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philbelfast 2011-03-16 13:59

media player playing on its own
my phone has decided to play my music when it wants!

media player will start to play music on its own with out opening the program.

to stop it I have to open media player & close it again.

any ideas on why this is happening? and always happens at inappropriate times!!

rebelnoob 2011-03-16 14:07

Re: media player playing on its own
there is a problem in the media player widget after you pick up calls or cancel a call ..try that fix maybe it could help..

raptoro07 2011-03-16 14:25

Re: media player playing on its own
I guess your phone does not search on it's own yet :)

percy 2011-03-16 14:39

Re: media player playing on its own

Originally Posted by rebelnoob (Post 968954)
there is a problem in the media player widget after you pick up calls or cancel a call ..try that fix maybe it could help..

Yeah, 'that' fix would be nice, I sometimes have the same problem after calls. ;)

PdxDoug 2011-03-16 15:10

Re: media player playing on its own
This issue went away after uninstalling the Media Player widget from one of my desktops.

AgogData 2011-03-16 15:18

Re: media player playing on its own
the problem is with media player widget as they said, and i've never heard of any fix before but i think this fix is better, rebelnoob..if it didn't work out try this one

philbelfast 2011-03-16 15:34

Re: media player playing on its own
I dont use the widget on any desktop & the phone is normally locked & not in use when this happens..

it doesnt seem to be before or after a call either.. the phone could be in my pocket for a few hours & this would happen just randomly.

raaj13 2011-03-16 16:42

Re: media player playing on its own

Originally Posted by philbelfast (Post 969001)
I dont use the widget on any desktop & the phone is normally locked & not in use when this happens..

it doesnt seem to be before or after a call either.. the phone could be in my pocket for a few hours & this would happen just randomly.

Ghost loves to play songs via ur N900:p

AgogData 2011-03-16 20:45

Re: media player playing on its own

Originally Posted by philbelfast (Post 969001)
I dont use the widget on any desktop & the phone is normally locked & not in use when this happens..

it doesnt seem to be before or after a call either.. the phone could be in my pocket for a few hours & this would happen just randomly.

then you can't blame your phone for feeling bored and wanting to cheer out :p

atilla 2011-03-16 20:49

Re: media player playing on its own
i have this too after some calls.its quite strange ;)

n900-dk 2011-03-16 20:50

Re: media player playing on its own
Happens to me too - especially if call is not answered.

tokag 2011-03-16 21:08

Re: media player playing on its own

Originally Posted by rebelnoob (Post 968954)
there is a problem in the media player widget after you pick up calls or cancel a call ..try that fix maybe it could help..

what fix exactly are you referring to? i have glitch happen regular and would like to find a way of resolving it. thanks in advance.

gjh98 2011-03-18 23:55

Re: media player playing on its own
i experience similar - think it's related to Headphone Daemon I installed to stop music when headphones are unplugged.

Behaviour: unplug headphones, music player stops. receive incoming call. call ends or is missed. music player starts.

I presume there's a clash of logic between the stop/pause implemented by the headphone daemon and the stop/resume implemented by the call.

Naughty 2011-04-09 12:48

Re: media player playing on its own
So any fix for this? Happens quite often...

pusak gaoq 2011-04-09 14:03

Re: media player playing on its own
i use to have this kind of problem but now i know how to atleast fixed it on my phone....

i just remove media player widgets from my desktop or i just stop/clear media player playlist from media long as you still have the playlist active on your media player/widgets this problem will come out every time you answer a call...

Char 2011-04-09 19:34

Re: media player playing on its own
use (I think) nicolai's media player widget.

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