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mikecomputing 2011-02-16 13:20

I beginning to think HP WebOS is my next OS its a shame it isnt fully opensource :-(

But as long as the Meego isnt release any phonehandset (thanks Elop but youre an idiot) and the reference UI of touchpads is kinda halfdone/laggy I dont see any competer to webos it seems to be the best atm :-)

I still beleive Meego could succes but as long there isnt any good HW its just nothing. I mean those tablets shown on MWC is just "reference devices" nothing else...

Keep post comments heree about what u know about WebOS :-)

jmc8501 2011-02-16 13:33

Re: HP WebOS
WebOS is a fantastic system, much better than maemo or anything else currently on the market. The limitations it has had are hardware and app development. And although it isn't fully opensource, it is very pretty good when compared to iOS or others out there.

Hopefully the Pre 3 is a good phone, I'm definitely considering a switch.

marxian 2011-02-16 13:46

Re: HP WebOS
I'm interested in WebOS, but I don't find any of the upcoming devices that appealing. The Pre 3 looks OK, but I would prefer a side-sliding keyboard. Also, the build quality does not look that great from the videos I've seen.

philh 2011-02-16 13:50

Re: HP WebOS
My brother said they had the Pre 3 in the office for couple of days last week, he said the keyboard mechanism started creaking after such a short time. Probably a one-off but it doesn't instills confidence.

benny1967 2011-02-16 14:02

Re: HP WebOS
when you compare meego and webos (all the layers below the actual user interface), is there much difference? i want a system that's basically a linux kernel with components i know from the desktop (x, bluez, dbus, gstreamer... you know...). i would like to be able to run shell scripts, ssh into the phone, run qt-applications that i wrote myself,...

i don't really care if the top layers, applications and UI, are open or closed.

could webOS deliver this for me? (apart from the fact that i'll still have to find a place to order a device here...)

cddiede 2011-02-16 14:07

Re: HP WebOS
I'm also considering WebOS if I get desperate.

Not too smart to make the "we're moving to Win Phone 7" announcement less then a week after HP blew it out with all of those amazing new WebOS device announcements.

I've been looking over at WebOS Internals and while they don't seem to have nearly the home brew support of Maemo, they do have some interesting packages available on their repository including Upstart, VNC, QT libs, and a full X server and associated libraries.

VERY promising. Even if it's not as true an X11/Linux system as Maemo out of the box, all of the ingredients are available.

Check out the preware repo contents here:

maluka 2011-02-16 14:15

Re: HP WebOS
HP needs better hardware designers. Hopefully they can poach on of the Nokia guys.

mbo 2011-02-16 14:16

Re: HP WebOS
They announced yesterday they will send "all qualified developers" a palm pre 2 device for free.

Don't know what "qualified" means, but I'll see...

extendedping 2011-02-16 14:24

Re: HP WebOS
is there a bash shell, gnu utils and ability to run chroot apps? If not, what good as linux woud it be?

cddiede 2011-02-16 14:28

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by extendedping (Post 948008)
is there a bash shell, gnu utils and ability to run chroot apps? If not, what good as linux woud it be?

There is a terminal app available. You can put bash on it, and several GNU utils will run on it.

Again, not as good as Maemo, but a really good start.

epage 2011-02-16 14:31

Re: HP WebOS
Looking at the webOS internals stuff I see I could get pretty much all the command line stuff I want

App development is a bit limited to either C or Javascript. It does have SDL so maybe pygame could work on it. Also I think I saw someone post that they are shipping qt so I wonder if that'll become a possibility.

The two main issues are (1) limited HW availability due to single vendor and (2) with large parts not being open and HP limited SW upgrades, will we run into a similar situation as we do with Nokia and some Android manufacturers that to upgrade SW you have to buy a new device.

cddiede 2011-02-16 14:35

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by epage (Post 948015)
The two main issues are (1) limited HW availability due to single vendor and (2) with large parts not being open and HP limited SW upgrades, will we run into a similar situation as we do with Nokia and some Android manufacturers that to upgrade SW you have to buy a new device.

Agreed it's not perfect, but considering the events of the last week it's looking very attractive.

The single hardware source and possibility of a compelled hardware upgrade are no different then where we were with Maemo and Nokia.

Except HP seems to give a s^$T about their Linux platform....

stickymick 2011-02-16 14:44

Re: HP WebOS
Looking down WebOS Avenue myself for my next handset.
After the N900 I don't think I could go back to a closed or network branded O/S again.

Not liking the current range of Palm handsets at the mo, they look a little too "Old School Samsung(ish)" to me.

mmlado 2011-02-16 15:25

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by mbo (Post 948001)
Don't know what "qualified" means, but I'll see...

In this content I mean it means developers who have done apps for the Pre 2, will get free a Pre 3 so they can move their aps to Enyo.


to see how you can receive the latest device to test your apps.

sjgadsby 2011-02-16 15:40

Re: HP WebOS
WebOS looks interesting. However, the hardware upon which it runs concerns me. The earlier Palm-built Pres made the news several times for widespread hardware design and build issues, and a decade or more has passed since I've had an HP printer or other peripheral remain functional long enough past the end of its short limited warranty period to not leave me feeling the device's engineering had focused on being just good enough.

I'm watching and hoping HP will prove my fears groundless. There was a time I trusted HP for high quality engineering. I want to again.

mikecomputing 2011-02-16 15:55

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 948000)
HP needs better hardware designers. Hopefully they can poach on of the Nokia guys.

I dont think the HW engineers inside Nokia will leave the company my guess is this people will get even more money too stay cause both Nokia and Microsoft needs them alot more than the SW engineers...

mikecomputing 2011-02-16 15:59

Re: HP WebOS
Some of the core linux stuff seems similar :-D

ysss 2011-02-16 16:14

Re: HP WebOS
I've had numerous build quality issues with my Palm Treos from years ago (600, 650, 680); but they were good with support. I just had to make an appointment with them to check their replacement unit stock, came by one of their support point and get an immediate hardware exchange.

Full backup and full restore of data took less than 15 minutes... and off I go, like nothing bad had happened.

But yeah, this issue is certainly not new to Palm. I've higher expectations now that they're under hp.

mrojas 2011-02-16 16:38

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 948067)
WebOS looks interesting. However, the hardware upon which it runs concerns me. The earlier Palm-built Pres made the news several times for widespread hardware design and build issues, and a decade or more has passed since I've had an HP printer or other peripheral remain functional long enough past the end of its short limited warranty period to not leave me feeling the device's engineering had focused on being just good enough.

I'm watching and hoping HP will prove my fears groundless. There was a time I trusted HP for high quality engineering. I want to again.

It is highly probable I'll go with their tablet, I am a big multi-tasker and because I'm guessing that there will be less build quality issues with a mono-block design than with a slider one. From what I read on the web, the only manufacturer able to do good slider designs is Nokia... :(

mmlado 2011-02-16 17:04

Re: HP WebOS
I tried to register on as a developer.
If you're like me and live outside of these countries:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Republic of, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Martinique, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Somalia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
though luck, you can't... :( unless... you know, you lie. :)
You can register for their board.
I started a thread there, asking around if there are others like me, but nothing yet. Join me :) :

They have a program now, Developer Device Program.


We're excited to announce that developers will be able to purchase an unlocked UMTS Palm Pre 2 smartphone online in the United States at a $200 discount. Just send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to request a coupon!
As I know any newly registered developer can ask for the coupon.
It will be in effect till June 30th 2011.
It's only available in US. :(

Hope HP will start broadening their borders, shortly... if not they will probably loose lot of developers, from here, who will instead go for Android.

daperl 2011-02-16 17:27

Re: HP WebOS
WebOS seems to have the most affinity with Maemo/MeeGo, but since you'll only see WebOS on HP hardware, let's talk hardware.

The Palm Pre 2 doesn't have a compass. The Palm Pre 3 specs say compass (also for Veer?), but I think it's CPU is single core. I say sit back and wait. HP is making a good effort, but they're playing catchup at the moment and their hardware might leave some people wanting.

cddiede 2011-02-16 17:42

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 948181)
WebOS seems to have the most affinity with Maemo/MeeGo, but since you'll only see WebOS on HP hardware, let's talk hardware.

The Palm Pre 2 doesn't have a compass. The Palm Pre 3 specs say compass (also for Veer?), but I think it's CPU is single core. I say sit back and wait. HP is making a good effort, but they're playing catchup at the moment and their hardware might leave some people wanting.

Okay, but isn't their hardware already better then what we have on the N900? I don't think we can count on a credible device upgrade from Nokia anymore so even the current HP WebOS devices don't have every bell and whistle, it's still better then what we've got.

daperl 2011-02-16 17:57

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 948189)
Okay, but isn't their hardware already better then what we have on the N900? I don't think we can count on a credible device upgrade from Nokia anymore so even the current HP WebOS devices don't have every bell and whistle, it's still better then what we've got.

If so, how much better? Compared to the current landscape, it seems too incremental. I'm looking for a hardware leap. If the n900 had a compass I wouldn't even be looking. 2011 is gonna be a good year for hardware offerings. I still say wait.

cddiede 2011-02-16 17:59

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 948205)
If so, how much better? Compared to the current landscape, it seems too incremental. I'm looking for a hardware leap. If the n900 had a compass I wouldn't even be looking. 2011 is gonna be a good year for hardware offerings. I still say wait.

I agree to wait. But primarily I'm waiting because Maemo is still better then WebOS. In a year or so, I'm afraid that won't be the case so I'm mentally preparing myself to migrate.

mikecomputing 2011-02-16 19:54

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 948205)
If so, how much better? Compared to the current landscape, it seems too incremental. I'm looking for a hardware leap. If the n900 had a compass I wouldn't even be looking. 2011 is gonna be a good year for hardware offerings. I still say wait.

you forget that hardware is not all. I have heard plenty of people complaining about laggy Android even if it the HW is sometimes faster than HP:s webos based HW or N900.

lma 2011-02-16 22:53

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 947947)
I beginning to think HP WebOS is my next OS its a shame it isnt fully opensource :-(

But then again, what is?

It's very tempting, possibly even the most viable alternative out there at the moment, but I'll wait to hear whether they stopped spying on customers first.

GeraldKo 2011-02-17 02:13

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 948205)
If so, how much better? Compared to the current landscape, it seems too incremental. I'm looking for a hardware leap. If the n900 had a compass I wouldn't even be looking. 2011 is gonna be a good year for hardware offerings. I still say wait.

@daperl OT: Why is a compass so important to you?

maxximuscool 2011-02-17 02:33

Re: HP WebOS
HP phone design is ugly as F**K. I want something more elegance and sexy. Make it a slim 4.0" and provide all the goodies hardware :) then I'll be all in baby.

For now the OS is great but the device is not so..

daperl 2011-02-17 02:56

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 948577)
@daperl OT: Why is a compass so important to you?

The origin of the Big Bang is the limit. Augmented reality is only at the zygote stage, and handhelds aren't the endgame, but they're a good start.

mrojas 2011-02-17 03:33

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by mmlado (Post 948151)
I tried to register on as a developer.
If you're like me and live outside of these countries:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Republic of, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Martinique, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Somalia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
though luck, you can't... :( unless... you know, you lie. :)
You can register for their board.
I started a thread there, asking around if there are others like me, but nothing yet. Join me :) :

They have a program now, Developer Device Program.

As I know any newly registered developer can ask for the coupon.
It will be in effect till June 30th 2011.
It's only available in US. :(

Hope HP will start broadening their borders, shortly... if not they will probably loose lot of developers, from here, who will instead go for Android.

Last time I saw, Android had the same restrictions. I know because currently I live in Peru (which is in South America, same region than Argentina, Chile, Brazil, which are neighboring countries) and a friend couldn't register. We can't buy paid apps on the Market either. Hell, I can't even download Skype!

Same restrictions for the Ovi Store, btw.

GeraldKo 2011-02-17 03:48

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 948600)
The origin of the Big Bang is the limit. Augmented reality is only at the zygote stage, and handhelds aren't the endgame, but they're a good start.

I guess I'm at the zygote stage, too.

MoJo 2011-02-17 03:53

Re: HP WebOS
Great OS, same POS hardware and form factor. I hate that design from day 1.

debernardis 2011-02-17 06:14

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 948577)
@daperl OT: Why is a compass so important to you?

After I tried the Google Skymap app on an Android (Galaxy Tab) I sorely miss the presence of a compass on my n900. Being able to point a part of the sky and automagically see details of every object is amazing.

kureyon 2011-02-18 14:24

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 948019)
Except HP seems to give a s^$T about their Linux platform....

Really? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think HP is exactly pushing the fact that WebOS is Linux based.

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-02-18 17:40

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 948668)
After I tried the Google Skymap app on an Android (Galaxy Tab) I sorely miss the presence of a compass on my n900. Being able to point a part of the sky and automagically see details of every object is amazing.

The Tab has a compass as well as a gyro. I remember watching a talk on how to have extremely fluid and accurate positioning by interpreting info from both the gyro and compass.

It's a shame that Google Skymap doesn't support this, but it's most certainly a software thing...

mbo 2011-02-27 11:48

Re: HP WebOS
Ordered a pre plus this morning on ebay, almost new, for 166€!
I couldn't resist, since pre+ should be upgradable to webos 2.1 now.

glassflag 2011-03-04 12:51

Re: HP WebOS
I'm quite interested in the Metal Watch HP has announced.

Just when I resolve myself to the fact that I am moving on to Meego and not switching to webOS HP come out with something new...

Jedibeeftrix 2011-03-08 13:35

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by glassflag (Post 960529)
I'm quite interested in the Metal Watch HP has announced.

Just when I resolve myself to the fact that I am moving on to Meego and not switching to webOS HP come out with something new...

me too.

it was only a few days ago that i was saying apple should do exactly that with the ipod nano given that people wear it on their wrist these days anyway.

cheve 2011-03-10 20:46

Re: HP WebOS
interesting article "HP: The Linux Desktop Company" :

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-03-10 20:57

Re: HP WebOS

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 948668)
After I tried the Google Skymap app on an Android (Galaxy Tab) I sorely miss the presence of a compass on my n900. Being able to point a part of the sky and automagically see details of every object is amazing.

Try this on for size:

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