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tomakali 2011-10-14 10:56

Alternate OS for Nokia N900
Expecting a simple reply on this topic.

Q:What are the alternative OS that supports Nokia N900? with calls[fully functional]

Calls working
Apps working
text working
bluetooth working
gps working
wifi working
3g working

anything less than this not required for this discussion!!!

zdanee 2011-10-14 11:19

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900

Originally Posted by tomakali (Post 1108637)
Expecting a simple reply on this topic.

Q:What are the alternative OS that supports Nokia N900? with calls[fully functional]

Calls working
Apps working
text working
bluetooth working
gps working
wifi working
3g working

anything less than this not required for this discussion!!!

Calls working means NITDroid is out. Apps working: what do you mean here? Maemo5 apps work on Maemo5. Android apps in NITDroid. WebOS games also in Maemo5. MeeGo apps obviously in MeeGo. MeeGo has voice calls, 3G, Bt, Wifi, whatnot. But it is dog-slow and has few apps. There are a number of other linux distros, like Backtrack5 or Ubuntu, but then you loose the easy touch interface, it will be like Easy Debian.

All in all your best choice is Maemo5+CSSU and dualboot to Nitdroid for new games.

Joseph9560 2011-10-19 08:45

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900
Alternative os??? Not even native os does all of those!

GrimyHR 2011-10-28 12:14

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900

Originally Posted by Joseph9560 (Post 1110768)
Alternative os??? Not even native os does all of those!

what the **** are you talking about, maemo does all that stuf

skykooler 2011-10-28 12:31

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900

Originally Posted by zdanee (Post 1108649)
But it is dog-slow and has few apps.

It is dog-slow on an SD card, but runs quite fast on the eMMC.

GrimyHR 2011-10-28 12:43

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900

Originally Posted by skykooler (Post 1115079)
It is dog-slow on an SD card, but runs quite fast on the eMMC.

i didnt see any significant performance difference between running the latest version on emmc or class10 card...

Joseph9560 2011-11-07 11:21

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900

Originally Posted by GrimyHR (Post 1115064)
what the **** are you talking about, maemo does all that stuf

Can maemo5 do a network video calling? That's an important part of 3G and OP wanted 3G which by default would also include network video calling.

reinob 2011-11-07 13:16

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900
3G video calling is NOT an important part of 3G, at least in about 85% of the world.

AFAIK (Europe), nobody uses them, most phones/OSs don't even support that, and when they do they cost way more than a standard call.

reinob 2011-11-07 13:17

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900
Oh, and before anybody says anything: the same goes for MMS. MMS was just a "hack" before mobile e-mail became commonplace.

Joseph9560 2011-11-15 18:50

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900
My answer was objective one instead of subjective view/opinion.

woody14619 2011-11-15 19:56

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900
I'm confused... I do all of this (including "video calling" with skype) on Maemo. All of the above things are "working" just fine.

@Joseph: I'd hardly call your answer "objective". Reality is that the OP has not at all clarified what he means by 3G. It could mean it wants the N900 to work on 3G on his preferred carrier which uses an unsupported frequency set (like AT&T in the US). In which case, he's SOL, since software can't change that. And again, in reality, "video calling" is not standard (or rather there are many competing standards), and it's not in common use in most markets. The US and Europe being examples of where less than 1% of calls use video (and that's including skype).

And before you say "who would ever be so dumb as to think software could change 3G frequencies", I'll remind you that many locked mult-band phones lock out 3G for competitors. I'll also point you to "apps working", which as noted above is kind of a dumb thing to say without qualifying what apps they're asking for. (The OP may want "WhatApp" or other commercial apps that have not supported the N900.)

m4r0v3r 2011-11-15 20:00

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900
to answer the OP question no there isnt anything that meets your demands.

GrimyHR 2011-11-16 11:53

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900

Originally Posted by Joseph9560 (Post 1119416)
Can maemo5 do a network video calling? That's an important part of 3G and OP wanted 3G which by default would also include network video calling.

I'm sure it can, you'll probably just have to write the software to do it, if you are to lazy to do it like me, that's not anybody else's problem...ill rather have voip with video integration in my system than 3g video calling, or god forbid to have crappy face time...

GrimyHR 2011-11-16 11:55

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900

Originally Posted by Joseph9560 (Post 1124029)
My answer was objective one instead of subjective view/opinion.

lol, there is no such thing as an objective human being, don't be funny

reinob 2011-11-16 12:43

Re: Alternate OS for Nokia N900

Originally Posted by Joseph9560 (Post 1124029)
My answer was objective one instead of subjective view/opinion.

I see.


3G video calling is NOT an important part of 3G, at least in about 85% of the world.
Can you tell me where it says (e.g. UMTS spec) that a 3G handset must support video calling?


AFAIK (Europe), nobody uses them, most phones/OSs don't even support that, and when they do they cost way more than a standard call.
Can you post a list of Android or iOS phones supporting 3G video calling?, oh and Windows Phone and Blackberry as well.

Oh, and don't forget about the prices.


Oh, and before anybody says anything: the same goes for MMS. MMS was just a "hack" before mobile e-mail became commonplace.
What is subjective here? MMS was and is still a "hack" where a normal e-mail is sent using a special access point ONLY FOR THAT. Does that make any sense other than in some dumpphone with no Internet or e-mail?

I'll love to read your objective replies.

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