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law138 2011-01-08 18:31

New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
Really like the specs but no keyboard i really hope they keep the macbook look from the leaked pics because it has a keyboard.

Dave999 2011-01-08 18:35

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboad?
If thats true. I can stop waiting for it.

msa 2011-01-08 18:38

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
didnt we already see real productpictures of the n9?
i dont think they will cut the keyboard after such a long time, also the keyboard is one of the main visual differences between the n8 and n9 (not that thats a deciding argument, but i'm just saying...)

law138 2011-01-08 18:39

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboad?
I hope its not cause i have to have keyboard.

law138 2011-01-08 18:43

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
i just hope the come with two meego devices one with a keyboad one without just like the n8 and e7.

casketizer 2011-01-08 18:44

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
No qwertz, no N9 (for me).
I had Omnia HD and GalaxyS and I will not ever go back to a touchscreen-only device.

gerbick 2011-01-08 18:46

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
New Nokia N9 rumor? How about this one... it'll be delayed yet again.

Oh wait... those are from the student renders? Pfft.

craftyguy 2011-01-08 18:49

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

no keyboard?
Nokia, welcome to 2007

tissot 2011-01-08 18:57

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
No, what dsmobile is saying that there will be qwertyless N9 and the already pictured N9. That qwertyless N9 would be announced or released some weeks after the qwerty N9.


Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 915113)
Oh wait... those are from the student renders? Pfft.

Those pictures are from Nokia and is the winner of Nokia's Design by Community.
Where Nokia gave you different specs to vote for and in the end 4-5 different design to choose from and the above won the votes.

gerbick 2011-01-08 19:07

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
Design by Community... students... tomato. Still reusing an already seen picture for a horrible rumor without any real backup?

law138 2011-01-08 19:10

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 915121)
No, what dsmobile is saying that there will be qwertyless N9 and the already pictured N9. That qwertyless N9 would be announced or released some weeks after the qwerty N9.

Those pictures are from Nokia and is the winner of Nokia's Design by Community.
Where Nokia gave you different specs to vote for and in the end 4-5 different design to choose from and the above won the votes.

So your saying that the n9 that we all saw with a keyboard will be out 1st then a 2nd device with out a keyboard later? I really hope thats true because i really love the macbook looking n9.

tissot 2011-01-08 19:19

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by law138 (Post 915136)
So your saying that the n9 that we all saw with a keyboard will be out 1st then a 2nd device with out a keyboard later? I really hope thats true because i really love the macbook looking n9.

Yes that's the rumour by dsmobile.


Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 915130)
Design by Community... students... tomato. Still reusing an already seen picture for a horrible rumor without any real backup?

Nobody is saying that the device will look like that, not dsmobile or the blog.
Nokia has just had a thing about the industrial design we have see on N8, E7, RM-680 and on this design. As the rumour about the qwertyless N9 is that it will be extremly thin it works nicely as a reference design here.

gerbick 2011-01-08 19:26

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Using a picture in a speculation piece of such is pretty bad form. Just use the Nokia logo, add a question mark, call it a day.

Adding a picture whose purpose was something totally different than a unfounded rumor is somewhat misleading. Especially when it was done by the very same community Nokia doesn't pay one bit of attention to...

Oops, that last bit was not a deflection. You want to say it's ok to use that image, I say it's misleading. I shouldn't use more words since that's what semantic lovers attach to first.

mikecomputing 2011-01-08 19:41

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
here we go again with new rumors with pictures already seen before. btw. the design competion pictures really looks like N8.

Again do not expect something new from Nokia at the MWC next month...

* N8 selling well
* E7 is soon to be released
* Meego not ready

tissot 2011-01-08 19:57

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 915171)
here we go again with new rumors with pictures already seen before. btw. the design competion pictures really looks like N8.

Again do not expect something new from Nokia at the MWC next month...

* N8 selling well
* E7 is soon to be released
* Meego not ready

Honestly i don't think N8 sales has much to do with it. N9 will easily be 100 euros more expensive than the ~470 euros N8(price probably drops even more by the time of N9).
It's not like Nokia is in the position to delay it's top end flagship phone, just because one high end phone is selling great like they maybe could have done in 2007. They need all the people they can to jump to Qt or MeeGo ship. Android is gunning very hard currently.

Meego not ready sounds much more to be the real reason if we wont see N9 in MWC.
Unfortunately it's also something that the guy i talked about previously has said that things are moving very slowly on the MeeGo side and the UI had big revamp not too far ago(because of Skillman maybe?).

lardman 2011-01-08 20:58

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 915183)
Meego not ready sounds much more to be the real reason if we wont see N9 in MWC.
Unfortunately it's also something that the guy i talked previously has said that things are moving very slowly on the MeeGo side and the UI had big revamp not too far ago(because of Skillman maybe?).

Is this Meego proper or a Harmattan-Meego hybrid that I (and others) assumed would be running on the N9 at least initially?

tissot 2011-01-08 21:01

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 915222)
Is this Meego proper or a Harmattan-Meego hybrid that I (and others) assumed would be running on the N9 at least initially?

According to him UI changes and making harmattan as compatible to MeeGo as possible are much of the reason for the delays.
He has said nothing about what will the qwertyless N9 have inside.

zymo 2011-01-09 11:52

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
Nokia is still working on Harmattan! You can check the bugreports here

Like tissot said Nokia wants to make Harmattan compatible to Meego, so it would be a MeeGo product and not just as Quim said an instance of Meego. Doing this Harmattan-Meego Device would receive the same Meego updates like entirely Meego Devices. The only Problem is timing. N9 has the Hardware of 2010 and with every delay its getting older. In the meantime Samsung is preparing their high end phone to showcase at MWC. In terms of marketing they can use features like Dual core CPU and 1080p Videorecording and playback.

mikecomputing 2011-01-09 12:54

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 915183)
Meego not ready sounds much more to be the real reason if we wont see N9 in MWC.
Unfortunately it's also something that the guy i talked about previously has said that things are moving very slowly on the MeeGo side and the UI had big revamp not too far ago(because of Skillman maybe?).

My guess is also that DEB is now dished inside nokia to make it fully meego compliant (=RPM). This was as we know not the plan in april 2010 when mobilin+maemo merged.

mikecomputing 2011-01-09 13:10

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by zymo (Post 915710)
The only Problem is timing. N9 has the Hardware of 2010 and with every delay its getting older. In the meantime Samsung is preparing their high end phone to showcase at MWC. In terms of marketing they can use features like Dual core CPU and 1080p Videorecording and playback.

If people decides phones after Ghz and how many pixels the camera has, well then they sometimes are stupid.

More Ghz or more pixels on the HW doesnt always mean theyr better/faster. Also true in the case of sofware like Flash 9 and Flash 10. If flash 9 has HW accel and Flash 10 has not and draining more battery and CPU which do you prefer?

* If an phone has 13Mpix camera and a old DSLR camera has 6 do you really beleive the phones camera is better?

* We already knows that 600 Mhz Cortex in many ways is better than Smartdragon 900Mhz. Or maybe this is not true Maybe its depending on OS its running?

* Maybe some OS is more optimized working in lower Mhz? (Hint: Maemo vs Android)

* My guess is there is plenty of HW outthere now that good HW fast GPU/CPU and so on in the specs. But they dont use it fully cause they dont know or had time to implement those new features in the os.

So my point is Mhz and pixels and/or latest versions of software/hardware is not always better.

zymo 2011-01-09 16:49

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 915779)
If people decides phones after Ghz and how many pixels the camera has, well then they sometimes are stupid.

More Ghz or more pixels on the HW doesnt always mean theyr better/faster. Also true in the case of sofware like Flash 9 and Flash 10. If flash 9 has HW accel and Flash 10 has not and draining more battery and CPU which do you prefer?

* If an phone has 13Mpix camera and a old DSLR camera has 6 do you really beleive the phones camera is better?

* We already knows that 600 Mhz Cortex in many ways is better than Smartdragon 900Mhz. Or maybe this is not true Maybe its depending on OS its running?

* Maybe some OS is more optimized working in lower Mhz? (Hint: Maemo vs Android)

* My guess is there is plenty of HW outthere now that good HW fast GPU/CPU and so on in the specs. But they dont use it fully cause they dont know or had time to implement those new features in the os.

So my point is Mhz and pixels and/or latest versions of software/hardware is not always better.

that is true, but most of the people only compare specs and after that they decide which device they buy. And again, in terms of marketing it would be better to have specs like dual core cpu and 1080p video out. This will make it easier for Samsung and others to promote their handsets, just like LG did it with the Optimus 2x/speed. The last time LG got so much attention for a phone was...i really don’t remember when it was. Techblogs were only talking about being the first dual core smartphone.

wmarone 2011-01-09 17:57

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 915226)
According to him UI changes and making harmattan as compatible to MeeGo as possible are much of the reason for the delays.

To do this they would basically have to toss the entire understructure and just shuffle the GUI over. Entirely possible, though time consuming (but essential, if you're Nokia.)


Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 915779)
So my point is Mhz and pixels and/or latest versions of software/hardware is not always better.

The catch is that clock for clock an A9 based dual-core device will outperform a single core A8 based device. No amount of software will help you, unless the software on the A9 is horribly unoptimized.

Releasing an A8 based device as your high end now would simply serve to embarrass Nokia, and I hope they've moved on to their next iteration (since they skipped the holiday season.)

buchanmilne 2011-01-10 08:14

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 915999)
The catch is that clock for clock an A9 based dual-core device will outperform a single core A8 based device. No amount of software will help you, unless the software on the A9 is horribly unoptimized.

Assuming everything is running on the main CPU, but graphics (runs on GPU) and many media operations (music/video decoding, image processing etc. run on DSP) don't.

Not all ARM devices using the same ARM core are identical at the same clock speed ...

Helmuth 2011-01-10 08:20

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
We will see... but if that's true it's nothing for me.

There is again no lens cover for the camera at the backside and I can't find the Hardware keyboard.

Such a Device is a no go. It's okay for some cheap iPhone replicas. But not for a Device with a Terminal...

F2thaK 2011-01-10 08:49

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
the N9 will be announced @ the MWC

tweeted 10 mins ago

oh, and there is a camera lens..

look harder.

edit: just read it all, and its all good news to me.
oh. apart from no hw kb. fail.

gerbick 2011-01-10 09:13

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
No hardware kb?

First they copied Apple with the no MMS on launch with the N900. Now they're dropping the hardware keyboard... just like Apple and the myriad of Android phones that are shunned around these parts.

The irony is not easily overlooked.

Radicalz38 2011-01-10 09:29

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 916648)
No hardware kb?

First they copied Apple with the no MMS on launch with the N900. Now they're dropping the hardware keyboard... just like Apple and the myriad of Android phones that are shunned around these parts.

The irony is not easily overlooked.

Be prepared. 3g video calling is next. Since most anddroid phones are dropping the front camera. See the legendary droid series :rolleyes:

gerbick 2011-01-10 09:40

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by Radicalz38 (Post 916655)
Be prepared. 3g video calling is next. Since most anddroid phones are dropping the front camera. See the legendary droid series :rolleyes:

Most Android phones are adding forward facing cameras now.

And unlike Maemo, Skype is being updated for that platform. Same for Nimbuzz and Fring. Among others.

lardman 2011-01-10 09:47

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 916637)
the N9 will be announced @ the MWC

tweeted 10 mins ago

oh, and there is a camera lens..

look harder.

edit: just read it all, and its all good news to me.
oh. apart from no hw kb. fail.

Tweeted by whom?

Helmuth 2011-01-10 09:50

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 916637)
oh, and there is a camera lens..

look harder.

Yes, there is a camera lens. But there is no cover! Read exactly before you advise others to look harder.

Radicalz38 2011-01-10 09:56

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 916659)
Most Android phones are adding forward facing cameras now.

And unlike Maemo, Skype is being updated for that platform. Same for Nimbuzz and Fring. Among others.

Hopefully I that would happen on droid 3. Cause I don't like all android phones except the droid series.


Originally Posted by lardman (Post 916660)
Tweeted by whom?

Tweeted by the bird on our backyard. :D

gerbick 2011-01-10 10:02

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by Radicalz38 (Post 916668)
Hopefully I that would happen on droid 3. Cause I don't like all android phones except the droid series

You're in luck. Don't forget that Motorola also makes the Atrix. It also has a forward facing camera. So that one feature that you covet will invariably find its way onto the one phone series that you also seem to covet so much.

Radicalz38 2011-01-10 10:24

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
Well hopefully they would also on a droid series. Cause I'm not interested in any motorola phones. I just got caught by the design of the droid. I want that phone with complete phone functions. And if that happens I wouldn't mind carrying my n900 and that droid everytime.

cjp 2011-01-10 10:42

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
Well we all know that a N9 with hw kb will come out eventually, and I'm really skeptical that the first MeeGo entry from Nokia wouldn't be it from the get go.

Because of the second factor of it being uncertain how far the Nokia MeeGo device will play along with other versions of MeeGo, I'm just going to sit this one out until both factors are to my pleasing:

HW KB + total compatibility with other MeeGo devices and updates to core MeeGo = win. Before this is true then I won't be getting one.

F2thaK 2011-01-10 11:10

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
i mean there is a lens cover..

see top right hand pic

tweeted by? read the link

Helmuth 2011-01-10 15:19

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 916707)
i mean there is a lens cover..

see top right hand pic

No, sorry. This is only a "unscratchable glass" - but not a cover to close and protect your lens before dust and fingerprints.
It's the same like at the picture in the middle. Only viewed at a different angel.

Something like at the N900 or N95 would be okay. A cover to open and start the camera application and to close if you don't need the camera.

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