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HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-13 01:57

New to the N810
I recently purchased a n810 and new to the maemo software. I guess what I'm asking is what should I do, or is suggested when I start working with it? Thanks :)

buurmas 2011-11-13 02:06

Re: New to the N810
Are you asking what the good apps are? Or what the good hacking opportunities are? :)

Check out my signature for some of my favorite apps.

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-13 02:08

Re: New to the N810
Either or, I love hacking new stuff.

buurmas 2011-11-13 02:09

Re: New to the N810
Also, some top community mods:
* Community SSU
* Diablo5 theme
* Diablo Turbo updates
* Advanced System UI
* Telescope task switcher
* Clone OS to SD card + dual boot

buurmas 2011-11-13 02:13

Re: New to the N810
For apps, the "Downloads" section of this website has the ability to sort by popularity:

and freshness:

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-13 02:45

Re: New to the N810
Thanks, I guess a question would be where can I learn the step to hacking it?

buurmas 2011-11-13 04:04

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by HiTideBlastoise (Post 1122715)
Thanks, I guess a question would be where can I learn the step to hacking it?

Do you mean this?

Then you can have your way with your N810 in the command line.

If you're looking for ideas, you can poke around this forum (particularly the OS2008, N810, and N800 subforums) for ideas or run searches on the projects I mentioned.

Otherwise, if you have more specific questions, feel free to ask, but for me at least you're going to have to be more specific. :)

auouymous 2011-11-13 05:30

Re: New to the N810 -- There's a list of some important threads, at least for me. :)

jacekjacek 2011-11-13 16:58

Re: New to the N810

buurmas 2011-11-14 00:55

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by jacekjacek (Post 1122963)

I have never used these repositories. Am I missing any great app? I have mostly used the Application Manager & the Downloads section of this website, which occasionally installs repositories as needed when I install an app.

Addison 2011-11-14 02:41

Re: New to the N810
^ Xmms for starters. :)

There's also Vagalume though I prefer Pyradio about 10 times more. It eats about 64 megs though. :(

Let's see what else. There's definitely SCUMM. Evince. cbrpager. Garnet. Kchmviewer. Xword. Definitely Knots2. :)

lma 2011-11-14 03:52

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by buurmas (Post 1123181)
I have never used these repositories. Am I missing any great app?

You are mostly missing a lot of pain from accidentally having mutually conflicting repositories installed on your device. See and the links therein.

Be especially wary of enabling Chinook repositories on a Diablo device!


Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1123206)
^ Xmms for starters. :)

There's also Vagalume though I prefer Pyradio about 10 times more. It eats about 64 megs though. :(

Let's see what else. There's definitely SCUMM. Evince. cbrpager. Garnet. Kchmviewer. Xword. Definitely Knots2. :)

With the exception of xmms and garnet (hasn't that expired ages ago?) all of the above can be found in extras and/or extras-devel.

Addison 2011-11-14 03:56

Re: New to the N810
Latest Garnet has no expiration. :)

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 01:27

Re: New to the N810
I downloaded some repositories, but some didn't even install and it's taking forever to update my repositories, what could be the problem?

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 02:09

Re: New to the N810
Still some of the repositories didn't install, but they finally updated however I can only see the version number, how can I see the name of what i'm installing?

Addison 2011-11-16 04:03

Re: New to the N810
Double check your repositories, making sure that none of them are duplicates.

Then reboot and try again.

Cheers. :)

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 04:14

Re: New to the N810
How do I check that? I'm a complete noob at this.

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 04:39

Re: New to the N810
Now it keeps restarting....did I do something wrong?

Addison 2011-11-16 06:28

Re: New to the N810
Since it's used and now giving you grief, I would completely reflash it and make it your own. :)

Save the latest version on your PC.


HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 06:57

Re: New to the N810
I would like to, but I can't until i get my cable in about a week or so, I got it off ebay for a good deal, but no usb cable. :(

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 07:02

Re: New to the N810
and which one do i get, do i get rx-44 diablo or the os2008 se?

auouymous 2011-11-16 07:05

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by HiTideBlastoise (Post 1124167)
I downloaded some repositories, but some didn't even install and it's taking forever to update my repositories, what could be the problem?

A repository (repo) is a list of apps installable from that site, the more repos you install, the longer it will take to check for updates. Therefore, you should only install additional repos if they contain apps you want to use and remove the repo if you uninstall the apps it contains. And repos are like any other website, the owner may eventually shut it down, leaving you with a dead link that gets checked each update. Go to the "Tools - App Catalog" menu in App Manager to manage your repos and see which ones have errors. It is normal for a repo to occasionally have an error as the site may be temporarily unreachable, just watch for repos that always have an error so you can get rid of them.

If you install a testing or devel repo you might get unstable upgrades for packages and could have problems with your system or individual apps. Rare but it could happen, just a warning. Just don't run around installing lots of repos to expand the number of apps, you'll be safer if you only install a repo that contains an app you want and isn't in the default repos.

The three green links at are common repos and are safe to install. Most everyone probably has extras-devel installed even though it is a testing repo. I only have the two nokia repos, extras, extras-devel, sdk/tools, community SSU and these two:


Mitrandir (tear-improvements)
debfarm (xmms)

If your system won't boot or endlessly reboots then it is time to reflash. Always a good idea to backup to memory card before playing around in control panel and app manager.

auouymous 2011-11-16 07:08

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by HiTideBlastoise (Post 1124227)
and which one do i get, do i get rx-44 diablo or the os2008 se?


HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 07:14

Re: New to the N810
Thanks, I'm trying to get to my tools and then app catalog, but it says operation already in progress, and sorry for the so many questions, just learning to work with this platform

auouymous 2011-11-16 07:18

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by HiTideBlastoise (Post 1124232)
Thanks, I'm trying to get to my tools and then app catalog, but it says operation already in progress, and sorry for the so many questions, just learning to work with this platform

App Manager is in the process of updating the catalogs, let it sit for a few minutes. If that doesn't work then restart your tablet, open App Manager and go to menu before doing anything else. Closing App Manager while it is updating will leave its update process running so a reboot is required. Unless you know how to kill the update process. :)

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 07:19

Re: New to the N810
Yeah no, like this is all new to me, I just wish there were instructions for everything ;-; it worked though, i'm gonna get the repos from that site.

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 07:26

Re: New to the N810
all right, upon downloading some of the repos, on my n810, it said some catalogs unavailable is that common?

Addison 2011-11-16 07:49

Re: New to the N810
Not sure.

I would just disable those for now.

No sense deleting them right away.

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 07:50

Re: New to the N810
The interesting thing is they were the ones I got from the site, do you think it could be possibly because I may not have the latest firmware?

Addison 2011-11-16 08:01

Re: New to the N810
I'm still pretty much a newbie myself even though I'm also pretty ancient here as well.

Whenever I have a question, I usually try to post a screenshot because I don't know what I'm really looking at. :)

Here's a screen grabber app if you don't have one already.

Take a few screenshots of what is troubling you and upload them over at

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 08:25

Re: New to the N810
All right, Thanks! I'll get it tomorrow, because i'm letting it charge for the night.

auouymous 2011-11-16 08:36

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by HiTideBlastoise (Post 1124236)
all right, upon downloading some of the repos, on my n810, it said some catalogs unavailable is that common?

As a stated in my other post, repos (catalogs) can be shut down by their owner and even active repos can occasionally go down temporarily.

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 14:09

Re: New to the N810
So I woke up this morning and my n810 is still charging it says? :(

I looked at my charger and I noticed it's bent, but still charges my n810, I am tempted to pre-order a battery online and trying that out, but is there any reason my battery would do this?

Second Update:
I talked to Nokia support to further see if I needed to buy a replacement battery and it was confirmed. Is the mugen power extended battery any good? Now I get to wait for a new battery and usb cable :mad:

buurmas 2011-11-16 19:16

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by HiTideBlastoise (Post 1124395)
Is the mugen power extended battery any good? Now I get to wait for a new battery and usb cable :mad:

It is, as long as you work around the design flaw. If you just pop it into your Internet Tablet, it might not have a good enough connection to the leads & your tablet might not turn on at all or might suddenly turn off when you don't want it to. Luckily, there is an easy solution. You have to wedge something into the opposite end to push the connectors together harder. The way I created my shim was to cut pieces off a plastic card (e.g., a credit card offer in the mail) that I no longer needed. Search the forums here for more info, but that's the basic idea.

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-16 19:38

Re: New to the N810
All right, Thanks, my battery is weird, it finished charging but last me 30 minutes.

auouymous 2011-11-17 02:44

Re: New to the N810

Originally Posted by HiTideBlastoise (Post 1124588)
All right, Thanks, my battery is weird, it finished charging but last me 30 minutes.

Yup, that is an old battery that no longer holds a charge.

Plastic coated bread ties, like what might be around your new USB cable, also work well to wedge the battery in place. Just cut it to 1.5 inches in length, wedge it in the right side and bend it over the battery face.

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-17 05:30

Re: New to the N810
Another question is when i'm installing some applets, it won't install them, because it says it's missing some important files, like libhilsomething and what not, what's the way to fix that?

Addison 2011-11-17 06:03

Re: New to the N810
What exactly are you trying to install?

HiTideBlastoise 2011-11-17 06:26

Re: New to the N810
lol skype, and some other applets, when installing it says somethings that are necessary are missing, and they always end up being libhil or something like that.

Addison 2011-11-17 06:33

Re: New to the N810
Just tap on Applications
My selection

It will then ask if you want to install it.

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