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AapoRantalainen 2011-12-15 21:12

[Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
Synergy lets you share a mouse and keyboard between several computers over a network.


When two or more devices are in same network, one can act as server and it's keyboard and mouse can control another devices too. Just move mouse over screen and focus is switched.

(This is version 1.3.6, which is same than current Ubuntu, 11.10, is using. Protocol version is 1.3)


*You must know hostname of your N900, it might be Nokia-N900. You can check it on terminal


*Install synergy to your computer (or any another device)

*On computer:
create/modify file ~/.synergy.conf (or /etc/synergy.conf)


    section: screens

    section: links
    right = Nokia-N900
    left = pc

    section: options
    screenSaverSync = false
    # My KVM uses Scroll Lock to switch screens, so set the
    # hotkey to lock the cursor to the screen to something else
    keystroke(f12) = lockCursorToScreen(toggle)

On PC, start server

synergys -f
(-f means you will see what is happening, you can omit it when it works)

On phone, start client


synergyc SERVER_IP
*Data is transmitter over network (and could be slow)
*Synergy client uses CPU (and battery) even focus is not even on the phone, do not let it running when not used.
(issues on upstream, e.g.

killall synergyc
to shut it down
*Moving mouse will not wake the screen when dimmed (as tapping touch screen doesn't wake it)
*What is the whole point of this? usb-host mode with usb-host and mouse+keyboard works too. (You tell me)

szopin 2011-12-18 07:57

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
> (You tell me)

Can dual control the device for one thing. With the N900 screen displaying on someone's laptop this means lots of fun in multiplayer games if signal from one device and the other can be distinguished. Much better than bt

forsagar 2011-12-19 08:21

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
if any one not not getting it on N900 can get help from this post

AapoRantalainen 2011-12-19 09:05

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by forsagar (Post 1139342)
if any one not not getting it on N900 can get help from this post

Your PC might have other IP than
There are no need for root when killing user-started process.

We should merge our knowledge ->

dy1ng 2011-12-19 09:11

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
There is a manner in order to work Windows7?

qwazix 2011-12-19 09:25

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
thank you! I was using the debian binary and it worked fine, but it's better to have it in the repos. It does work with windows 7 try downloading synergy+ from SourceForge.

OT. Unison is another debian binary that works fine and just needs repackaging for Maemo. If you have extra time and like porting.

Zas 2011-12-19 09:59

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
How would I get this working with my N9 and N900 (N900 as server)?

AapoRantalainen 2011-12-19 11:05

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1139364)
OT. Unison is another debian binary that works fine and just needs repackaging for Maemo.

Unison is written with OCaml [ ]which needs to be first compiled/packaged for Maemo. I would like to hear/learn more about OCaml before packaging it.

AapoRantalainen 2011-12-19 11:10

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by Zas (Post 1139385)
How would I get this working with my N9 and N900 (N900 as server)?

This is interesting idea.

N9 as client:

N900 as server:
Fremantle-package all ready has synergy-server (synergys). Only issue will be touch screen, because you can't "move mouse over the screen". There are some use cases for drawing tablets ('wacoms') for absolute/relative coordinates on synergy web page. Let me know if you figure something.

Zas 2011-12-22 16:59

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
I've only gotten the N900 receive input; but when I run the N900 as the server nothing appears on the N9 when I type.

sudarsan_avs 2011-12-22 21:27

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
I am trying to connect N900 with Win 7 Laptop using Laptop as server by I am unable to start the server using the above config file... Please check the error message logged


synergys.exe: no configuration available

cannot read configuration "D:/Program Files/Synergy/synergy.sgc": read error: line 1: invalid character 0xffffffff

I can start with default configuration, without the config file but my client unable to connect


/usr/bin # synergyc
synergy: %z%s Client on %s %s
Pls Help, thanks in advance...

AapoRantalainen 2011-12-25 10:03

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by Zas (Post 1140893)
I've only gotten the N900 receive input; but when I run the N900 as the server nothing appears on the N9 when I type.

You must get focus switched from N900 to N9. Can you do that? (i.e. move mouse cursor over screen edge. It is not possible with absolute touch screen)

szopin 2012-03-03 10:56

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
Could anyone owning N9 and N900 try using Synergy to get N900 keyboard to input in N9 terminal? If this would work over N9-N900 ad-hoc network it would be very useful (n950 hwk apps would be a go for example)

EDIT: As screen switching is not going to work based on the above posts, maybe hotkey would?

keystroke(control+right) = switchInDirection(right)

should work if N9 was linked to the right.

AapoRantalainen 2012-03-05 09:28

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by szopin (Post 1173569)
EDIT: As screen switching is not going to work based on the above posts, maybe hotkey would?

keystroke(control+right) = switchInDirection(right)

Great, thanks for this.
Using N900's keyboard for device without keyboard (e.g. N9):
N900 is acting as synergy-server
On n900, create file /etc/synergy.conf:

    section: screens

    section: links
            right = server-n900

            left = client-n9

    section: options
    screenSaverSync = false
    keystroke(control+q) = switchInDirection(left)
    keystroke(control+w) = switchInDirection(right)

This is working example file, it uses CTRL+q and CTRL+w for switching between devices. If you (and your devices and network) are fluent with ip-addresses and hostnames, you can use them instead of server-n900 and client-n9.

On n900 start server with command (installed from extras-devel)

synergys -f --name server-n900
-f means foreground, so you will see what is happening. If you make shortcut-icon, drop -f. This also explicitly uses same name than configure uses.

Then on N9 start client (downloaded from this thread)

synergyc -f --name client-n9 SERVER-IP-ADDRESS
IP-address (or working hostname) is needed.

CTRL+q will change focus to the N9. Then touchscreen of N9 works as expect, but touchscreen of N900 sends something to the N9 (=it can't be used for controlling any of the devices).

I don't have N9, so I made video with two N900's:

Keep in mind that synergy is using lot's of battery!

szopin 2012-03-06 23:15

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
Awesome! Thanks Aapo, this makes N9 more likely to be bought (once the prices settle down a bit) f* Nokia for not releasing N950. It is now available in two-piece edition thanks to You, one major roadblock averted. Also N900 has supposedly better kbd than N950 :D If there is build-essentials and similar lib collection for Harmattan... Yay! (build-essentials afaik is a go, libs will follow or can be handmade, so far so good). With flash/inception and this... it is a good day for smartphones indeed

Pinatz 2012-05-01 19:37

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
Did somebody already get the mouse cursor appear on the phone? For me it is invisible and the only advice I found was recompiling the kernel. But this is not an option.
Somebody mentioned that he connects a mouse through usb-hostmode and this activates a cursor.
Any way to get this working without connecting anything? Maybe it is a shell script or kind of.

fr33dom 2013-05-20 15:49

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
never found the cursor either.

About your question regarding usb mouse, well i tried hooking up my microsoft usb mouse and keyboard, but it was not recognized and no cursor appeared neither.

keepin an eye out for the cursor issue.

szopin 2013-05-20 17:34

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel
Funny this thread got resurrected, should be trivial to compile this for Jolla and use Jolla+N900 for hwkb (not the best solution as this uses wifi, so rather huge battery drain, but until BT solution is out there, should work)

AapoRantalainen 2013-05-20 18:40

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by Pinatz (Post 1200379)
Did somebody already get the mouse cursor appear on the phone? For me it is invisible and the only advice I found was recompiling the kernel. But this is not an option.


Originally Posted by fr33dom (Post 1345234)
never found the cursor either.

Can you explain what you are trying to do? This thread is a mess and contains several topics. What devices (phones/PCs) are involved? Which one is server and which one is client? Where is external mouse connected?

At least N900 can show mouse cursor. E.g hack from: or package

freemangordon 2013-05-20 19:15

Re: [Announce] Synergy (shared keyboard+mouse) on extras-devel

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 1345356)
Can you explain what you are trying to do? This thread is a mess and contains several topics. What devices (phones/PCs) are involved? Which one is server and which one is client? Where is external mouse connected?

At least N900 can show mouse cursor. E.g hack from: or package

extmou does way more than just showing cursor, it pulls as a dependency a fixed evdev driver which supports mice.

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