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Naomik 2011-04-16 07:51

Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
Title says it all.

Ever since I switched over to AT&T I have been having some very strange issues with my device (read: ever since a customer service rep. suddenly pulled the battery out while it was running)

1. The N900 has been rebooting with the following message on restart:

unexpected reboot, your kernel settings were not saved

2. There have been sudden changes in all titles (everything has a bunch of letters and numbers before things as simple as yes and no buttons).

3. I am also asked to allow roaming to connect to the network internet (otherwise I cannot connect) even though I am fully within the coverage area. Even then the connection keeps getting disconnected.

4. X-terminal returns no errors.

So I decided to attempt a flash ( renamed firmware and eMMC as RX-51.bin and R.bin respectively)

However, when I run :

flasher-3.5.exe -F R.bin -f -R

I receive:

R.bin: %m

Any thoughts?

RiD 2011-04-16 11:39

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
Try to flash the kernel only? I'm not an expert, but this section of the wiki might help you:

Also, I'd punch the customer service rep.

fareed_xtreme 2011-04-16 11:46

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by Naomik (Post 989650)
Title says it all.

Ever since I switched over to AT&T I have been having some very strange issues with my device (read: ever since a customer service rep. suddenly pulled the battery out while it was running)

1. The N900 has been rebooting with the following message on restart:

unexpected reboot, your kernel settings were not saved

2. There have been sudden changes in all titles (everything has a bunch of letters and numbers before things as simple as yes and no buttons).

3. I am also asked to allow roaming to connect to the network internet (otherwise I cannot connect) even though I am fully within the coverage area. Even then the connection keeps getting disconnected.

4. X-terminal returns no errors.

So I decided to attempt a flash ( renamed firmware and eMMC as RX-51.bin and R.bin respectively)

However, when I run :

flasher-3.5.exe -F R.bin -f -R

I receive:

R.bin: %m

Any thoughts?

%m usually comes when the path of the bin is wrong or not found. So I would like to ask if you are using Windows or ubuntu?

If it is windows, you are expected to type

flasher-3.5.exe -F C:\XXX\XXX\R.bin -f -R
My Suggestion, move the "bin Images" into the folder

C:\Program Files\Maemo\Flasher3.5\
Then run the command as you have typed earlier. Make sure filename is correct.

Also If you are trying to flash the eMMC, do make sure you have Nokia PC Suite and Follow the guide as stated by RiD in the above post.
These instructions are for Windows....

Char 2011-04-16 19:16

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
if the eMMC is R.bin then why are you appending -R to the command!?

Alfred 2011-04-16 19:35

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
in my case %m showed up when i typed the image name wrong, or didn't even have the image file in the folder

Garcel 2011-04-16 19:40

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
The most easiest way is to. Drag the file to the maemo flasher window. It will automatically register its location. And click enter.

Naomik 2011-04-16 21:12

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I didn't mean to ad the -R when posting :o

I've been running through everything and have the flasher recognizing the commands at this point. However, it will not recognize the device. I have found the workaround for windows 7 (Current OS) and still nothing. I get the dim Nokia screen with the USB and the flasher keeps looking for a suitable device.

I have never had this many problems flashing before:mad:

Ayle 2011-04-16 21:19

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
Just use unetbootin with a flash drive and hopefully that way it should remove a lot a variables like bad drivers or something in windows interfering with the process.

krill 2011-04-17 01:24

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by Naomik (Post 990157)
I didn't mean to ad the -R when posting :o

I've been running through everything and have the flasher recognizing the commands at this point. However, it will not recognize the device. I have found the workaround for windows 7 (Current OS) and still nothing. I get the dim Nokia screen with the USB and the flasher keeps looking for a suitable device.

I have never had this many problems flashing before:mad:

hi guy..anybody can help me about tweak flash player can't running at facebook..pls help me..

fareed_xtreme 2011-04-17 09:44

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by Naomik (Post 990157)
I didn't mean to ad the -R when posting :o

I've been running through everything and have the flasher recognizing the commands at this point. However, it will not recognize the device. I have found the workaround for windows 7 (Current OS) and still nothing. I get the dim Nokia screen with the USB and the flasher keeps looking for a suitable device.

I have never had this many problems flashing before:mad:

OK. Windows 7. I hope it is not 64 bit as it still has issues. If you are using 64bit, you will need to use a virtual machine to Flash.

Alternatively Try the following if using a 32bit OS.

1. Turn Off your N900 completely. (Also no USB Cable attached at this point)
2.Make sure you have Nokia PC Suite or OVI PC Suite installed. (Nokia Connectivity Drivers is needed for eMMC Flashing)
3. Run the flasher command (FIASCO Image to be flashed first)
4. Now connect the cable to the N900 and keep U pressed.
5. The flashing should begin without any hassle.. May take not more than 10 seconds to start.
6. Run the flasher command (eMMC Image to be flashed last)

Note: Do not use -R while flashing FIASCO Image

Naomik 2011-04-19 02:30

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I was attemtping to use 64 bit.

However I switched computers (windows vista) and keep running into this:


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5>flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.
flasher v2.5.2 (Sep 24 2009)

Image 'mmc', size 255947 kB
        Version RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0
Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2204
NOLO version 1.4.14
Version of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2.002_PR_002
Booting device into flash mode.
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.

Naomik 2011-04-19 04:29

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

4 things:

1. flasher-3.5.exe not .exe

2. First eMMC then firmware

3. Follow the wiki EXACTLY. In fact read it a few times through and even take some notes. Make sure sure you fully understand the instructions before attempting to flash.

4. Please don't Hi-jack threads, it's bad taste.

Aside from that copy and paste.

Bartcore3 2011-04-19 06:31

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by Naomik (Post 991519)
I was attemtping to use 64 bit.

are you use windows 7 64-bit?
It is known that 64-bit systems caused some trouble..
there's a little workaround for that and i think you can find it on the wiki page. It's a little program called libusb (something like that)

it installs some drivers and then you shouldn't have any more problems :)

sure hope it helped ;)

fareed_xtreme 2011-04-20 09:10

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by Naomik (Post 991519)
I was attemtping to use 64 bit.

However I switched computers (windows vista) and keep running into this:


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5>flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.
flasher v2.5.2 (Sep 24 2009)

Image 'mmc', size 255947 kB
        Version RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0
Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2204
NOLO version 1.4.14
Version of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2.002_PR_002
Booting device into flash mode.
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.

Install Nokia PC Suite or OVI PC Suite. It is finding the device but not finding the Connectivity Drivers...

Also the best practice is to use a Windows XP Virtual machine if you are using a 64bit OS.

Bartcore3 2011-04-20 13:52

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by fareed_xtreme (Post 992376)
Install Nokia PC Suite or OVI PC Suite. It is finding the device but not finding the Connectivity Drivers...

Also the best practice is to use a Windows XP Virtual machine if you are using a 64bit OS.

Installing OVI or/and PC suite don't install the drivers required for flashing.. At least that was my case.

But this can be fixed by installing libusb before connecting the device.
Download and instructions are found here.

It worked for me! :)

Naomik 2011-04-20 20:01

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by fareed_xtreme (Post 992376)
Install Nokia PC Suite or OVI PC Suite. It is finding the device but not finding the Connectivity Drivers...

Also the best practice is to use a Windows XP Virtual machine if you are using a 64bit OS.

I switched over to a Vista 32 bit machine (non virtual) and had the pc suite installed when I got that error.

I'm going to try Bartcore3's suggestion today.

fareed_xtreme 2011-04-20 20:06

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by Naomik (Post 992773)
I switched over to a Vista 32 bit machine (non virtual) and had the pc suite installed when I got that error.

I'm going to try Bartcore3's suggestion today.

And I'm sure that should work as all it needs is the driver to recognize that this is the device that needs to be flashed.. :P

Naomik 2011-04-20 22:29

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
Target remains:mad:


C:\Program Files (x86)\maemo\flasher-3.5>flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010
.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -f
flasher v2.5.2 (Sep 24 2009)

Image 'mmc', size 255947 kB
        Version RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0
Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2204
NOLO version 1.4.14
Version of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2.002_PR_002
Booting device into flash mode.
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.

I've attempted trouble shotting 1-4 in the wiki and have even switched to a vista-32 bit PC. The above code is all I ever see.

vegas27 2011-04-20 22:48

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I seem to have the same problem ! I already tried everything i have a Mac, Windows XP, and Windows 7 and cant get to reflash my N900 and this is not the first time I reflash the phone can someone please help us?

Naomik 2011-04-20 22:59

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
Below are screen shots if anyone has some ideas.

vegas27 2011-04-20 23:05

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
at least you can see something in your phone, mine is a brick everytime i turn it on it goes to multiboot

Bartcore3 2011-04-21 07:05

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
Well that's strange.. I'm fairly new to the maemo community so i don't know much.
Do yo have, any idea how you got those underscores and full names?

Also i'dd like to ask, what computers have you used trying to flash your N900?
Im talking about the OS.

Char 2011-04-21 08:16

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
It seems like a corrupt language file?
Try changing the system language and see if that fixes anything

teh 2011-04-21 08:19

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I had this along with missing images. You need to reflash both vanilla and emmc as something has corrupted.

Naomik 2011-04-21 09:13

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I have tried Windows 7+workaround, windows vista, and ubuntu.


I would do all that If I could get the flasher to recognize the device.


Originally Posted by Char (Post 993073)
It seems like a corrupt language file?
Try changing the system language and see if that fixes anything

I can change the region, not the language. A little bar at the bottom pops up with:


Garcel 2011-04-21 09:26

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
You deleted some content that messed up the language. You're not the only one who have experience this.

Naomik 2011-04-21 09:49

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I don't know how much this has to do with anything, but every time I plug the USB in to flash the progression dots never appear.

vegas27 2011-04-22 01:09

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I have the same problem as soon as i put enter in the flasher the usb sign in my N900 disappears .

Naomik 2011-04-22 06:45

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
UPDATE: Flashed successfully on Windows 7 64-bit.

I have no clue how or why but it seems my custom theme was interfering.

Switched over to a basic theme and everything went as it should.

Thanks to all who have helped.

Bartcore3 2011-04-22 07:37

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
lol :p
Strange that it worked after you changed back to the default theme..
I have a custom theme to but it didn't affect the flashing procedure..

What theme are you using?
I have Maverick theme (so my windows 7 looks like ubuntu ^^)

Well i'm happy this got solved :)

Naomik 2011-04-22 09:25

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
Event Horizon and Hazardous Glass at the time. However I also have a custom orb, boot screen, etc.

The whole look took a few days and required messing with the OS extensively. In retrospect I should have looked into that first.

asadkhan1988 2011-11-30 17:21

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
guys i am also getting this error

i am running windows 7 64 bit

i have installed libusb and followed the instructions to a install succesfull, and have verified n900 update mode in device manager

still getting %m

any advice?


demolition 2011-11-30 17:29

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m

Originally Posted by asadkhan1988 (Post 1131209)
i am running windows 7 64 bit

Please read the Wiki. It's very clear that using 64bit Windows (any version) or Windows 7 casue problems.

Recommended workarounds:
- Use WinXP.
- Use a Live CD of which ever Linux Distribution you choose and follow Linux instructions in the Wiki. Ubuntu Live CD is known to work for this purpose.

Bartcore3 2011-11-30 20:30

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
i had this problem to
(windows 7)
I had to install LIBUSB, wich install new drivers/libraries
do a quick search on google. If you can't find it, PM me. Still have the install on my pc :)

good luck

tonypower88 2011-11-30 20:46

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I think he copy the line command for flashing and it is wrapped in the text editor so it didn't paste correctly in cmd

I flashed my n900 successfully on WIN7 64bit by installing the libusb menthioned in wiki

Alfred 2011-11-30 20:49

Re: Cant' flash N900: Returns %m
I am quite sure, there are some tutorials out there, how to succcesfully flash n900 on 64bit windows system

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