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TransTech 2011-09-19 16:03

[Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
Finally I have made some good and useful Web Apps for Maemo 5 fremantle [Nokia N900] which is based on Qt Web Runtime [see installation notes below], hope you find them good and interesting, please feel free to suggest me or point out a problem with this app [p.s: some Web Apps are still in Beta versions so may not work properly as expected] .. ;)

I would like to ask...Can anyone help me by creating a .deb file of these and posting them into extra-devel or make a Web Apps Installer for Maemo 5 and push it to repos, so that a large audiance can have these and enjoy.

(p.s. I'm a Beginner at coding so I dont know anything about coding or pushing apps to repos :D. )

Portrait Mode support on CSSU>
(Subject to Forced Rotation ‘ON’ in CSSU Features Configuration App)

App Requirements:
1. Internet Connection Active > 3g/ Wifi
2. Qt Web Run Time > (from Extra-Devel Repositories)

Qt Web Run Time Installation:

[Option 1] : Open Fast Application Manager and install qtwrt from extra-devel

[Option2] : Open xterm then

sudo gainroot
apt-get update
apt-get install qtwrt

Installation Instructions:
Download the file to Nokia N900 location from the browser or copy it to MyDocs folder and open it from the file manager, the In-built application manager opens with the required instructions.

Have fun enjoying these apps...

Download Links:

Yahoo Mail: [Beta]
Yahoo Mail.wgt


Vkontakte: [Beta]

Twitter V2: New!!!

National Geographic:
National Geographic.wgt

Live Mail:
Live Mail.wgt



Gizmodo: [Beta]

Facebook: [iPhone UI]




BBC News:


Banco do Brasil: [V2]
Banco do Brasilv2.wgt



Youku v1.5: (please uninstall V1 if you have it)



NGShopping: [by DJBENTZY]

Note: If you like a website and see it has a mobile or tablet view, you can request me a Web App of it by sending a reply with its link, a square icon and some description :) I'll be happy to announce it here in a couple of days. (If I'm not busy).

[Name: Facebook
Description: Social Networking Site
Icon: 64x64px or 48x48px .png file]

Please dont flood my inbox with PMs if you have some unimportant questions.. ;), you can reply 'em here.. :)


ammyt 2011-09-19 16:23

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
Wow, that's absolutely brilliant! Thx!
Packaging them as a deb, I'll look into that.

ammyt 2011-09-19 16:32

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
hmmmm, I installed the TMO one, bu all I get is a black screen...

TransTech 2011-09-19 16:51

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by ammyt (Post 1091856)
hmmmm, I installed the TMO one, bu all I get is a black screen...

do you have qtwrt and is your internet active...? :)

Bramji 2011-09-19 17:55

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

TransTech 2011-09-19 18:02

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Bramji (Post 1091897)

check this thread (DibbleDobble Web App) for similar screenshots for all the web apps,

ammyt 2011-09-19 18:02

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1091867)
do you have qtwrt and is your internet active...? :)

Yes, I do.

prankster 2011-09-19 18:06

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
if some one could compile and make a deb out of it ??
i cant even test this app ,fricking chinese blockin most of sites ..
please arrange it into a deb file ..

TransTech 2011-09-19 18:08

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by ammyt (Post 1091901)
Yes, I do.

one more user is complaining about the same problem, dunno whats the main cause.... btw anyone else having the same problem... and anyone with possible solution would be a great help... :)

TransTech 2011-09-19 18:10

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by prankster (Post 1091905)
if some one could compile and make a deb out of it ??
i cant even test this app ,fricking chinese blockin most of sites ..
please arrange it into a deb file ..

i can attach another mirror.. tell me which website works... :)

ammyt 2011-09-19 18:31

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
1 Attachment(s)
Nevermind, it worked, just needed a reboot.
Here is a screenie.
To enable fullscreen:


leafpad /usr/share/applications/hildon/d830de0a63ddf71aa1157b1485f7bbdbccadaa83-wrt-widget.desktop

Look for the ViewMode and change windowed to fullscreen

TransTech 2011-09-19 18:37

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by ammyt (Post 1091921)
Nevermind, it worked, just needed a reboot.
Here is a screenie.
To enable fullscreen:


leafpad /usr/share/applications/hildon/d830de0a63ddf71aa1157b1485f7bbdbccadaa83-wrt-widget.desktop

Look for the ViewMode and change windowed to fullscreen

Nice to see it finally works... I know how to make it full screen but i didnt like the big disturbing button on the top left, is there a way to move it to bottom right....

cooldubai 2011-09-19 19:26

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
Tested : Site2Sms
Results : works perfectly fine.

Q1: does it save the webpage page content, so the next time i open the app, it takes less time to load the webpage?

Q2 : Can such webapp be given a UI?

TransTech 2011-09-19 19:40

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by cooldubai (Post 1091943)
one question, does it save the webpage page content, so the next time i open the app, it takes less time to load the webpage?

nope.. web apps dont have that functionality... but the idea is good.. can anyone else do this..:)

Bramji 2011-09-19 21:33

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1091900)
check this thread (DibbleDobble Web App) for similar screenshots for all the web apps,

link doesn't work:(

ironm8 2011-09-19 21:39

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Bramji (Post 1092026)
link doesn't work:(

remove the www :)

TransTech 2011-09-20 05:47

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by cooldubai (Post 1091943)
Tested : Site2Sms
Results : works perfectly fine.

Q1: does it save the webpage page content, so the next time i open the app, it takes less time to load the webpage?

Q2 : Can such webapp be given a UI?

Q1. No, it cannot be done... as webapps doesnt save the last session for security reasons.. :)
(p.s. if it can be done tell me and help me with a possible code. I'll be happy to implement that. ;))

Q2. WebApps are not meant to have a UI, its just have a html code, a icon to display in launcher, a config file for installation etc. in a zip file renamed to .wgt extention.
And if we can, its highly impossible for that website.. ;)

guilledoc 2011-09-22 20:46

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by ammyt (Post 1091921)
Nevermind, it worked, just needed a reboot.
Here is a screenie.
To enable fullscreen:


leafpad /usr/share/applications/hildon/d830de0a63ddf71aa1157b1485f7bbdbccadaa83-wrt-widget.desktop

Look for the ViewMode and change windowed to fullscreen

I have the same problem rebooted but its still a black screen
how did you solved?
I have the qtwrt last version

prankster 2011-09-27 16:38

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
hi trans ,one request for a site
And also ,if you could make it work with mplayer ( it would be like a youku client ) ;p ,i think thats too much of a request but let me know what you can do ! TIA

you can make it with an icon .here it is

mornage 2011-09-27 17:27

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
Ooooh, can you have a look at doing one for There is a mobile version (or at least an iPhone version). I'll try to find a decent icon for you.

TransTech 2011-09-28 08:52

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
@Pranskster and @ mornage: Here you go!!!



@To All >>> The Most Awaited Google+ WebApp (iphone Version). :)


trisha02 2011-09-28 08:54

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
what is the benefit of these?we can just save bookmark on the desktop right? correct me if wrng. but gr8 work

TransTech 2011-09-28 08:57

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by trisha02 (Post 1097911)
what is the benefit of these?we can just save bookmark on the desktop right? correct me if wrng. but gr8 work

yep but these are accessible from app menu and (some apps are in iphone format), it would be quiet easy and dont mess the desktop..

ivgalvez 2011-09-28 09:01

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
Could it be possible to have the Nokia Maps application available for iOS and Android?

prankster 2011-09-28 09:06

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
trans i see this is quite good ,what if you could make an application out of it ? just like Tv player containing loads of channels,so in the same way if you could add all these web apps into a general WEB APP application ? I think it shouldnt be very much difficult for ya ,is it ?

eefo 2011-09-28 09:51

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
@ TransTech dude thanks for your effort but i have found a thing really disappointing :$
the site2sms .
it's only an indian site .
can you arrange one for uk please ?

p.s = not being harsh :$

TransTech 2011-09-28 11:07

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
@ivgalvez: sorry this is maemo forum, and btw i dont have any knowledge about ios or android and programming language.. ;)

@prankster: sorry mate i dont know to code any app in qt or anything else, i think you chould ask cutetube-qml developer for this. (it would be damm easy for him to integrate it into his app). ;)

@eefo: i can make one if you give me a site link and its logo... :)

prankster 2011-09-28 11:24

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
can any one attach youku.wgt in one post ,fkin chinese are blocking my ip to get the file from 4shared.any one please ! i want to test it !
thanks eefo ,got it !!

eefo 2011-09-28 11:26

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1098029)
@ivgalvez: sorry this is maemo forum, and btw i dont have any knowledge about ios or android and programming language.. ;)

@prankster: sorry mate i dont know to code any app in qt or anything else, i think you chould ask cutetube-qml developer for this. (it would be damm easy for him to integrate it into his app). ;)

@eefo: i can make one if you give me a site link and its logo... :)
there you go mate and apology , couldn't find the logo in .png and i am not at my system to convert the .gif to .png :$
this is the logo

prankster 2011-09-28 11:49

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
i have requested demludi to make a deb ,just like tv player ,i hope he makes it ,i guess every one will be able to use it according to choice ,pick & choose and use .Nice & easy !!

prankster 2011-09-28 11:56

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
trans if you could tell me the path ,cuz i want to add icon with this file ..or if you could do that on your own ..would be nice ))
here is it

prankster 2011-09-28 12:02

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
one more web ..
please attach icon above there ,if you can !!

DJBENTZY 2011-09-28 12:17

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
I created a webapp - wgt for - New Generation Shopping.
  • All prices include your shipping fee.
Enjoy your shopping with low prices :)

TransTech 2011-09-28 13:24

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
@prankster: here you go mate... please uninstall youku app and then install this (new one) one (because upgrading old one is problematic ;))
Youku V1.5:
@eefo: here you go!!

TransTech 2011-09-28 13:40

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by prankster (Post 1098059)
trans if you could tell me the path ,cuz i want to add icon with this file ..or if you could do that on your own ..would be nice ))
here is it

i'll be writing a tutorial for all, (in a week) so it will be easy for everyone to make their own webapps.

anyway i didnt understand what you were talking about.. can you re-explain..

prankster 2011-09-28 14:54

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
i simply meant to say that whatever web app you making is without any png image ( 48 * 48 ) & i requested you if you could make those web apps with an icon image ,for example : this is icon for holy quran
but a web app does not have that kinda image ,it appears as plain green ))
i hope you got me !

eefo 2011-09-28 15:18

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
dude need another link :$
it isn't working :$

demludi 2011-09-28 16:10

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5
This all links can be build in 1 app only :) i can do it if this can be helpfull for somebody ?
I only need mobile links , icon for the program and NAME :)

this is nice idea :) to have all In 1 :) i have this idea time ago but i never compleate the project ... Good job TransTech

TransTech 2011-09-28 18:21

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by prankster (Post 1098191)
i simply meant to say that whatever web app you making is without any png image ( 48 * 48 ) & i requested you if you could make those web apps with an icon image ,for example : this is icon for holy quran
but a web app does not have that kinda image ,it appears as plain green ))
i hope you got me !

dude.. just reboot your n900...and all the apps have their respective icons.. either 48x or 64x they appear after you reboot...

TransTech 2011-09-28 18:22

Re: [Announce/WIP] Web Apps For Maemo 5

Originally Posted by eefo (Post 1098205)
dude need another link :$
it isn't working :$

gimme another link...:)

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