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Which community applications do you want ported to N9/N950?
This list is no longer maintained. The list on the meego wiki is the one to follow. You can add your requests there yourselves too.
http://wiki.meego.com/Porting_list_from_maemo Compiling a list of community apps that we would like to see ported/recompiled to the new N9. I intend to port Tweed Suit as soon as possible. The apps I use the most that I would like for Harmattan are QSpot and MeBook. The latter being an ebook reader can be replaced with other apps though. But that one's my favorite. So developers, are you planning on porting your applications, and users, which apps would you really like ported? Developers, if your app is in the list, please inform us of your plans. List of requests so far (Bold ones are planned by developer): 3g/2g/dual mode applet Abiword Alarmed Almost TI85 Ansel-A (lostinmirkwood) Attitude (Jaffa) Backup Menu battery-eye batterygraph Blessn900 or its ovi store counterpart bluemaemo buddy build-essential cell-modem-ui chess cleanN900 -> cleanN9 Conboy (Conny) Conky ConnectNow Copernicum coreutils-gnu (ls color) cpumem-applet CUPS Cutetube(-qml) (marxian) Dataplan Monitor DBUS-SWITCHBOARD DialCentral (epage) Dosbox Dropbox client dropN900 easydebian EasyList eCoach ejpi (epage) Evince evopedia Faircrack FBReader FCAM FeedingIt (or other RSS reader) feedinglt filbox Filebox Flashlight (rmoravcik) flashlight (+ extra) FM Radio Player Free Heroes 2 (mece) freofice/Koffice Frontview (benlau) frontview900 fuelpad (jlu) Gloarchive Gnumeric Gom Gonvert (epage) gPodder Greader (thp) Grr gTranslate Gweled headphone deamon healthcheck (noobmonkey) Hermes (Jaffa) Hide-user agent HiveMind instinctiv Jamaendo jdownloader Katana / Other Bible reader Xournal Kmplayer Kmplayer Knots 2 load-applet locate (findutils-gnu) maeCalories (rambo) maeCount (noobmonkey) maeFat man-db-n900 Mapsi Mappero Maecount mBarcode MeBook mediabox with (youtube + shoutcast) Mobile Hotspot (preinstalled) Mussorgsky Mplayer MstarDict mupen64plus MyPaint netmon notmynokia n900 fly OpenNtpd OpenSSH OpenVPN Orrey and/or Stellarium Panucci (xerxes2) PenPen Petrovich Pidgin Portabase Preenv Presence VNC psx4m Puzzle Master (Venemo) PyRadio qgvdial (uvatbc) Qlister (mece) QSpot (aenbacka) Radiotimetogo R-base + r-base-code Rdesktop Recaller Rootsh Rtmpdump Scout ScummVM SixAxis Sociality Stellarium Stockona (sony123) Stockthis Stoppish Subtitle support (rmoravcik) sunvox theme customizer Tickstill tracker Cfg Transmission Tweed Suit (mece) TwimGo Tweego Vagalume Vim (Jaffa) VNC Wallet (nowhereman) wifi injection drivers wireless hotspot x48-portrait Xchat Xournal yellow notes applet Zim Zouba |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
do you know iif harmanattan will handle .deb or .rpm and if it will be Qt/Qt quick compatible? Do you know the screen's resolution?
How can we port an app if Nokia don't tell us this informations? |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
I recommend:
Xournal Conboy Greader Evince Blessn900 or its ovi store counterpart Cutetube Frontview Presence VNC Kmplayer Jamaendo Radiotimetogo |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
FBReader, of course
HiveMind, if possible Zim Vim, it goes without saying An rss reader like FeedingIt Xchat Orrey and or Stellarium |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
I'll be looking at the apps I've already got in Extras:
In terms of requests, the big one is OpenSSH. |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
And then for a longer answer: I don't actually know yet what I would like to have ported. It depends on a couple of things: 1. What is already preinstalled. For example if there is a good Facebook app then there is no need for port of Kasvopus. 2. How customisable (apparently not at all :() Harmattan is. On Fremantle I like for example cpumem-applet and Quicklaunch and would like to have something similar on Harmattan if possible. 3. Hardware specific things. On N900 I like to emulate Amiga and C64 with UAE4All and Vice because the games are actually playable with physical keyboard and Gamegripper. If there is just touchscreen on N9/N950/Ion/nWhatever then those emulators become almost useless. Anyway, here is a couple of suggestions that should be useful and good programs in any case: ansela battery-eye Dropbox client Flashlight frontview900 Gonvert Gweled maeFat OpenSSH QSpot Zouba |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Add to the list 2 from my favorites:
dropN900 batterygraph |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
I'm planning to port cuteTube to both Meego CE and Harmattan. :)
Requests: Filebox FapMan (May not be totally necessary if the Harmattan AppMan runs faster than a sedated slug) gPodder |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
ScummVM (i think it will be the easiest emulator to play with without a keyboard/controller) Free Heroes 2 vnc\rdesktop jdownloader bluemaemo (would be perfect if there was wifi support too) |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
If it's Nokias flagship device, then just: wifi injection drivers.
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
The ones I use the most are
Gpodder grr Sociality instinctiv Tickstill ConnectNow Scout Gom Petrovich Not sure which of those are worth considering, for example, I'm sure that ConnectNow is a no-go because people have said there are no widgets on the screen of this new device. Hope they're mistaken - I love my FB, weather, calendarHome and Conversations widgets. |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
gPodder for sure. Its one of the best (if not the best) pod catchers on a mobile device.
Another app or rather the base functionality of the current N900/maemo is the ability to add IM protocols / plug-ins to the device. This allows me to be online all the time enabling me to communicate with my friends and colleagues in real-time… This is something I don’t want to lose…. It’s one of the better n900 capabilities that should IMHO defo be apart of the new N9 harmatten device. |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Here are my suggestions, hopefully some agree/nobody finds them useless: :p
-Transmission, or another lightweight torrent program -Conky -Open Office equivalent -SixAxis -Backup Menu That's all I can think of at the moment. |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
EasyList Hopefully the device would be powerful enough to run LibreOffice and I'm interested in seeing Proximus on here and maybe on the new device too. |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Twas the night before Nokia’s Big Day, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Elop soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of N9’s and N950 danced in their heads. arrrhhh.... God dam’ it where are the leaks that Nokia are infamous for ;) |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
My list
1.cutetube with youku in it 2.mobile hotspot 3.Faircrack with better wpa crack 4.tranmission 5.better pdf reader 6. Better skype 7. Ovi maps navigation 8. Flash 10 |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
This thread is not for wishing for features, but to see which existing community maemo apps we would like have ported to Harmattan, so please stay on topic.
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
FM and AM radio
ovi maps with tun by turn instructions and dont forget phone functionalities such as : - voice dialer - speak name - dual camera with video calling |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
1. build-essential
2. openssh 3. locate (findutils-gnu) 4. vim 5. coreutils-gnu (ls color) 6. man-db-n900 7. Easy Debian |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
BTW: I didn't mention TwimGo because it seems to already be part of the lineup.
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
As far as I can currently tell, Conboy won't be portable in it's current form. Depending on the new device (Do I have it? Do I want to use it?) I will consider writing a Qt/QML version from scratch.
But no promises yet :) |
Re: Which applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
I trust you guys that you ill cover what you have developed or like what others have developed. |
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
So I'd like Twimgo imported, if there's any doubt. |
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Votes for:
FBReader gPodder fapman |
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
SeriesFinale for me. It is a TV show management app, and I believe it is written in Python for the N900. Don't know how portable it will be to the new Harmattan phones.
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
it will be interesting to include in tha list:
MstarDict evopedia Mobile Hotspot mediabox with (youtube + shoutcast) DBUS-SWITCHBOARD conboy (thank in advance for it) feedinglt freofice/Koffice cleanN900 -> cleanN9 ;) tracker Cfg yellow notes applet Kmplayer chess flashlight (+ extra) gpodder personal ip address filbox (for the root access & hidden folders) gTranslate headphone deamon internet radio widget R-base + r-base-code 3g/2g/dual mode applet load-applet Hide-user agent theme customizer buddy |
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
"Tuner" is a must have for me. I use it along with the CTRL+Shift+P screenshot to take photos of the incredible high notes I hit with trumpets I want to sell (gotta' pay the bills somehow!).
For example: How about a G flat over double high C with a Bach Strad 72*/43LP and a Zottola 64C? http://i957.photobucket.com/albums/a...ver2XHighC.jpg Tuner is a Must Have for me. |
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
Showtime. tencharacters
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
eCoach |
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
i'll port conky for sure. mobile hotspot is included with the device (okay, "wifi hotspot", close enough?), and maybe some other stuff won't be needed either.
Re: Which community applications do you want ported to Harmattan?
gpodder! =)
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