new iphone, i do hate apple and was a iphone boy before my n900 but hell the iphone just works so well, all tho the n900 is a fantastic bit of kit i am really looking forward to new smartphones coming out this year,

mthmob 2011-01-06 20:20

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
dual core 1ghz cpu?? mobiles are really taking off.. in a few years, mobile phones will be as powerfull as average laptop is today.

Lemonadium 2011-01-06 20:38

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
"can run at up to 2Ghz thanks to the two 1GHz cores packed in"
Yeeaaaah, by same logic and im running my PC @24GHz

kishan 2011-01-06 20:41

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by Lemonadium (Post 913596)
"can run at up to 2Ghz thanks to the two 1GHz cores packed in"
Yeeaaaah, by same logic and im running my PC @24GHz

Maybe i understood it badly, but i think it's 1GHZ only with 2 cores, not 2 GHZ,

Battery: 1.930 mAh :O :O :O

stickymick 2011-01-06 20:46

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
"Oh, it...... errrrm...... runs..... errrrm..... Android."

*Turns round and looks at all the other phones on offer*

"You got anything that doesn't snoop on everything I do?"

kishan 2011-01-06 20:47

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by kishan (Post 913600)
Maybe i understood it badly, but i think it's 1GHZ only with 2 cores, not 2 GHZ,

Battery: 1.930 mAh :O :O :O

<--- about the processor: Taking full advantage of the two speedy 1 GHz processors sharing the workload in Tegra 2, consumers can experience up to 2x faster web browsing and up to 5x faster gaming performance over single core processors running at 1 GHz. NVIDIA’s leadership in graphics also delivers flawless 1080p HD video playback, console-quality gaming and amazing 3D capabilities

theflew 2011-01-06 20:52

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by slim1347 (Post 913558)
but what would be the need for 2 touch pads?

The laptop dock would not have a touch pad. The phone would provide that functionality.

danramos 2011-01-06 21:03

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by stickymick (Post 913605)
"Oh, it...... errrrm...... runs..... errrrm..... Android."

*Turns round and looks at all the other phones on offer*

"You got anything that doesn't snoop on everything I do?"

Sorry, you're on the Internet with ALL these smart phones. Even Maemo made secret SMS messages to Nokia, out of the Internet band. Perhaps we can interest you in a flip-phone with a WAP browser.. oh right, they also report your GPS location to websites.

Sorry, I've got nothing for you. Go back to 1998. :)

gabby131 2011-01-06 21:15

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by slim1347 (Post 913538)

hmmm.....yes.....maybe but for me that device is a toy as well. :)

because my definition of TOY is anything that you can do anything with it....(even fry something).

stickymick 2011-01-06 21:17

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 913628)
Sorry, I've got nothing for you. Go back to 1998. :)

I wouldn't mind it actually, the cost of living was much cheaper.

TiagoTiago 2011-01-06 21:20

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Android? These are not the devices i'm looking for.

RAZOR 2011-01-06 21:21

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Sure does.

wmarone 2011-01-06 21:26

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Oh hey, look at that. A phone. In a dock. With a screen, mouse, keyboard, and more. Can't say I didn't see this coming ages ago.

Too bad Motorola insists on retaining enough control over the device to say "your device is permanently obsolete, starting now." Shame that TiVOized devices seem to be the way of the future.

danramos 2011-01-06 21:29

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 913657)
Oh hey, look at that. A phone. In a dock. With a screen, mouse, keyboard, and more. Can't say I didn't see this coming ages ago.

Too bad Motorola insists on retaining enough control over the device to say "your device is permanently obsolete, starting now." Shame that TiVOized devices seem to be the way of the future.

Every word! I agreed with EVERY goddamned word you said. :)

lardman 2011-01-06 21:32

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Hmm, Motarola also use those efuse thingies to prevent you loading your own firmware, so not much chance of Meego-ifying it, but the hw spec is pretty impressive (but no hw kb)

wmarone 2011-01-06 21:33

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 913660)
Every word! I agreed with EVERY goddamned word you said. :)

If they'd stop doing that crap and I could buy one unlocked, you know, I might seriously consider it...

... to hack and put MeeGo or somesuch on it. ;)

I'd probably even get the dock kit too.

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-01-06 21:45

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
I would have rather seen the phone as the touch pad, and the phone OS blown up to the big screen.

TiagoTiago 2011-01-06 21:47

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
With bluetooth keyboard and mouse plus the TV-out cable you can "dock" your N900 on just about anywhere with a TV screen.

wmarone 2011-01-06 21:50

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 913692)
With bluetooth keyboard and mouse plus the TV-out cable you can "dock" your N900 on just about anywhere with a TV screen.

Indeed, however it would be better if such bluetooth attachments worked out of the box. Additionally, the TV-Out is pathetic compared to an HDMI connection, never mind what seems to be support for USB devices beyond a mouse and keyboard.

I like the concept shown here, but what I know of Motorola's attitude (never mind hardware and carrier nitpicking) kills it for me. I'm hoping someone else runs with the concept and loosens the reins a bit.

danramos 2011-01-06 21:59

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 913692)
With bluetooth keyboard and mouse plus the TV-out cable you can "dock" your N900 on just about anywhere with a TV screen.

You're effectively arguing for using your phone the way you used to use an Atari 2600 VCS, by plugging your device into an old NTSC standard def signal. I think people today are looking for a good, sharp high-def digital signal, or at the very least VGA. These devices do that--what does your N900 do again?

wmarone 2011-01-06 22:09

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 913702)
What does your N900 do again?

It put a blurry picture on my HDTV for about 30 seconds a year ago before I said "nifty" and never used it again!

HDMI + Dock might improve that duration, for sure, if not on my TV.

railroadmaster 2011-01-10 04:21

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 913657)
Oh hey, look at that. A phone. In a dock. With a screen, mouse, keyboard, and more. Can't say I didn't see this coming ages ago.

Too bad Motorola insists on retaining enough control over the device to say "your device is permanently obsolete, starting now." Shame that TiVOized devices seem to be the way of the future.

For along time desktop PC's were that it just wasn't as easy for Manufacturers to lock them down. Until Ms-dos, Unix, and the Commodore Amiga arrived personal computers were appliances like anything else. For example the Os that ran on the Commodore 64 only ran on the Commodore 64 and if you wanted 65k of ram or 128k well you have to buy a Commodore 65 or Commodore 128. Commodore adopted the the 68k (Ironically made by Motorola) standard and moved to Powerpc however there was no special protections that prevented Amiga OS from running on regular Powerpc machines and there was no protection preventing MS-Dos from booting on non-IBM PCS. Android was one of the first steps towards separating the OS from the manufacturer. I hope MeeGo will separate the device and the Operating system entirely, but I doubt that will happen and I'm sure manufacturers will screw with it and put proprietary interfaces and bootloaders on top, and it will probably be a repeat of what happened with Windows Mobile, Symbian, Palm Os, and Android. sadface :(
People like Tivo like devices because they just work and generally don't require a lot of technical knowledge, compared to computer which has steep learning curve, can get viruses, slow downs, instabilities, will take a long time to boot, and can suffer various other bugs.

ysss 2011-01-10 05:11

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
I think it's pretty interesting how developers in FOSS communities are rather out of touch with the market, compared to commercial developers who has to constantly try to stay in touch with their target customers.

This is just fine and dandy when you deal with software, but when we're dealing with hardware platforms and ecosystem, the paradigm has to shift. We require the masses' (financial) support to continue to exist;

TiagoTiago 2011-01-10 06:38

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
In many situations i find the opposite to be true, comercial software and hardware developers don't really fullfill the customer desires, but for lack of alternatives and/or undue hype people buy the products anyway, while where there are free opensource alternatives often there are variations that much better satisfy user demands.

somedude 2011-01-10 06:50

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
What you talking about? N900 is my toy, hope you dont think your phone is your life.

danramos 2011-01-10 07:19

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by somedude (Post 916569)
What you talking about? N900 is my toy, hope you dont think your phone is your life.

And that's all it'll ever be, then... a toy. Meanwhile, the Android, iOS and Blackberry people have phones and mobile computers--which was originally what we were supposed to have been promised with the N900. Instead, it's become a cell-phone radio equipped Commodore 64-in-a-joystick that you can hook up to a standard definition TV. Nice.

mobiledivide 2011-01-10 07:31

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Engadget has another look at the Atrix showing a "Bluemaemo"-like interface when in multimedia mode and a little more in depth at the capabilities. This really is the Meego dream, plug into tablet select Tablet UI, plug into Nettop select Netbook UI.
I hope the N9 can deliver.

Off-Topic: I've been using a Nook color rooted as an Android Tablet for a few weeks now and really want a good Meego Tablet.

danramos 2011-01-10 08:11

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Pretty much everybody (Android, Blackberry, iOS, etc) actually has a TANGIBLE and good to beautiful looking tablet out there. Where are those Nokia tablets? heh.. heheh... Nokia. :) Man, I wish there was a real, consumer purchasable MeeGo product out so we can do more than just talk about how awesome it'll be when it comes out. :P

gerbick 2011-01-10 08:43

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
There's WeTab. It runs a version of MeeGo.

Wow. That's pretty damn sad reading that after I typed it. MeeGo was announced in February of 2010. Even the QNX based Blackberry Playbook that was announced in September of 2010 has professional videos from the company of origin and has no delays as of yet. WTF indeed.

johnel 2011-01-10 09:03

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 913692)
With bluetooth keyboard and mouse plus the TV-out cable you can "dock" your N900 on just about anywhere with a TV screen.

The TV-Out is deeply frustrating. The first time I plugged it in I thought I had developed cataracts!

I managed to get my Logitech blutooth keyboard+trackpad and use Easy Debian (mainly for web development stuff) and using it on a decent 32-inch flatscreen tv just about works.

The image is about as stable as a middle eastern country but then again it looks really authentic when I play commodore 64 and zx spectrum games!

What I find really "interesting" is that nokia kickstarted the *tablet computing market back in 2005 with the N770 and they were making steady progress.

With all the stuff they should have learned you would have thought they would have been dominant in that sector today!

Then Apple bring out the iPad with shiney multi-touch goodness, the retina display (teeny-weeny pixels) and "multi-tasking is for losers".

Ta-da! and for my next trick I Nokia will screw-up the smartphone market and reverse time by 1 year by abandoning maemo and re-starting everything again with MeeGo. We don't need no steenking TARDIS.

* I know Apple were developing their tablet device but Nokia was the first to really offer a viable commercial tablet device!

danramos 2011-01-10 09:09

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 916632)
There's WeTab. It runs a version of MeeGo.

Wow. That's pretty damn sad reading that after I typed it. MeeGo was announced in February of 2010. Even the QNX based Blackberry Playbook that was announced in September of 2010 has professional videos from the company of origin and has no delays as of yet. WTF indeed.

Yeah.. I remember people going all "SEE!" when the WeTab was announced... once again, where is it?

Check it!
April of 2010 this was posted:
September of 2010 this was posted:

Are we STILL waiting? It seems like it has useful potential but a little pokey (slow) to me despite the guy saying 'it responds very fast.' Maybe I've been spoiled by Android running on my Galaxy Tab but it seemed like some of the scrolling and launching was rife with latency and delay. Regardless, it's not out yet--so I can't even believe that that's a final product yet anyway. Both the Samsung Galaxy Tab and the WeTab showed up at the IFA in September of 2010, but only the Galaxy Tab came out and was purchasable in the store two months later.

Anyone got a link to a store where it can be bought? Is it even going to be sold or supported in North America? heh

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