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udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 14:11

speedpatch problem in xterm
-sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: can't create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/2989/tasks: nonexistent directory
-sh: /home/user/.bashrc: line 5: can't create /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/2989/notify_on_release: nonexistent directory

This is my problem.It started after i have uninstalled batterypatch and speedpatch.There was an error while removing speedpatch.After that even after 3 reboots ,i could not expel that error message.Even I have removed those lines from .bashrc file with leafpad.No go.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


rogierrr 2011-11-30 14:45

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
I had the same problem this morning, but it disappeared after:
1. created a new dir: /dev/cgroup/cpu/user
2. I may have rebooted once
I am not sure what made the problem disappear.
NB: the number changes constantly, so do not create that subfolder

udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 14:52

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
May i know what is the method to create that directory

rogierrr 2011-11-30 14:58

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
open terminal
cd /dev/cgroup
sudo mkdir cpu
cd cpu
sudo mkdir user

Does this help?

udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 15:05

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
Nokia-N900:/dev# cd cgroup
-sh: cd: can't cd to cgroup

I could not do that either being root or user.:D

rogierrr 2011-11-30 15:15

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
possibly also 'mkdir cgroup'

Maybe it's easier to open terminal, then:
cd /dev
mkdir cgroup
cd cgroup
mkdir cpu
cd cpu
mkdir user
You can see i am not a linux engineer ;-)

edit: pffff this does not even help myself unfortunately. I waited with this edit in order to find a solution first, but i cant. Sorry for false hope

udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 15:18

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
Thanks i did that.Now what.Reboot?

EDIT: still that bloody message rocks my beautiful xterminal.:cool:

karam 2011-11-30 15:24

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
removing speedpatch :

apt-get purge speedpatch #as mentioned in the main thread and if you didn't do that then reinstall it and remove it to solve your xterminal problem

and please don't create new threads for speedpatch/batterypatch
jus post you problem in the main thread

udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 15:25

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
In the mean time my St.barnard jumped on to my laptop.Now the laptop touchpad is not responding.LOL.

udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 15:30

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm

Originally Posted by karam (Post 1131136)
removing speedpatch :

apt-get purge speedpatch #as mentioned in the main thread and if you didn't do that then reinstall it and remove it to solve your xterminal problem

and please don't create new threads for speedpatch/batterypatch
jus post you problem in the main thread

I did not mean to start a new thread initially.I power searched for that and tried atleast two methods.I will report back very soon.Thank you.

udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 15:55

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
I did exactly what it was stated in the firstpost of speedpatch thread.Rebooted.Still not solved.

installed speedpatch again.Then apt-get remove --purge speedpatch.I got this error message again.

dpkg - warning: while removing speedpatch, directory `/usr/local' not empty so not removed.

udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 15:58

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
BTW karam Thank you again for your hacking tutorial.My N900 is complete with that.Even if I have to flash my device i dont mind.And I am not really blaming speedpatch at all.Thats my ignorance of not knowing what to do.

udaychaitanya16 2011-11-30 16:54

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
The method suggested by karam,this time properly executed after getting my head out of my dumb ***,did the trick.Thank you all.

rogierrr 2012-03-08 09:39

Re: speedpatch problem in xterm
I am not sure this is a solution: keeping speedpatch and making my .bashrc empty

cp .bashrc .bashrc_old
sudo nano .bashrc -> delete everything -> save

Now i have a fast and clean terminal with no error messages. Was this a stupid thing to do?

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