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ming387 2011-11-18 01:09

FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
I sold my N9 16GB and wanted to upgrade to a N9 64GB only to be scammed on eBay.

This is a picture of how the Fake N9 looks like:

I'm working with AMEX to get my money back now.

Buyer's beware.

rdelfin 2011-11-18 01:12

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Daaaaaaaaaamn.... Now that's scary.

I can't imagine how I'd feel starting my recently purchased phone and being greeted with that apps screen.

May I ask how much did you pay for this and from where was shipped?

HtheB 2011-11-18 01:28

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Lol at the apps menu

ste-phan 2011-11-18 01:35

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Sorry for this. The OS must suck. I hope you did not pay premium and will see your money back.

But, ...How's the screen, does it have a regular TFT that eventually fits in a real N9?
Will you have return this device or could you take pics of the inside?

kralde 2011-11-18 01:45

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Ebay? Then no problems =) you will have your money back...
people like that sucks....
tons a luck for you

cincibluer6 2011-11-18 02:00

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Looks like a KIRF from China with Symbian.

ming387 2011-11-18 02:08

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 1125281)
But, ...How's the screen, does it have a regular TFT that eventually fits in a real N9?
Will you have return this device or could you take pics of the inside?

The screen is about 3" TFT and surprising the built quality is quite good despite its a fake. The OS is a piece of crap.

I paid about $700 bidding for it on eBay, which is a fair price.

I'm putting this up to as warning to people that are buying on eBay.

Not sure if I will need to return the phone or not. Let see what they do during the dispute process. I haven't been scammed for a while since buying a fake N95 about 5 years ago.

The seller on eBay also have good feedbacks which caught me off guard.

dolphins 2011-11-18 02:27

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
They didn't have any pictures available during bidding?

balisingh 2011-11-18 02:28

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Holy poop. That is shifty mate. I was joking with my brother about getting fake Beats, and then he started joking about where I got my n9. I was no way, who would make a fake n9? The same people who make fake beats, the Chinese.

rdelfin 2011-11-18 02:29

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)

Originally Posted by dolphins (Post 1125292)
They didn't have any pictures available during bidding?

Why would they use shots of their own when they could perfectly use press shots that are neater and more professional looking? Just like every seller does (regardless of authenticity of product).

dolphins 2011-11-18 02:35

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Simple, because good and experienced eBay users will open the box just to take the pictures and prove to you that you're bidding on a real item. Most people won't/are advised not to bid unless this is done or it has eBay Buyer Protection - anything else is a risk obviously.

ming387 2011-11-18 05:30

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
The seller posted pictures of the real N9 and switched to that crap when sending it to me. The good old bait-n-switch scheme. A less informed buyer would think it's the real deal.

eaglehelang 2011-11-18 06:03

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
my sympathies Ming. Is this the fake n9 with the dual sim that were posted in the news? Hope you get your money back.

onion 2011-11-18 07:03

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Probably this one

butilities 2011-11-18 08:23

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
I feel sorry for you man. Hopefully ebay will settle this ASAP.. Thats too bad, some seller take advantage on others, using their good reputation. I got my third replacement N9 from nokia Australia few days ago, which all is also made in china, as previous two, and still now have the same noisy camera problem and wrong time display on youtube, even after updating to PR 1.1. It really frustating.. And the phone gets really HOT when using even 2g connection with multitasking 3 to 4 apps..

F2thaK 2011-11-18 09:38

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
hey, at least you can take the battery out, and it takes memory cards!


SamGan 2011-11-18 12:19

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
240x320 resolution? What an abomination to the real N9.

pusak gaoq 2011-11-18 12:27

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
WoW...just the other days i saw fake N900 here...really 98% just like the real deal...the different is the menu(system) & no...


ARM Cortax-48 /32Gb                Designed In Finland
at the back (if you slide open the keyboard)

Today i saw a fake N9....same designs & colour (+white colour) but like the N900 fake got the same system insides....

The Chinese really do thing fast.... :D

demolition 2011-11-18 12:32

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
For future buyers, is there a means of verifying a device, by say IMEI?

Obviously, a truly dodgy vendor could sell one device and display an IMEI from different device but one would hope that the host (i.e. ebay, here) might have things to say if that happened.

eaglehelang 2011-11-18 13:47

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)

Originally Posted by pusak gaoq (Post 1125455)

Today i saw a fake N9....same designs & colour (+white colour) but like the N900 fake got the same system insides....

The Chinese really do thing fast.... :D

Ehem.... The original is also made in China, so, you know, they copy here, copy there, get the external that looks almost like ori.;)

Verify IMEI also not much can do, they can send a different device from the IMEI they display.

SamGan 2011-11-18 14:51

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
A "real" fake N9? Not the one with the Java mish-mash OS but running Meego? Is it possible?

zero.vishnu 2011-11-18 22:47

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)

Originally Posted by pusak gaoq (Post 1125455)
WoW...just the other days i saw fake N900 here...really 98% just like the real deal...the different is the menu(system) & no...


ARM Cortax-48 /32Gb                Designed In Finland
at the back (if you slide open the keyboard)

Cortax? Must be a top of the line RISC CPU. At least they spelled ARM correctly, and not LEG or something.

Speaking of brands, Chinese companies always have three words on them, like YSL or WSL, because it is actually the name of the owner of the company. Example Wong Ching Chan = WCC. Yes, they are very unimaginative people, hence the ripoffs. Be forewarned.

Damn these dishonorable Chinese conman, always wanting to make a quick buck at the expense of others.

Good luck to the topic poster, hope he gets his money back. I once got scammed with an N95 too, but that was only $100. I sorta knew something was fishy when I saw "Made In Finland" on the batteries, but I'm a gullible noob.

Rauha 2011-11-18 22:58

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
This is the more common fake N9. Even more dangerous due to good build quality making it harder to recognise as a KIRF.

bandora 2011-11-18 23:15

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)

Originally Posted by demolition (Post 1125459)
For future buyers, is there a means of verifying a device, by say IMEI?

Yes, you can always call Nokia in your region and confirm if it's a real Nokia phone via the IMEI.. I've done that when I bought my N82 from Amazon (it was from a 3rd party store) and I got a "Made in China" one; which I thought it was fake but Nokia confirmed that it was real.


Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1125722)
This is the more common fake N9. Even more dangerous due to good build quality making it harder to recognise as a KIRF.


Lol yeah beware of those KIRFs, even the OS in them are crappy! :rolleyes:

rdelfin 2011-11-18 23:43

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
As if you needed any more evidence *sigh*

tdashroy 2011-12-02 06:05

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)
Does anybody know if all the fake N9's are blatantly obvious like the one in the OP? I just received my N9 today and everything looks correct, but one thing that is keeping my wary is that the phone came with noise-cancelling headphones, whereas in all the videos I have come across and articles I have read about it have the N9 coming with non noise-cancelling headphones.

I'm probably just worrying too much since I am in the U.S. and had to buy it through a third-party on Amazon, but if anyone could let me know a definitive way of how to tell if the phone is genuine, I would be extremely grateful. Or if anyone else has had a pair of noise-cancelling headphones shipped with theirs, that might ease my worries as well.

SamGan 2011-12-02 07:10

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)

Originally Posted by tdashroy (Post 1131941)
Does anybody know if all the fake N9's are blatantly obvious like the one in the OP?

You should be able to spot the fake N9 at a glance. They come with 240x320 resolution and run their own "proprietary OS" which is a jumble of Java and Symbian with some ios thrown in. They even come with dual SIM support, one up on the N9.

dolphins 2011-12-02 07:16

Re: FAKE N9 (Buyer beware)

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1125722)
This is the more common fake N9. Even more dangerous due to good build quality making it harder to recognise as a KIRF.

hahahaha good one!

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