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railroadmaster 2011-03-20 02:03

the Archos Thread
Things that are essentially confirmed
  • 5, 7, and 10 inch form factors. I'm glad to see Archos recognizes the importance of there own 5 inch form factor
  • 3g Options
  • Dual Core 1.6ghz arms (Omap 4440)
  • Continued usage of hard drives and high capacity flash memory
  • Pixel Qi
  • Android 3.0
I'm glad to see Archos making a affordable devices with high capacity storage and dual core Arms and a true Archos 5 successor.

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-03-20 02:16

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
I'm glad that they finally implemented a wwan option...

This could make a very compelling buy.

cheve 2011-03-20 02:26

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
yes, I want one that is 5", I hope they would loss embedded battery.

railroadmaster 2011-03-20 02:27

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 971349)
yes, I want one that is 5", I hope they would loss embedded battery.

I hope they get rid of the nonremovable battery thing to

railroadmaster 2011-03-20 02:46

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
I think a 1024x600 display would be a good choice for the 5 and 7 inch tablets and 1366x768 display for the 10 inch tablet

rm42 2011-03-20 03:41

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
Me too. I was about to buy an Archos 5 until I realized it had no removable battery. That lead me to the N900. ;)

railroadmaster 2011-03-20 04:07

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
Archos don't forget your trademark thing kickstand!

railroadmaster 2011-03-20 05:50

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
Something I would really like from the Archos devices is for them to be not so glossy please matte finish!!!!!

danramos 2011-03-20 06:50

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
I'm just glad they proved me right. Even BEFORE the N900 came out, I had ranted and raved all over the forums that I think it would be a STUPID mistake to embed a cellular radio in the tablet and FORCE you to have to buy an expensive piece of electronics AND that it would limit your options by forcing ONLY GSM or ONLY CDMA or anything else. I suggested that I preferred the idea of a plug-in module or, better still, an internal USB compartment for a radio "modem" like the ones that carriers have been selling.

I feel VERY satisfied that Archos has taken the step to NOT include a cellular radio and instead opt for a USB module for whatever carrier or technology you want... PLUS it makes it FAR FAR more future-proof (i.e. EDGE -> 3G -> 4G, etc.).

I might just have to seriously consider an Archos, now. It seems like they're trolling the forums and listening to pissy customers like me. I'll gladly pay them for that. :)

paulkoan 2011-03-20 07:38

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 971447)
I'm just glad they proved me right. Even BEFORE the N900 came out, I had ranted and raved all over the forums that I think it would be a STUPID mistake to embed a cellular radio in the tablet and FORCE you to have to buy an expensive piece of electronics

I am just glad confirmation bias is so effective.

A usb 3g modem can be obtained for $20US, so I imagine the unit cost of the 3G module itself is far lower. So it adds an insignificant cost or bulk to a tablet even when you factor in the antenna. There is nothing expensive about a 3G module. All it does is provide extra connectivity options that no-one is forced to use.

Though as I have said before, an idea that was not put there by logic cannot be removed by logic.

But having a swappable solution would be great. Though Dan, I would suggest that given they are likely adding the expense of an antenna and bay for a 3G/4G module to be inserted, you should steer clear of them. Though I gather you are saying you are perfectly happy for there to be a slot for a cellular modem as long as there isn't a $10 module sitting in the slot?

danramos 2011-03-20 08:02

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 971463)
I am just glad confirmation bias is so effective.

A usb 3g modem can be obtained for $20US, so I imagine the unit cost of the 3G module itself is far lower. So it adds an insignificant cost or bulk to a tablet even when you factor in the antenna. There is nothing expensive about a 3G module. All it does is provide extra connectivity options that no-one is forced to use.

Though as I have said before, an idea that was not put there by logic cannot be removed by logic.

But having a swappable solution would be great. Though Dan, I would suggest that given they are likely adding the expense of an antenna and bay for a 3G/4G module to be inserted, you should steer clear of them. Though I gather you are saying you are perfectly happy for there to be a slot for a cellular modem as long as there isn't a $10 module sitting in the slot?

Considering I have never seen a celluar radio (especially one that locks you into a particular carrier and/or technology) being built-into a device for less than at LEAST an extra $100 or more, and a USB dongle radio is a COMPETITIVE solution that often DOES cost less *AND* gives me the freedom to choose... yes. Yes, I think I might just--no wait.. I definitely AM perfectly happy. :)

Christ--how much of an added expensive is adding a slot and a bay? Add to that the fact that even if you never use it for 3G/4G/whatever, you have, effectively, an internal USB slot! A GEEK PORT for anybody that wants to do something interesting with it!

I repeat... perfectly happy, yes.

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-03-20 11:16

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
It would be nice if the there was already an embedded antenna that could be connected to the internalized USB dongle. This would cut down on the size of the dongle dramatically, whist maintaining good connectivity.

For example, Mini PCI-e 3G cards generally have a standard antenna connectivity port or two at the end of the card, for laptop integration. This would make a lot of sense for a tablet -- eg. the dongle bay could have the antenna ends exposed to be readily attached to the plug-in dongle.

Archos has mentioned that they hold some sort of patents, so I'm curious to exactly what their implementation is...

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-03-20 11:22

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
But I'm suddenly very interested in what Archos has to offer. Whilst their devices can be a little on the lower side of quality, a cheap device is a cheap device, and may make a nice alternative for some.

The thought of a $250-$300 tablet with 3G is compelling.

paulkoan 2011-03-20 11:50

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors

Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt (Post 971583)
It would be nice if the there was already an embedded antenna that could be connected to the internalized USB dongle. This would cut down on the size of the dongle dramatically, whist maintaining good connectivity.

For example, Mini PCI-e 3G cards generally have a standard antenna connectivity port or two at the end of the card, for laptop integration. This would make a lot of sense for a tablet -- eg. the dongle bay could have the antenna ends exposed to be readily attached to the plug-in dongle.

I am guessing it must be something like this. Just slide the module in. They are talking disruptive, so the swappable part seems very likely. I can't imagine it could have an external antenna or it would be silly, and not disruptive at all - just a usb 3g modem in a small form factor.

The way things go though I'd expect a proprietary port so that they can monetise the modules through licensing. Or perhaps Archos are the good guys.

danramos 2011-03-20 12:10

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 971638)
I am guessing it must be something like this. Just slide the module in. They are talking disruptive, so the swappable part seems very likely. I can't imagine it could have an external antenna or it would be silly, and not disruptive at all - just a usb 3g modem in a small form factor.

The way things go though I'd expect a proprietary port so that they can monetise the modules through licensing. Or perhaps Archos are the good guys.

Their history seems very mixed on this. Up until VERY recently, I absolutely would have agreed that this company is very likely to have gussied up this pig in proprietary slop with Android perfume all over it... but they're STARTING to garnish a little bit of my favor lately with some of their moves to open up their hardware and even contributing to a GPL'ed Linux distribution to run on their devices.


railroadmaster 2011-03-20 16:26

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
I would also like to see PHYSICAL navigation buttons so virtual ones aren't hogging up space and possibly a dpad or trackball.

Capt'n Corrupt 2011-03-20 17:00

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 971834)
I would also like to see PHYSICAL navigation buttons so virtual ones aren't hogging up space and possibly a dpad or trackball.

Not an option in Honeycomb as I understand it. However, it just combines the status bar as part of this button bar.

railroadmaster 2011-03-20 20:06

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
I hope Archos puts a full size USB port on there 5 inch device as well a front facing camera. Now that these Archos devices have a 5 inch form factor again and some other stuff Samsung efforts to compete with Archos are once again doomed. Face it no Android Media player option even comes close to what Archos offers. the Galaxy Player devices are nice but have always offered so little compared to Archos media player. I even hear the 5 inch galaxy player will be 400 dollar Samsung has got to be kidding

railroadmaster 2011-03-26 04:37

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
I think the best solution is a 3g SDCARD similar to the Wifi SDCARDS of yesteryear I think that could work.

railroadmaster 2011-03-27 05:06

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
Despite the shortcomings that Archos devices have brought over the years, you can't deny that there pricing and feature has always pro-consumer and hey it better than the Xoom's pricing face it most tablet's pricing is too high end. I mean come one 800 dollar for a device that you use to dick around with and read books, really1!!!!!!onetwo I could buy a good notebook for that price or I could buy practically every tablet in Archos' line or three Nook colors. I really think Archos can one up there competition with google certification and the new features in these tablets. I could really help Archos achieve there dominance in low end tablets they want. At least I'm routing for Archos just like I route for AMD, remember route for the little guy. Lets not have big companies make us take in the *** and pay more for less shall we.

railroadmaster 2011-03-27 05:27

Re: Archos Generation 9 Rumors
Also Archos has a new Arnova sub-brand for low end devices
The experience of these devices seems to be perfectly usable compared the disaster known as the Archos 7
Also creating a separate brand would make sense as not to make people think Archos is only low end and low quality

railroadmaster 2011-04-01 03:46

Re: the Archos Thread
I think Pixel Qi is out of the question because it has yet to be launched and mass produced

railroadmaster 2011-04-01 03:54

Re: the Archos Thread
Here is an interesting interview with Henri Chrohas
its in French so translate it. I view it is very interesting that some one takes low end devices seriously. Anyways I think Archos will rise to prominence again.
Also Archos is planing to get into high devices as well

railroadmaster 2011-04-21 21:30

Re: the Archos Thread
Also Archos has recently updated their low end sub-brand Arnova/Home Tablets which appeal to the 100-250 dollar and below price range. The difference with these products is that they have firmwares fromRockchip instead of firmwares from Archos. Also it has the new Rockchip Rk2918 which is powering this among other cheap Chinese devices. The new Rockchip RK2918 is an Arm Cortex A8 single core clocked at 1.2ghz. These new Rockchip devices pack pretty healthy performance for being so cheap.
edit: notice how he mistakes Lions for cows

railroadmaster 2011-04-22 01:18

Re: the Archos Thread
How does Bada Rox always end up being one of the tags?

railroadmaster 2011-04-22 02:53

Re: the Archos Thread
It seems like Archos has achieved mainstream acceptance... at least in China.

railroadmaster 2011-04-22 03:01

Re: the Archos Thread
Personally I would want an Ubuntu or MeeGo dual boot option that is fully functional and has Wifi, GPU, and Storage drivers. Its clearly been proven possible. I just want a slick implementation from Archos.

railroadmaster 2011-04-22 03:33

Re: the Archos Thread
I would like Archos to fix the problem with HDMI output where you can only see the Android interface on the TV and not on the Archos so it is easier to control the devices when connected to a tv.

railroadmaster 2011-04-22 04:25

Re: the Archos Thread
Also Archos released a new firmware for the Archos 5 no Froyo but it does improve general performance, codec capability, and (at least for me anyways) it gives .70gbs free storage. Anyways its version 2.0.45

ysss 2011-04-22 04:43

Re: the Archos Thread
Alright, time to come clean...
What's your affiliation with Archos? ;p

railroadmaster 2011-04-22 04:49

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 993525)
Alright, time to come clean...
What's your affiliation with Archos? ;p

I'm going to come clean I'm just a sad Archos fan. I wish I had an affiliation with the company.
edit: who isn't good with spelling or grammar

railroadmaster 2011-04-23 02:44

Re: the Archos Thread
Also apparently someone got Honeycomb running on the Archos 70. He doesn't interact with it, so it is probably fake

geneven 2011-04-23 03:57

Re: the Archos Thread
I like the idea of cheap devices, so I'm glad to see a drumbeat of Arcos info, though I'd even more like to see a thread devoted to low cost ITT type devices of any brand at around $200 or less.

railroadmaster 2011-04-23 05:00

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 993973)
I like the idea of cheap devices, so I'm glad to see a drumbeat of Arcos info, though I'd even more like to see a thread devoted to low cost ITT type devices of any brand at around $200 or less.

Well maybe that would be a good idea. Anyway Archos happens to be the leader in this product category and no one else seams to care about low end devices the way Archos does. There are very few companies who approach designing low end products as something more than an OEM design with a case and that is what makes Archos different in my personal opinion. There is the fact that they invented hard drive media players in 2001, invented video players in 2003, invented mobile Internet devices in 2005, and Invented Android tablets in 2008 for a company of 150 people I have yet to see many other low end brands or high end brands for that matter with such innovation. I don't think Archos is the only innovator but they do deserve their place. Just my thoughts.
edit: I think a Meizu thread is in order

ysss 2011-04-23 05:46

Re: the Archos Thread
That's an interesting turn of event, considering archos used to be the high end choice (at least their price points) in handheld media players and they were very closed with their firmwares and tried to sell 'software upgrades' (video codecs, web browser) at significant prices before app stores were popular.

railroadmaster 2011-04-23 05:54

Re: the Archos Thread
Archos 7c is now shipping with and it pretty much has all of the features of the Archos 70 for nearly 100 dollars less. The only thing really missing is the camera

railroadmaster 2011-04-23 05:57

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 993993)
That's an interesting turn of event, considering archos used to be the high end choice (at least their price points) in handheld media players and they were very closed with their firmwares and tried to sell 'software upgrades' (video codecs, web browser) at significant prices before app stores were popular.

Well Archos probably changed their strategy because there isn't a lot money one can make off a Niche market product

tso 2011-04-25 13:21

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 993995)
Archos 7c is now shipping with and it pretty much has all of the features of the Archos 70 for nearly 100 dollars less. The only thing really missing is the camera

Oddly, the only place on i can find a mention of it is the US web store. Not even the US front page have any mention of it.

Seems it has the usual rockchip lack of bluetooth.

railroadmaster 2011-04-26 22:27

Re: the Archos Thread

Originally Posted by tso (Post 995010)
Oddly, the only place on i can find a mention of it is the US web store. Not even the US front page have any mention of it.

Seems it has the usual rockchip lack of bluetooth.

Archos recently put the page up if your interested.

railroadmaster 2011-04-26 22:38

Re: the Archos Thread
Archos is adding 3.5inches to their product line up. This will probably replace the Archos 32 and Archos 28. Such a device like this at the 100-150 dollar range would sell quite well.

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