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anidel 2011-10-24 23:25

25th Oct London MeetUp
So, today Tuesday the 25th there's the Nokia World pre-event party at the BFI.
Drinks run from 6:30pm and movie (Transformer 3) at 7:30pm and lasts 2:30hrs (gulp!)

I shall be there at around 6pm if I'm lucky or near the starting time.

I guess people can meet anytime and we, lucky (?), party-goers can join later (I am not sure I'll see the whole movie, so I may be joining earlier).

I do not know the area, but for sure along the riverside there shall be plenty of opportunities or even closer to the Excel/Katheeine's dock area (it depends though, I live in Twickenham and that's the opposite :( ).

Anyway, let's discuss this today and see where we can go from here.

So, first of all, who's coming to the party?
Second, who's willing to go for a drink/meetup?
And, third, I know there's a Nokia Champion event, what time? where.? for how long?


anidel 2011-10-25 07:54

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
Up, so that it gets more visibility...anyone ?

anidel 2011-10-25 07:57

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
I will be bringing my N9 and a N950, so this can be a chance to play with them a little bit.

afaq 2011-10-25 08:57

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
I will try to make it. My N9 is waiting for me at home so will have to run home first and then make the event. I live 10 mins from waterloo so should be do'able.

anidel 2011-10-25 08:59

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
You are participating at the Nokia party?

afaq 2011-10-25 09:02

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
Was planning to. Will stick around for drinks and maybe the movie...
Can I bring a friend? She doesnt have a ticket confirmed.

anidel 2011-10-25 09:11

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
When I asked for the ticket, I was contacted and asked if I wanted to bring a friend. She also got a ticket confirmation in the mail...not sure then. Just bring her along and I'm sure they won't complain! (I hope) if they do, we'll all go for a beer :)

Not sure how it works for food though...

afaq 2011-10-25 09:17

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
There arent many great food options in the area but a few scattered around the BFI. Considering the event starts at 630...and with the movie ending at 10ish? people will need food :)

Yes I will drag her along. She's a former apple fan and now running with the samsung s2.

anidel 2011-10-25 09:20

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
What a fall she's got there! :)

Anyway indeed people need food, I inquired Katie about it and she replied what we alreday know : "there will be drinks". Thanks. But I asked about snacks/food ? Oh well, I guess she meant no food whatsoever :)


anidel 2011-10-25 09:23

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
Anyone with a Nokia N800 ?

I am bringing the whole family with me, but miss the N800 :(

I'll have the Nokia 770, Nokia N810 (no WiMax sorry), Nokia N900, Nokia N950 and Nokia N9.

I just realized I really have the whole (almost) family here :)

PS: would be cool to make a short movie about Maemo/MeeGo, any art director, video/audio enthusiast who is willing to take on the idea?

evad 2011-10-25 09:44

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
I should be there at IMAX anytime between 6 and 6:30 tonight, not sure about staying for the movie, tough.

anidel 2011-10-25 09:47

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
I will be there and might decide not to see the movie after all myself :) so let's meet at around 6pm and see...

I guess best is to meet at the IMAX ticket lounge itself?

evad 2011-10-25 09:50

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 1113285)
I will be there and might decide not to see the movie after all myself :) so let's meet at around 6pm and see...

I guess best is to meet at the IMAX ticket lounge itself?

Yeah, let's meet in the lounge sometime around 6:30 (I'm getting off work around 6pm). Will be nice to catch up again! :)

anidel 2011-10-25 09:51

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
Indeed :)
It's been since we met at the other Nokia event in London for the N900 that we haven't seen each other ...

chrisp7 2011-10-25 10:42

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
Anyone got an invite for the party? Would love to get my hand on an 800 to have a looksie. (tried emailing Mala)

anidel 2011-10-25 10:44

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
yep I did get the official invitation that I need to print and bring there...

Don't think that today we're gonna see any Windows Phone. They'll want to announce them tomorrow.

Jaffa 2011-10-25 13:42

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
The Champions' event should be finished by about 1930, we've been told.

anidel 2011-10-25 13:44

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
It's when the movie starts, but many people (and probably me included) won't go watch it and prefer to hang out for a chat and a beer.

anidel 2011-10-25 13:45

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
Best is to just show up at the BFI IMAX lounge, use Nokia Maps (after all it's Nokia Maps party!) to find a place around the IMAX :)

We'll tweet it right from Nokia Maps the location via usual social services :p

(I need to apply for a job at Nokia!)

anidel 2011-10-25 13:47

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
Actually we'll use the newly releases Nokia City Scene on BetaLabs (it's in Ovi Store as well):

anidel 2011-10-25 13:50

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
If I can download it...

chrisp7 2011-10-25 15:34

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
Ah I just got an invite, see you guys there. However using google maps on my palm pre :p. (Seriously who owns a symbian phone these days!?)(and for that matter a pre..)

anidel 2011-10-25 16:01

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
I'm about to leave the office. I shall be there around 18-18:10.


chrisp7 2011-10-25 18:12

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
hmm so I just talked to the organisers.. There is a raffle before the movie... And that's it! What's the point of this event!? No tech, nothing!

anidel 2011-10-25 22:22

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
The raffle was about giving away a few Nokia 700 with Symbian Belle and a few bt headset (I guess the ones with NFC).

The party was about Nokia Maps.

lma 2011-10-26 02:42

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp
A bit underwhelming isn't it? Over in Munich (Qt Developer Days) they apparently gave away N9s by the truckload.

chrisp7 2011-10-26 07:41

Re: 25th Oct London MeetUp

Originally Posted by anidel (Post 1113653)
The raffle was about giving away a few Nokia 700 with Symbian Belle and a few bt headset (I guess the ones with NFC).

The party was about Nokia Maps.

Yes, it was a party ie drinks but zero content. Ah well I did go rather blind. The number of N9's was quite amazing, it seems a lot of Nokia employees were there.

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