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skykooler 2011-07-08 20:07

[Announce] Photo Frame
1 Attachment(s)
I am working on a new app with Clutter, which acts as a digital photo frame (since there doesn't seem to be one in the repos). It currently has two transition modes: fade to black and crossfade. It is set to fade to black by default because there is a bug in crossfade mode where it flashes the new picture before fading to it, and I don't know how to fix this yet (I only learned Clutter about 4 hours ago!).
To run, extract to somewhere where you know where it is, and in a terminal run:

python 10 /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM/ black
where the first argument is the number of seconds to display each image for, the second is the folder containing the photos and the third is the mode (either "black" or "fade".)

Launcher, settings GUI etc. coming soon.

skykooler 2011-07-08 20:26

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
1 Attachment(s)
Update: The version above uses time.sleep() to wait, and thus only accepts input while transitioning - this means it can only be closed while transitioning. Here is a new version that has a non-blocking wait instead, and can additionally be closed by tapping on the screen rather than having to hit ctrl+back.

skykooler 2011-07-11 14:09

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
1 Attachment(s)
New version. Now pictures scale automagically to the screen size. This means it is usable to display pictures taken with the built-in camera, which is a higher resolution than the N900's screen. I also added a few lines to keep the screen from blanking while the slideshow is running (thanks to MartinK!)

Also I have discovered that this runs on regular (linux) computers that have the necessary libs installed, with no modification. I still have to finish the configuration bit though; for now, just run it from the command line.

hathoda 2011-07-11 14:39

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
any screen shot for this??????

skykooler 2011-07-11 14:42

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by hathoda (Post 1048900)
any screen shot for this??????

A screenshot of a full-screen picture? it would just be the picture.

SHARP66 2011-07-11 15:29

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
hi skykooler
make me
i see you learned lot of .py
could you manage, make a transparent layer on top of program so we (fake artists) can put a picture with transparency on it as photo reference
and with that reference photo and the open camera we can draw that image on paper, or tattoo or whatever...
that MyPaint program have also lot of .py ...some code from there somehow
would be nice... man.
thanks for listening.

SHARP66 2011-07-11 15:34

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by skykooler (Post 1047336)
(since there doesn't seem to be one in the repos).

like you said

skykooler 2011-07-11 15:36

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
I am not quite sure where you get the idea that the camera app is written in Python. It isn't, as far as I can see. I may try writing an app like you describe though, using the fcam drivers. I probably won't get that done until next weekend though.

blipnl 2011-07-11 15:57

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
My maemo has slideshow option.

Good to see this development though, I assume it has more options than default?

For example, make a 'playlist', choose transition, choose duration of showing or a autolaunch when plugging it in a wall charger, can you tell me more about it? ;)

skykooler 2011-07-11 16:06

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
Playlist: not yet, but good idea.
Choose transition: yes (currently I only have two)
Choose duration: yes, unlimited (between 0 and infinity!)
Autolaunch when plugging into a wall charger: I am not quite sure how one would do that. But I will look into it.

Atarii 2011-07-11 16:16

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by skykooler (Post 1048971)
Autolaunch when plugging into a wall charger: I am not quite sure how one would do that. But I will look into it.

You can do this with dbus-scripts. The battery charger event, for example is:
* * charger_charging_on

skykooler 2011-07-11 17:56

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
1 Attachment(s)
I added a new transition, which I like a lot (it is a 3D flip animation). To see it, run

python 10 /home/user/MyDocs/.images spin

SHARP66 2011-07-11 18:17

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by skykooler (Post 1048943)
I am not quite sure where you get the idea that the camera app is written in Python. It isn't, as far as I can see. I may try writing an app like you describe though, using the fcam drivers. I probably won't get that done until next weekend though.

I wait for that aps...u make my day man

the code I find-it here

it is simple but too dark.

skykooler 2011-07-11 18:45

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
1 Attachment(s)
Thank you. I will look at that this afternoon.
Meanwhile, I have added some more transitions, and I think I have about enough. I added a "shift" animation (think of Cover Flow in Mac OS X), and a "cube" animation where the images are on the edges of a cube. I also finally fixed the flashing bug in the "fade" animation!

So here is the full list of options you can run it with as the third argument:
  • fade
  • black
  • spin
  • shift
  • cube

What do you think?

SHARP66 2011-07-11 19:57

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
forgive me man...for nubs like me
where should I put this
or what should I download because if I run from pygtkeditor it says line1 no module named clutter

skykooler 2011-07-11 20:05

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by SHARP66 (Post 1049100)
forgive me man...for nubs like me
where should I put this
or what should I download because if I run from pygtkeditor it says line1 no module named clutter

You need to install python-clutter. Open up xterm and type

apt-get install python-clutter

If you haven't installed rootsh already, you will need to install that first to be able to run the "root" command.

SHARP66 2011-07-11 20:56

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
running nice from pygtkeditor
but with that xterm command-line said I can put anywhere
Quote: To run, extract to somewhere where you know where it is, and in a terminal run:
xterm said no such file or directory
something missing? ...making executable or what?

anyway from pygtkeditor is more customizable.
Sory for lot of nub questions

skykooler 2011-07-11 21:17

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by SHARP66 (Post 1049130)
running nice from pygtkeditor
but with that xterm command-line said I can put anywhere
Quote: To run, extract to somewhere where you know where it is, and in a terminal run:
xterm said no such file or directory
something missing? ...making executable or what?

anyway from pygtkeditor is more customizable.
Sory for lot of nub questions

You are probably in the wrong directory. If you downloaded it to "Nokia N900", it is actually in a folder called "MyDocs". Open xterm and type

cd MyDocs
python 10 /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM cube

JohnLF 2011-07-11 21:48

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
Brilliant. Finally a way for me to show different photography portfolios, without the risk of random pictures popping up in the show. One folder per portfolio, job done.

Time to create a "portfolio view" screen with customised icons for each one... :D

Even better, no auto-rotation, so both portrait and landscape pictures fill the screen.

thankyou thankyou thankyou...

SHARP66 2011-07-11 22:06

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by JohnLF (Post 1049156)
without the risk of random pictures popping up in the show.

eeee...what kind of pictures do you own that could not been shown...thinking...thinking...where is the democracy

JohnLF 2011-07-11 22:18

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
Well I was thinking with this I can have a folder of wedding pics, a folder of portraits, a folder of modelling pics, a folder of boudoir/lingerie pics and a folder of art nudes - and no chance of any of them being shown to the wrong clients!

So yes, potentially embarrassing which is why I have never tried to do it before!! ;)

SHARP66 2011-07-13 14:50

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by skykooler (Post 1049144)
You are probably in the wrong directory. If you downloaded it to "Nokia N900", it is actually in a folder called "MyDocs". Open xterm and type

cd MyDocs
python 10 /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM cube

yes that's it...thanks for explication and have a good vacation and don't forget us, maemo and the py

eefo 2011-07-22 20:19

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
confusion :$
which version to download ?? :$

skykooler 2011-07-22 20:25

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
This one:

I will update the first post when I get home.

Estel 2011-07-23 01:16

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
Repositories, please?

skykooler 2011-07-23 02:49

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
Working on it. Right now it is still a command-line app, I will upload it to extras-devel once I add a launcher of some sort.

ug2215 2012-06-16 18:10

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame
I'm getting an error

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'LINEAR'
Did this ever make it to the repos?

skykooler 2012-06-16 18:31

Re: [Announce] Photo Frame

Originally Posted by ug2215 (Post 1222901)
I'm getting an error

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'LINEAR'
Did this ever make it to the repos?

Heh, actually I had forgot I made this. I'll take a look at packaging it.

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