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Smaggen 2011-11-18 12:28

Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use

I've had problems with exchange and tried to get error logs from my phone by following the steps on:

Now the phone says "Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use" when attempting to connect through "use as mass storage". This worked before the error logging session :)

I was able to delete the log files connecting to my computer in Sync-mode.

Anyone have any ideas what might be wrong?



nicolai 2011-11-18 13:02

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
There is nothing wrong, using the device as mass storage
involves unmounting the MyDocs partitition.
And this isn't possible while there are open files
(like activesyncs log files :-))
So, turn logging off, than it should be possible to
use mass storage mode again.


Smaggen 2011-11-21 07:29

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
Thanks for your reply,

I've tried removing the .conf files. Both through Sync-mode and through the terminal with the rm command. I've deleted all the .conf and .log files in the MyDocs folder and in the .config/nokia folder

One thing I've noticed is that the Fenix.conf in /home/user/.config/nokia/ (after I've deleted it through terminal) still exists. It says 0 kb filesize and when I try to open the file it says it's corrupt. Could this be the problem?



terrylee 2011-11-21 12:51

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
All you need to do is to close off all applications.

1. Swipe to the Multitask View
2. Touch and Hold on any application.
3. "Close All"

then connect your USB

Smaggen 2011-11-21 13:47

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
Thought I tried that already but it seems that I hadn't. It worked, thank you!


ioncelmare 2011-11-21 14:30

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
i manage to connect the phone to computer ( xp ) thru usb only when i change the usb port.

it seems that only when is looking for drivers, or something like that is connecting the phone ( mass mode or pc-suite )
( for sincronization ( contacts or some backup ) i use bluetooth.
ssh stoped working months ago, after i don't know which update.

so, i'm ghetting tired. :) )

IsaacDFP 2012-10-24 15:27

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
Sorry to revive old thread, but same issue occuring to me and nothing seems to resolve it :(
Connected thru various USB cables, various computers, various OS, same issue. Connected right after a fresh reboot with no apps running at all and still getting the same message when trying to connect to USB Mode...
Any help please? I'd like to backup some media files that are too big to transfer via bluetooth or wifi...

thedead1440 2012-10-24 15:38

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use

Why not connect your phone to PC as SDK mode and then using WinSCP if you are running windows copy over the files...You'll get the same speeds as mass storage and won't gave the issue :)

IsaacDFP 2012-10-24 15:42

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
I guess I could try that option when I get back home with my WiFi. Although I'm planning to backup my files in order to format it lol, just out of curiosity though, any thoughts on how to resolve this?

thedead1440 2012-10-24 15:44

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
For SDK mode connect your phone using USB not WiFi it would only then give you comparable to using as mass storage speeds...

The only reason I think of this is due to logs being enabled...Did you do anything or enable logging?

IsaacDFP 2012-10-24 15:49

Re: Can't connect to USB while phone memory is in use
Nope...all my logging have been disabled :(

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