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cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 10:51

[Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
Hi can somebody give Idea how we can watch hulu on n900 outsude us?On my pc i have HULU desktop and i wath it outside us with hotspod shield.I think for something like proxy changer for n900 and then hulu site maybe?If you have Ideas please share :)

James_Littler 2011-06-01 11:01

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
The Onion Router

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 11:05

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US

Originally Posted by James_Littler (Post 1020059)
The Onion Router

Ok mate how we can use it with N900

James_Littler 2011-06-01 11:09

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
Download it from the repo


lorul2 2011-06-01 11:13

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
I'm in the US and I tried HULU it didn't work I thought it was a flash issue.

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 11:16

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US

Originally Posted by James_Littler (Post 1020071)
Download it from the repo


Thanks i didn`t know there is a version for n900

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 11:19

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
Hi lorul2 are you using tweak flash plugin when you try hulu?

cincibluer6 2011-06-01 11:24

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
IIRC, Hulu DOES use the latest version of flash (or at least 10.2) and the tweak flash plugin doesn't work.
I could be wrong though.

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 11:30

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
I start onion router then go to hulu and the flash start loading but then it say that i`m outside us.It seem that the flash work with tweak plugin ???

Captwheeto 2011-06-01 11:37

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
You can force TOR to use a node located where you want. I can't remember how but you can! :P

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 11:40

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US

Originally Posted by Captwheeto (Post 1020096)
You can force TOR to use a node located where you want. I can't remember how but you can! :P

Hum this will be a good option beacause i try a few times and it always say that i`m outsie US

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 11:48

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
I reboot my n900.start again TOR go tu hulu and now i see only that stupid loading screen in any load "forever".But didn`t say anything that i`m outside US.

NIN101 2011-06-01 11:49

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
Tor is NOT designed for this. This causes too much traffic. They hate when people download big stuff over the network, which is really the case with hulu. So, forget about Tor.

Get a vserver for < 5 USD/€ per month in the US, and then use an ssh tunnel.
Or do it otherwise, but don't abuse anonymity networks.

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 12:16

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
I`ll think for another way and if i have any result i`ll post.If anybody have an idea please share.

mrbiggzz79 2011-06-01 12:28

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
u need a vpn account i use strong so it hide my bahamian ip and shows a u.s ip

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 12:39

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US

Originally Posted by mrbiggzz79 (Post 1020134)
u need a vpn account i use strong so it hide my bahamian ip and shows a u.s ip

Thanks maybe Open VPN will do the job?

jedi 2011-06-01 12:48

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
After a 3 second Google, it appears that Hulu *requires* Flash 10 (ie, it actually uses features of v10), so it ain't gonna work on your N900.

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 12:57

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1020144)
After a 3 second Google, it appears that Hulu *requires* Flash 10 (ie, it actually uses features of v10), so it ain't gonna work on your N900.

Maybe you`re right My hopes was that HULU only require Flash 10 and don`t actually use it .But now with Open VPN Us config i load an post me a message "Sorry, was unable to load the player."

lorul2 2011-06-01 12:57

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1020144)
After a 3 second Google, it appears that Hulu *requires* Flash 10 (ie, it actually uses features of v10), so it ain't gonna work on your N900.

I thought I said the same thing earlier..;)

cvetkov.i 2011-06-01 12:58

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
Anyway thanks mates for your help.I`ll wait for flash 10:)

jedi 2011-06-01 13:06

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US

Originally Posted by lorul2 (Post 1020151)
I thought I said the same thing earlier..;)

You did, but you didn't sound too sure!

Creamy Goodness 2011-06-01 16:14

Re: [Ideas?]Hulu and N900 outside US
sign up for account on
change dns to their servers
they have a free trial so you can play with it for a week, after that it's $5 per month and doesn't route data through them so no bandwidth caps or latency added.

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