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AapoRantalainen 2011-07-15 08:25

[Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
1 Attachment(s)
Roguelike called Brogue on extras-devel.


This is the first game on repository using libtcod (, which seems to work pretty well on SDL-mode.

Game has support for mouse (but needs keyboad also).

[EDIT] New version seems to be very stable

After installing, run

chown -R user /opt/brogue

(Older versions it was /opt/brogue/save)

Start game from terminal

cd /opt/brogue ; ./brogue
I'm not sure yet is ESC-key needed and is 'mapped ESC' working or not (SDL issue).

szopin 2011-07-15 11:28

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
This game is lots of fun. Bit unstable so backing up is recommended. The only problems so far (except segfaults when performing dangerous actions) are with '>' as I have it mapped to right arrow and SHIFT getting stuck. Remapping '>' to a letter fixed it (strangely enough this doesn't work in A Quest Too Far). I created special mapping for brogue (xkbcomp trick from wiki, all required uppercase letters to FN+something) which helps with the SHIFT issue and gets loaded at start and unloaded after exit/crash (cping all files from save to backup folder and vice versa, so whether it was saved or crashed its covered). Seems to work so far. Thanks for another great game Aapo!

TimusEravan 2011-07-17 17:03

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Apart from the random initial crash, the game is working great :)
Will it be possible to change the key mapping in game itself for movement to -

The conflicting keys can be remapped to the others?

szopin 2011-07-17 17:44

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
This game supports VI keys and xkbcomp works, so no need to hard remap/recompile. You can create your own mapping for it (step by step instructions in wiki) and then use this script to fire it up:

cd /opt/brogue
xkbcomp server-0.xkb :0

It will also reset you keyboard back to default layout when closing.

AapoRantalainen 2011-07-17 23:50

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
New version, changes:
* Fixed sticky shift.
* Fullscreen
* number of MESSAGE_LINES from 3 to 6
* game area from 100x29 to 100x34
* Recordings works.
* End game text ="Press space to start a new game"

*highscore loading/showing
*remap <>
*remap ESC (is esc needed?)

I can't run game on my computer, so I do not know which of my modifications relates only for Maemo version.

TimusEravan 2011-07-18 07:04

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
1 Attachment(s)
The VI keys are not really intuitive on the N900 due to slightly different keyboard layout.
I have remapped the keys to have q - c for movement and moved the conflicting keys to other values.I have also remapped <> to the Up and Down arrow keys as they wont be used for movement.

The complete new remap -
// Keyboard commands:
#define UP_KEY 'w'
#define DOWN_KEY 'x'
#define LEFT_KEY 'a'
#define RIGHT_KEY 'd'
#define UP_ARROW '<'
#define LEFT_ARROW 63234
#define DOWN_ARROW '>'
#define RIGHT_ARROW 63235
#define UPLEFT_KEY 'q'
#define UPRIGHT_KEY 'e'
#define DOWNLEFT_KEY 'z'
#define DOWNRIGHT_KEY 'c'
#define DESCEND_KEY 63233
#define ASCEND_KEY 63232
#define REST_KEY 'b'
#define AUTO_REST_KEY 'B'
#define SEARCH_KEY 's'
#define INVENTORY_KEY 'i'
#define EQUIP_KEY 'p'
#define UNEQUIP_KEY 'r'
#define APPLY_KEY 'u'
#define THROW_KEY 't'
#define DROP_KEY 'l'
#define CALL_KEY 'n'
#define FIGHT_KEY 'f'
#define HELP_KEY '?'
#define EXAMINE_KEY 'j'
#define EXPLORE_KEY 'J'
#define AUTOPLAY_KEY 'A'
#define SEED_KEY '~'
#define EASY_MODE_KEY '&'
#define ESCAPE_KEY '\033'
#define RETURN_KEY '\015'
#define ENTER_KEY '\012'
#define DELETE_KEY '\177'
#define TAB_KEY '\t'
#define PERIOD_KEY '.'
#define SAVE_GAME_KEY 'S'
#define NEW_GAME_KEY 'N'
#define NUMPAD_0 48
#define NUMPAD_1 49
#define NUMPAD_2 50
#define NUMPAD_3 51
#define NUMPAD_4 52
#define NUMPAD_5 53
#define NUMPAD_6 54
#define NUMPAD_7 55
#define NUMPAD_8 56
#define NUMPAD_9 57

Can you use this file in you next build?

szopin 2011-07-18 11:26

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel

You can achieve all that easily with xkbcomp. Changing the code of actively developed roguelike to a non-standard set of keys is tricky at best. You would need to check it every time a new version is released (also changing help screen and if any additional keys have been mapped there) and could create more problems in the future. Instead of hard-coding this one can use xkbcomp to alter keymap for the duration of playing (which also helps if another player decides that he would prefer t,y,u to b,n,m).
VI keys btw are not intuitive on any keyboard. But as many roguelikes use them learning those is beneficial.

TimusEravan 2011-07-19 06:31

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
@ szopin - I will try xkbcomp

@AapoRantalainen - I upgraded to the latest version and the upgrade process removed This seem to be bug in packaging.

AapoRantalainen 2011-07-19 07:26

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1053267)
Changing the code of actively developed roguelike to a non-standard set of keys is tricky at best.

Generally this is good idea. But really actively developed game can merge Maemo's modifications (maybe not that non-standard key setup)


Originally Posted by TimusEravan (Post 1053267)
I upgraded to the latest version and the upgrade process removed

How you done upgrading? "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade" worked for me, no side-effects. Did it remove package libtcod or only remove file
Let see what happens with next upgrade.

szopin 2011-07-19 08:17

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Update/upgrade through fapman worked flawlessly for me.

TimusEravan 2011-07-19 16:38

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
I too used fapman to upgrade and it deleted the :(
maybe you have something else installed which needs
i had to download the .deb and install it from there.

Also if you see
1.4-maemo3 does not have libtcod dependency

szopin 2011-07-19 16:45

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Got a lot of so's of libtcod but for x86 and qemu mostly. I'm sure Aapo will pinpoint the underlying issue though.

TimusEravan 2011-08-18 09:57

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
@AapoRantalainen - Any updates on newer version?

AapoRantalainen 2011-08-18 13:29

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
I'm waiting for information from upstream:

szopin 2011-08-18 22:48

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
This would be a killer game if not for segfaults. Loading takes so much time backing up is not worthwhile. Maybe have something to do with one life, no saves ideology of roguelikes. Still would love to crack it in the bus with heavy traffic

TimusEravan 2011-08-22 03:22

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Yeah this would be THE killer game.. perfect for playing in short bursts and even loong time..

szopin 2011-10-12 10:15

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Brogue 1.5 has just been released. Lots of new features, but main one: STABLE!!!
Went to lev4 with no crashes. This deserves an update.

Changes since v1.4:

* Dungeons now include interactive “quest rooms,” which include lock-and-key puzzles, collapsing/flooding terrain, hidden items, elaborate traps, challenges, boss monsters and more.
* All new weapons: spears/pikes, which hit an adjacent enemy and the enemy behind it; axes, which hit all adjacent enemies; and maces/hammers, which hit twice as hard and require an extra turn to recover afterward.
* Added item description screens, which include useful statistics about the item and are accessible via the inventory or by examining a discarded item on the ground.
* New monsters, items and weapon/armor runic abilities.
* Monster descriptions include statistics about how certain staffs and wands will harm or affect the monster, and whether the monster is carrying an item that it stole from you.
* Messages and monster descriptions are color-coded for clarity.
* Monsters that can blink will now do so more intelligently to approach enemies, flee attackers and escape harmful terrain.
* Numerous tweaks to make colors crisper and the interface less distracting.
* Allies get stronger over time at a faster rate, are able to attack wall turrets, and are better at following you down pits and stairs.
* Monsters are no longer generated in sight of the level start.
* Merged Potions of Healing and Extra Healing; eliminated Scrolls of Sanctuary.
* Gold is now generated independently from items, both to reduce the variance of per-game aggregate gold quantity and to stop gold from being generated at the expense of items.
* Rings now auto-identify after being worn for a while, similarly to armor and weapons.
* Subtle change in ally color to distinguish allies from enemies.
* Spectral blades and other inanimate creatures do not avoid gas clouds if the clouds would not affect them.
* Wisdom is now a ring instead of an armor runic.
* Reflection is now an armor runic instead of a ring.
* Cancellation is now called negation; certain monsters are marked as animated by magic and will die if negated. New Scrolls of Negation will negate all creatures and items within your field of view (but will not affect items in your inventory). Negated weapons, armor and rings will lose their magical properties, and negated wands and staffs will lose their charges.
* Removed Scrolls of Sanctuary.
* Added a point of damage to darts.
* Creatures exposed to fire will burn about half as long.
* The duration of entrancement no longer varies with the target’s maximum health.
* Auto-resting will terminate if you are embedded in an obstruction and it dissolves.
* When pink jellies split, their health is divided between their progeny, and they have commensurately more health initially.
* Items and monsters won’t spawn in hallways or doorways, but items may spawn in shallow water.
* Detect magic icons are now also color-coded to distinguish good items from bad.
* The ‘D’iscoveries screen specifies whether the detect magic potion will flag that item as good or bad magic.
* Wands and staffs that are meant to target enemies once identified will not default to auto-aiming at captive monsters.
* You can now see allies that are invisible (and wands of invisibility will auto-identify if you use them on an ally).
* New special effects for magic mapping and aggravate monsters scrolls.

szopin 2011-10-12 12:49

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
2 Attachment(s)
In the meantime here is recoded binary with Aapo's sticky shift patch applied (upstream did not include it ): Replace brogue in /opt/brogue/ and should work.
EDIT: even though it doesn't segfault now, it still needs some work: new feature of object descriptions prevents item usage (equipping/applying...), will try to fix it
EDIT2: reverting Aapo's patch allows for inventory use, that is until you hit shift as it will get sticky (shiftless attached)

AapoRantalainen 2011-10-18 09:44

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Brogue-1.5 on extras-devel.
It is seg faulting as earlier versions:

Shift is not working even on my Ubuntu computer. I think I got workaround for it:

szopin 2011-10-18 12:29

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
1 Attachment(s)
Great stuff. Not sure, but this version didn't crash on me even once and got to lev4 (on autoexplore, maybe this is why), going to test it out right now and let you know of the results.
EDIT: strange, your version does indeed seem to segfault a lot (4 out of 5 times when running, or was unlucky), my compilation seems to get started 10 out of 10. Can't get it to segfault. Will try to compile your source and see if that helps (gcc 4.4 is only difference as this was tested on pre-CSSU phone)
Yup, it works everytime (just requires 'save' directory) and doesn't segfault even on changing levels, attached. It is stripped yet 100kb bigger, not sure if 4.4 is the only difference...

AapoRantalainen 2011-10-31 16:26

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Version 1.5.1 on extras-devel, read usage on first post.

*No more seg faulting
*Shift/ctrl works flawlessly
*Enter should work with CSSU and pre-CSSU

Big thanks go to szopin, who organize debugging session on IRC with upstream developer and got every issues fixed!

Maemo specific:
*saves to the save/ -directory (I hope it will be ~/.brogue on next release)

szopin 2011-11-01 11:12

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Thank you!!! This game is a treat.
Only issues so far: default save game path is with save/ but not so while loading a game, on high score screen (press space to play again) only space seems to work (enter would normally shut the game I believe).
Mouse is working great (though once it required pressing enter to move into position - look mode? - and directional keys were moving cursos instead of the char, space fixed it so not a big issue, will report upstream as this is a new feature and most likely fix is needed there)
Only maemoesque tweak that comes to mind: doubletap for autotravel, since look mode is removed (unless abovementioned bug) it would be nice to 'look' at one tap, 'travel' at doubleclick. Brogue is meant for desktops where hovering works ok (you can do it too, click outside of explored area and drag over item for view) so this is unlikely to be included upstream. With inclusion of trap/treasure rooms this could be handy.

szopin 2012-01-13 08:08

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
1.6 has just been released. Maemo specific mouse problems that 1.5.2 introduced are luckily gone and the newest version seems rock-stable so far. Changelog:

# The “quest room” system has been expanded and enhanced to add further variety and interactivity to the dungeon. Some quest rooms can be generated in open areas, and the same system is used to create flavor terrain according to themes for particular areas.
# The game is entirely playable by mouse control. A row of buttons has been added to the bottom of the screen to allow mouse access to all game commands. All commands remain accessible from the keyboard as before.
# Buttons appear within item description windows to permit mouse-driven item actions (equip, unequip, apply, drop, throw, call).
# Ascend and descend are no longer standalone commands (though the ‘>’ and ‘<’ keys will route the player to the stairs as before); instead, ascent and descent occurs automatically when the player steps onto the stairs.
# The sidebar supports mouse interaction.
# The “MORE” prompt is much less common, eliminating instances of “message-lock” when playing message-intensive builds (e.g. conjurers, jelly masters)
# Multitudes of other interface improvements.
# Pathfinding with travel and explore commands tries to route through spaces that are known to be free of traps, and attempts to avoid annoying terrain like spiderwebs.
# Several new monsters, including pit bloats, goblin mystics, acidic jellies, underworms and sentinels.
# New item: the Staff of Protection.
# Potions of telepathy now reveal the terrain in the vicinity of distant monsters.
# Allies’ monster description screen reveals when the ally is ready to learn a new trick.
# Creatures recover from paralysis when they take damage, but any melee attacks against a paralyzed creature (including the player) are treated as attacks of opportunity, which always hit and deal treble damage. Paralysis potions contain half as much gas, but the paralysis status lasts twice as long.
# Eels and other media-bound monsters are more aggressive.
# Teleportation now tries to move the teleporting creature to a position that is outside of the field of view from the starting position.
# When jellies split, they will not spawn on the far side of walls.
# A confirmation prompt ensures that players won’t inadvertently degrade their weapons by attacking acid mounds and similar creatures.
# The dungeon is larger by one row.
# Runic weapons are somewhat less common, particularly among high-damage weapon types.
# Poison from staffs of poison will stack with the target’s existing poison.
# The sidebar will reveal when a poisoned creature has absorbed a fatal dose.
# Reflection armor will auto-identify when the player reflects a bolt.
# Monkeys are willing to steal cursed items, as the previous behavior coerced the player to engage in boring item identification rituals.
# Incendiary darts will now ignite wall-mounted turrets when thrown directly at them.
# The high scores screen accommodates five more entries.
# Added a quit command to abort the game in progress and return to the high scores screen.
# Pressing tilde during play will reveal the current turn number in addition to the dungeon seed.
# Windows and Linux versions have full-screen mode (press F12 or alt-enter for full-screen).
# Windows and Linux versions support key mapping.

AapoRantalainen 2012-01-17 12:59

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Version 1.6.0 pushed to the extras-devel:

* Starts fullscreen
* number of MESSAGE_LINES 6 (original 3)
* game area is 100x34 (original100x31)
* ARM-char -issue fixed [1]


Saving-folder is not changed. Still waiting upstream will handle it properly. No menu shortcut.

After installing run:

chown -R user /opt/brogue

szopin 2012-01-18 18:32

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
1 Attachment(s)
Hey Aapo!

Thanks a lot for the new version. I have an issue though with one of your decisions. Changing the game area has two implications:

1. People playing standard brogue will not be able to sync their save from desktop (win/mac/linux) to carry on slashing on their phone,
2. While food in the last version seems plentiful, with bigger game area it seems a lot more lacking (maybe it increases chances of good drops, no idea).

Considering RNG, I have definitely NOT played enough games to be sure about point 2, but it does seem like it. I assume extra message lines will not impact issue 1, not sure though (will try today, even though MORE prompts are much rarer now it is a nice feature). As 1.6 has some issues on its own, we're likely to get 1.6.1 bugfix version soon, thought I'd point my objections beforehand.

Disclaimer: As a lot of people here treat opinions as personal attacks, I am in no way trying to discredit your work. I appreciate it a LOT, so hope none taken.
To the 'FIX IT yourself' crowd, I am attaching brogue 1.6 (gcc 4.4 tcod compiled) with no changes to source. Add line 'f F12' to keymap to be able to toggle fullscreen with 'f' key ingame (ESC, > and < can also be mapped, but only lowercase letters work). Copy executable as broguewhatever to /opt/brogue/ and you should be able to load your desktop saves.

AapoRantalainen 2012-01-18 19:46

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1152433)
Disclaimer: As a lot of people here treat opinions as personal attacks, I am in no way trying to discredit your work.

I take critics and opinions as suggestion to make it better (not only for Brogue, but in life in general).

What you said about game area, I trust you. I haven't yet have time to really play Brogue (I'm on level 99/100 on Angband on N900!). With 1.6.1 I will keep it same as other platforms (I thought dungeon area is scrolling and this affects only visible area).

First brogue (1.4) on N900 needed some tuning and there were that crashing bug also. I made much modifications then, and now they are all* fixed in upstream, but not this area-thing, so I just tuned it as previously.

*1.6 has introduced own bugs, as I cited.

szopin 2012-01-18 19:55

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
:) Yeah, don't waste your enchantments on paralysis weapons, they are currently broken and never end up paralysing (new feature - break paralysis upon being attacked is borked). Quite few of other new features bring other minor issues, nothing as major though. Will update once bugfix version shows up (should be soon as jday and pender are very productive). And good luck with angband, 99 is impressive!

EDIT: just checked with message_lines 6 in rogue.h, saved game was out of sync :( this might be addressed in 1.6.1 though, will check with jday

ArnimS 2012-02-02 14:06

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Who can find / link a better roguelike font? I would like a fairly wide font (almost square) with little kerning. Am playing a lot of Omega.

Addison 2012-02-03 08:12

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
1 Attachment(s)
Heya Arnim. :)

This is easily my favorite font.

Attachment 24913

szopin 2012-02-09 21:29

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
1.6.1 has just been released. Your move Aapo (haven't yet tested compatibility of different nr of msg lines, but doubt this has been addressed, compiles nicely on gcc4.4)

AapoRantalainen 2012-02-13 20:25

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Version 1.6.1 in extras-devel.
This time without compatibility breakers.

ArnimS 2012-02-27 23:35

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Who has been able to any quests of this? I find it frustrating.

Quests solved
- The postal delivery in the starting temple
- Killing 30 ants
- Killing a hive/monster generator

I also killed a librarian. But didnt have a quest for it. Talking to him wasn't an option.

In terms of any quests that tie together -- any plot is missing. I get dumped into another outside level. I die.

There's some nice text at the beginning of the level, but it seems that it doesn't relate to any object in the game. You know?

szopin 2012-03-01 00:43

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Dude, seriously this is the wrong thread. Maybe Lambdarogue? Sounds like it but could be any and all of the roguelikes threads. One thing for sure, brogue has no quests. Librarian in ADOM is a huge 'quest', so doubt you meant wish spell and becoming arch-mage ( and the ultimate tweak of all roguelikes. If I am mistaken pls share your expriences

Addison 2012-03-01 03:41

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
I wish someone would set up a Telnet or SSH server for all of these great games.

Maybe I could talk to the good people over at #nethack and see what they think about this idea.

The ADOM server went down last month and I've been missing my fix.

szopin 2012-03-01 07:57

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Get on quakenet and talk to jday on #brogue. He introduced ncurses version of brogue and had plans to allow telnet/remote play. Sadly it uses rather unconventional resolution (100x33?) so picking a good font for it could be problematic, but ADOM-like server play could be an option

Addison 2012-03-01 22:14

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
It forces a 100x33 screen?

That makes no sense at all for our tablet's resolution of 800x480.

Oh well. :)

AapoRantalainen 2012-03-02 07:40

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1172480)
Sadly it uses rather unconventional resolution (100x33?)

Speaking of ncurses, I think these are not pixels, but characters.

Currently brogue has COLS=100 and ROWS=34 (actually 31 + MESSAGE_LINES, where MESSAGE_LINES=3) and they means characters. (As you can count the 'grid' when playing)

The Winter 2012-03-02 08:10

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
its all good other than keyboard play ! goodie though

szopin 2012-03-03 01:29

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1172973)
Speaking of ncurses, I think these are not pixels, but characters.

Currently brogue has COLS=100 and ROWS=34 (actually 31 + MESSAGE_LINES, where MESSAGE_LINES=3) and they means characters. (As you can count the 'grid' when playing)

My bad, should have said geometry. Still would be hard to find a good font for such COLxROW configuration. Ncurses brogue should run on N800 though (wink @Addison).
BTW: 1.6.2 was just released, some new friendly monsters, lots of bug fixes and further UI enhancements (also is getting slower with each release, nowhere near as lightning fast as 1.5.x... :( but that was to be expected I guess, still runs quite well and fun as hell) oh yeah, ncurses is not at all faster, redraw delay makes it even slower than sdl, could be fixed prolly, but AI computation still takes 90% of the blame

HolgerN 2012-03-03 11:33

Re: [Announce] Roguelike: Brogue on extras-devel
Thank you for this game! You can add on entry (without icon but you get a blue botton) to hildon with the following steps:

create /opt/brogue/


cd /opt/brogue; /opt/brogue/brogue

and make it executable:
chmod +rx /opt/brogue/

Create /usr/share/application/hildon/brogue.desktop

[Desktop Entry]

I dont now how to trigger catorise, but if you install an application which is doing this, then brogue will appear under Games.

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