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robert485 2011-06-29 16:56

why should i stay?
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.

corduroysack 2011-06-29 17:01

Re: why should i stay
here we go again yawn :(

blipnl 2011-06-29 17:01

Re: why should i stay
If you want to go Android for the apps, you should consider that the n9 will probably support Android apps via Alien Dalvik. But this is not a fact yet, it's a wait and see. Personally, I value community support well over official support ;) but whatever suits you best..

MyNokiaN900 2011-06-29 17:06

Re: why should i stay
Why do you need others to convince you to stay? If you can't make the decision on your own there is something wrong. Stay and be happy, or leave and be happy with your next choice. :rolleyes:

chan32167 2011-06-29 17:08

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by robert485 (Post 1041592)
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.

so who are you?? i dont think anybody cares if you leave or stay...

Den in USA 2011-06-29 17:15

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by robert485 (Post 1041592)
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.

Your "1 post" and "joined June 2011" says it all!

MINKIN2 2011-06-29 17:21

Re: why should i stay
Okay, have you thought of maybe making a list (say a top 10) of all the things that your current maemo device has that you like/find most useful and then compare that to other devices on the market?

You might find your own reasons more compelling than ours.

Radicalz38 2011-06-29 17:23

Re: why should i stay
You should stay because you wanted to not because someone told you so... If you don't feel like staying then move on to another platform

Jigzy 2011-06-29 17:26

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by robert485 (Post 1041592)
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.

well I rekon one of your many bones is no longer in love with know what flip a coin, heads you go Tails you stay :cool:

Soulaxe 2011-06-29 17:44

Re: why should i stay
If this were a meego smartphone you shouldn't stay, in fact you should get as distant as possible, Nokia deliver such great hardware, but it's adopted by the worst kind of community; who more provoking than common internet trolls. Which isn't the case here; Nokia realising this community's weakness (strong hatred for closed-source)turned this into their newly thoroughly though business plan.
I will be buying a WP7-based Nokia phone, (only if it has a keyboard) and I hope the new adopted community isn't as anti-social as this one.

Community is the general appeal of the community, so this doesn't apply to everyone, you know who I'm talking about.

cortek 2011-06-29 18:02

Re: why should i stay
You should stay for all the women you meet in this community.

Soppa 2011-06-29 18:54

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by cortek (Post 1041620)
You should stay for all the women you meet in this community.

Indeed, I've had to kick and push away the most awful ones, you just have to prepare yourself to do that if you choose to stay.

JD2010 2011-06-29 18:56

Re: why should i stay
To get an N950

RFS-81 2011-06-29 20:03

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by robert485 (Post 1041592)
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will; stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway) and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan.

If amount of apps is the main concern, try and figure out what was it that ever made you come here. Maybe then you'll know whether to leave too.

robert485 2011-06-29 20:24

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by blipnl (Post 1041595)
If you want to go Android for the apps, you should consider that the n9 will probably support Android apps via Alien Dalvik. But this is not a fact yet, it's a wait and see. Personally, I value community support well over official support ;) but whatever suits you best..

i did read about that, and since i'm not upgrading for a while that is certainly something to think about. thanks

robert485 2011-06-29 20:27

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by Den in USA (Post 1041601)
Your "1 post" and "joined June 2011" says it all!

ive been a member for a yeah and a half with a different username.
i check the news feeds and the forum every day.

its comments like that, and people like you that have prevented me from posting in the the past. ***!!

danramos 2011-06-29 20:29

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by blipnl (Post 1041595)
If you want to go Android for the apps, you should consider that the n9 will probably support Android apps via Alien Dalvik. But this is not a fact yet, it's a wait and see. Personally, I value community support well over official support ;) but whatever suits you best..

This isn't a reason to go to an N9. It's barely even a rumor and it's certainly not promised in any way. It would be fantastic, if it did, but I wouldn't buy something on a promise of a feature or for support from Nokia, not with their track record.

robert485 2011-06-29 20:33

Re: why should i stay
by the way. This is the only community i have been part of and its brilliant how much work and effort gets but into it. Im not trying to annoy anyone and the apps ive downloaded in the past have been brilliant.

i just want the build quality of nokia, the support android has and the community that presents. (apart from the few that spoil it)

too much to ask?

thanks to those that responded constructively

geneven 2011-06-29 20:44

Re: why should i stay
We don't care if you stay; at least I don't.

Jigzy 2011-06-29 21:03

Re: why should i stay
I have never understood these post! If you feel that this device is not for you then move along, Why do you want to be persuaded either way of its pitfalls or benefits.

You own one you are the only one that knows if it meets your needs, not some guy or gal in another continent!!!!!

But if you feel the need to reassured fair enough, each to their own!!!

danramos 2011-06-29 21:17

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by robert485 (Post 1041722)
by the way. This is the only community i have been part of and its brilliant how much work and effort gets but into it. Im not trying to annoy anyone and the apps ive downloaded in the past have been brilliant.

i just want the build quality of nokia, the support android has and the community that presents. (apart from the few that spoil it)

too much to ask?

thanks to those that responded constructively

It might be, actually. The build quality of Nokia can be found elsewhere in competing hardware--so, where they once excelled far ahead, they've managed to either fall behind or just stay caught up (depending on the individual device you're looking at) compared to any number of device manufacturers for many operating system handsets.

The support of Android is.. well, not to be found in Nokia-land. Not even close. Certainly not a competitive level of constant updates, communications, developer support and devices, much less after-purchase support, point-of-presence and pre-purchase marketing efforts. I don't see this changing anytime soon, either.

Nokia has deflated this community pretty well, but you'll find MANY communities out there, some far better off than this one. Mind you, I still come here often and it's still a valuable one but this isn't the only community and, lately especially, it's hardly the best or most busy one. You CAN find communities for other devices, operating systems and environments elsewhere as I have, in addition to this one. It used to be a far better community during the era when this forum was still InternetTabletTalk, but ever since the name change to and the focus away from desktop-like powerful tablets to the ME TOO iPhoney-wannabe effort of focusing on cell phones instead of tablets, I felt like the community became fragmented, suffered and lost a lot of the development and technical people that used to be a wealth of creativity and knowledge for this community. Thankfully, there's still enough of the dev's and techies left to still have a sometimes useful thread here and there and to get things done, but it's no longer the optimistic community it once had been. I would put less weight on that expectation as time goes on, given Nokia's move away from Maemo/MeeGo and general intent to move toward Windows Phone 7 phones.

Of course, take all that with a grain of salt.. I'm Negatron Dan. :)

danramos 2011-06-29 21:19

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by Jigzy (Post 1041746)
I have never understood these post! If you feel that this device is not for you then move along, Why do you want to be persuaded either way of its pitfalls or benefits.

You own one you are the only one that knows if it meets your needs, not some guy or gal in another continent!!!!!

But if you feel the need to reassured fair enough, each to their own!!!

Myopic fool! You can't be expected to know what you don't know until you ask people to tell you details. One of those might be, "why would I want this phone?" Please get thyself to a closet and remain there for 30 minutes as a time-out. :)

robert485 2011-06-29 21:38

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 1041754)
It might be, actually. The build quality of Nokia can be found elsewhere in competing hardware--so, where they once excelled far ahead, they've managed to either fall behind or just stay caught up (depending on the individual device you're looking at) compared to any number of device manufacturers for many operating system handsets.

The support of Android is.. well, not to be found in Nokia-land. Not even close. Certainly not a competitive level of constant updates, communications, developer support and devices, much less after-purchase support, point-of-presence and pre-purchase marketing efforts. I don't see this changing anytime soon, either.

Nokia has deflated this community pretty well, but you'll find MANY communities out there, some far better off than this one. Mind you, I still come here often and it's still a valuable one but this isn't the only community and, lately especially, it's hardly the best or most busy one. You CAN find communities for other devices, operating systems and environments elsewhere as I have, in addition to this one. It used to be a far better community during the era when this forum was still InternetTabletTalk, but ever since the name change to and the focus away from desktop-like powerful tablets to the ME TOO iPhoney-wannabe effort of focusing on cell phones instead of tablets, I felt like the community became fragmented, suffered and lost a lot of the development and technical people that used to be a wealth of creativity and knowledge for this community. Thankfully, there's still enough of the dev's and techies left to still have a sometimes useful thread here and there and to get things done, but it's no longer the optimistic community it once had been. I would put less weight on that expectation as time goes on, given Nokia's move away from Maemo/MeeGo and general intent to move toward Windows Phone 7 phones.

Of course, take all that with a grain of salt.. I'm Negatron Dan. :)

cheers negatron dan

mikecomputing 2011-06-29 22:06

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by robert485 (Post 1041592)
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.

im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to offer compared to android phones
i cant honestly say im prepared to sign a two year contract with a phone that will;
stop being worked on in less than a year. (officially anyway)
and will have a laughable amount of apps throughout its lifespan

if nokia had went and supported meamo and meego with a marketing campaign and investment that it needed. then it wouldnt be in this mess, im not touching WP7 and i fail to see why i should stick around.

Personally I dont buy devices cause of "marketing" if soo I have bought a Iphone/Android already.

I will buy N9 cause its most open and real Linux out so far...

If you like the phone buy it. If not dont buy it simple is that :D

If more people buys => the possibility for longer support increases.

Remember boards decissions is right now and will change in the future. In a good or bad way thats how bussiness work.

danramos 2011-06-29 22:10

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1041801)
I will buy N9 cause its most open and real Linux out so far...

Well, except for the overwhelming and increasingly less open parts, sure! The most open and real Linux aside from that small but significant detail. I has got irony. :)

fasza2 2011-06-29 22:31

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by Soulaxe (Post 1041609)
If this were a meego smartphone you shouldn't stay, in fact you should get as distant as possible, Nokia deliver such great hardware, but it's adopted by the worst kind of community; who more provoking than common internet trolls. Which isn't the case here; Nokia realising this community's weakness (strong hatred for closed-source)turned this into their newly thoroughly though business plan.
I will be buying a WP7-based Nokia phone, (only if it has a keyboard) and I hope the new adopted community isn't as anti-social as this one.

Community is the general appeal of the community, so this doesn't apply to everyone, you know who I'm talking about.

You know what m8, I actually prefer people sparing us the fanboy talk, why FOSS is better then anything. People bashing him for making only 1 post to whine about MeeGo and Maemo. I think there are way too many threads about this already. If OP is a long time member I can't see why he/she needs to post on an alias(unless he used to post as abill_uk that is;)). If OP understands what TMO and stand for, I don't really know what you and OP wanted to here(read) here. People saying crap about Maemo/MeeGo? Or praising them? Most input is freely available on TMO that a mature adult should be able to make a decision based upon.

Having a diverse community will always bring missunderstandings, in fact interacting with other people in general wil do as well, common interest and background aside. Having said that if you are so disgusted by this community why are you still reading the forums why do you even bother to post? If your feelings are that strong perhaps you should also sit back and reflect wether you're wasting your time here.

Best Regards

shallimus 2011-06-30 13:06

Re: why should i stay
What, did everyone forget to take their medication today?

Cheer up you miserable lot :)

cfh11 2011-06-30 18:09

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 1041805)
Well, except for the overwhelming and increasingly less open parts, sure! The most open and real Linux aside from that small but significant detail. I has got irony. :)

The UI and proprietary Nokia software are pretty much the only things that are closed aside from third party stuff like the SGX drivers. Everything so far has indicated that you can replace that with a different UI and the reference applications of your choosing. The core of Meego is much more open that anything out there, mobile-wise.

So yes, it has the potential to be the most open handset/mobile computer out there.


Originally Posted by danramos (Post 1041754)
It might be, actually. The build quality of Nokia can be found elsewhere in competing hardware-

....such as? And don't tell me Motorola, Samsung, or HTC - their build quality is among the worst.

danramos 2011-07-01 07:11

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 1042363)
....such as? And don't tell me Motorola, Samsung, or HTC - their build quality is among the worst.

Yes, all of those and pretty much the majority of device manufacturers out there, since there isn't any ONE manufacturer making them. Heh You're clearly showing your fanboi colors here.

SD69 2011-07-01 14:25

Re: why should i stay

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 1042363)
The UI and proprietary Nokia software are pretty much the only things that are closed aside from third party stuff like the SGX drivers. Everything so far has indicated that you can replace that with a different UI and the reference applications of your choosing. The core of Meego is much more open that anything out there, mobile-wise.

So yes, it has the potential to be the most open handset/mobile computer out there.

Agreed, but there's that one word which is always so vexing and problematic for open source.... "potential".

Will there be a problem that many of the engaged people are app developers rushing to get a free N950 and promising to write an app for the closed UI/UX layer - and are not working to replace the UI/UX layer with an open one? How does the community realize the potential?

God 2011-07-01 15:02

Re: why should i stay?
Android FTW

danramos 2011-07-01 19:15

Re: why should i stay?

Originally Posted by God (Post 1042842)
Android FTW

Sadly, ironically, yes. I'm disappointed that this is turning out to be the best we could get out of Linux in the mainstream where Nokia could have led the way toward TRUE computing on portables and handhelds, had they not f***ed it up royally.

So yeah... sadly, Android is certainly FTW now. Nokia is an idiot, growing more idiotic under Elop--Something previously considered UNBELIEVABLE considering how badly the last guy in charge handled things.

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