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eVrajka 2011-03-02 15:55

[Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
I have had a dream, opera mini on the n900.
And three brave Russian guy helped me realize my dream (ŠS0d
ŽAle}{(is) ŽVoobsche).
They wrote an intermediate proxy server (on python) that can connect to the opera mini server, and minimize traffic.

Here's a quick tutorial:
1) Download the OMPD - tHE oPERA mINI Proxy (python 2.5 required)

2) Unpack archive anywhere.

3) Run server with command: python ./ompd.pyc -d (without gainroot)

4) Go on localchost:8080 Check availability, make the necessary adjustments.

5) Go to the "expensive" :) connection settings(setting>>internet connections>>connections>>"expensive" connection>> edit >>next>>next>>advanced>>proxies), GPRS in my case, and and in the Http proxy enter: port 8080

6) All your browsers will work through operamini proxy (Opera Mobile and MicroB works fine, others not tested)
and you have the cache


Everyone a good day!

OPMD-proxy official source

Google and this post screenshots (MicroB)

Tiboric 2011-03-02 16:01

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
That's really cool, won't have to worry about slow connections when out and about.

eVrajka 2011-03-02 16:03

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by Tiboric (Post 958983)
That's really cool, won't have to worry about slow connections when out and about.

That's right, buddy, that's right.

joppu 2011-03-02 16:15

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
Any screenshots on actual results on a website?

debernardis 2011-03-02 16:16

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
Actually you can have the real opera mini on your n900, through the use of microemulator. Several guides detail how to on

eVrajka 2011-03-02 16:34

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 959001)
Actually you can have the real opera mini on your n900, through the use of microemulator. Several guides detail how to on

It's not linux way))

maemo55 2011-03-02 16:58

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
can explain easyer step 3 and 4 :)

i am a noob :o:o

jacktanner 2011-03-02 17:06

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
how's this proxy different from a proxy like squid?

maemo55 2011-03-02 17:24

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
i cant understand step3 and 4

any buddy explain easy for me ? :(

hawaii 2011-03-02 17:27

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
FWIW, ALL data for your set connection will attempt to be sent through this proxy. You might want to re-think doing this.

XxJacobxX 2011-03-02 18:10

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
Can somebody please post a n00b guide for n00bs starting with how to install python2.6 till how to open the browser? I'll really appreciate this.

XxJacobxX 2011-03-02 18:29

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
anyone? i really need this!

eVrajka 2011-03-02 18:33

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by maemo55 (Post 959019)
can explain easyer step 3 and 4 :)

i am a noob :o:o

3) open consol, go to the ompd directory (if you don't know how you can do that, read this manual) write python ./ompd.pyc -d

4) in any browser adress line write localhost:8080

6) be happy)

debernardis 2011-03-02 18:36

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
How do I know this is safe? I don't wanto to offend the OP of course but - you know - the internets are a wild place - and I tried to look at the source but it's compiled and I don't know how to turn it in a readable form... So?

Joseph9560 2011-03-02 19:30

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
oh I don't seems to find python 2.6 for n900. checked fapman, and nothing yet. is that brisa thing a python package, I don't think so. googling as of now for python, after that I am sure I can do rest of the steps.

Edit: for python 2.5 and I guess it is in pr 1.3 by default or at least mine got 2.5.2

eVrajka 2011-03-02 19:36

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by Joseph9560 (Post 959114)
oh I don't seems to find python 2.6 for n900. checked fapman, and nothing yet. is that brisa thing a python package, I don't think so. googling as of now for python, after that I am sure I can do rest of the steps.

Oh, I'm so sorry, it's my fault.

enough version 2.5

[DarkGUNMAN] 2011-03-02 19:41

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
python /home/user/apps/ompd/ompd/pyc -d

RuntimeError: Bad magic number in .pyc file

Running python 2.5.4

Joseph9560 2011-03-02 19:47

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by eVrajka (Post 959120)
Oh, I'm so sorry, it's my fault.

enough version 2.5

I actually got magic number error thing in the file link you have provided while executing command python .....

eVrajka 2011-03-02 19:48

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by [DarkGUNMAN] (Post 959127)
python /home/user/apps/ompd/ompd/pyc -d

RuntimeError: Bad magic number in .pyc file

Running python 2.5.4

python /home/user/apps/ompd/ompd.pyc -d
Are you sure that is spelled correctly?

If not, try this.

eVrajka 2011-03-02 19:57

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
There is two linux version of this programm
for Unix-like system, python v2.5
for Unix-like system, python v2.6, (r) nds

I have python 2.5.2 on my n900, and ompd version for python 2.6 working successfully.

rantom 2011-03-02 19:59

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by eVrajka (Post 958979)
5) Go to the "expensive" :) connection settings(setting>>internet connections>>connections>>"expensive" connection>> edit >>next>>next>>advanced>>proxies), GPRS in my case, and and in the Http proxy enter: port 8080

Couldn't one just go and install fAPN from Applications Manager and create a clone of the regular connection and then modify it?

eVrajka 2011-03-02 20:03

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by rantom (Post 959141)
Couldn't one just go and install fAPN from Applications Manager and create a clone of the regular connection and then modify it?

Probably can, if you write a manual I am inserting it into the cap.
I've never used fAPN.

rantom 2011-03-02 20:08

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by eVrajka (Post 959148)
Probably can, if you write a manual I am inserting it into the cap.
I've never used fAPN.

No need to write a new one. See the talk and the homepage. It's in Extras (stable, I mean), you can install it from there and customize the new connection.

eVrajka 2011-03-02 20:12

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by rantom (Post 959151)
No need to write a new one. See the talk and the homepage. It's in Extras (stable, I mean), you can install it from there and customize the new connection.

Ok, thank you, I will try to use fAPN.

[DarkGUNMAN] 2011-03-02 20:46

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
You can also load any page without reconfiguring the proxy settings:


Layout uses Mobile view. Is there a way to configure it to use full page view?

eVrajka 2011-03-02 20:55

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by [DarkGUNMAN] (Post 959178)
You can also load any page without reconfiguring the proxy settings:


Layout uses Mobile view. Is there a way to configure it to use full page view?

As I understand it, operamini works in layoutmode (Mobile view) only.

[DarkGUNMAN] 2011-03-02 21:03

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
Unfortunately it seems to have issues loading any threads from the main TMO page.

Love the concept of this, but it's not ready yet, will wait until it gets to the point of supporting OM Protocol 4 (full screen view) and give it another try.

Till then, it's still MicroEmulator and OperaMini 4.2 for me.

eVrajka 2011-03-02 21:15

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
Unfortunately the OMPD python project is frozen back in 2009... ((

XxJacobxX 2011-03-03 08:00

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
still need a simple guide, please?

Joseph9560 2011-03-03 08:25

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
I had number of issues with this as well, I was unable to login to tmo, it just take me to click if not redirected page and clicking it takes to me same page. Plus there are number of instances where error msgs are displayed.

[DarkGUNMAN] 2011-03-03 10:29

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
@eVrajka: I would recommend contacting the authors to see if they are interested in picking up the project again. If not then at least release the original .py files for someone else who is interested in continuing the project to use the OM4 protocol for full-page rendering.

Looking at the error messgages at the terminal, the proxy did not pick up or include the '&' symbol in the url's used on TMO threads.

s0d 2011-03-05 16:29

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by [DarkGUNMAN] (Post 959563)
Looking at the error messgages at the terminal, the proxy did not pick up or include the '&' symbol in the url's used on TMO threads.

Is there any people interested in further project development and ready to take part in OM4 protocol reverse engeneering?

elros34 2016-03-21 16:45

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
Is there anybody who was able to use this in 2016? localhost:8080/site and osmget.pyc/osmauth.pyc just throws errors.

mp107 2016-03-21 18:43

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
It looks like it uses Opera Mini 2.x-3.x servers.
Unfortunately, they have been shut down some time ago.

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