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richwhite 2011-03-17 18:55

Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Anyone else having this problem? MSN just says 'network error'. The device was flashed just a couple days ago but i had the same error on my other N900. I'm using the latest version that isn't in devels

richwhite 2011-03-17 22:49

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

9000 2011-03-17 23:18

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
It is working fine everyday, but there are more than one plugin for MSN, which one you use?

justice4all3000 2011-03-17 23:20

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
same problem here... worked for about one day after reflash then stopped

richwhite 2011-03-17 23:30

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by 9000 (Post 969950)
It is working fine everyday, but there are more than one plugin for MSN, which one you use?

i have pidgin protocols plugin, msn protocol plugin, and extra protocol plugins

HtheB 2011-03-18 01:39

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
use MSN (Pecan)
(Or just use the default Pidgin app)

jo21 2011-03-18 01:52

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
this was true yesterday.

i was able to log today.

basemz 2011-03-18 11:52

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
i had the same problem,so i tried the MSN (Haze)
it worked so i tried to copy the advanced settings of haze to the old one but it didn't work and kept givin me the network error
so i moved to use haze..

richwhite 2011-03-18 14:12

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
@basemz - i am using haze, that's the one that won't log in.

I used pecan, that did log in, but didn't have any of my contacts.

9000 2011-03-18 14:33

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
I use pecan. No problem since I use it.

James_Littler 2011-03-18 14:37

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Why don't you just add your msn to a jabber account and use a standard jabber plugin to connect rather than using MSN plugins which never work properly/are intermittent at the best of times.

richwhite 2011-03-18 14:43

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by James_Littler (Post 970369)
Why don't you just add your msn to a jabber account and use a standard jabber plugin to connect rather than using MSN plugins which never work properly/are intermittent at the best of times.

I tried Jabber once for facebook but had no luck at all. Can you tell me how to set it up?

James_Littler 2011-03-18 14:45

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by richwhite (Post 970373)
I tried Jabber once for facebook but had no luck at all. Can you tell me how to set it up?

Use google to search for 'msn iChat'.

Use the same method.

riku2015 2011-04-02 15:50

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
i have been using msn (pecan) half year, and now today suddenly it stopped working.. it just says network error or something like that..

anyone else experiencing same problems with PECAN ?

rmarcus 2011-04-02 16:26

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by riku2015 (Post 980403)
i have been using msn (pecan) half year, and now today suddenly it stopped working.. it just says network error or something like that..

anyone else experiencing same problems with PECAN ?

Me there any plugin working?

GigaByte 2011-04-02 16:30

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by rmarcus (Post 980419)
Me there any plugin working?

Me too, I think msn (pecan) is dead. What is working now perfectly with me is MSN Haze plugin with HTTP method checked and enabled.

rmarcus 2011-04-02 17:10

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by GigaByte (Post 980421)
Me too, I think msn (pecan) is dead. What is working now perfectly with me is MSN Haze plugin with HTTP method checked and enabled.

Hi! I have just tried it, but nothing... :(

ammyt 2011-04-02 17:12

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by rmarcus (Post 980453)
Hi! I have just tried it, but nothing... :(

Weird, because haze is working perfectly with me too. Did you check HTTP Method under advanced settings?

rmarcus 2011-04-02 17:20

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
sorry...I meant pecan...Haze comes with what plugin? I can't find it...

Bish0p 2011-04-02 18:31

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
well i think the problem is with the protocols of msn because i can login to skype and facebook but msn is dead

sorry for my bad english =(

ammyt 2011-04-02 19:14

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by rmarcus (Post 980464)
sorry...I meant pecan...Haze comes with what plugin? I can't find it...

Extra protocol plugins for conversations and sms or somerhing like that

Wichall 2011-04-03 14:22

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
same issue here, seems to be an issue for pecan in general, see here:

Carlito 2011-04-03 20:05

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
same here...

alextootchie 2011-04-03 22:03

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Same problem

felipec 2011-04-03 23:05

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Yeah, I'm the main developer of msn-pecan. There seems to be something broken on MSN servers, hopefully it will be fixed soon.

If not, I'll need to make some pretty big changes in msn-pecan.

riku2015 2011-04-04 11:16

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
felipec, can you develop a port setting? couse it seems haze it works:

i don't wanna chango to haze (couse i need edit too much contacts and i don't remember who is who)

Dark_Angel85 2011-04-04 13:33

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
yeah... me too... though haze seems pretty fine now... since i changed the port number..

Dark_Angel85 2011-04-05 00:24

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
hmmm... I realised even when haze is connected, it seems to be not working 100% fine.... haze allows me to connect at 2 places at once but I can chat on my laptop but the conversations don't appear in my n900

Dark_Angel85 2011-04-06 23:33

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
I realised... now even YM isn't signing in

rayson 2011-04-09 01:08

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
been few days, pecan still not working yet, hopefully can be solved soon, keep up the good work :-)

BlueSparK 2011-04-15 12:44

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by rayson (Post 984411)
been few days, pecan still not working yet, hopefully can be solved soon, keep up the good work :-)

im waiting 2 :( hope they solve the problem...

BlueSparK 2011-04-16 19:35

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
i talked with the devoloper felipec he told me that this week he will solve the problem but still nothing done..:(

9000 2011-04-16 19:55

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Give him some time. qutim still works, you can use it at the moment if you really need MSN on N900.

But I'll switch back to pecan once it works again as I need a MSN that could work with mscim.

RobertHall 2011-04-26 14:11

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
any luck? pecan still not working for me....

BlueSparK 2011-04-27 21:22

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by RobertHall (Post 995579)
any luck? pecan still not working for me....

Pecan is dead and never come back
R.I.P pecan <3

Carlito 2011-04-27 21:35

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by BlueSparK (Post 996445)
Pecan is dead and never come back
R.I.P pecan <3

this is based on?

PartyboyXP 2011-04-27 22:07

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Pecaannn, hazeee, somethiingg, i hate pidgin!!!

m4r0v3r 2011-04-27 22:23

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
use jabber. I made the switch and it is soo much better than any of the plugins. go register at, sign in and then theres a small button that says more stuff, find the msn transport and click on subscribe. enter your details, watch out for a notification at the top of the page and then just add everyone in :)

LOD 2011-04-28 15:09

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN SOLUTION
Hey all ;)
here THE solution BUT not for Pecan (you need to uninstall it)
but for Butterfly :D

2 ways, with X-Terminal or OpenSSH

Here in french the forum and tut :

Quickly in english (with openSSH) :
go to /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/papyon/service/description/SingleSignOn
and in class LiveService(object):
replace CONTACTS = ("", "?fs=1&id=24000&kv=7&rn=93S9SWWw&tw=0&ver=2.1.6000 .1")
with CONTACTS = ("", "MBI")

Save and log with your ID and password :D

This solution works but Butterfly sucks versus Pecan : problem to log when you change between connexion Wifi/3G. So, is there someone to adapt that with PECAN ? please ! Too bad that author lets it down :mad:

gng554 2011-04-28 18:49

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 996475)
use jabber. I made the switch and it is soo much better than any of the plugins. go register at, sign in and then theres a small button that says more stuff, find the msn transport and click on subscribe. enter your details, watch out for a notification at the top of the page and then just add everyone in :)

thanks alot :D:D

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