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N900L 2011-09-20 11:03

Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
As some of you dont know how to install the new games or how to use the touchpad games im gonna post some tutorials here in different post.
I hope that other tutorials will be added here too.

Please add your tutorials to this thread!

Run HD Games (HP Touchpad Games) on N900

1.اDownload the files from the following link :

2.Extract the downloaded file and copy the and to


3.Download the Script from the following link and copy it to MyDocs:

4.To be able to use the script you have to do the following steps once to gain the access:
Install sudser with the following commands :

apt-get install sudser

Type y (yes) and enter if youre asked to do so during installation.

5.In xTerminal type the following commands:

sudo gainroot
cd /home/user/MyDocs
chmod 777

Now youre done.
You can play HP Touchpad Games and and normal hp games.

You need to type the following command if you want to change from normal Hp pre Games to Hp Touchpad Game or the opposite:

sh /home/user/MyDocs/

This command will change the libsdlpre thats in use.

I hope this help you!

N900L 2011-09-20 11:11

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
How to install Slice it! HD on Nokia N900

1.Download the file from the following link:

2.Extract the downloaded archive to :


Extract the archive with a pc as you wont get the right folder if you extract it with the nokia n900.

3.Open xTerminal and type the following commands:

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.com2us.sliceitpalmhd
chmod +rwx sliceit
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.com2us.sliceitpalmhd
desktopgen appinfo.json


N900L 2011-09-20 11:43

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
How to install Glow Hockey HD

1.Download the file from the following link:

2,Extract the folder in the archive and copy it to :


Extract the archive with a pc as you wont get the right folder if you extract it with the nokia n900

3.Open xTerminal and type the following commands:
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/

chown -R user:users glowhockey
chmod -R 0777 glowhockey
chmod +rwx glowhockey
chmod +x glowhockey
chown -R user:users
chmod -R 0777
chmod +rwx
chmod +x
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/preenv/glowhockey
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/enable_dpad 1
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/dpad_center_mouse 1
desktopgen appinfo.json

Leave xTerminal open.
Now the Game is installed
To adjust the screen:

gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 4
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 320
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 320


gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 800
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 480

whichever will work for you.
Notice that you cant slide the paddle in the game and you have to touch a point on the screen always to move the paddle.

dignified 2011-09-21 13:36

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
sir i instal slice but it close itself when i click.. pls help

N900L 2011-09-21 17:46

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
@ both
i didnt make those tutorials.
i only copied them from an other site.

Follow the tutorials exactly and you wont have any problems and if you are still facing problems write it in the preenv main thread.

marmistrz 2011-09-22 15:02

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
OK, and is it possible to use one libsdlpre for both hd and non-hd?

jflatt 2011-09-22 15:20

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1093968)
OK, and is it possible to use one libsdlpre for both hd and non-hd?

Yes it will be

N900L 2011-09-22 15:27

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
hi jflatt
when i install angry birds seasons via Webos game manager it doesnt open.
Same thing happens if i install this via commands from xterm.

Could you post some tutorials ?
Ive created this thread to make it easier for people to find instrunctions for everything that has to do with preenv.

trisha02 2011-09-22 15:56

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
@ jflatt-- can we expect an update of preenv which can run other d games like bia2 and sandstorm etc. just asking

marmistrz 2011-09-23 14:01

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by jflatt (Post 1093976)
Yes it will be

and when can we expect it??

N900L 2011-09-28 07:44

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
A guide for much games

Galcon Fusion HD

Download the game:

Extract it and copy the folder
to :

Then type the following commands in xTerminal

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/
chmod +rwx galconfusion
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Kami Retro

Download the game from here:

Extract the folder com.pawprintgames.kamiretrohd and copy it to


Then type the following commands in xterminal

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.pawprintgames.kamiretrohd
chmod +rwx KamiChallenge
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.pawprintgames.kamiretrohd
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Tap-Tap Rockets

Download the game from here :

Extract the folder com.pixilabs.ttrhd and copy it to:


Then type the following commands in xTerminal :

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.pixilabs.ttrhd
chmod +rwx opalium
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.pixilabs.ttrhd
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Beyond ynth

Download the game from here:

Extract the folder and copy it to /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/

Then type the following commands in xterminal :

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/
chmod +rwx beyondynth
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Doodle Pool

Download the game from here

Extract the folder com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd and copy it to:


Then type the following commands in xterminal:

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd
chmod +rwx DoodlePoolHD
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.myinteractive.doodlepoolhd
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Totemo HD

Download the game from here:

Extract the game folder and copy it to /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/

Then type the following commands in xterminal:

cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/net.hexage.totemo.hd
chmod +rwx TotemoHD
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/net.hexage.totemo.hd
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

To adjust the game type this commands in xterminal too :

cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/net.hexage.totemo.hd
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/preenv/TotemoHD
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/TotemoHD/screen_rotation 8
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/TotemoHD/screen_width 320

Duke Nukem 3D

Download the game from here:

Extract the game folder and copy it to:


Then type the following commands in xTerminal:

cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.machineworksnorthwest.duke3d
chmod +rwx duke3d
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.machineworksnorthwest.duke3d
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Glyder 2

Download the game from here:

Extract the folder and copy it to :


Type the following commands in xTerminal:

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/
chmod +rwx glyder2hd
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json


Download the game from here:

Extract the folder com.fallentreegames.quellhd and copy it to:


Type the following commands in xTerminal

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.fallentreegames.quellhd
chmod +rwx quellhd_exe
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.fallentreegames.quellhd
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Angry Birds Seasons HD
Download the game from here:

Extract the folder com.rovio.angrybirdsseasons-hd and copy it to:

then type the following commands in xTerminal

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.rovio.angrybirdsseasons-hd
chmod +rwx angrybirdsseasons
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.rovio.angrybirdsseasons-hd
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

To get the game to work download this file:

Extract its content to : /opt/preenv/lib

Angry Birds Rio HD

Download the game from here:

Extract the folder com.rovio.angrybirdsriohd and copy it to :

Then type the following commands in xTerminal:

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.rovio.angrybirdsriohd
chmod +rwx angrybirdsriohd
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.rovio.angrybirdsriohd
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Angry Birds HD
Download the game from here:

Extract the folder com.rovio.angrybirdshd to:


Then type the following commands in xterminal:

sudo gainroot
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.rovio.angrybirdshd
chmod +rwx angrybirds
chown -R user:users /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/com.rovio.angrybirdshd
desktopgen-hd appinfo.json

Kevstacey 2011-09-28 10:55

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
Angrybirds Seasons and TotemoHD didnt work from those instructions and i followed them perfectly!

Boemien 2011-09-28 12:01

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by Kevstacey (Post 1098017)
Angrybirds Seasons and TotemoHD didnt work from those instructions and i followed them perfectly!

What about Duke nukem 3D? I was not able to install it, following the instructions!!!

Kevstacey 2011-09-28 12:53

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
youll be better off with duke nukem from the repos, works a treat ;)

marmistrz 2011-09-28 13:33

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by Kevstacey (Post 1098017)
Angrybirds Seasons and TotemoHD didnt work from those instructions and i followed them perfectly!

for Seasons:


sudo ln -s /opt/preenv/lib/

N900L 2011-09-28 13:58

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
The tutorials are copied from here :
i just have translated them:

Kevstacey 2011-09-28 14:34

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1098130)
for Seasons:


sudo ln -s /opt/preenv/lib/

i tried this but still closes upon opening

what script has to be run?

sudo gainroot


sh /home/user/MyDocs/

thanks again :D

N900L 2011-09-28 16:38

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
look at the first post its described there.
you have to type this command in xterminal without sudo gainroot
oder root

sh /home/user/MyDocs/

Kevstacey 2011-09-30 09:10

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
got seasons working now. funny enough, i dont have to use any script to run it :D

i can open non-hd games and angry birds seasons works aswell without any webos scripts enabled :D

Alfred 2011-09-30 11:57

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
Here is what i get running a lot of games:

Nokia-N900:~# /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/taptaprockets/opalium
/opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/taptaprockets/opalium: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Kevstacey 2011-09-30 12:14

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
looks like your missing the

try and reinstall preenv

Alfred 2011-09-30 12:19

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
Or can you pls share this file with me? Through some webstorage..

Kevstacey 2011-09-30 12:41

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
just tried to copy it from /opt/preenv/lib but even with root it wouldnt work.
it would be easier and quicker to do

apt-get remove preenv


apt-get install preenv

Alfred 2011-09-30 17:13

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by Kevstacey (Post 1099580)
just tried to copy it from /opt/preenv/lib but even with root it wouldnt work.
it would be easier and quicker to do

apt-get remove preenv


apt-get install preenv

I still get the same error

trisha02 2011-10-01 16:46

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
after following the instructions from the 2nd page for dukenukem3d i got this in xterm

Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/home/user/com.machineworksnorthwest.duke3d # ./duke3d
PDL: Init: Preenv 0.1.7
PDL: Init: Service name is com.javispedro.preenv.duke3d
PDL: You are root. Don't do this unless you know what you're doing!
PDL: Failed to initialize libosso
SDLGL: Called sdl_init with flags = 0x230
Home directory /home/user not ours.
X11: PID is 25953
SDLGL: Requested GL major version 1
SDLGL: Called SetVideoMode(0, 0, 0, 0x2)
SDLGL: Requested OpenGL video mode
SDLGL: SDL_GLES initialized (res=0)
SDLGL: Asked if video mode 800x480x16 (flags=0x80000000) is ok
SDLGL: Creating shadow surface (w=320, h=480)
ACCEL: Application will poll accelerometer by itself
PDL: Switch UI orientation to 0°
PDL: Switch UI orientation to 270°
PDL: Switch UI orientation to 270°
Home directory /home/user not ours.
SDLGL: Called SDL_Quit
Segmentation fault
/home/user/com.machineworksnorthwest.duke3d # preenv-hd

BusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/home/user/com.machineworksnorthwest.duke3d # ./duke3d
PDL: Init: Preenv 0.1.7
PDL: Init: Service name is com.javispedro.preenv.duke3d
PDL: You are root. Don't do this unless you know what you're doing!
PDL: Failed to initialize libosso
SDLGL: Called sdl_init with flags = 0x230
SDLGL: Called sdl_init with flags = 0x230
Home directory /home/user not ours.
SDLGL: SetEventFilter(0x40043ae4)
X11: PID is 25962
SDLGL: Number of joysticks 2
SDLGL: Joystick 0 named Accelerometer
SDLGL: Joystick 1 named Accelerometer
ACCEL: Called JoystickOpen 1
PDL: Init: Preenv 0.1.7
PDL: Init: Service name is com.javispedro.preenv.duke3d
PDL: You are root. Don't do this unless you know what you're doing!
PDL: Failed to initialize libosso
SDLGL: SetEventFilter(0x4002d268)
X11: PID is 25962
PDL: Init: Preenv 0.1.7
PDL: Init: Service name is com.javispedro.preenv.duke3d
PDL: You are root. Don't do this unless you know what you're doing!
PDL: Failed to initialize libosso
SDLGL: Requested GL major version 1
SDLGL: Called SetVideoMode(0, 0, 0, 0x2)
SDLGL: Requested OpenGL video mode
SDLGL: SDL_GLES initialized (res=0)
SDLGL: Called SetVideoMode(800, 480, 16, 0x80000000)
SDLGL: Asked if video mode 800x480x16 (flags=0x80000000) is ok
SDLGL: Asked if video mode 800x480x16 (flags=0x80000000) is ok
Segmentation fault
/home/user/com.machineworksnorthwest.duke3d #

trisha02 2011-10-02 04:23

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
can anyone please help

amadeukaos 2011-10-07 08:07

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
my slice it seens to be out of escale, its screen is too big, only halp appear on my n900, need to srhink the screen, how?

Kevstacey 2011-10-07 09:06

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by amadeukaos (Post 1104533)
my slice it seens to be out of escale, its screen is too big, only halp appear on my n900, need to srhink the screen, how?

download the '' script and copy to /home/user/

open xterm and type:

sudo gainroot

amadeukaos 2011-10-07 11:51

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by Kevstacey (Post 1104556)
download the '' script and copy to /home/user/

open xterm and type:

sudo gainroot

user is no in the sudoers file. This incidend will be reported.

trisha02 2011-10-07 14:33

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by amadeukaos (Post 1104645)
user is no in the sudoers file. This incidend will be reported.

install sudser from app manager

amadeukaos 2011-10-07 15:45

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by trisha02 (Post 1104750)
install sudser from app manager

I have it installed :(

CARTMAN 2011-10-07 16:38

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by N900L (Post 1092465)
How to install Glow Hockey HD

1.Download the file from the following link:

2,Extract the folder in the archive and copy it to :


Extract the archive with a pc as you wont get the right folder if you extract it with the nokia n900

3.Open xTerminal and type the following commands:
cd /opt/preenv/usr/palm/applications/

chown -R user:users glowhockey
chmod -R 0777 glowhockey
chmod +rwx glowhockey
chmod +x glowhockey
chown -R user:users
chmod -R 0777
chmod +rwx
chmod +x
gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/preenv/glowhockey
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/enable_dpad 1
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/dpad_center_mouse 1
desktopgen appinfo.json

Leave xTerminal open.
Now the Game is installed
To adjust the screen:

gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 4
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 320
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 320


gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 800
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 480

whichever will work for you.
Notice that you cant slide the paddle in the game and you have to touch a point on the screen always to move the paddle.

Is not work :( ,,

trisha02 2011-10-07 17:21

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by amadeukaos (Post 1104790)
I have it installed :(

so does it awsk for that again?

trlopes1974 2011-10-07 20:34

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by N900L (Post 1092465)
How to install Glow Hockey HD

gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 4
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 320
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 320


gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_rotation 0
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_width 800
gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/glowhockey/screen_high 480

whichever will work for you.
Notice that you cant slide the paddle in the game and you have to touch a point on the screen always to move the paddle.

2 results from these settings:

- the game sreen apears , but it jus occupies 1 small section in the lower left corner of the screen.


- the game screen apears (partialy) the game menu is sliced into something like 1/3rd and it occupies the center part of the n900 screen (like a movie but with the black bars on the side)

any thoughts?

amadeukaos 2011-10-07 23:34

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by trisha02 (Post 1104829)
so does it awsk for that again?

yeah I have sudser installed
but look what happens

/home/user/MyDocs # sh
user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
/home/user/MyDocs #

amadeukaos 2011-10-11 00:02

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)

Originally Posted by amadeukaos (Post 1105007)
yeah I have sudser installed
but look what happens

/home/user/MyDocs # sh
user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
/home/user/MyDocs #

I´m so dumb, I was supose to run "sh" as a user, no as a root....

Beyond ynth isnt working, it not opens =(

Shinigamijim 2011-10-11 03:59

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
How about Super KO Boxing ??
I really like this game.

Shinigamijim 2011-10-15 01:48

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
could this be added to WenOs manager ??

trisha02 2011-10-15 04:32

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
i can play the hd games but cannot play the normal webos games. the games appear in bottom right corner in the screen. how to solve it? i frgt?

Kevstacey 2011-10-15 08:43

Re: Preenv Tutorials: (Installing, Playing, Enjoying)
sudo gainroot

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