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davetech 2011-01-22 07:32

N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
I'm curious, are there any other N900 style desktop browsing experience with full flash on any other phone? I love my N900 and browse on it and use the media players (mplayer and SiB) all the time. Having these features is a must for any future upgrade phone.

randomdood 2011-01-22 07:42

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
I could be wrong but to my knowledge there is not.
windows, iphone, symbian, android, RIM, WebOS... although I haven't had first hand experience with RIM or WebOS I don' tthink any of these really compare to the n900.
Best comprimise in my opinion is android (although not 100% sure of the media capabilites)
For future upgrade, depends when you want to upgrade, meego device was meant to be this year sometime (although I haven't kept up to date with meego device news)

kevinp93 2011-01-22 07:50

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
Well actually yesterday I read that the new Symbian Multitasking Interface is going to be very similar to the Multitasking UI of Maemo.

For more info, see:

Personally, I love the Maemo 5's UI because it is different in its own ways compared to other UI's around. It is easy to use and it just works (for me anyways). :)

slai 2011-01-22 13:17

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
There apparently also bringin a new browser to symbian3. The default one isnt as bad as some would claim. I use it over opera.

RafaLL92 2011-01-22 13:43

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
Hopefully not - this would make the N900 an even more unique device :)

davetech 2011-01-23 02:45

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
Yeah, I love my N900 but I don't expect it will last forever. And I wouldn't mind something with a slimmer profile and metallic build, dare I say it, like an iphone.

With smartphone specs being at where they are today, I am a bit surprised that no other phone has chosen to provide a fully (or close to it) desktop browsing experience like the N900. Seriously, what is the hold up? Are these companies afraid they'll be sapping market share away from their traditional computing devices? Come on already!

railroadmaster 2011-01-24 23:02

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
Android's browsing is pretty and it has flash 10

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-01-25 13:18

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
There's also Firefox Mobile for Android (as well as the N900):

I don't know about flash, but it supports extensions.

ch88xy 2011-01-25 14:55

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
Can anybody confirm that Firefox mobile (on any platform) supports various plugins? I use (desktop) Firefox mainly for its language support plugins. So far none of the tablets that I saw has that feature.

cfh11 2011-01-25 22:43

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
Microb > Android browser. That is all.

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-01-25 23:11

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
Just out of curiosity (and it is curiosity), what do you feel makes it greater?

cfh11 2011-01-25 23:46

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
android browser still feels like a phone whereas microb is pretty damn close to a desktop experience. on the whole i found the browsing experience to be kind of clunky on android. microb admittedly sucks on 2g though.. opera is more suited for that.

slai 2011-05-21 07:44

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
The good part about MicroB compared to say the SGS2 browser is that with the N900 you have a hardware keyboard with a backbutton and no need for a splitscreen keyboard etc. Thats what makes it so nice to browse on IMO.

Other than that the SGS2 browser is... outstandingly good. Only problem is that I havent found a way to switch useragent on it without having to repeat the process every time I launch the browser.

Bundyo 2011-05-21 09:17

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
RIM's Playbook browser is currently the best mobile browser I've seen. Based on WebKit, accelerated, JIT, SVG support, Flash + the OS has the same kind of all apps running at once multitasking like N900 has.

slai 2011-05-24 18:28

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
Eh, i still think the sgs2 browser is the best, but thats probably because of 4g and the phones hardware and not the browser as an isolated application.

tushyd 2011-05-24 18:35

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?
I had an archos 70 for a while (then I killed it by dropping it).

The best Android browser I tried was Dolphin Browser HD. It has tabs, flash support, side-bar bookmarks (like FF/Fennec) and even has gestures. Pretty great browser if you ask me.

But I still love microB...

Deaconclgi 2011-05-24 18:36

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 928628)
android browser still feels like a phone whereas microb is pretty damn close to a desktop experience. on the whole i found the browsing experience to be kind of clunky on android. microb admittedly sucks on 2g though.. opera is more suited for that.


I use both. The android browser defaults to mobile sites more often and lacks the detailed gesture controls and pc KB commands such as simple copy and paste (you have to use a menu and even then it is clunky)

Basically, the interaction with the Android browser is far worse than Microb.

Now, the AB loads faster and plays flash very well of course. I enjoy using it as long as I don't have to copy text, play a game or use detailed desktop like interactions. If so, it is Microb all the way.

My bank website shows up the desktop on Microb but comes up mobile on AB.

The AB is the second best desktop browser but the best smartphone browser, if that makes sense....

droitwichgas 2011-05-24 19:09

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?

Originally Posted by davetech (Post 925883)
I'm curious, are there any other N900 style desktop browsing experience with full flash on any other phone? I love my N900 and browse on it and use the media players (mplayer and SiB) all the time. Having these features is a must for any future upgrade phone.

Have you tried it with the Firefox extensions, shown on another thread on TMO recently as they seem to speed up MicroB and make it an even better browser in my view.

It seems as fast as my netbook to load website now.

Bundyo 2011-05-24 20:36

Re: N900 style desktop browsing experience on any other phone?

Originally Posted by Deaconclgi (Post 1014596)
The AB is the second best desktop browser but the best smartphone browser, if that makes sense....

Well, the best is little subjective :) Awkward navigation, no multitouch (except gestures) until 3.0 (OS issue actually), no SVG at all, broken CSS transitions until 2.3 and non accelerated including in 3.0... there is more, but as a web developer I am subjective too :)

Dolphin reuses the same WebKit engine so it is better only in UI. :)

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