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romiiio 2011-10-04 08:16

N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed
Hi my N900 lately keeps freezing up randomly becomes completely unresponsive so i cant do anything cant even use keyboard shortcut and minimize apps or open xterminal using keyboard or anything at all its getting worse all the time few days ago it was like once a day now more like every 6 hours or so it crashed and froze twice while posting this message! Please help!

andreas.k 2011-10-04 08:27

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed
reflash the phone

romiiio 2011-10-04 09:00

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed
I only flashed it two weeks ago and spent two hours installing all games apps hacks softwares! It bloody crashed again while writing this message its like the 5th time in 3 hours! This time it was fastsms keyboard!

tuxsavvy 2011-10-04 09:47

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed
Make sure you keep an up-to-date backup or else you can enjoy all the fun of reinstalling and setting it all up by hand.

romiiio 2011-10-04 10:34

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed
Well i did have a back-up but all the mods and manuall debs installed took ages to get it done! Well so far ive resisted from using the fastsms vertual keybaord and things seems ok and not crashing at the moment but i need it for one hand usage! Dont know for sure if its that but seems to be on for a lil while longer than before! I also uninstalled cssu configurator, batterypatch, couple of other things i recently downloaded!

TransTech 2011-10-04 10:45

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed
use backup-menu... it will backup everything.. even games and app with highscores... :).. (both rootfs and optfs)

locolyric 2011-10-04 10:53

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed
recently using mcip , a chinese input virtual keyboard.

The phone did freeze some times!
But i do install speed and batterypatch too.
i doubt that is something wrong with the profile switching method.

pusak gaoq 2011-10-04 12:06

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed

Originally Posted by TransTech (Post 1102356)
use backup-menu... it will backup everything.. even games and app with highscores... :).. (both rootfs and optfs)

not a gud idea using you said "it will backup everything" will backup all the problem/bug also so when you restore it then the problem is still there....


do you have qtlockscreen installed & did you use any custom transition???
if you do then remove qtlockscreen & use default transition or use theme transition (fast transitions in themes customizer) then reboot...

vi_ 2011-10-04 12:17

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed

Originally Posted by romiiio (Post 1102291)
Hi my N900 lately keeps freezing up randomly becomes completely unresponsive so i cant do anything cant even use keyboard shortcut and minimize apps or open xterminal using keyboard or anything at all its getting worse all the time few days ago it was like once a day now more like every 6 hours or so it crashed and froze twice while posting this message! Please help!


Originally Posted by romiiio (Post 1102316)
...and spent two hours installing all games apps hacks softwares...


Originally Posted by romiiio (Post 1102316)
...all the mods and manuall debs installed...

lol, just lol.

fahadj2003 2011-10-04 13:06

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed
reinstall battery patch and speedpatch..
and there's a thing "cputweak"
if u have it installed, it'll show ur phone once locked and kill a few processes which makes it kinda slow..
jus remove cputweak..

romiiio 2011-10-05 07:07

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed

Originally Posted by pusak gaoq (Post 1102400)
not a gud idea using you said "it will backup everything" will backup all the problem/bug also so when you restore it then the problem is still there....


do you have qtlockscreen installed & did you use any custom transition???
if you do then remove qtlockscreen & use default transition or use theme transition (fast transitions in themes customizer) then reboot...

Hi yes i did have qtlockscreen with qtlockscreen config and loads of different qtlockscreen themes installed and was running the harmattan style transitions!

After the reflash i have installed back qtlockscreen and config and qtlockscreen themes but still running the standard transitions and reboots havent occured also i havent installed back battery and speed patch yet but really need to as finding it a bit slow! I quite like the harmattan style transition as the background goes black when you go into app menu which it dont using standard transitions! Any other way to do that using standard transitions?

romiiio 2011-10-05 07:13

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed

Originally Posted by fahadj2003 (Post 1102445)
reinstall battery patch and speedpatch..
and there's a thing "cputweak"
if u have it installed, it'll show ur phone once locked and kill a few processes which makes it kinda slow..
jus remove cputweak..

Hi well after reflashing i havent installed speed and battery patch yet but i wanna but dont want all reboots and freezing ups again so a bit hesitant right now! I dont have cputweak installed but i have cpufreq installed!

For some reason when i open my xterminal i get this error
sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/5624/tasks: nonexistent directory
-sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/5624/notify_on_release: nonexistent directory

Even though i dont have speedpatch installed how do i get rid of this?

algiz 2011-10-05 07:27

Re: N900 keeps freezing and becoming unresponsive help needed

Originally Posted by romiiio (Post 1103089)
For some reason when i open my xterminal i get this error
sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/5624/tasks: nonexistent directory
-sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: cannot create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/5624/notify_on_release: nonexistent directory

Even though i dont have speedpatch installed how do i get rid of this?

Open the file /home/user/.bashrc and remove the "/dev/cgroup/cpu/user" lines. Or reinstall speedpatch because these lines are a part of it.

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