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Jaastin 2011-01-08 01:13

ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
What's the verdict between the two? Which is faster?

Qualcomm's Snapdragon 1GHz 45nm Processor?
Texus Instrument's ARM Cortex a8 45nm Processor?

Your call Maemoians.

kingoddball 2011-01-08 01:15

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
A8 @1ghz is better than the first gen snapdragon (speed and GPU - not for movies).

Gen 2 snapgragon has a 45nm core. Runs better. Is it better? Don't know.

Mentalist Traceur 2011-01-08 01:51

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
Not sure honestly. However, last I checked the A8 doesn't come by itself, it's always a part of a SoC, whereas I remember reading that the Snapdragon doesn't include a GPU or any of the other SoC goodies. At least the first gen. Second gen, I don't know. *Shrug*

If I'm not wrong, then in most end-user use-cases, a device with a CPU and GPU will outperform a device with just a CPU, even with the CPU-only device running at a slightly faster clock speed. Again, though, I am by no means an expert, and what I've read could very well be inaccurate.

Jaastin 2011-01-08 01:54

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
Im hoping the A8 can still compete with the new 2011 CPU's. Heard of the Tetra 2?

Beastly Dual Core A9's.

mattbutsko 2011-01-08 01:57

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
Well, the hummingbird is supposedly a modified Cortex A8, but I've heard it's primarily just a rebrand and rename of the Cortex A8. If that is the case, then the Cortex A8 is better than the snapdargons used in Galaxy S phones and the Nexus One. I watched a comparison video and the hummingbird was significantly faster.

mikecomputing 2011-01-08 02:07

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz

Originally Posted by mattbutsko (Post 914629)
Well, the hummingbird is supposedly a modified Cortex A8, but I've heard it's primarily just a rebrand and rename of the Cortex A8. If that is the case, then the Cortex A8 is better than the snapdargons used in Galaxy S phones and the Nexus One. I watched a comparison video and the hummingbird was significantly faster.

History has shown that Cortex has been better than Snapdragon but now I dont know maybe it has changed...

Dany-69 2011-01-08 02:14

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
Mattbutsko, the galaxy s has a cortex a8 @ 1 ghz ;)
Not snapdragon..

mattbutsko 2011-01-08 02:24

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz

Originally Posted by Dany-69 (Post 914637)
Mattbutsko, the galaxy s has a cortex a8 @ 1 ghz ;)
Not snapdragon..

My bad, thats what was being compared. Typed that wrong. They were comparing the Galaxy S (captivate) to the Nexus One and Droid. What I meant is that the Hummingbird processor is apparently a modified A8, which I don't believe.

lardman 2011-01-08 11:11

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 914625)
Not sure honestly. However, last I checked the A8 doesn't come by itself, it's always a part of a SoC, whereas I remember reading that the Snapdragon doesn't include a GPU or any of the other SoC goodies. At least the first gen. Second gen, I don't know. *Shrug*

If I'm not wrong, then in most end-user use-cases, a device with a CPU and GPU will outperform a device with just a CPU, even with the CPU-only device running at a slightly faster clock speed. Again, though, I am by no means an expert, and what I've read could very well be inaccurate.

I also don't know about 1st vs 2nd gen, but the Snapdragon is theoretically supposed to be better than the OMAP for simd type operations:

and has an integrated GPU in the form of the Adreno chipset. They also all have HD video decode hw apparently.

lardman 2011-01-08 11:13

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz click on 1st generation and the drop down indicates that this also had integrated GPU.

Would be good to see some benchmarks though.

Some more relevant info:

Kangal 2011-01-08 11:14

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
The hummingbird (Galaxy S) @1GHz is supposedly slightly faster than an ARM Cortex A8 @1GHz.

The Texas Instrument (Droid X) chips are supposed to be equal.

The original (Nexus One) and second-model (HTC EVO 4G) Snapdragons @1GHz are noticably slower than a standard Cortex A8 @1GHz.

The second generation Snapdragon (HTC Desire HD) @1GHz is supposed to faster than the previous model, but I sense it is only on par with the Texas Instrument @1GHz.

Ofcourse, anything with Cortex A9 demolishes these ... but the "slight" power difference between the GalaxyS to the Nexus One is not apparent if the drivers/coding is sloppy *ahem Samsung *ahem.

tissot 2011-01-08 11:36

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
I don't think the differencies are too big between the 1ghz 45nm club that includes the OMAP36xx, hummingbird, new 45nm 1ghz Qualcomm(found example from Desire HD) and Apples A4.
Hummingbird uses the most powerfull GPU so it probably comes out as top, but i think you are going to find out if the software is optimized before the slight differences on those above.

Cortex A9 is actually something you might see the difference, if not because of increased speed you should find fully functional HDMI out that TI, Samsung, Nvidia, ST-Ericsson etc all include. Also the mpx count increases from max 12mpx that it is now, possible 1080 via HDMI out and increased resolution for video recording.

lardman 2011-01-08 15:13

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
Looks like the Qualcomm GPU is older gen than the Cortex one too:

tissot 2011-01-08 15:29

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 914963)
Looks like the Qualcomm GPU is older gen than the Cortex one too:

I believe you are talking about the old snapdragon here? There's two 1ghz snapdragons. The older one is 65nm bases and the newer one(again, found example from Desire HD) is 45nm based and got new GPU(Adreno 205).

lardman 2011-01-08 18:17

Re: ARM Cortex a8 1GHz vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz
Ah ok, thanks for the correction

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