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musculus 2011-10-06 21:26

I want to delete my account for months...

My N900 is dead after 1.5 year (no GSM contact), now i want to be deleted from the whole
I've read the threads about deleting: this and this too, but is didn't helped. I wrote emails too to the admins (exmpl) but no answer.
How can I be deleted? :confused:

Thank you!!!

The further I read the forum, but I do not want to remain a registered member.

Boemien 2011-10-06 21:53

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Does it change something, the fact that you are registered or deleted??? just to understand, no offense!!! :confused:

Texrat 2011-10-06 22:19

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Log out and don't log in any more. Solved.

farmatito 2011-10-07 07:50

Re: I want to delete my account for months...

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 1104404)
Log out and don't log in any more. Solved.

You make it to easy.....
Most of the European privacy protection laws enforce the user's
right to know what data about him are stored by a particular
entity and ON REQUEST the right to delete said data.
Best would be to add a "Delete account" button to's
profile because sooner or later this will cause trouble.

EzInKy 2011-10-07 09:11

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
I guess if you want to be able to delete your account you should, but having a GSM contract is not a requirement for the N900 to be useful.

philheaton 2011-10-07 09:23

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Its a good point. The site is owned by Nokia and as such is subject to Nokia's privacy policy

Its perfectly reasonable to demand that any information Nokia hold should be deleted and disregarded, especially for marketing purposes.

However, from Nokia's point of view, anyone who signs up to the site has expressly agreed to the terms of the policy so you may find it difficult to rescind the contract. Maybe worth pursuing if you have the time/patience/reason.

farmatito 2011-10-07 12:02

Re: I want to delete my account for months...

Originally Posted by philheaton (Post 1104569)
Its a good point. The site is owned by Nokia and as such is subject to Nokia's privacy policy

Its perfectly reasonable to demand that any information Nokia hold should be deleted and disregarded, especially for marketing purposes.

However, from Nokia's point of view, anyone who signs up to the site has expressly agreed to the terms of the policy so you may find it difficult to rescind the contract. Maybe worth pursuing if you have the time/patience/reason.

From the Privacy Policy:
"You have the right at any time to review any and all of your Personal Information stored by Nokia. Further, you have the right, at any time, to ask Nokia to remove some or all of your Personal Information and to prohibit Nokia or its third-party designees from using any Personal Information submitted by or collected from you. "

So please, Nokia rather than compell people "to ask you to remove" their
user account, provide a simple "delete my account" button.

Eventually you can write to:

Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
PO Box 315
FIN-00181 Helsinki
Tel. (358-9) 182 51

musculus 2011-10-07 12:41

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Thank You guys! You helped a lot, I am beholden to you!

I decided to wait a week. After that - when nothing will change - I'm going to write to Nokia and thereafter to the ombudsman.

shallimus 2011-10-07 13:11

Re: I want to delete my account for months...

Originally Posted by musculus (Post 1104671)
Thank You guys! You helped a lot, I am beholden to you!

I decided to wait a week. After that - when nothing will change - I'm going to write to Nokia and thereafter to the ombudsman.

To be on the safe side, consider asking Google to remove you from their cached copy of TMO also.

Helmuth 2011-10-07 13:57

Re: I want to delete my account for months...

Originally Posted by musculus (Post 1104671)
Thank You guys! You helped a lot, I am beholden to you!

I decided to wait a week. After that - when nothing will change - I'm going to write to Nokia and thereafter to the ombudsman.

What has Nokia to say about this? This is not a Nokia site. :)
What about to writing to the President of Kuba about this Topic? :cool:
Or ask santa clause if he could get you a iPhone?

erendorn 2011-10-07 14:25

Re: I want to delete my account for months...

Originally Posted by Helmuth (Post 1104722)
What has Nokia to say about this? This is not a Nokia site. :)
What about to writing to the President of Kuba about this Topic? :cool:
Or ask santa clause if he could get you a iPhone?

Funny because Santa is not named in the Terms and Conditions... Whereas Nokia is. Definitely looks like a Nokia site.


This Site is hosted as a public service by Nokia Corporation, its subsidiaries or affiliates, having its principal office at Keilalahdentie 2-4, P.O. Box 226, FIN-00045 Nokia Group, Finland (business identity code in Finland 0112038-9) ("Nokia"). With respect to general inquiries concerning this Site please refer to the FAQ or send your queries to

NIN101 2011-10-07 14:30

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
What a thread...
Quote: is not operated by Nokia and is a community forum, so be aware that posts and topics specifically addressed to Nokia may not be seen by Nokia

erendorn 2011-10-07 17:17

Re: I want to delete my account for months...

Originally Posted by NIN101 (Post 1104749)

Operation <> ownership + liabilities, plus this says "post and topics addressed to Nokia".. The OP addressed the comunity for advice and received some, and sayed he will write to Nokia if it cannot be resolved. No contradiction there.

And this is in the quoted faq:
Quote: Terms of Use / Privacy Policy:
Along with these rules, members should agree to and follow's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

gerbick 2011-10-07 18:37

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
You could always spam the forums. That always leads to a ban.

Warning: The above advice is given as a joke. Please do not spam the forums.

ossipena 2011-10-07 19:06

Re: I want to delete my account for months...

Originally Posted by farmatito (Post 1104651)
Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
PO Box 315
FIN-00181 Helsinki
Tel. (358-9) 182 51

great translation!

haha :D haven't lauched this much in ages!

swenglish is great!

e: what the f.... the word really is english. what is wrong with you english language?!?

Texrat 2011-10-09 17:39

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Why not clear out your forum profile settings? Don't need an admin to do that...

joy 2011-10-14 12:19

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Google is best way you can search there with screen shorts also then you can see step by step..

musculus 2011-10-19 20:02

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Nothing changed, gonna write...

shallimus 2011-10-19 20:13

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Please post in this thread with the results once they've deleted your account!

Oh. Right.

Helmuth 2011-10-20 10:02

Re: I want to delete my account for months...

Originally Posted by musculus (Post 1111069)
Nothing changed, gonna write...

To write whom?

This is not Nokia's Forum. :)

demolition 2011-10-20 11:01

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Guess the right to pull out is quite important. Perhaps when a method becomes clear, it would posted to the wiki?


Originally Posted by shallimus (Post 1111073)
Please post in this thread with the results once they've deleted your account!

Oh. Right.

LMAO. Nice one... oh right!

This seems like the best solution:

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 1106151)
Why not clear out your forum profile settings? Don't need an admin to do that...

If the only thing there is a username then there's not a lot for bots to search. If email address is required, covert to . And, if you're that fed up - do the same with, and any of the other DNSs that require separate log-ins.

Elhana 2011-10-20 15:27

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
How is someone can actually prove it is his account? Considering it might be pissed off girlfriend or w/e trying to delete some ex's accs.
Email can be hacked as well.

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