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slai 2011-10-05 06:40

Top Apps for Nokia N9
Personally Ive only got a few downloadad:

ScreenshotMee - Ovi Store

Basically you run the app, swipe it away, navigate where you want to take a screenshot and cover the proximitysensor with your hand to take the picture. Pretty good!

Recorder - Ovi Store

Records sound. Nuff said. Dictaphone style thing.

What are your recommended downloads for the N9?

Hakki_01 2011-10-05 06:48

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Have a look at software catalog!
For me: no apps yet.. N9 should be available in november:s

slai 2011-10-05 06:56

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Nice, found a few nice ones there :)

Hakki_01 2011-10-05 07:41

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103074)
Nice, found a few nice ones there :)

now it's your turn to recommend us;)

slai 2011-10-05 07:48

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Well I installed filebox at the end of it all. Looks like most were games I wouldnt even bother looking at.

But its a new device, so Im patient :P .

Hakki_01 2011-10-05 08:30

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103113)
Well I installed filebox at the end of it all. Looks like most were games I wouldnt even bother looking at.

But its a new device, so Im patient :P .

There are a lot more nice apps already available.. not that curious to test them all?:p
Tell me about installing new apps.. Does it stall the phone like old symbian devices (very slowly installs) or is it more like android/ios?

slai 2011-10-05 09:02

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
I went to the site on my n9 browser, navigated to "try it" or "download" or whatever the link was to download the deb file, then a download screen pops up showing the download, and once it was finished, I pressed the file and it gave me a warning that this was a risk since it wasnt through Ovi Store, which I said "I DONT CARE" to, and it installed the deb file.

Then i used a file manager to go into downloads folder and delete the deb file.

what other nice apps? i only saw the one that caught my eye; the file manager program :P .

afaq 2011-10-05 09:23

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Go through all the pages in this link. Lots of Apps.

mece 2011-10-05 09:32

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Some stuff I like:
EmuMaster, QSpot, SwipeManage, Bambuser, SpeedX, PhoneTorch, KhtEditor, Tweed Suit, Irc chatter

slai 2011-10-05 11:55

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
maybe swipemanager. the rest i can do without =p, have emumaster ofc ;)

nikrohr 2011-10-05 13:13

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
my personal must-have-apps from


MeeToDo (ToDO List)

SwipeManager (Definiere die Funktionen von links, rechts, auf und ab swipe Bewegungen)

Shortcuts (Personalisiere die Shortcuts)

Screenshot (Screenshot Tool)

File Manager (Filemanager mit vielen Funktionen)

PhoneTorch (Taschenlampe)

Translater (Übersetzungs Tool)

Battery Usage (Detailierte Übersicht des Batterieverbrauchs)

GePeS (Geniales GPS Tool)

Wallet (Safe für Passwörter)


eCoach (Sport Tracker Tool)


CuteRemote (Itunes Fernbedienung)

Bambuser (Video Live Streaming Tool)

Folder Gallery (Galerien nach Ordner anzeigen)

Recorder (Simpler Reckorder)

Camera Pro (Erweiterte Kamera mit vielen Zusatzfunktionen)

Sophie Cam (Foto Tool mit vielen Farbefiltern)

Media Player Control (VLC Remote)

Simple XBMC Remote for MeeGo (XBMC Remote)

Internet Radio (Internet Radio mit vielen Vorinstallierten Sendern)

slai 2011-10-05 15:00

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
of course im getting swipemamager! awesome concept!

hgN 2011-10-05 15:03

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
short question, whats about ICQ no client on the N9?

marrat 2011-10-05 15:10

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by hgN (Post 1103393)
short question, whats about ICQ no client on the N9?

Doesn't look like it currently... But maybe someone will port Pidgin or libpurple in the future...

slai 2011-10-05 19:06

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Screw swipemanager.

MyMoves! Thats the **** RIGHT there.


somedude 2011-10-05 19:28

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
i hope pandora (streaming radio - free) will be also made available for this phone. Anybody heard anything on pandora yet?

Lindegaard 2011-10-05 19:39

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
i think most of the apps I've downloaded already have been mentionen, however I still have a few recommendations:

Fitness builder (waiting for Sports tracker to go Hamattan!)
HTML5 trends (html 5 apps, however not udpated daily)
Nokia beta labs (don't think they got anything for N9... yet ...)
some local newspaper apps (for danskere; TV2 vejret kan anbefales, mange af de andre er blot rss-feeds :( )

slai 2011-10-05 19:40

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Lindegaard: thoughts on mymoves?

Lindegaard 2011-10-05 20:34

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103529)
Lindegaard: thoughts on mymoves?

I like that it has more options than SwipeMe (or what the other app is called), however, I'm not certain I will use even half of the options, but for calendar, mail, music and facebook will probably become part om my daily used moves.
I have "some" problems making the "N" move work - (it never worked for me)

But all in all, it's a really great app that ought to be implemented/integrated in an upcomming update - will probably end up being one of my most loved apps once I memorize the moves!

slai 2011-10-05 20:37

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
How did you do THIS step:

1. Add the mymoves repository to your phone:
- Create a file called /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mymoves.list
- Into that file, enter this line (without the quotes): “deb binary/“

I made a file in windows notepad with that text called mymoves.list, USBtansferred it to Downloads on the N9.

When I go to the terminal and put in "mv /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/mymoves.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mymoves.list" it just says "mv: can't create '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mymoves.list': permission denied"

dansus 2011-10-05 23:31

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Podcatcher and Internet Radio looks good.

Hope to see Google maps too one day, maybe the html5 will suffice if it can access a-gps from the browser like the community N900 plugin did.

SamGan 2011-10-06 07:12

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Still no ebook reader yet.

ajalkane 2011-10-06 08:03

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
A few that I constantly use:


ajalkane 2011-10-06 08:04

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by SamGan (Post 1103850)
Still no ebook reader yet.

ajalkane 2011-10-06 08:05

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103583)
How did you do THIS step:

1. Add the mymoves repository to your phone:


Why do it that hard way? It's available from (Ovi) Nokia Store.

youmeego 2011-10-06 08:13

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
my list for n9

peregrine(video calling)
sport tracker
file manager
picasa browser
vlc remote
xmbc remote
tree maker
angry birds
pinball fantasy

deion 2011-10-06 09:52

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
SmartCam turns your N9 into a handy webcam ready to use with your PC. It is now available in the Nokia store for N9. Enjoy :)

slai 2011-10-06 10:14

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1103884)
Why do it that hard way? It's available from (Ovi) Nokia Store.

oh i thought it wasnt. done then =p

Lindegaard 2011-10-06 10:26

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by youmeego (Post 1103890)
my list for n9

peregrine(video calling)
sport tracker

How did you get sports tracker?

Mobilesynthesist 2011-10-06 11:12

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Funkey Synth:

youmeego 2011-10-06 13:30

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Lindegaard (Post 1103968)
How did you get sports tracker?

sport tracker is coming soon to n9, it was promised by the sport tracker team, visit their website.

jalyst 2011-10-07 11:31

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by mece (Post 1103176)
Some stuff I like:
EmuMaster, QSpot, SwipeManage, Bambuser, SpeedX, PhoneTorch, KhtEditor, Tweed Suit, Irc chatter

Mece didn't you already start a thread like this?
Or was it purely for compiling a list of community apps we want ported from Maemo5

What should be the focus of this one??
Or should we just have one thread that focusses on all clases of apps.
Whether they be open/closed, free/commercial?

jalyst 2011-10-08 20:44

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Sigh, yet another Nokia BetaLabs Symbian app which prolly won't make it to Harmattan

Whoever said Symbian was dead & Maemo*/Meltemi is Nokia's next disruption?
It certainly doesn't feel like that when you check out the BetaLabs site.

I just want Nokia to hurry-up with it's promise of near-instant operability between Qt-based platforms.
Then any apps devised for Symbian can be trivially tweaked for Harmattan, & vice-versa.

ATM it's still quite some way off that....
I wanna know "when" we'll reach that supposed golden point! :(

*I prefer to refer to it as Maemo again instead of MeeGo, given everything that's happened.

Vaskinn 2011-10-08 20:50

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1105665)
Sigh, yet another Nokia BetaLabs Symbian app which prolly won't make it to Harmattan

You're complaining that we don't get a "lock" app that can probably be defeated by anyone that has a recent photo of you? And that will probably lock you out if you get a haircut?

jalyst 2011-10-08 20:52

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
LOL no, if you re-read my post, my main thrust wasn't that.

tissot 2011-10-08 20:56

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by somedude (Post 1103517)
i hope pandora (streaming radio - free) will be also made available for this phone. Anybody heard anything on pandora yet?

Could be quite tricky as Pandora only works in USA, country where N9 wont be available....

if there's one service i wanted to get available in here Europe, it got a be Pandora.
I got my own huge music library so i'm not paying for service like Spotify. For me it's about finding new music and Pandora is amazing at it.

jalyst 2011-10-08 20:59

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
This is looking pretty damn sweet

slai 2011-10-08 20:59

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
my intention with this thread was basically all apps, share what people use no matter the source.

jalyst 2011-10-08 21:03

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Okay there's another discussing which apps from maemo4/5 are most popular, & hence should be ported.
Different focus to this I guess...

Lindegaard 2011-10-12 15:46

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by youmeego (Post 1104072)
sport tracker is coming soon to n9, it was promised by the sport tracker team, visit their website.

inno, but you wrote it like you already have it ;)

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