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[ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
As an experiment, and something to do to learn QML, I hacked up a Space Invaders type game in 2 evenings. (somewhat > 2 evenings to get to the current version tho!)
Website TODO: Powerups (extra lives done) Volume Installation: From version 0.1.2 the package is available from extras-devel History Version 0.4.0 * New Icon * Pause when put into background Version 0.3.9 * Added exit dialog * Made sfx quieter Version 0.3.8 * Rewrite the settings code to be fast on symbian * Add additional icons for meego Version 0.3.7 * Give lives every 5 to allow getting past level 18 * Fix bug where ship dissapears * Fix bug when focus is on gemername and then select a key button * Fix bug downloading hiscores * Stop the accelerometer when paused to save battery Version 0.3.6 * Fixed bug in lives display * Fixed bug on server preventing upload of scores * Made harder again! Version 0.3.5 * Changed difficulty logic * Get a new life every 5 levels >= 10 * Added simple intro animations * Wiped settings again for new scoring system * Updated server to require application version * Server will reject impossible scores Version 0.3.4 * Removed bullets when hit * Really fixed bug where mystery ship sound continues if player is killed * Added options for key configuration, left, right and fire * Speed improvement on startup * Better apply of useAccelerometer setting Version 0.3.3 * Added explosion animations * Fixed bug where mystery ship sound continues if player is killed * Moved message window to the bottom and made smaller * Fixed bug in hi score uploading Version 0.3.2 * Moved message window back slightly to appear behind settings * Added versions to required dependancies * Fixed settings bugs/crash on end game Version 0.3.1 * Fixed parsing of global hi scores * Fixed ordering of global scores (website bug) * Fixed duplicate global hi scores on multip open of the pane * Rewrote settings handling * Settings apply instantly now * Quicker startup * Quicker level start * Quicker end game * Slightly slower exit Version 0.3.0 * Added global hi-scores * Upped required version of libqtm to 1.2 (the latest) Global Hi Score Table Version 0.2.2 * Fixed mysteryship sound bug * Aliens now destroy bunkers as they move past them * The game ends when the aliens reach the 'invasion' line at the bottom * Aliens drop down at either end of the screen now http://www.piggz.co.uk/si-0.2.2.png Version 0.2.1 *Internal changes to allow for different screen sizes (aka symbian version) *Added bonus ship (300 points, appears at random when there is enough space) *Changed way point are awarded (row 1 = 30, 2 and 3 = 20, 5 and 5 - 10) *New menu layout with links to homepage/donate Version 0.2.0 *Rewrote bunker in C++ for large performace boost *Better state handling *P pauses/resumes *Q quits a running game *Better messages Version 0.1.5 *Better keyboard handling for left/right Version 0.1.4 *Version 0.1.3 was the wrong source, so 0.1.4 is what it should have been! Version 0.1.3 *Added Sound Effects *Added Lives http://www.piggz.co.uk/si-0.1.3.png Version 0.1.2 *Packaged for extras-devel Version 0.1.1 *Added Hi-Score table http://www.piggz.co.uk/pgz-spaceinva....1.1_armel.deb http://www.piggz.co.uk/si-0.1.1.png Version 0.1.0 *Optimized collision detection *Better acceleromter handling *Cleanup on end game *Bigger settings button *Dont start game if clicking a blank area of the settings window http://www.piggz.co.uk/pgz-spaceinva....1.0_armel.deb Version 0.0.9 *Added settings window http://www.piggz.co.uk/pgz-spaceinva....0.9_armel.deb http://www.piggz.co.uk/si-0.0.9.png Version 0.0.8 *Bunkers *Aliens now white *No level limit *Better package requirements *Only flashes when fires http://www.piggz.co.uk/pgz-spaceinva....0.8_armel.deb http://www.piggz.co.uk/si-0.0.8.png Version 0.0.7 *Includes 5 levels and better packaging http://www.piggz.co.uk/pgz-spaceinva....0.7_armel.deb http://www.piggz.co.uk/si-0.0.7.png Version 0.0.6 *First mostly usable version http://www.piggz.co.uk/pgz-spaceinva....0.6_armel.deb |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
You could enter the MeeGo Coding Competition 2011 with your game.
http://wiki.maemo.org/MeeGo_Coding_Competition_2011 Thanks! |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Really? i wouldnt have thought it good enough! :)
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
I need "libqtm-11-dceclarative" to install. How do I get this file?
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
I think its in extras-devel
maemo.org/packages/view/libqtm-11-declarative/ |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Hi! It says: module "QtMobility.sensors" is not installed, so I have a black screen. I made apt-get install python-qtmobility and still the same...
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
For lazy folk, working link: http://maemo.org/packages/view/libqtm-11-declarative/ |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Can you post some screenshots?
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Why every time the plane shoot the screen flash? Also you'll need to add lives. One shot gameover is boring. :( Good start by the way :) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
yes, those to come too. I quite liked the flash on fire, but can turn if off or make it configurable. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
maybe adding it to repos with proper dependies would be nice
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Okay now it works. Good start, I love space invaders. I have a huge problem with left, and right, it just works when It wants to. I like the flash on fire. Keep on the good work!
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
May I suggest you install the DEB file with dpkg and if it gives errors saying some libs are missing, you issues the command:
apt-get -f install |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
screen shot plz!
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
How can I remove ?
Donīt see it on Faster App Man |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Arrr! I tried to control the ship with the arrow now I understand it's with the accelerometer! I 'finished' the game now on two attemps. You sure should go to the Meego Coding Competition 2011 when you finish it, I'm sure you'll get plenty of votes, we need some good games like this one.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Just got through the last fifth level...
Here are my impressions: The flashing on shooting could be sometimes really annoying, especially when i go crazy and try to shoot every single time i touch the screen(btw, I think the ship should shoot a bit more frequently, say 1,5 times more). But some ppl like the flashing (i personally like to do it with my n900:)... The graphics are great, exacltly what you are expecting to see, when you hear: Space Invaders! Although, i think all of the 5 levels are alike, or? I know piggz you are thinking about creating more levels, but are we going to have a boss at the end? or would You want to keep it simple?.. Just my 2 cents. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
I'll make the flashing configurable. I did originally have it so you could fire as much as you liked, but i think the original had it limited to one at a time. The current levels get harder in that the aliens speed up and drop more bombs, but i agree some more variation might be needed. I now have the bunkers mostly implemented (just the damage to refine) so hopefully have a new version in the next day or so. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
thanks for the game :-P
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Added version 0.0.8 to the first post. This version has bunkers. There is a small delay when starting a level as it created the bunkers at runtime. There may be a small performance hit while playing also, but i will look to address this in the next version. I've also removed the artificial level limit and made it only flash when it actually fires.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Thanks for the update. I have a request: to be able to play with the arrows instead of the accelerometer. This game is so coooool.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
still asking to send it to extra-testing or extra-devel repo
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Just added version 0.0.9 with a settings window for Flash On Fire and use Accelerometer, enjoy!
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Just added version 0.1.0. Nothing major im afraid, just some bug fixes and optimisations.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
any plans to put this game on the Maemo repo?
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Just added version 0.1.1. Added hi-scores. Thats it for updates tonight!
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
It is now in extras-devel. Version 0.1.2, which contains no changes compared to 0.1.1, just packaging stuff, has been built and is in the queue for -devel.
https://garage.maemo.org/builder/fre...nvaders_0.1.2/ |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
And now ive made a web page for it.
http://piggz.co.uk/index.php?page=spaceinvaders |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Version 0.1.3 has been built and is queued for extra-devel. New in this version is
Lives Sound Effects |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Gah, 0.1.3 was the wrong source...0.1.4 now available!
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
It's getting better and better! Still I'd like to share some points of view: For me it's better if you can change whenever you want the options taping on the upscreen where you see the level number, which could open a small menu with' options' and 'about' (version number, websit, etc...) (not so important)
When you chose to play with arrows, it shouldn't pause the first time you type left or right arrow for half a second but shoud be fluid. (important) Now I just launch some ideas in the air... What about some upgrades? You reach level 5 and you can double fire, you reach level 10 and the graphics are getting better etc... Just if you really don't know what to do lol. Oh and last thing what about a more retro logo? But still if you stop now it's already really good. If I was you mother I would be proud of you. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
I'll certainly look at implementing some of your ideas, along with a cleanup/refactor of the code..i feel its getting a bit messy. Definitely the options, website and double fire. Any suggestions for an icon? Im also looking for some not-too-annoying background music, The keyboard one might be more tricky, it looks like its to do with the key repeat...i'll see if i can find out anything about it. |
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