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jalyst 2011-11-07 05:37

N9/Maemo6/Nokia General Chit-chat
Just a general chit-chat thread, like the N9: It's finally here! thread, but w/a better title.
Decided to start a new one, as we can't get the OP to rename the title of the other one.
Tis mainly for general banter about the latest news relating to N9/Maemo6x, & successors if any.
But also chit-chat about Nokia as-a-whole, latest news, & our interpretation of that against competitors.

To kick things off, here's my little thought/finding for the day...
I hope Nokia will continue to do stuff like this for the N9/N950
Heck HP almost entirely dropped WebOS yet they're still doing stuff like this!?
Elop's always said Maemo6x still remains an important part of future work so um.

I know there's a commercial device program, but AFAIK it requires devs to fork-out much more $.
I believe it was free or much less for a time, it may still be for all I know,* but Nokia never disclosed the no's handed-out.
Then there's the puny 300 N950's that were handed-out for the community device program.
qgil mentioned he'd try to arrange something similar for the N9, once it became widely available.
Alas I haven't seen anything more about that from him...
More importantly it needs to be done for the commercial dev program, & on a much larger scale than 300-odd.
Similar to this WebOS initiative....

*so long as one could prove/satisfy all the requirements

SamGan 2011-11-07 10:47

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread
More developers are certainly required for Meego-Harmattan. I've been monitoring and it seems like a couple of new apps a day. This is certainly not going to build up the app store in reasonable time. Of course we may see more apps coming in a torrent in Dec but somehow I don't think so. Why should developers all finish at the same time?

Very few commercial developers are interested except for Gameloft which has produced a couple of excellent games for N9. This is understandable as Elop has practically given Meego the death blow by announcing there will be no more Meego phones. He is also giving away 25,000 Lumia 800 phones free to developers. Unloved by its parents the N9 has to depend on the Meego community for its survival.

Sorry to keep driving on apps but a robust pool of apps is the key to N9's success as a mainstream phone. Otherwise it will suffer the fate of WebOs and Samsung's Bada. If N9 becomes widely successful Nokia may reconsider and produce another Meego phone.

I would like to urge developers to produce some mainstream apps first before going on to more specialized apps. I've detailed some in this thread:

Remember, the future of Meego-Harmattan is in your hands, literally.

jonnyl 2011-11-07 13:42

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread
While I'm not an app-centric person, I do agree, without commercial developers willing to support the N9, eg a constant stream of revenue to Nokia via the Store, we'll probably even get crappier support.

I don't blame them, with Elop's announcements of MeeGo/Maemo and the lack of Qt on Windows Phone, it was like a double-tap in the head for the N9.

With the artificial market restrictions placed on the N9, this will also hurt the demand and interest in the platform. I also doubt Elop will ever announce the sales figures for the device. We may get it out some other way, but meh, they'll never promote it as much as they should.

The only hope for the N9 is the failure of the Lumia line. Though that may do okay considering they're going to practically give away the phone or offer other Microsoft incentives... I though I read that somewhere they're going to give away an Xbox with the phone...

mscion 2011-11-07 13:56

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread

Originally Posted by jonnyl (Post 1119477)

The only hope for the N9 is the failure of the Lumia line. Though that may do okay considering they're going to practically give away the phone or offer other Microsoft incentives... I though I read that somewhere they're going to give away an Xbox with the phone...

I would consider buying the Lumia if Nokia offered to give a N950 with the phone...

Estel 2011-11-07 14:04

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread
Title is very bad, I thought that someone plan to install water cooling in harmattan-powered device. So, for the first time, I wasted my time reading Harmatann'ish thread, and, wasted Your time, while you're reading this post.

So, please, rename thread to something non-confusing ;)

Zoxir 2011-11-07 14:28

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread

Originally Posted by jonnyl (Post 1119477)

The only hope for the N9 is the failure of the Lumia line. Though that may do okay considering they're going to practically give away the phone or offer other Microsoft incentives... I though I read that somewhere they're going to give away an Xbox with the phone...

A windows 8 tablet for free along with Lumia??? :p

Anyway the failure off the Lumia 800 and 710 is possible. I can tell you then when it was announced in Greece on the bigger technological/geek forum full of early adopters there were only like 20 posts and half of them noted that the phones sucked and from what I see on the internet it's the same thing world wide even if elop gives away 1 million of them thing is people don't like them :)

SamGan 2011-11-07 14:33

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread
If Elop had kept his mouth shut instead of announcing that there will be no more Meego phone things would have gone much for smoothly for N9. But no, he had to open his big mouth just to ensure that N9 doesn't have a chance of big market success. Now just because of his big mouth every reviewer has pronounced Meego as a dead os and commercial developers are shying away.

Keeping N9 from being sold in major markets is a strategy of desperation. It's not as if consumers deprived of access to N9 are going to buy Lumia in droves.

A sale of N9 is still a sale for Nokia so why is Elop behaving like WP7 must succeed over N9? Only a Microsoft whore will think this way which of course he is.

jalyst 2011-11-07 14:41

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1119484)
Title is very bad, I thought that someone plan to install water cooling in harmattan-powered device.
So, for the first time, I wasted my time reading Harmatann'ish thread, and, wasted Your time, while you're reading this post.
So, please, rename thread to something non-confusing ;)

Modified. Hopefully that meets your standards ;)

SavageD 2011-11-07 14:46

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (AKA general chit-chat)
Wow this whole scenario looks like dejavue. @_@.

I must remember to keep away from anything that has "N9" in it's title, since it apparently means not nice.

jalyst 2011-11-07 14:50

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (AKA general chit-chat)
The original epic thread did get nasty at times, but it was often a good exchange of ideas/debate too.

jalyst 2011-11-07 19:42

Re: The N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (AKA general chit-chat)

libaax 2011-11-07 21:26

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
If got n9 would it work with n900 wall charger?

sponka 2011-11-07 21:41

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by libaax (Post 1119664)
If got n9 would it work with n900 wall charger?

Yes. It will work with any micro-USB charger. It's standard!

bandora 2011-11-07 22:19

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
I would've loved an N8 successor with Maemo Harmattan OS.. I refuse to call it Meego Harmattan btw

slai 2011-11-07 22:30

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
So call it maemo6 instead, saves you a ton of time. also: how is the n9 not an n8 successor with maemo6/meego harmattan?

marxian 2011-11-07 22:33

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1119692)
also: how is the n9 not an n8 successor with maemo6/meego harmattan?

N9 camera < N8 camera

N9 video codec support < N8 video codec support



slai 2011-11-07 23:03

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
So by that standard the N95 had no successors since the camera of the following model wasnt as good?

BTW, and Im seriously asking sincerely; isnt codec support something that can be added? Or is that limited by hw?

For me, none of those things made a huge impact. Except the camera. Man the N8 has some camera on it... I used it over my SGS2 during my roadtrip in Europe this summer, and the results are spectacular.

However the HDMI out Ive used... twice. USBOTG Ive used a few times, but thats completely replaced by Dropbox for me personally. Unless youre a secret agent that recieves memory sticks with the correct format from informants during sleight-of-hand-passbys, Im assuming USBOTG is more novel than practical?

Iunno. Maybe.

kjmackey 2011-11-07 23:04

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by libaax (Post 1119664)
If got n9 would it work with n900 wall charger?

Yes - that's what I've been using since the N9 arrived (the Danish plug doesn't really fit the US socket) :p

slai 2011-11-07 23:04

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
Oh, also I just installed Opera Mobile 11, and it doesnt have a Desktop user agent, which makes me super sad :(

marxian 2011-11-07 23:16

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1119700)
So by that standard the N95 had no successors since the camera of the following model wasnt as good?

BTW, and Im seriously asking sincerely; isnt codec support something that can be added? Or is that limited by hw?

For me, none of those things made a huge impact. Except the camera. Man the N8 has some camera on it... I used it over my SGS2 during my roadtrip in Europe this summer, and the results are spectacular.

However the HDMI out Ive used... twice. USBOTG Ive used a few times, but thats completely replaced by Dropbox for me personally. Unless youre a secret agent that recieves memory sticks with the correct format from informants during sleight-of-hand-passbys, Im assuming USBOTG is more novel than practical?

Iunno. Maybe.

I'm not suggesting that the N9 is an inferior device to the N8 (effing Symbian :mad: ). I'm just pointing out that those are the areas where the N9 is lacking compared to the N8. An N8 user that values those features will not see the N9 as an upgrade. Nokia always seem to intentionally gimp their devices by holding back some features that are present on an existing device, probably for fear of harming the sales of said device. There are no good technical reasons why the N9 could not have had those features, except perhaps the camera, which would probably have been tricky to fit into the plastic :p , erm polycarbonate body.

slai 2011-11-07 23:24

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
I know youre not :) .

I agree, the N8 was a "wow really, they put THAT in there?", much like i felt with the N900 and the IR port :P .

But rarely used.

I concede, the N9 might not be called a successor to the N8.

But thats a good thing ;) . I had the N8. Summary: good camera. rest: ew.

DaGr8Gatzby 2011-11-07 23:25

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
I was thinking about purchasing this and making an app that reads the data:

What's sports tracker like? I like the idea of Meego having the ability to use the heart rate monitor.

slai 2011-11-07 23:26

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
Sports Tracker is pretty sweet. Havent used a heart rate monitor though.

bandora 2011-11-08 00:10

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1119700)
So by that standard the N95 had no successors since the camera of the following model wasnt as good?

The N8 is the successor of the N82.. Just sayin'.. ;)

And N8 with Belle is actually pretty good.

Zip 2011-11-08 03:49

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
Saw this today on meegoexperts. I'm not sure what happened to Alien Dalvik, but this looks like a suitable replacement. I hope it becomes real!

jalyst 2011-11-08 04:09

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)


Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1119693)
N9 camera < N8 camera

Will get improved more than the N8's camera software will.
It's clear the motion compensation algorithm used has issues, among other things.
Hopefully it'll get better with PR1.1/1.2...
In-the-end there's only so much you can do with sw to compensate for underlying hw.
But I reckon it'll get closer to the N8's, as time goes on.


N9 video codec support < N8 video codec support
N8's hw is slightly better, but actual support isn't better OOTB IIRC?
And it's hw is unlikely to ever be fully exploited...
Whereas squeezing every drop outta the N9's anaemic hw will happen.
OC'ing DSP/CPU to attain H.264 base & main profile as one e.g.


This is coming...
joergw finally received his N9 a few days ago.
About freaking time that they got it to him! :eek:
Well at least they got it to him, so I guess I shouldn't be whining.


802.11an + DLNA server (Rygel/Twonky etc) + 802.11an/DLNA client = wireless 1080p vid-out win!

SamGan 2011-11-08 09:46

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
How about FM transmitter? Is it cumming? Heard a rumour about using the headphone cables as antenna, wonder if it is true.

jalyst 2011-11-08 12:34

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)
TX was speculated as possible, but javis wasn't 100% certain, as he doesn't have a N9.
Read through this thread from at least here...

TX is not even on the radar for now, we've had an update from the Nokia dev just today.
He's tasked with doing a more robust FMRX/RDS than the hack that javispedro had to do.

jalyst 2011-11-08 19:33

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
This seems like such a complimentary project for MeeGo/Tizen & WebOS
I really hope some collaboration falls into place….

I hope its available for "order" (not pre-order) in many other places soon!

jalyst 2011-11-09 05:43

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Why is the Lumia 800 readily embraced here, & yet the N9 is not?
...... :(

jalyst 2011-11-09 11:49

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Epic (2hr) N9 video (french)

That's not a knife, you call that a knife?

WebOS suitors? Intel is one of them apparently…
Man I really hope it wins the bidding....
It'd be a huge boost for MeeGo/Tizen, & by-proxy BTG, & MeR/NEMO.

This story kinda contradicts the previous one…

chenliangchen 2011-11-09 12:24

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
I'm wondering why the top mainstream smartphones doesn't have FM TX this is so useful. Nokia used to have it even in N78 or N85 etc but why dropped it? Also why Nokia dropped duel speaker which was a must have on top Nokia devices? Just because stupid iphone doesn't have this?!

chenliangchen 2011-11-09 12:28

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Can I ask a request here...

Can someone port Wesnoth for Harmattan? There is already a port for meego i386 but I really want a native Harmattan port. I loved this game since I was using N810. And the support of HW keyboard on N950 will be perfect (another reason to have HW keyboard?...) I would donate some cash for doing this...

Oh and also fheroes2.

Maybe shall I start another thread about this in games?

jalyst 2011-11-10 14:15

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Nokia Maps for all WP7x smartphones....
That now makes Maps, Drive, and Music all brought to every WP.
There's now almost zero reason to pick the 800 over some of the better WP's out there.

The final version of the Flash Player plugin for mobile devices will be 11.1, which will come to Android and the BlackBerry PlayBook soon
Following its release, updates will fix bugs and security problems rather than add new features.
So 11x may still be coming to the N9, there just won't be any major updates beyond 11x.

marxian 2011-11-10 15:14

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1119752)

Will get improved more than the N8's camera software will.
It's clear the motion compensation algorithm used has issues, among other things.
Hopefully it'll get better with PR1.1/1.2...
In-the-end there's only so much you can do with sw to compensate for underlying hw.
But I reckon it'll get closer to the N8's, as time goes on.

N8's hw is slightly better, but actual support isn't better OOTB IIRC?
And it's hw is unlikely to ever be fully exploited...
Whereas squeezing every drop outta the N9's anaemic hw will happen.
OC'ing DSP/CPU to attain H.264 base & main profile as one e.g.

This is coming...
joergw finally received his N9 a few days ago.
About freaking time that they got it to him! :eek:
Well at least they got it to him, so I guess I shouldn't be whining.

802.11an + DLNA server (Rygel/Twonky etc) + 802.11an/DLNA client = wireless 1080p vid-out win!

That's nothing more than a bunch of 'ifs'. If pigs could fly, they'd be taller than cows. :) Besides, I thought the latest fashion was to tell people that they should buy the N9 based on what it can do now.

erendorn 2011-11-10 15:15

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1121252)
So 11x may still be coming to the N9, there just won't be any major updates beyond 11x.

I doubt the N9 would have had flash 12 anyway ;)

marxian 2011-11-10 15:33

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
Note to any developers: If you're wondering why the application icon looks crap in the package manager, it's because you're using the 80x80 icon. You should use a 64x64 icon for the package manager. I just tried this, and it looks much smoother. :)

jalyst 2011-11-10 16:32

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler thread (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1121279)
That's nothing more than a bunch of 'ifs'. If pigs could fly, they'd be taller than cows. :)
Besides, I thought the latest fashion was to tell people that they should buy the N9 based on what it can do now.

Some of it is "if's", not all of it...
Why, if it's a possibility or probability there's no harm in mentioning it.
People can make up their own minds after that.

jalyst 2011-11-10 16:34

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)

Originally Posted by erendorn (Post 1121280)
I doubt the N9 would have had flash 12 anyway ;)

Oh yeah I realize that... :)
Shame, I would've liked an epic Flash 12x thread, NOT.

slai 2011-11-10 23:32

Re: N9/Maemo6x/Nokia water-cooler (general chit-chat)
So, in the name of chitchat, this happened:

Looks like my pictures and appgrid bleed together. This is the lockscreen by the way, I swiped it away after taking this picture, it got darker when untouched for a while, and lit up with doubletap and lockkeypress.


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