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larux 2011-06-24 19:33

Microsoft, your platform is on fire
"MICROSOFT, YOUR PLATFORM IS ON FIRE" in blog entry "Will the Real Stephen Elop, Please Stand Up?" by Tomi Ahonen. Really interesting read about mr. Elop with quotations of his recent public speeches.

Have fun! :D:D

Daneel 2011-06-24 20:09

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
Nice blog, emotional and honest. I really don't know if all of it is true, but he does make it sound true and i wholeheartedly agree with him.

9000 2011-06-24 20:22

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
Very good blog indeed. Looks like Elop finally gets some clues on what Nokia is doing, what industry his company is onto and what products his company is selling.


A Stephen Elop Nokia CEO on June 1:
"Nokia has a long history of serving customers at all price points. Thats something we have to be willing to continue to do, using Windows Phone as the smartphone platform to do so." (On next day, June 2 same Stephen Elop admits Microsoft not good fit for 80% of Nokia's phones.)
That was an awkward moment for a CEO of Nokia. :D

Daneel 2011-06-24 21:01

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
Somebody cook up a FAIL picture with elop's face, fast!

I really like his analysis on Skype and Carriers.

larux 2011-06-24 21:06

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1038375)
Somebody cook up a FAIL picture with elop's face, fast!

I really like his analysis on Skype and Carriers.

Me too! I hope so deeply that Tomi would be right and Elop were doomed. Nokia Board Wake up!

His arguments sounds reasonable.

ericsson 2011-06-24 22:11

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1038342)
Nice blog, emotional and honest. I really don't know if all of it is true, but he does make it sound true and i wholeheartedly agree with him.

Tomi Ahonen is always fun to read, but I always take everything he say with a grain of salt. He has been totally off the target on many occasions and extremely biased at times, but still one of the best. Now, heading off to Tomis blog :D

Ministeri 2011-06-24 22:17

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Very nice text, had a good laugh with it.

mikecomputing 2011-06-24 22:51

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1038342)
Nice blog, emotional and honest. I really don't know if all of it is true, but he does make it sound true and i wholeheartedly agree with him.

some is probaddly true some he seems overeact.

But I agree with him fire that Microsoft Muppet :D

I beggining to think Elp will not be longlived. But biggest problem is how the contract with Microsoft looks :(

xerxes2 2011-06-24 22:56

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by Ministeri (Post 1038414)

Very nice text, had a good laugh with it.

Haha, that's an epic pic. Ok caption contest.

"Hi it's steven, can I have my old job back?"

other end: "Well, you never left"

anonymous 2011-06-24 23:25

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

ericsson 2011-06-24 23:32

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1038432)
some is probaddly true some he seems overeact.

But I agree with him fire that Microsoft Muppet :D

I beggining to think Elp will not be longlived. But biggest problem is how the contract with Microsoft looks :(

You have to read the comments as well to get a more balanced view :) , but you probably have.

What's wrong with Elop is that he doesn't seem all that bright. He doesn't really understand what is going on, or he has massive opposition within Nokia, leaking info that when taken out of context, makes him look stupid and clumsy. Maybe a bit of both.

But the erosion within Nokia started years ago, and has continued ever since. All that was needed in 2007 was to renew Symbian, but they didn't even though it should have started years before that. Instead they got Qt in the hope that it would by magic be much better simply by adding yet another layer on top. And the talk about MeeGo, the N9 doesn't even run MeeGo, it runs Maemo that has been developed over 5 years now, and it runs on a processor chipset that is more or less identical to he N900. MeeGo does still not exist in a usable form on ARM (phones). I mean, the situation was unbelievable, Maemo was neglected for Symbian, but Symbian was also neglected because it was such a mess that no one wanted to really clean it up. I bet Elop talked to Maemo/MeeGo guys who told him that Symbian was a complete mess, then he talked to Symbian guys who told him that MeeGo would never be finished. They were all telling the truth. Now, when a lot of dead weight has been removed from the teams, they finally starts to deliver, the N9, Symbian Anna (still messed up or not). Dead weight includes lots of previous key personnel working at Nokia R&D.

But Tomi still hasn't understood what the "next billion" is about, and that is disappointing. Instead he uses it to bash Elop, when this clearly is Nokias main strategy forward, and what is going to save this burning platform.

ste-phan 2011-06-24 23:39

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1038375)
Somebody cook up a FAIL picture with elop's face, fast!

I really like his analysis on Skype and Carriers.

Right on as the rest of the article but in that Skype case Nokia has made this error before.

Maybe for the same reason we did see Skype integration only in N900 and N9 so far.

Rugoz 2011-06-24 23:50

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
90% of those elop citations are not contradictions. Of course elop does not have a background in the mobile industry so he probably still has a lot to learn.

The thing that makes me doubt elops leadership qualities is the early announcement of symbians death (a fatal mistake) and that recent wp7 leak, if indeed elop is behind it.

ste-phan 2011-06-25 00:09

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by Rugoz (Post 1038449)
90% of those elop citations are not contradictions. Of course elop does not have a background in the mobile industry so he probably still has a lot to learn.

The thing that makes me doubt elops leadership qualities is the early announcement of symbians death (a fatal mistake) and that recent wp7 leak, if indeed elop is behind it.

as emergency CEO of Nokia learning mobile industry on the go, is that accepted?
Why they did not pick me then? I can read a book about corporate management and learn about the industry while leading Nokia with Symbian and Harmatan on course.

Seriously, at this level dangerously incompetent is what comes to mind to describe those who hired the muppet at first place.

keflex 2011-06-25 03:59

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by Rugoz (Post 1038449)
90% of those elop citations are not contradictions.

This. Seriously I doubt I even read half of it before closing the tab, none of these are contradictions at all. Anyone who things otherwise really needs to get their eyes checked. Just like anyone who thinks there really is an "Elopcalypse" should walk on down to their local psych ward, tin foil hat in hand.

gerbick 2011-06-25 04:34

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
Elop has contradicted himself. But you know what?

I expected no less.

keflex 2011-06-25 04:48

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
I really don't want to go back to that article, any chance someone could copy/paste a legit contradiction in here?

I realise I'm being petulant as all hell.

ste-phan 2011-06-25 05:28

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by keflex (Post 1038539)
I really don't want to go back to that article, any chance someone could copy/paste a legit contradiction in here?

I realise I'm being petulant as all hell.

ok then, no contradictions! The writer takes poor Elops phrases out of well funded fact based PR messages and uses it to make his point about what exactly?

Maybe there were no WMD's in Irak but the world is a better place with Saddam removed. (Blair)

ok, the platform was not burning that much but WP7 was the better choice for Nokia shareholders after all (...)

its must be this platform rubbish and his 'leaked' video of Seagull WP7 to 'make no mistake guys WP7 it shall be' then that makes him such an Elop?

maluka 2011-06-25 05:37

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
Bring back Anssi Vanjoki to clean up this mess. :(

gerbick 2011-06-25 05:50

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 1038557)
Bring back Anssi Vanjoki to clean up this mess. :(

Doubtful. He didn't get CEO, so he showed himself the door.

cBeam 2011-06-25 05:54

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 1038445)

But Tomi still hasn't understood what the "next billion" is about, and that is disappointing. Instead he uses it to bash Elop, when this clearly is Nokias main strategy forward, and what is going to save this burning platform.

So, Tomi hasn't understood what the next billion is about? Hmm, care to explain? I think he understands, but do you?

gazza_d 2011-06-25 06:01

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
This whole mess is a classic collection of corporate mistakes and misjudgments and has been done before, just not all by the same man, at the same time, and with such a dramatic effect. In years to come there will be documentaries and books about Nokia's 2011.

The whole Feb 11 thing was a classic "Osbourne" moment where he told the world that the existing products were crap and dead, and to wait a year for the new ones.

It is now morphing into a New CocaCola moment, where Nokia are starting to backpedal furiously to repair and undo the damage.

I don't think we will see any big statement, just plenty of new products which are not WP, and subtle changes in policy and direction, like the increase in life for Symbian.

It's like watching a massively long episode of The Apprentice....

keflex 2011-06-25 06:11

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 1038553)
ok then, no contradictions! The writer takes poor Elops phrases out of well funded fact based PR messages and uses it to make his point about what exactly?

Maybe there were no WMD's in Irak but the world is a better place with Saddam removed. (Blair)

ok, the platform was not burning that much but WP7 was the better choice for Nokia shareholders after all (...)

its must be this platform rubbish and his 'leaked' video of Seagull WP7 to 'make no mistake guys WP7 it shall be' then that makes him such an Elop?

I really don't know how to respond to this. Did you not have a point to make, or are you just unable to articulate it?

ste-phan 2011-06-25 06:43

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by keflex (Post 1038573)
I really don't know how to respond to this. Did you not have a point to make, or are you just unable to articulate it?

No need to respond. I agreed with the "no contradictions". You did not read that?

The rest was meant to entertain those people that smell something corpoliticaly fishy going on.

number41 2011-06-25 06:45

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
Ok, maybe we should get that guy in here. That was some massive rant, far bigger than any I've seem in these forums. Would someone extend him an invitation?

So, in a less tongue-in-cheek tone:

I think he takes circunstanticial evidence as well as out-of-context declarations, and spins them into a great number of phallacies. He might have gotten a few points right, maybe the Skype-M$ deal really did screw any chances the No-Win (Nokia-Windows) alliance might have had (which were not that good, anyways) of succeeding to any degree of acceptability... But otherwise, it's just an epic rant. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy is watching these forum, popcorn and beer in hand.

The one thing I think he got right is the whole Elop animosity. Dudes, seriously... Who would be so crazy as to hire him after Nokia's Eflop stint? I'm not seeing many career opportunities for him after that one...

Or maybe I'm just displaying how clueless about the corporate world I am. But I imagine that hiring Eflop from now on will result in instant share-tanking.

ericsson 2011-06-25 06:54

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by cBeam (Post 1038568)
So, Tomi hasn't understood what the next billion is about? Hmm, care to explain? I think he understands, but do you?

By Tomi:

And most of all, for any Microsoft delusions of a future - Nokia has now committed to one billion - thats billion with a B - new Qt devices. Qt is either Symbian, or MeeGo (or Ballm,er get this - Android) but categorically Qt is not Microsoft.
Ok, this is a bit speculative, but what we know is:
Qt and the N9 interface will be a key part of "the next billion". The core OS will not be MeeGo.

And the speculative part:
The consensus is that the core OS will be Nokia OS (the "thing" that now runs S40, whatever that actually is). We know that S40 is capable of multitasking, but it is of no practical use on current devices due to memory and CPU constraints. What we get is a platform similar to Bada, mean and lean and fast (like nothing you Linux geeks would believe), but with Qt. The other possibility is a Symbian core, but for this to be efficient regarding transition to new hardware, it requires major overhaul of the OS. Qt on Symbian still does not work properly, and it has been a nightmare for Nokia due to the messy state Symbian is/was in. It could be that things really have been cleaned up, I don't know. The third possibility is a commercial core OS, there are several to chose from.

My bet is S40, then a commercial core, then Symbian. But the latest announcement with 10 new Symbian devices could mean that it would in fact be Symbian, and that would please me if for no other reasons than sentimental reasons.

number41 2011-06-25 07:10

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 1038590)
By Tomi:

Ok, this is a bit speculative, but what we know is:
Qt and the N9 interface will be a key part of "the next billion". The core OS will not be MeeGo.

And the speculative part:
The consensus is that the core OS will be Nokia OS (the "thing" that now runs S40, whatever that actually is). We know that S40 is capable of multitasking, but it is of no practical use on current devices due to memory and CPU constraints. What we get is a platform similar to Bada, mean and lean and fast (like nothing you Linux geeks would believe), but with Qt. The other possibility is a Symbian core, but for this to be efficient regarding transition to new hardware, it requires major overhaul of the OS. Qt on Symbian still does not work properly, and it has been a nightmare for Nokia due to the messy state Symbian is/was in. It could be that things really have been cleaned up, I don't know. The third possibility is a commercial core OS, there are several to chose from.

My bet is S40, then a commercial core, then Symbian. But the latest announcement with 10 new Symbian devices could mean that it would in fact be Symbian, and that would please me if for no other reasons than sentimental reasons.

What's the point? Even if that strategy does indeed make sales skyrocket, we still get a dumbphone that's lean, mean, fast and... Well, dumb, therefore completely useless to this community.

We already have plenty of shiny, sleek phones out there. It Nokia decides to dump the one sorta open one, we all stand to lose.

I did like my 9500 and the N95 I had... They still feel like a child's toy in comparison to the N900. If that's the future, I can only say it sucks, and even if the company profits from it (I'm not a Nokia shareholder, I'm not too concerned for its financial well-being), we all lose.

pasih 2011-06-25 07:16

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
Maybe this has been posted here already (although I couldn't find it) but our dear mobile gossip-king Eldar is saying that someone tipped him that Elop is under investigation by Nokia board about his behaviour with leaking:

"Pure rumour. I havent 2nd confirmation. Nokia board ask (or start?) internal investigation about Stephen Elop steps in role of Nokia CEO.

"The reason of internal investigation possible manipulation (N9 and WP7 device leak). If anyone have some info, plz share. Tnx in advance..."!/eldarmurtazin...75394945097728

Could be completely bogus either from Eldar or from someone pranking him. But nevertheless pretty interesting in the light of thoughts expressed by Tomi Ahonen.

ericsson 2011-06-25 07:40

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by number41 (Post 1038593)
What's the point? Even if that strategy does indeed make sales skyrocket, we still get a dumbphone that's lean, mean, fast and... Well, dumb, therefore completely useless to this community.

There is a larger world out there than this tiny community. It will be a smartphone, a phone with apps and whatnot, even full multitasking. But compared with the N900 just about everything is "dumb" to some degree, even though most people would call it "smart" to hide away all the technical clutter.

larux 2011-06-25 08:01

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 1038608)
There is a larger world out there than this tiny community. It will be a smartphone, a phone with apps and whatnot, even full multitasking. But compared with the N900 just about everything is "dumb" to some degree, even though most people would call it "smart" to hide away all the technical clutter.

My guess is that new "S40" will be like N9 but without possibility for tweaking. Swipe OS is so dead simple and works with 1 ghz hardware..

It's brilliant idea to use Qt and SwipeOS in order to make Nokia-Bada :-) However, It doesn't help us - early adopters, geeks etc. We want to install unstable alfa-level apps and have multiboots etc.

ericsson 2011-06-25 08:20

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by pasih (Post 1038597)
Maybe this has been posted here already (although I couldn't find it) but our dear mobile gossip-king Eldar is saying that someone tipped him that Elop is under investigation by Nokia board about his behaviour with leaking:

"Pure rumour. I havent 2nd confirmation. Nokia board ask (or start?) internal investigation about Stephen Elop steps in role of Nokia CEO.

"The reason of internal investigation possible manipulation (N9 and WP7 device leak). If anyone have some info, plz share. Tnx in advance..."!/eldarmurtazin...75394945097728

Could be completely bogus either from Eldar or from someone pranking him. But nevertheless pretty interesting in the light of thoughts expressed by Tomi Ahonen.

With a leak of that magnitude any CEO would be questioned about how this could happen. But at this stage, I believe Nokia would be better off without Elop. The dirty work has already been done, the massive dead weight at Nokia has been sacked, the N9 is a success even long before it starts selling (and this is all over the web). WP may or may not be a success, I believe it most certainly will. The "next billion" is probably already carved in stone by now, and Ovi is steaming forward like nothing has happened.

The board are asking themselves, what are Nokias assets TODAY. The answer is Ovi, it is the N9, it is S40/S30, it is the next billion. They see a CEO that is seemingly downplaying all that for the sake of WP. Even though the board hired him specifically to create an ecosystem with MS and to slim down the company, his toad like behaviour is not beneficial for Nokia any more.

It sure as hell will be fun to watch how this unfolds in the coming months

govprog 2011-06-25 08:32

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Nokia's main markets are indeed China and India, not the UAE.. (I said that)
Why I am not suprised?

pasih 2011-06-25 08:52

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
I read through the latest Eldar's tweets and these caught my attention:

23 hrs ago:
Selop will resign soon

21 hrs ago:
1. Another piece of puzzle. Nokia landed order for WP7 handset to Compal accordinr to digitimes. They even not used own plants. Weird? No

2. As we know Nokia havent customization for WP7 or any unique features. Now they arent used own production. What thats mean? see #3

3. Nokia trying to secure production of WP7 handests. If they going to sell company, they secure WP7 production. Thats an explanation

4. Thats work which Elop did. Funny thing that Compal will deliver 4.5 mln smartphones in 2011, 125k for Nokia

Question from mobilesguji and answer from Eldar (after the tweets about Nokia outsourcing WP7-manufacturing):

mobilesguruji Ankush Kala
@eldarmurtazin so you mean if Microsoft buys the Nok then there would be lag in the production due antitrust commission and other issues...

eldarmurtazin Eldar Murtazin
@mobilesguruji yes

Another question from mobilesguji and answer from Eldar:

mobilesguruji Ankush Kala
@eldarmurtazin is there any chance that MeeGo comes back if WP7 fails and Msoft doesn't buy Nokia...

eldarmurtazin Eldar Murtazin
@mobilesguruji not for Nokia i think. Not with Elop

mohannad 2011-06-25 09:01

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by pasih (Post 1038641)
I read through the latest Eldar's tweets and these caught my attention:

23 hrs ago:
Selop will resign soon

oh please please pleeeease be true!

volt 2011-06-25 11:20

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by larux (Post 1038620)
My guess is that new "S40" will be like N9 but without possibility for tweaking. Swipe OS is so dead simple and works with 1 ghz hardware..

Dude, S40. Nokia is bringing S40 to "the next billion" who could not yet afford having cell phones with internet capabilities. Lowest end phones. They are not going to be surfing around with powerful 1 ghz processors.

number41 2011-06-25 11:23

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
What's the point in celebrating his resignation?

Here's another conspiracy theory:

Nokia's board of directors was already set on selling the company to M$. The deal was already sealed, and all they had to do was find some way to make it happen... Namely, work around the antitrust commission.

The alleged billions that M$ was injecting into Nokia were to compensate for a share tanking that would take place, purposefully, on the design of both parties, so that antitrust commissions would have a convincing argument that the joining of both M$ and Nokia (henceforth referred to as No-Win) was not the case of two giants joining up, but rather, a much larger company buying a once thriving now failing one.

Elop would play his role as the man behind the share's freefall, the board of directors would get their money in advance, in exchange for not doing a thing while they watched their company sink, M$ would buy the then-failing company, everyone would get a frakkload of bucks, no handsets would spread Linux to desktop stations like wildfire, and that would be it.

Any thoughts on the above?

larux 2011-06-25 11:26

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by volt (Post 1038740)
Dude, S40. Nokia is bringing S40 to "the next billion" who could not yet afford having cell phones with internet capabilities. Lowest end phones. They are not going to be surfing around with powerful 1 ghz processors.

You are seriously wrong. New S40 Touch UI + Qt are aimed at Mid-Low end to replace Symbian+S40 TT Ui. You will see. S30 phones are for lowest category, use google to see difference. I mean S40.

volt 2011-06-25 11:29

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire
So far, nothing has indicated that Eldar's been well informed about the buyouts. He did predict (a few days after Elopocalypse) the stocks would keep dropping like crazy though, and they have been.

The article quotes elsewhere said that Nokia stock is now $22 billion, a buyout would be $30 bln. Frankly, that's not a lot - but at the same time the Nokia house is collapsing a little more every day so the rest of the smart (dynamic, doers) employees and the buyers base will all be gone soon.

volt 2011-06-25 11:30

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by larux (Post 1038746)
You are seriously wrong. New S40 Touch UI + Qt are aimed at Mid-Low end to replace Symbian+S40 TT Ui. You will see. S30 phones are for lowest category, use google to see difference. I mean S40.

That's what I got from the Keynote, they clearly said that next billion = S40. Remember, Nokia is simplifying. S40 takes over for all that isn't Microsoft phones.

momcilo 2011-06-25 11:32

Re: Microsoft, your platform is on fire

Originally Posted by volt (Post 1038740)
Dude, S40. Nokia is bringing S40 to "the next billion" who could not yet afford having cell phones with internet capabilities. Lowest end phones. They are not going to be surfing around with powerful 1 ghz processors.

Not exactly S40 is on average between 100-150e

There is lowest category, which is around 20-30e (you might have never seen such device). This is what sells on Africa and some of the Asia.

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