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After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
OK, I know alot of you were, like me, waiting for the Meego N9.
After the bad news today, what will you buy as your next phone? I feel at a bit of a loss now, as I was looking forward to Meego but feel that there isn't really any point now.. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
No option say "Anything else but not Nokia device"?
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
When my N900 eventually fails then I will drop back to a non-smartphone mobile phone. I have several options that I like.
For pocketable open mobile device I will use something else, e.g. like the N800. Or Pandora. Or something else. There are gadgets out there which will let me run Debian or some such on a device like that. A closed-OS smartphone is something of absolutely no interest to me, particularly the utter rubbish called WP7. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
i hope some new, as of yet unknown company will fill the gap and release a nice and capable meego tablet or phone.
nokia is dead to me now. (seriously, how can you choose .NET/xna over Qt??) |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Something I can hack MeeGo onto I guess. Or failing that, some kind of handheld PC with a GSM modem on it.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Actually I'll hold the N900 (thanking for the support given here and not from Nokia).
Should we go to the Office of the human rigthts because this announcement is an attack against our right of freedom (open-source)? |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
I know how you feel, gutted isn't the word
Im keeping my n900, but Im going to start looking into Android devices now and see ones with h/w keyboards catch my eye.. Im not against WP7 as such, but it isn't ready yet, not by a long way... |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Thinking pretty hard about the Pre 3, but Palm never bothered to sell the Pre here in Australia. I'll probably end up on Android; the Nexus S is a great phone. I'll miss my hardware keyboard, and I'll miss the ability to treat my phone as a computer even more.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Now that Elop & Co. has killed MeeGo (as far as Nokia is concerned at least) I may give WebOS another serious look. Seems I'm left with 3 possible choices once I have to retire my N900:
1. WebOS. The Good: Will be the closest thing to Maemo/MeeGo/real Linux actually available on a phone. Good OS with a supportive community. Nice UI I can't help but like. Hackable. The Bad: Not open. Only offered on one company's hardware, which was one of the original reservations I had when switching to Maemo. 2. Android. The Good: Lotsa apps and hardware to choose from. UI still kinda sucks, but better than by far now than it was on my G1. Hackable. The Bad: UI still kinda sucks. Not truly open. Not really Linux. Been there, done that, don't miss it a bit. But probably worst of all is the Big Brother aka Google factor. 3. MeeGo. The Good: Real, open Linux distro. Most capable and adaptable of any mobile OS. Base UI looks ok and a Maemo-style UI would rock. Slim possibility of availability on a variety of hardware. The Bad: Nothing actually on the market. Very iffy future. Gotta wait and see and hope my N900 doesn't break before a suitable MeeGo device is available from someone, if ever. Doesn't look promising now that will happen. Tough situation... Edit: Just saw a video of the Pre3 w/WebOS. Strike 1: Friggin' veritcal slider with teeny-tiny keyboard like the original Pre. I hate those - unusable. Strike 2: Apparently runs on AT&T. I need T-Mobile compatibility. Strike 3: I'd be tied to one hardware manufacturer and OS developer again. You're outta here! But now what? Android has the hardware choices and apps I need, but can I hold my nose long enough? My wife's G2 is looking better... |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
WebOS for now.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Actuallly, what I reallly really want is to have KDE on my smartphone. There are some efforts by the the KDE team, hope they make it!
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
MeeGo if it ever happens. Maybe WebOS. I already have an Android handset and I'm not impressed at all. Maybe another N900 for spare. I wouldn't touch a WP7 Nokia with a stick.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
For sure I won't buy a MicroNokia phone.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
When Nokia release Meego Handset, we will hack to have Preenv multi-touch apps. There is potential goodnes for not having Nokia in the driving seat, and that is it attracts a lot more smaller players who now feel they have a chance. . |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Second N900, of course.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Haha , easy one! When my N900 dies. I'll use my second one.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Where's the "none of the above" option?
If I have to change my n900 for another phone (which i'm going to do if it breaks), im getting a nokia 1100 for calls and sms, and a windows 7 tablet. The mobile phone os wars is getting boring, and neither one of those options is appealing to me wp7, not mature enough; Android, 50 "different" devices, different versions of the same os, you never know if the manufacturer is going to update it to last version, etc; iphone, would only use it if i got it for free; webos, should have let it die when they had a chance; meego, by the time it gets to the streets (if it ever hits the streets), it will be outdated. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
what will i buy? Android.
i would still prefer to have a Meego device but after today's symphony of unmitigated cretinism i simply don't trust Nokia to execute it competently. Meego no longer a platform = stupid stupid idea! No QT on nokia Win7 phones = stupid stupid idea! how does nokia manage to be this incompetent? |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
With the announcement, I'll have to re-think my options all over.
I'm just an average user with no linux skills. Multitask and real web experience is KING for me and no other OSes offer them like Maemo does. I'll keep using N900 till it dies out on me. After that, I might just buy a cheap low end Android phone to make phone calls, play games and apps. Then, consider a HP WebOS tablet or RIM's playbook for web surfing and other craves to kill time while commuting. Boy, just think of it making me kinda sad that I'll need 2 devices to replace my one n900. I had always hoped that meego will be a next big thing and offer greater things than Maemo. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
I'll buy a dumbphone. Not sure I can handle the stresslevel that modern smartphones face these days. If I want drama, I watch tv. Just maybe when an open alternative hits the shelves I'd be brave enaugh to visit the outside world once again. Lol.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
talk about failing to support... i dont about any other nokia fans, but i loved thier phones because of thier quality, and thier variety. An now that they we annouced they're adding one more os, nokia fans bad mouth them? wtf kind of fans are you? meego is still coming, win os is coming, symbian is still here, now they have access to money and research that they may not have budgeted for as well. they cannot afford to drop meego because they still need something to rape android. Meego is still the answer... qt is still the answer, two-way compatibility between meego and symbian is still the answer.
so as far as im concerned, you folks that voted android are purely judgemental. nothing has even been anouced about upcoming devices and you;re already jumping off the band wagon. well i got news for you, MEEGO will visit you in your nightmares when you join android. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
None of the above. I've bought a second N900 and will keep an eye on prices and possibly buy one or two more as the prices fall. Even if all they are good for is tethering to a netbook running Linux it will well be worth the cost to avoid these other devices that are sure to be locked down.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
1st - buy a 2nd N900 as backup, this should cover 4 to 5 year of usage, by the end of that time 3G/edge and wifi on G would really be too slow and may no longer be available on public networks:(
2nd - some android phone 3rd - ixxxx 4th - dump phone + n900 5th - dump phone + some android "tab" the last - when the hell freezes over - WP7 |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
This makes my past purchase of a back up N900 make even more sense. There is nothing else like it, and I have no idea what I will do when they both break or TMO stops supporting it somehow. I dislike the creepy Android/Google tracking of everything you do. To me iOS is too closed, too Disney and homely (unless you jailbreak). WebOS seems like a nice OS, but so far the hardware blows. And I will never use AT&T's service. I only hope some other companhy takes up Meego for real.
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Samsung Galaxy S2 or Pré 3. I hope that gpodder team will devlelop on Android!
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
I will buy the next meego phone from nokia! Why? Just to show Elop that he is wrong!
If all of us would buy the meego phone, maybe elop mentiones that he made a mistake... and nokias board of directors will fire him... please do it... he is ruining nokia from inside... @ Nokia board of directors: Why??? The whole world (except of the u.s.) hoped for meego, even the carriers said that meego would be their preference... much more n8 has been soled then all wp7 phones together, a lot of developers already made apps for it, will they shift to wp7? no, they wont! And you guys dont do anything against it. now we will get 3 ecosystems, all of them in the us, nothing european... and soon (thats what i really hope) nokia will fail more then ever before with wp7, so that elop will be fired... Until this morning i was a real nokia fan but now i dont know what to do... the next meego device could be my last nokia phone if they dont bring more devices (1 per year would be enough, if its good enough to compete with other) |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Maybe a 2nd N900, or, if Pre3 is available on my network/contract (no previous Pre devices have been), I'll take that.
http://dailymobile.se/2011/02/10/hp-...iew-and-specs/ WebOS seems to be as open (to end users) as Meego, or at least more open than Maemo: http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/...ccessing_Linux Will HP buy Qt? Surely Nokia will have no need for it in about 2 year's time, so they could sell the Qt business to HP and keep some Symbian/Qt people until they've sold 150 million Symbian phones (5 quarters?). |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
.... you seriously believe Elop is working for the good of Nokia ?
He is not dumb, he is fully aware of what he is doing Quote:
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Trust me when I say that I have no confidence in Nokia. I got burned on the N97 and although the N900 was good I got stabbed in the back again; the bottom line is that Nokia only cares about screwing you over and taking your money. The difference with Google and Apple is that they want to take all your money but understand that they can't screw you over repeatedly without losing your business. Maybe that's why Nokia went with Microsoft? :cool: |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
merge of the A-holes;
WP7 = failed software Nokia = failed business plan |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Can't vote because you didn't put QNX up there. I have an N810 at home that now collects dust...and I am using an N8 for my day to day use...mostly I have it for the camera...love the camera...hate a few other things about it. In the end the N810 will be replaced by the RIM Playbook and my N8 will just run joikuspot for the playbook is all.
If they ever get QNX into a real phone that would be technically interesting to me as well. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
As far as Apple, they haven't changed since the early 1980's. Their need to keep a closed platform doomed them in the home PC market after they seemed to be the leader, and will probably doom them in the smartphone market too. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
I hope I can lay my hands on the ATRIX 4G....
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
third of all, no one said anything about throwing meego in the backburner. You obviously didn't read the article stating that there are two division to nokia now, one for meego and symbian, and one for microsoft. They havent even created a plan for a phone for microsoft yet, but meego is already more than half way to completion. Most probably meego will be out before a phone with microsoft is even though microsoft is publically being sold. and finally, its not over till the fat lady sings. Nothing's even happened yet, so look at the glass half full and not half empty. - peace |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Second: I buy the one MeeGo Handset thats coming out. This will last me like 4-5 years from now |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
I bought an n810 towards the end of its life cycle at the beginning of 2009. Then the GPS support was dropped by navicore and flash became outdated then little things... I remember right up until the release of n900 people were saying the n810 would get an update. There was even vids of it running maemo5.
Needless to say despite how awesome an n900 is and how many os' have been ported to it I'm glad I went with an android device. Got myself a Dell Streak for Christmas and have been impressed by the one man army that is DJ_Steve at XDA. That is the thing about android- there is always someone making cooked roms for your device- even the G1 still has updates, where as Nokia's product support is barely over a year. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
If you guys want a cheap option you guys really should try out the Hd2. It's a great hackable phone and will remind you of the n900. They've already have ubuntu, Android, wp7, and soon will try to hack meego on there when 1.2 is released. It really is a great device to have even if you want to use your n900 as your daily driver phone, allows you to try out practically every OS.
I still use my n900 everyday and as everyone else I was looking forward for the n9, but for now unless it looks extremely impressive, I think I'll settle for WebOS or another hackable Android phone, maybe the LG optimus x2. |
Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
for those of you who think intel and nokia are gona throw meego out to dry, here's wat intel announced today:
"While we are disappointed with Nokia’s decision, Intel is not blinking on MeeGo. We remain committed and welcome Nokia’s continued contribution to MeeGo open source. Our strategy has always been to provide choice when it comes to operating systems, a strategy that includes Windows, Android, and MeeGo. This is not changing. MeeGo is not just a phone OS, it supports multiple devices. And we’re seeing momentum across multiple segments – automotive systems, netbooks, tablets, set-top boxes and our Intel silicon will be in a phone that ships this year." This show's how nokia is now looking to expand to more than the mobile market, with the addition of microsoft, it will certainly be easier. |
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