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arjun-giri 2007-07-08 22:40

what to do after update.?
I read a lot about problems people have after updating to a new firmware.
Is it worth to do it and what steps should i do after uppdayting?
Maybe Nokia will fix this problems such as browsing e.t.c soon releasing a patch?

Milhouse 2007-07-08 22:44

Re: what to do after update.?
Sure, update but don't restore a backup as the backup may corrupt some themes etc. and repositories.

I would also recommend you remove any precious or expensive SD/SDHC cards until we have established why the new update is so keen to kill the cards.

Rider 2007-07-08 23:21

Re: what to do after update.?
I did an update without problems. Restored a backup and later tarred the whole ~user back. Everything works fine and my SD cards are not killed either.

blakboy98 2007-07-08 23:27

Re: what to do after update.?
WOW, i haven't read that it kill some mem cards yet! Glad i didn't have that problem.
Not restoring from backup i think is the biggest thing you can do to not have any issues. I also added all the repos i could and installed python runtime before installing anything else.

Rider 2007-07-09 00:50

Re: what to do after update.?
It is plain nonsense that the upgrade kills memory cards.

Everybody should upgrade, the new OS is so much better in many ways.

fldude99 2007-07-09 00:55

Re: what to do after update.?
I updated...restored my complete backup with no problems. I did have to reinstall Gmail..Rhapsody..Maemo maps, but they both saw my sign in they were "saved" somehow

Milhouse 2007-07-09 02:59

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by Rider (Post 58079)
It is plain nonsense that the upgrade kills memory cards.

I suggest you read the various reports in this forum from users with cards that can no longer be accessed/formatted having applied the update, or even the bug in bugzilla before commenting on what is and what isn't nonsense, otherwise you may appear somewhat uninformed.

I think it only fair to advise people that there are apparent problems with the latest firmware upgrade which could - potentially - physically harm their expensive memory cards and that until Nokia advise otherwise it would be best to avoid using those cards, or applying the upgrade.

Rider 2007-07-09 09:30

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 58102)
I suggest you read the various reports in this forum from users with cards that can no longer be accessed/formatted having applied the update, or even the bug in bugzilla before commenting on what is and what isn't nonsense, otherwise you may appear somewhat uninformed.

I just read that some people have some problems with some cards.

There is no proof at all that it is related to the firmware upgrade, just rumours and/or personal beliefs. And even if for some reason the N800 does clutter a filesystem (remember: this is unreliable VFAT), you just reformat and have it working again. The N800 does not physically kill a SD card.

N770-Freak 2007-07-09 10:04

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by Rider (Post 58173)
I just read that some people have some problems with some cards.

There is no proof at all that it is related to the firmware upgrade, just rumours and/or personal beliefs. And even if for some reason the N800 does clutter a filesystem (remember: this is unreliable VFAT), you just reformat and have it working again. The N800 does not physically kill a SD card.

It is nice that you have no problems with sd/sdhc cards. But there are people having problems with it.
My N800 killed (!) three sdhc cards in the external slot. I had never problems
with the internal slot. These killed cards could not be recognized in:
- my N800
- WinXP with N800 as cardreader
- Linux (Ubuntu) with N800 as cardreader
- WinXP with HAMA sdhc cardreader
- Linux (Ubuntu) with HAMA sdhc cardreader

Also the famous "Panasonic SD Formatter" isn't able to recognize those cards again. So it is not possible to reformat such a killed card!!!
You are not the only person that knows the difference between damaged filesystem and a physically damaged card. I would be lucky, if just the filesystem were damaged.
And yes, it is not only related to the newest firmware! But it seems that
the problem became larger (imho).

For further info look at:

geneven 2007-07-09 10:06

Re: what to do after update.?
I had really weird results after I upgraded. I couldn't find the backup I had made TWICE, and other inexplicable tthings happened/that eventually pointed to problems with the sd card. I had reflashed many times before this latest update without similar problems.

I hadn't had any hint of problems before the firmware update. I suspected that there might be a problem with non-sdhc cards. I reformatted mine with the n800 formatter and still everything seemed haywire. Finally I used a card reader to reformat and all SEEMS ok now.

Other than that, all seems ok with the update. I'm consiidering getting an 8-gig sdhc card...

blackax 2007-07-09 10:58

Re: what to do after update.?
No problem here, the new firmware has worked fine, what is killing the card? Wrong voltage or what?

N770-Freak 2007-07-09 11:16

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by blackax (Post 58190)
No problem here, the new firmware has worked fine, what is killing the card? Wrong voltage or what?

We don't have an official statement from nokia. My SDHC cards were killed while
transferring large files over wlan. Perhaps the N800 itself is defect.
Sending it for repair is a huge risk. Some people with touchscreen issues (for example)
had to wait several weeks until they got a response from nokia
... and we don't know if its really a hardware problem. Perhaps a soon (?)
firmware update will correct this problem.

Khertan 2007-07-09 11:41

Re: what to do after update.?
Its possible ...

Palm have made a bug in the first release of the Tungsten E where the card can be killed. And it s patched with a software update.

N770-Freak 2007-07-09 11:44

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by Khertan (Post 58195)
Its possible ...

Palm have made a bug in the first release of the Tungsten E where the card can be killed. And it s patched with a software update.

Good to know... Thank you for that info!
So we can hope that this is also "just" a software problem.

Milhouse 2007-07-09 13:52

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by Rider (Post 58173)
I just read that some people have some problems with some cards.

There is no proof at all that it is related to the firmware upgrade, just rumours and/or personal beliefs. And even if for some reason the N800 does clutter a filesystem (remember: this is unreliable VFAT), you just reformat and have it working again. The N800 does not physically kill a SD card.

I think N770-Freak has provided you with sufficient proof (not that any were necessary) however even if his situation is just a coincidence (along with the others also with dead cards) there is no harm being cautious until Nokia provide clarification.

Milhouse 2007-07-09 13:53

Re: what to do after update.?
N770-Freak - have you attempted to re-partition one of your "dead" cards with sfdisk on the N800 itself, or Ubuntu?

N770-Freak 2007-07-09 14:13

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 58215)
N770-Freak - have you attempted to re-partition one of your "dead" cards with sfdisk on the N800 itself, or Ubuntu?

yes... that was the first thing I tried. But the card itself isn't even recognized.
dmesg in N800 just says (short form): cover is closed, setting voltage 3300 mV ... 2800 mV ... 0 mV
and there is no device created in /dev !
No chance to reformat or repartition such a card that doesn't exist in the OS.

Same with ubuntu... cardreader was recognized, sdhc card not.
Like there were no card in the reader. Absolutely dead.

If you or someone else has further ideas how I should test this card, please write down a post. It cannot become more badly :D

jortiz 2007-07-09 14:34

Re: what to do after update.?
the same thing happened to me with 1gb micro sd. the n800 wouldn't even see it! so i stuck it i my wifes e61i, and was able to reformat.. its been fine ever since. (knock on wood)
i havent updated yet, but was planning on it today. should i hold off until further notice?

N770-Freak 2007-07-09 14:49

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by jortiz (Post 58229)
the same thing happened to me with 1gb micro sd. the n800 wouldn't even see it! so i stuck it i my wifes e61i, and was able to reformat.. its been fine ever since. (knock on wood)
i havent updated yet, but was planning on it today. should i hold off until further notice?

Most people that have problems with sd/sdhc card had this problems already before 4.2007... so I would not say that you should not try an update.
Did your problem with the sd card only appear in one of the two slots of your N800 or
did you have this problem only once?

Milhouse 2007-07-09 14:52

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by N770-Freak (Post 58219)
yes... that was the first thing I tried. But the card itself isn't even recognized.
dmesg in N800 just says (short form): cover is closed, setting voltage 3300 mV ... 2800 mV ... 0 mV
and there is no device created in /dev !
No chance to reformat or repartition such a card that doesn't exist in the OS.

Same with ubuntu... cardreader was recognized, sdhc card not.
Like there were no card in the reader. Absolutely dead.

If you or someone else has further ideas how I should test this card, please write down a post. It cannot become more badly :D

Sadly I don't have any other suggestions, but the above dmesg information would be useful detail in bug #1204 which may provide some clues to Nokia...

Rider 2007-07-09 15:22

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by N770-Freak (Post 58233)
Most people that have problems with sd/sdhc card had this problems already before 4.2007... so I would not say that you should not try an update.

So it is obviously not the upgrade which "kills" the card, as was alleged in this thread.

As most people don't have problems with SD cards, there is some realistic probability that only some cards do not work well or are broken by design. Would be interesting to know which manufacturer you used which didn't work thereafter. How long did you use the cards actively (reading/writing) before the problems occurred?

N770-Freak 2007-07-09 15:39

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by Rider (Post 58245)
So it is obviously not the upgrade which "kills" the card, as was alleged in this thread.

As most people don't have problems with SD cards, there is some realistic probability that only some cards do not work well or are broken by design. Would be interesting to know which manufacturer you used which didn't work thereafter. How long did you use the cards actively (reading/writing) before the problems occurred?

How the new update makes things better or worse does only nokia know.
Did you read the links I gave you? There you can find the informations you're requesting. But in short again...
I used one Transcend 8GB SDHC Class 6 card in the internal slot and had never problems. Then I bought another Transcend card (same model) and used it in the external slot. Copying large files (~700 MB) to the external card caused input/output errors. With the old firmware+sdhc kernel these errors damaged the filesystem of the card. And after some testing and repairing the card was dead.
First I thought the card was not ok. But the exchanged card that I used in the new firmware was dead after only two attempts of copying a large file.
Then I took the internal card, that I used already for two month without problems, put it in the external slot and had the same problems... this card is now also dead.
But how should I/we know if this is only hardware related? I can refer only to the touchscreen issue. Not everyone had this problem, but the latest firmware update could resolve this.

N770-Freak 2007-07-09 15:53

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 58236)
Sadly I don't have any other suggestions, but the above dmesg information would be useful detail in bug #1204 which may provide some clues to Nokia...

dmesg output added!
I hope that a nokia employee will give a statement.

geneven 2007-07-09 17:08

Re: what to do after update.?
Update: My 4 gb transcend sd card is NOT ok, as I reported earler. Since the new firmware installation it continually becomes corrupted. It is the internal card, a 2 gb card in an external slot has no problems. The 4 gb card seems fine after formatting, but that doesn't last long. There were NO problems with this card before the firmware updare. I'm not mad at anyone about this, just reporting it.

tvijlbrief 2007-07-09 17:34

Re: what to do after update.?
I flashed the N800 on saturday and did not have any problems.
I have two 2Gb SD memory cards which work fine and did a restore
from backup, no problems what soever. I installed MaemoMapper,
ssh-server/client, FM-readio and my own progs, no problem what soever and best of all:

My touchscreen right edge sensitive problem is gone, sensitivity
over the whole screen area is excellent now! Needless to say,
I am very happy with the upgrade!

N770-Freak 2007-07-09 18:19

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 58291)
Update: My 4 gb transcend sd card is NOT ok, as I reported earler. Since the new firmware installation it continually becomes corrupted. It is the internal card, a 2 gb card in an external slot has no problems. The 4 gb card seems fine after formatting, but that doesn't last long. There were NO problems with this card before the firmware updare. I'm not mad at anyone about this, just reporting it.

Please report your Problems also to bug #1204!
Don't forget to vote for this bug!

Milhouse 2007-07-09 18:36

Re: what to do after update.?
The author of the original 3.2007 SDHC patches has just posted a new blog item where he identifies that Nokia have not used all of his patches in the new firmware. He suggests that he may roll his own 4.2007 with his own patches - I'm all for that, but would like Nokia to get their act together on this issue.

GeerGuy 2007-07-09 18:50

Re: what to do after update.?
The Nokia 2GB mini-SD card that came with my Navicore Navigation Kit no longer works. It happened with the previous firmware in the external slot. It worked for about 1 week and then while using the Navicore software the app locked up and I had to kill the process. Since then the card is totally dead, it is not picked up as being inserted on any system that I have tested it on. I did nothing to the card, so it would of been formated as FAT by Nokia.

I now have 2 Transcend 4GB 150x cards, and I am a little worried that they will be destroyed as well.

Does the problem only occur with FAT, not FAT32 or Linux, file systems?

Rider 2007-07-09 18:51

Re: what to do after update.?

Originally Posted by N770-Freak (Post 58258)
dmesg output added!
I hope that a nokia employee will give a statement.

That looks indeed quite bad. If it was caused by the N800, and you had similar problems with other cards as well, it may also be caused a defective N800 device.

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