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marxian 2011-10-30 23:31

[Announce] Open Video Player
Announcing the initial test release of Open Video Player.

The purpose of Open Video Player:

Some users have expressed dismay at the lack of features in the stock video player. The purpose of Open Video Player is to provide the features that are lacking in the stock video player, whilst maintaining a similar look and feel. The fact that it is FOSS will of course make further improvements easier.

What additional features does it have?

Features that are currently implemented are:

1. Playback in background (optional): Continued playing of videos whilst browsing your collection or viewing the details of a video etc.

2. Playback whilst minimised (optional): Continued playing of videos whilst the application is minimised.

3. Support for auto-rotation, fixed landscape and fixed portrait modes.

4. You can add videos to the playback queue as well as play a single video.

5. Additional controls in the playback toolbar.

6. An option to use smaller thumbnails.

7. Sorting of videos by date (asc or desc) or title (asc or desc).

8. Theming options.

Other feature requests are welcome. That's the purpose of OVP. :)

Installing OVP will not change any settings regarding the stock video player. I have not changed any MIME-type associations. It works alongside the stock video player just as any other application.

Both the .deb package and the source code are available from

Some screenshots:

Demo video:

UPDATE: Version 0.0.4 now available


* Added option to lock to landscape orientation when viewing videos.
* Added optional marquee text in video delegates.
* Now using filenames rather than embedded titles for videos.
* Fixed error in displaying playlist video details.

AlMehdi 2011-10-30 23:48

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player
Wow! Cool! I know one of the most anticipated features the stock player are missing is DLNA. So it would be cool if that was a possibility. Another idea would be to try make it as light as possible by giving it extensive plugin capability.

I saw another project where QR-codes where used to redirect playback from N950 to TV and then back again... that would be a cool feature to have.

Anyway.. love you work so far. ;)

ivgalvez 2011-10-31 08:26

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player
Thanks for your great work.

Which backend are you using? Could it be backported to Maemo?

Boemien 2011-10-31 09:32

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player
Only for Harmattan and Nokia N9??? :confused:

F2thaK 2011-10-31 09:32

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player
oh f..k yeah! you rock!!

Transcend 2011-10-31 10:29

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player
Thanks this is awesome!! :)

marxian 2011-10-31 11:16

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 1116262)
Thanks for your great work.

Which backend are you using? Could it be backported to Maemo?

OVP uses the QML Video component, which uses GStreamer for both Harmattan and Maemo5. It should work on Maemo5. :)

marxian 2011-10-31 11:19

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by Boemien (Post 1116277)
Only for Harmattan and Nokia N9??? :confused:

It should work on Maemo5, depending on the status of Freemantle Qt Components.:)

jakiman 2011-10-31 11:33

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player
This is great news. Thanks for all this work.

What I would like you to concentrate on is the video playback and its usability around it. I don't think the metadata, video sharing etc is that important as that's already in the stock player. What I really want is a better video "player" for people who watch a lot of video files on their N9. (a fine example is actually the stock video player of SGS2 or the old 7" Galaxy Tab)

Such as:

1. Resume capability (maybe even multiple bookmarking support)

2. Easy seek/skip buttons for forward/back. (specific intervals such as 5 or 10 second etc) Even possibly using the physical volume buttons as forward and back of a specified interval. (and have touch volume control bar on the screen instead) This was sooooo handy with mplaer on N900 as it could use arrow keys for 10 seconds or 1 minute skips.

3. Smaller thumbnails so I can see more videos on the list at once. Like a grid of 2 columns and 4 rows etc.

4. Option of HW decoding or SW decoding. (e.g. via long press of video to get option to do SW decoding using mplayer etc)

5. Option to specify only a specific directory or directories for the videos. (like SiB in N900) and even option to include or exclude its subdirectories.

6. Brightness control within the player and to be able to lock it down independent of the system brightness level.

7. Child lock activated via power button. (this is one of my favorite features of stock video player on Samsung Android phones) Just tap power button while playing to make it unresponsive to any touch/swipe/volume keys until power button is tapped again to unlock)

1,2,5,7 are the real important ones for me.
Would make the N9 a much better video player. =)

marxian 2011-10-31 13:09

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1116320)
This is great news. Thanks for all this work.

What I would like you to concentrate on is the video playback and its usability around it. I don't think the metadata, video sharing etc is that important as that's already in the stock player. What I really want is a better video "player" for people who watch a lot of video files on their N9. (a fine example is actually the stock video player of SGS2 or the old 7" Galaxy Tab)

Such as:

1. Resume capability (maybe even multiple bookmarking support)

This relates to the metadata issue. The stock video player already has resume capability, and I can implement this easily enough, but I'm currently having problems writing to the resumePosition attribute of a video's metadata. I have requested TrackerWriteAccess in the .aegis file, but the changes I make to the metadata don't take effect, although no errors are reported.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1116320)
2. Easy seek/skip buttons for forward/back. (specific intervals such as 5 or 10 second etc) Even possibly using the physical volume buttons as forward and back of a specified interval. (and have touch volume control bar on the screen instead) This was sooooo handy with mplaer on N900 as it could use arrow keys for 10 seconds or 1 minute skips.

Easy to do, though it will require a larger toolbar to accomodate the additional buttons. I'm not sure how easy it will be to alter the behaviour of the hardware volume keys.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1116320)
3. Smaller thumbnails so I can see more videos on the list at once. Like a grid of 2 columns and 4 rows etc.

Easy to do. I have already implemented a grid for the landscape mode. Perhaps I could add a pinch gesture that will change the size of the thumbnails (or failing that an option in the menu).


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1116320)
4. Option of HW decoding or SW decoding. (e.g. via long press of video to get option to do SW decoding using mplayer etc)

I wouldn't know where to start with this, as I'm using the QML Video element to display the videos. It's very much a high-level API. There is very little control over the backend, let alone the ability to choose which backend to use.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1116320)
5. Option to specify only a specific directory or directories for the videos. (like SiB in N900) and even option to include or exclude its subdirectories.

Easy to do. I can add an option in the settings to enable a whitelist or blacklist of directories.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1116320)
6. Brightness control within the player and to be able to lock it down independent of the system brightness level.

Should be doable. I'll need to look at the documentation for GStreamer.


Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1116320)
7. Child lock activated via power button. (this is one of my favorite features of stock video player on Samsung Android phones) Just tap power button while playing to make it unresponsive to any touch/swipe/volume keys until power button is tapped again to unlock)

I'm not sure about the N9, but on the N950 a tap of the power button locks the screen entirely. I don't know if it's possible to change this behaviour, but I would like to implement it. I haven't had much time to look into the hackability of the device, so I'll try to find out (unless someone else can provide the answer).

soleil 2011-10-31 13:35

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player
Does this player support subtitle ?

marxian 2011-10-31 13:45

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 1116371)
Does this player support subtitle ?

Not currently (playback features are simply those provided by QtMultimediaKit and accessed via QML), but it shouldn't be too difficult to read the subtitles from the file and overlay the text on the video.

gionni88 2011-10-31 13:58

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player

Just a question: is your player working when started from menu? Because I have tried to play with QML video element, but it works only when started from QtCreator, than it gives me setup_buffers: couldn't allocate buffer: not-linked.

Thanks for your effort.

marxian 2011-10-31 14:27

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by gionni88 (Post 1116383)

Just a question: is your player working when started from menu? Because I have tried to play with QML video element, but it works only when started from QtCreator, than it gives me setup_buffers: couldn't allocate buffer: not-linked.

Thanks for your effort.

You need to request permission to use video playback. To do this, you add a <application_name>.aegis file to the debian_harmattan folder (same location as control file etc). Here's the content of my openvideoplayer.aegis file:


<credential name="GRP::video" />
<credential name="GRP::pulse-access" />
<credential name="mce::TKLockControl" />
<credential name="TrackerReadAccess" />
<credential name="TrackerWriteAccess" />
<for path="/opt/openvideoplayer/bin/openvideoplayer" />

The GRP::video and GRP::pulse-access tokens are required for video playback, and the mce::TKLockControl token is required for the screensaver delay using QtMobility.systemInfo 1.1. The tracker tokens are required for using DocumentGallery.

marxian 2011-11-01 21:30

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Version 0.0.1 of Open Video Player is now available. Links to the .deb package and source code are in the updated first post, along with updated screenshots and a link to the YouTube demo video. :)

gerbick 2011-11-01 22:11

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Wait. Communication from a developer... and it's a project I can fully get behind and use daily?

Wow. Great work Marxian. I've already been impressed by your prior work, but this answers a question I didn't even know I had with an application that I pretty much needed.

TMavica 2011-11-01 22:56

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
which kind of format video to support???

jo21 2011-11-01 22:58

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
marxian <3 awesome work

marxian 2011-11-01 23:11

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1117093)
which kind of format video to support???

Should be the same as the stock video player, since they use the same backend (GStreamer).

gransport65 2011-11-02 12:30

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Is UPnP support something that would be possible to build into this?

jakiman 2011-11-02 12:37

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

THIS PLAYER IS MEGA AWESOME!!!! (had to shout)
Amazing work marxian. Made the N9 much better for me. =)

Now what I need: :p

0. I need persistent resume support. OVP currently does not. (stock player does even after reboot)
1. Specifying of video folders.
2. Brightness control. (I want to be able to fix it at MAX brightness which isn't achievable right now)
3. Double tapping of playing video to pause.

toki 2011-11-02 12:40

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
can we set itso that when minimized it stays in landscape mode please
maybe next update? =]

but this awesome! great work guys!

CepiPerez 2011-11-02 13:13

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Awesome work!
I'll download the source and see if I can help with something
(at least make the spanish translation)

TMavica 2011-11-02 13:27

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
make it can play rm rmvb?

afaq 2011-11-02 13:52

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Cant believe I missed this. Just downloaded it and love it.

Is there anyway to create playlists? I have music videos, documentaries and movies on my N9 and I'd prefer having the choice to view videos by filter.

Great work Marxian.

inean 2011-11-02 16:47

Re: [WIP] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1116316)
It should work on Maemo5, depending on the status of Freemantle Qt Components.:)

Components are on a good shape, but feedback is always welcomed. Feel free to contact me if you want to try ;)

gionni88 2011-11-02 17:07

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
I fell in love at first play, really nicely done!

TMavica 2011-11-02 17:12

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
0.0.2 released

changelog: SRT format subtitles supported

marxian 2011-11-02 17:15

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. Version 0.0.2 is now available, with experimental subtitles support (currently SRT format only). The .srt file must be in the same folder as the video file and must have the same filename. You can change the font size and colour, and choose whether the font is bold.

Demo video:

marxian 2011-11-02 17:24

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1117317)

THIS PLAYER IS MEGA AWESOME!!!! (had to shout)
Amazing work marxian. Made the N9 much better for me. =)

Now what I need: :p

0. I need persistent resume support. OVP currently does not. (stock player does even after reboot)
1. Specifying of video folders.
2. Brightness control. (I want to be able to fix it at MAX brightness which isn't achievable right now)
3. Double tapping of playing video to pause.

There is a problem with resume support because QDocumentGallery doesn't seem to provide the correct metadata. If I query the resumePosition of a video, it always returns 0. I also cannot seem to write to resumePosition (or any other attribute for that matter) despite having the right credentials in my .aegis file. I don't know how the stock video player handles this, but I presume it uses Qt. Could be time to file a bug report.

Video folders support is planned and will be added pretty soon. Brightness control is something I'll have to look into, as I don't have any experience of working with GStreamer. Double-tap to pause can easily be added, so I'll do that for the next update. :)

marxian 2011-11-02 17:26

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by toki (Post 1117319)
can we set itso that when minimized it stays in landscape mode please
maybe next update? =]

but this awesome! great work guys!

That should be possible. I will at least try it. :)

marxian 2011-11-02 17:28

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 1117352)
Cant believe I missed this. Just downloaded it and love it.

Is there anyway to create playlists? I have music videos, documentaries and movies on my N9 and I'd prefer having the choice to view videos by filter.

Great work Marxian.

There is no support for persistent playlists atm, but it's on the TODO list. :)

PartyboyXP 2011-11-02 17:30

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
This player works in Meego CE or only in harmattan?

marxian 2011-11-02 17:34

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by PartyboyXP (Post 1117422)
This player works in Meego CE or only in harmattan?

So far I have only tested in Harmattan. It will probably require some minor UI changes for MeeGo CE (I recall that at least the toolbar is different), plus repackaging in RPM.

PartyboyXP 2011-11-02 17:36

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1117425)
So far I have only tested in Harmattan. It will probably require some minor UI changes for MeeGo CE (I recall that at least the toolbar is different), plus repackaging in RPM.

Yes please, Meego CE needs a cool video player like this!

photonavdk 2011-11-02 19:35

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
fantastic work as usual, but there seems to be a problem with videos downloaded with cuteTube. I get sound but no picture. the videos work in the stock player.

tissot 2011-11-02 19:39

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player
You are just too awesome marxian. Another top notch app.

marxian 2011-11-02 19:43

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by photonavdk (Post 1117474)
fantastic work as usual, but there seems to be a problem with videos downloaded with cuteTube. I get sound but no picture. the videos work in the stock player.

480p? If so it's a known problem. It seems the QML video player cannot play some files that are playable in the stock video player, even though they use the same backend. I'm going to file a bug report.

photonavdk 2011-11-02 22:59

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1117479)
480p? If so it's a known problem. It seems the QML video player cannot play some files that are playable in the stock video player, even though they use the same backend. I'm going to file a bug report.

yep, 480p... strange it doesn't work - let's hope it gets fixed :)

nicolai 2011-11-03 00:34

Re: [Announce] Open Video Player

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1117418)
There is a problem with resume support because QDocumentGallery doesn't seem to provide the correct metadata. If I query the resumePosition of a video, it always returns 0. I also cannot seem to write to resumePosition (or any other attribute for that matter) despite having the right credentials in my .aegis file. I don't know how the stock video player handles this, but I presume it uses Qt. Could be time to file a bug report.

It seems you are right, video-suite uses its own tracker access
and queries the right metadata nmm:runTime, but
QtGallery queries for nfo:streamPosition (which isn't used by

Btw, I can not see the Nokia Pure video, the screen is black
I can only hear the sound.

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