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bulelet 2011-03-06 18:56

im about to
smash my phone.
i just woke up, turned it on, and its laggy. just lagging all the way.

why must it behave like a pc, i have nothing on it from devel. WHY.

a clean phone software wise and its lagging. WHY.
why cant it just work like its supposed to.

just wanna share my little rant with all of you there i know some people experiences this too.
i still like my phone anyways.

ok off to reboot.

ericsson 2011-03-06 18:59

Re: im about to
Then smash it, and post pics. Please .....

dr_frost_dk 2011-03-06 19:02

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by bulelet (Post 961963)
smash my phone.
i just woke up, turned it on, and its laggy. just lagging all the way.

why must it behave like a pc, i have nothing on it from devel. WHY.

a clean phone software wise and its lagging. WHY.
why cant it just work like its supposed to.

just wanna share my little rant with all of you there i know some people experiences this too.
i still like my phone anyways.

ok off to reboot.

Well basically because it is like a PC..............................

there is a device called iPhone and also many with something called Android, maybe this would be something for you.......

sorry to be kinda rude, but as long as our N900 is only single core this will be what to expect when multitasking.

dr_frost_dk 2011-03-06 19:05

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 961967)
Then smash it, and post pics. Please .....

Why are you even on maemo, as far as i can figure out, you either don't have a N900 or don't like maemo????

We want the best for our N900 and try to develop things, do hardware tweaks and so on.

bulelet 2011-03-06 19:12

Re: im about to
well the iphone 3gs runs at 600mhz and its pretty fluid.
and i dont even have an iphone.

im just pointing what is not good with the phone.
stop defending lagginess.

if its lagging..its lagging

this is a reply to dr frost

dr_frost_dk 2011-03-06 19:40

Re: im about to
not defending, explaining why.....

geekgirl74 2011-03-06 20:10

Re: im about to
no... don't smash it... you can send it to me :D
just bought my 2nd N900 as a backup and for playing - I'm sure, that I've got space (and reasons) enough for a 3rd one... :)

uTMY 2011-03-06 20:15

Re: im about to
mine used to do that, when you first turn it on it always looks for updates, lags like hell ... search forums to find setting to only search for updates once a week say, then it is way better.

jfh 2011-03-06 23:06

Re: im about to
Mine was lagging yesterday after getting an update of Sphyro from Ovi store. Uninstalled the game and all is good now.

Benson 2011-03-07 00:22

Re: im about to
If rebooting fixes it, and it's been up for a while, you should suspect swap fragmentation.

You can defrag your swap by setting swap partitions on both internal memory and SD card, and switch between them; there's some posts about this, search if you care. (Or if you have enough free memory, just swapoff/swapon your single swap partition... may have to close all applications to do it.)

But I didn't see you asking for advice, just ranting, so maybe this isn't what you want -- in that case, feel free to ignore it.

MyNokiaN900 2011-03-07 00:35

Re: im about to
Perhaps you should just smash it and then get one of those flashy "FAST" Android or Apple phones that pretend to not have lag.

If all you got on it is the default software, then what is the point in having the N900 in the first place? Have you upgraded the firmware or installed the latest CSSU update?

9000 2011-03-07 00:45

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by bulelet (Post 961963)
why must it behave like a pc, i have nothing on it from devel. WHY.

It's quite strange if you've latest firmware installed.

What is your firmware version? (Setting->About Product)

Also, you'd like to post the output of the following two commands for our further investigation:


cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list

Copernicus 2011-03-07 01:02

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by bulelet (Post 961976)
well the iphone 3gs runs at 600mhz and its pretty fluid.

Just a note from a long time iPhone user -- the iPhone is only fluid if you don't push it too hard. Try loading, say, 1000 photos onto one, and then scroll through the thumbnails. It'll only scroll smoothly if you go slow enough for it -- go too fast, and it'll force you to wait while it reloads ram.

And it isn't all that tough to cause an iPhone to crash, either; I tried receiving an e-mail that had a very large photo as an attachment (I don't recall exactly how large, but it was in the multi-megapixel size), and the phone locked up hard.

These machines are little computers. If you don't like the idea of managing how you use your little computer, you'd be better off with a product like the iPhone, featuring an environment so restrictive that it is almost impossible to perform a task that might tax the machine's abilities. But don't expect it to work perfectly even then...

Kajko 2011-03-07 01:53

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by bulelet (Post 961963)
smash my phone.
i just woke up, turned it on, and its laggy. just lagging all the way.

why must it behave like a pc, i have nothing on it from devel. WHY.

a clean phone software wise and its lagging. WHY.
why cant it just work like its supposed to.

just wanna share my little rant with all of you there i know some people experiences this too.
i still like my phone anyways.

ok off to reboot.

You're not alone. The N900 is an undisputed piece of c**p by today's standards only loved by a few Linux geeks. Glad Nokia killed maemo/meego, it was going nowhere.

MyNokiaN900 2011-03-07 02:03

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 962161)
You're not alone. The N900 is an undisputed piece of c**p by today's standards only loved by a few Linux geeks. Glad Nokia killed maemo/meego, it was going nowhere.

Why are you on this forum then? If the N900 was a piece of c**p and going nowhere why would there be 69 398 106 downloads of applications? Who on earth is downloading all those applications and why?

So little do you know - Nokia have not killed off Maemo or Meego. In fact Meego is coming to Nokia in April.

Honestly, your negativity is not welcome here!

Kajko 2011-03-07 02:06

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by MyNokiaN900 (Post 962166)
69 398 106 downloads of applications? Who on earth is downloading all those applications and why?

Majority of which are either abandonware or junk.

skykooler 2011-03-07 02:15

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 962169)
Majority of which are either abandonware or junk.

I would like to see the source for those statistics. I have come across very few apps that do not fulfill their intentions, and most seem to be actively maintained, or at least as well as one might expect from apps being developed in their authors' spare time.

Bratag 2011-03-07 02:25

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 962169)
Majority of which are either abandonware or junk.

Really? Because I have dozens of apps on my N900 and every single one is useful and most are maintained regularly. The ones that arent functioned very well the day they were released.

But hey don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant ... please tell me more.

Mart5.1 2011-03-07 03:52

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 962169)
Majority of which are either abandonware or junk.

This is not the first topicwhere I have noticed you spewing your uninformed and useless crap. When will this site introduce an ignore button to keep these posts free from negative opinionated rubbish like the stuff that you post?
It is hard enough for users to have to search through dross to sorry for being off topic.
Mart 5.1

wmarone 2011-03-07 04:33

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 962161)
You're not alone. The N900 is an undisputed piece of c**p by today's standards only loved by a few Linux geeks. Glad Nokia killed maemo/meego, it was going nowhere.

Good to see we have our own group of hateful posters spewing crap. Nokia hasn't killed anything, fortunately, only made bad business decisions (repeatedly.)

As for the OP's problems, I haven't had anything nearly like that since PR1.3 was released.

gerbick 2011-03-07 05:09

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 962220)
Good to see we have our own group of hateful posters spewing crap. Nokia hasn't killed anything, fortunately, only made bad business decisions (repeatedly.)

Can you blame them for their vitriolic responses though? I mean, seriously. The virtual rug was pulled from under a lot of folks.

n900 lover 2011-03-07 05:33

Re: im about to
ive had my htc wilfire,froyo 2.2, for the past 5 months now and they still havent updated revoked for the wildfile, and to honest i dont think they will.....5 months into my n900 i had already modified it , learned how to use x-terminal , of sorts, and now my baby is a beast and i dont care who sees it! i show off to everyone! no one has what we have with the n900.Yes, i put nitdroid on it , yes i want to try out meego too, but only as a dual boot, im never getting rid of maemo............. point of this little rant?i too started off hating my n900 for not doing wat a normal phone would do, but then i started getting into modifying it and i have never felt more love for it then i do now! maybe you guys should give modding a try, you might find that working for something and achieving goals, specially when it comes to modding, will be very satisfactory! and who knows? you might learn something along the way! peace!

pataphysician 2011-03-07 06:19

Re: im about to

Link to show this is a fairly universal problem, Benson has given one useful solution, also file system problems on the microsd can also cause this problem, as was the case with this android phone in the above link, in fact in any device with SD cards this can happen. It's fairly easy to fix, power off, remove the microsd and check the file system and correct any errors.

laggy also happens to iphones for various reasons

Kajko 2011-03-07 13:37

Re: im about to

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 962220)
Good to see we have our own group of hateful posters spewing crap.

"hateful spewing crap" ???

Relax my friend, may I suggest some sedative to calm you down? I am merely expressing my opinion.

Keep living in your little fantasy world. Good luck to you.

cfh11 2011-03-07 16:18

Re: im about to

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