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M_99 2011-07-01 09:25

Google+ invitation requests
I don't want to hijack this thread, but don't know if it's worth opening a new one It seems there is a high demand for an Invitation-Thread, so here we go :D

I'd love to get an invitation to Go_ogle+ (<- just to avoid the whole Web spamming the Forum :D )
Anyone here who could contact me per PM :o

Thanks ysss and torpedo48 :)

CU - M_99

mr_jrt 2011-07-01 11:30

Re: Google+
Ditto on the invite thing. I'm somewhat curious.

sjgadsby 2011-07-01 12:17

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I've moved the two Google+ invitation requests above from another thread they threatened to take off-topic. Please confine requests for Google+ invitations to this thread. Thanks!

jedi 2011-07-01 12:21

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Me too - anyone with a spare, please PM me :)
Edit: thanks Lex ;)

phedders 2011-07-01 12:44

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Great idea - I'd love one too if there are any spare around....

ddwwf1 2011-07-01 13:06

Re: Google+ invitation requests
agreed would love to try this out a invite would be awesome thanks in advance

M_99 2011-07-01 13:24

Re: Google+ invitation requests
WTF :eek:

CU - M_99

aathava 2011-07-01 13:54

Google+ invitation requests
Due To Insane Demand Google Closes Google+ Invites


1. Go to your Google+ homepage

2. Make a new post under Stream. Write anything in it.

3. Click on 'Add Circle or People To Share With...'

4. In the text field, enter the Gmail address of the person you want to invite

5 Click Share

The person with whom you have shared your post will receive an email, asking him to sign up for Google before seeing the post.

I would love one too .,

glabifrons 2011-07-01 14:18

Re: Google+ invitation requests
As much as I hate posting a "me too" reply, it's appropriate for this thread.

Me too! :)

damnshock 2011-07-01 14:25

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I wouldn't mind one either :D


[Knuckles] 2011-07-01 18:11

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Yeap I can confirm that the workaround works, got in yesterday.

If anyone wants, just PM me with your e-mail and i'll do the thingy :) 2011-07-01 18:15

Re: Google+ invitation requests
dont invite me or any one i know :-)

gamingpreacher 2011-07-01 18:19

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by [Knuckles] (Post 1042946)
Yeap I can confirm that the workaround works, got in yesterday.

If anyone wants, just PM me with your e-mail and i'll do the thingy :)

ha. it's crazy how desperate lurkers come out just to get invites.

i'd love one.

Ministeri 2011-07-01 18:20

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Invitations are closed and so is the sharing method for now. They are fixing something according to the message.

You can PM me your -account, so I will share you some post via e-mail little later. Then you are able to register through the e-mail as soon as the registration opens again. EDIT: I will continue later as the sharing isn't working just now.

gamingpreacher 2011-07-01 18:40

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by Ministeri (Post 1042952)
Invitations are closed and so is the sharing method for now. They are fixing something according to the message.

You can PM me your -account, so I will share you some post via e-mail little later. Then you are able to register through the e-mail as soon as the registration opens again. EDIT: I will continue later as the sharing isn't working just now.

How is it? Even if I get an invite but don't have friends, would it still be an experience?

Goliath27 2011-07-01 19:27

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I know sharing isn't working now but can I get in it as well?

mr_jrt 2011-07-01 19:44

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Cheers for the invite...I've not received anything, but I assume that's because they're being queued up on Google's end. Will let you know ;)

Transcend 2011-07-02 04:48

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Got my invite just a few min ago thanks once again Knucles :)

gamingpreacher 2011-07-02 04:50

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Looking forward to getting one!

Kangal 2011-07-02 06:08

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I'd like to check it out too.
PM me if you have a spare and don't mind sharing. If there's a way I can invite more if I get invited, I'll do my part ;)

gerbick 2011-07-02 06:15

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Trade you a Google+ invite for a N950.

Yes, I actually do have an Google+ account.

Kangal 2011-07-02 07:41

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1043173)
Trade you a Google+ invite for a N950.

Yes, I actually do have an Google+ account.


You did want one of these, right?

Goliath27 2011-07-02 08:37

Re: Google+ invitation requests
ok so I have the invite thanks to Knuckles, and I think I can add people. Do I just add them to my circle to invite?

Dave999 2011-07-02 08:43

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Hi, i would love to have an invite. Thank you. Don't forget to do the n9 dance if you get one. I Will do that for sure.

*Sonic* 2011-07-02 19:48

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I would like an invite too please if there are any around

Thanks in advance

Nozu 2011-07-02 20:27

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Here's also one interested if any kind soul has one invite to spare!


mr_jrt 2011-07-02 20:39

Re: Google+ invitation requests
...and I'm in. Many thanks!

niqbal 2011-07-02 20:57

Re: Google+ invitation requests
heyy dont forget me spreading all the google love .. i would like an invite too

Reffyyyy 2011-07-02 21:01

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I'd be grateful if I could receive an invite but if it's too much hassle, I don't particularly mind.

ysss 2011-07-02 21:13

Re: Google+ invitation requests
[knuckles]: you're the man, thanks :)

jedi 2011-07-02 21:33

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Anyone still wanting an invite, PM me your email address and I'll do the above mention trick, if it's still working...

retsaw 2011-07-02 22:28

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by aathava (Post 1042790)
Due To Insane Demand Google Closes Google+ Invites


1. Go to your Google+ homepage

2. Make a new post under Stream. Write anything in it.

3. Click on 'Add Circle or People To Share With...'

4. In the text field, enter the Gmail address of the person you want to invite

5 Click Share

The person with whom you have shared your post will receive an email, asking him to sign up for Google before seeing the post.

I would love one too .,

This workaround seems like it could be a deliberate viral marketing trick to me. It isn't like Google doesn't have the resources to flick the switch to make it available to everybody at once if they wanted to.

*Sonic* 2011-07-02 22:52

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I just installed the android google+ app and it asked me to sign in, which I can't do yet lol

Then it said learn more or close, so I clicked the learn more and it said that if someone shares something with you and you haven't had an invite then you will be able to sign in to view the content but will be a very restricted access just to view certain parts until they open up the invites again

Kangal 2011-07-03 01:22

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1043584)
Anyone still wanting an invite, PM me your email address and I'll do the above mention trick, if it's still working...

Yeah can you send me one.

Reffyyyy 2011-07-03 02:09

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Thanks to jedi and knuckles for the invites. If anybody wants one you can also pm me with your email address.

manifesto42 2011-07-03 02:30

Re: Google+ invitation requests
if anyone still has a spare invite, i would love to receive one and give google+ a try. thanks. :-)

gamingpreacher 2011-07-03 02:41

Re: Google+ invitation requests
same here pl0x. thanks.

lmss 2011-07-03 02:54

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Hi there!
if is still possible, please send me one.
Thank you guys!

gamingpreacher 2011-07-03 03:11

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Woot thanks!

El Amir 2011-07-03 04:08

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I wouldn't say no to a Google+ invite :D

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